Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 7 days ago

Game Master- Nitemare Shape


-You may choose either a pre-existing character that fits the time period of the game, or create a SW character of your own.
-Players are allowed a maximum of 3 characters, though it is suggested that you start out with one to begin with.
-Created characters must make sense and be original. Any character that is found to be too much like an existing character will NOT be approved.
-If you are playing an alien, stay true to the mindset and general culture of that race. So do you're homework before selecting an alien race to play as.
-Unnamed, faceless NPC's may be killed, provided it's not random and has some purpose behind it. PC character deaths must be more than just some random death, and must have meaning behind it other than shock. Major NPC characters are off limits.
-Constructive criticism of posts can be given, but don't openly criticize another's work. We're not all as gifted a storyteller as George Lucas, or as skilled a writer as Timothy Zahn.
-Communication is the one word to live by for the RPGs. Good communication between players not only helps the flow of the arc and increases the enjoyment of the storytelling process, but it also helps create new twists and ideas that can make for some memorable stories.
-You can reside on any world in the Star Wars Universe and go anywhere within the galaxy that you desire, including the Unknown Regions.
-You are your character, so act like it. Talk like them, use their dialog. Do not exaggerate your abilities, or mannerisms. BE Your character.
-Several stories can be going at once, and you have the freedom to interact with other characters.
-You must post at least once every two weeks, though it is preferred that you post more. If you go two weeks without a post without prior notice, your character is up for grabs.
-Know your weaknesses and strengths of your character, and your craft (a smuggler is not going to win a straight fight against a Jedi, and a X-Wing isn't going to do much against an Imperial Star Destroyer).
-The Gamemasters have the final say in matters in the RPG. Though, we are always willing to work with you.
-There should be minimal cursing and swearing in posts.
-Most Importantly, HAVE FUN!

For information on planets, places, and potential characters, look no further than Wookieepedia for all your Star Wars needs

For those interested, a star map of the entire galaxy complete with trade routes

Star Map

Political Map

Star Wars: Dawn of the New Republic Character Application

Screen Name:

Character you wish to play:

Race (such as Human, Wookie, Transdoshan, Hutt, Twi'lek, Rodian, Bothan, droid, Mon Calimari, etc):

Faction (does your character belong to a group, such as the New Republic, The Imperial Remnant, the Bounty Hunter's Guild, a specific crime syndicate, etc):

Background (list the history of your character here. Created Characters Must Be Thorough!):

Character Class (choose one):

Scoundrel (all smugglers, cutthroats, outlaws, and general rogues)

Soldier (stormtroopers, Moffs, tribal warriors, New Republic commandos, fighter pilots, and all other warriors and soldiers)

Force Sensitive (Jedi, Sith, Witches of Dothamir, Emperor's Hands, and all other Force Users)

Bounty Hunter (strictly Bounty Hunters, whether a member of the Guild or not)

Beaurocrat (all Senators, Governors, representatives, and general diplomats)

Items (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! What major weapons and the like does your character carry? Such as a lightsaber, a rigged Sabaac deck, a blaster pistol, vibro-knife, wookie crossbow, telescopic lenses, etc):

Character Personality (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc):

Character Alignment (Choose one): Light Side, Walking the Line, Dark Side

Do you know how to post pictures on the RPG Boards:

Sample Post (write a sample post that is at least 4 paragraphs long and containing at least 3 lines of dialogue or meet the RPG Advanced guidelines of 12 lines):


Heroes of the New Republic

NiteMare Shape-Joren Kel
Kalistar- Kaylee Starsmore
Nitemare Shape- Luke Skywalker
G-octavi- Gaele Tylin

Walking the Line


Scourges of the Galaxy

Edgeworth-Rear Admiral Talon Rake
Alfhedil- Grand Moff Zsinj
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 7 days ago

Screen Name: NiteMare Shape

Character you wish to play: Luke Skywalker

Race (such as Human, Wookie, Transdoshan, Hutt, Twi'lek, Rodian, Bothan, droid, Mon Calimari, etc): Human

Faction (does your character belong to a group, such as the New Republic, The Imperial Remnant, the Bounty Hunter's Guild, a specific crime syndicate, etc): New Republic and New Jedi Order

Background (list the history of your character here. Created Characters Must Be Thorough!): Luke is the last of the Jedi. The son of Anakin Skywalker, Luke and his twin sister Leia were hidden from Anakin after their birth because of Anakin's fall to the Dark Side.

A series of events brought Luke, then a young man, into the Rebellion against the Galactic Empire. Under the guidance of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin's former master, Luke was instrumental in fighting the Empire and destroying their first Death Star.

Some time later, Luke learned that Darth Vader, the Sith Lord responsible for hunting down the Jedi and ruling at the Emperor's side, was actually his father. During the attack on the second Death Star, Luke, now a Jedi Knight, and knowing there was still good in his father, battled Vader and the Emperor. As the Emperor tried to kill Luke, his father found redemption by sacrificing himself to save his son. Through Luke's belief in his father, he brought Anakin back from the Dark Side, allowing him to fulfill the prophecy and bring balance to the force.

Character Class (choose one): Jedi Master, co-founder/leader of Rogue Squadron with Wedge Antilles.

Items: Like all Jedi, Luke carries the lightsaber he built as part of his training. He also has a personal X-Wing fighter, gifted to him by the New Republic. His fighter has standard equipment including less 'civilized' weapons like a blaster. He also has constant companions in his faithful droids C-3PO and R2-D2.

Character Personality (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc): Luke is a true Jedi Master. Calm and at peace, but ready to fight when the need arises and no other course is available. Luke constantly looks for the good in people, and has hope in the New Republic's ability to restore peace to the galaxy.

Yet Luke also has lingering doubts about his ability to rebuild the New Jedi Order. Doubts he will need to overcome to bring new Jedi into the fold, and address what he senses is the growing presence of the Dark Side.

Character Alignment (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! Choose one): Luke is definitely good.

Sample Post (write a sample post that is at least 4 paragraphs long and containing at least 3 lines of dialogue):

Luke Skywalker sat in the quiet room that he had taken as his quarters within the temple. In the middle of the floor he sat, his legs crossed over each other, his eyes closed, as he focused on his breathing, he felt the Force flow through him. Through the Force, he was able to sense the wide variety of life forms skittering in and around the temple as well as in the surrounding forest.

As he meditated, a smile started to form on his lips as he felt a familiar presence enter the room.

"Master," he said simply, greeting his old friend.

"Mmm....fear I still sense in you. Doubt too."

His smile broadens as he hears the familiar voice of his long dead master. "But I think you'll admit I have made much progress, Master Yoda."

His small head bobbed up and down in an almost dismissive agreement, just as it did in life when he trained the fledgling Jedi on Degobah. " Much improvement I have seen. Jedi Master now you are." Then his voice lowered. "But still doubt I sense..."

The smile smile dropped from Luke's face as the doubts he had internalized were given a voice. "All I see before me is a...monumental task. I have to rebuild the Jedi order, by myself. And while I know I'm up to it. I just don't know if I can do it alone."

"Fear you will fail, do you? Afraid another Vader you may create."

Luke's mind began to drift to his father and all of the atrocities that he had committed after falling to the dark side. He forced the thoughts from his mind, "It is a fear I will overcome."

Yoda nodded, his luminous form casting a strange glow in the otherwise dark room. "Much to overcome, I foresee. Many trials ahead for you."

"I have sensed it too, Master." Luke said, nodding in agreement.

"Yes. Darkness the future brings. But light within you exists," he says, pointing his cane at me. "And remember this, you will. Alone...you are not."

When he finished speaking, the ancient Jedi planted his cane in front of him, slowly vanishing into the ether from which he came. Luke sat their for a moment, examining the empty space in which his master had occupied just moments earlier. He felt a sudden calmness wash over him as clarity began to set in.

He's right. I'm not alone.

Do you know how to post pictures on the RPG Boards?:

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kalistar
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Star Wars: The RPG Character Application

Screen Name: Kalistar

Character you wish to play: Kaylee Starsmore

Race: Human

Faction: New Republic (New Jedi Order)

Background (list the history of your character here. Created Characters Must Be Thorough!): Kaylee Starsmore was born on Corellia to an affluent family. Her father had served in the Imperial Senate, eventually growing frustrated with the loss of personal liberty under Emperor Palpatine, and secretly defecting to the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Kaylee had spent most of her childhood travelling between Coronet and Kor Vella, where her family had owned a vacation home. At a young age, Kaylee displayed some traits of Force Sensitivity, and it scared her parents to death, as the Empire's anti-Jedi stance was well known, and as a senator, her father Lorne Starsmore had hear rumors that the Emperor had been "collecting" or eliminating any Force Sensitives that were found. So he used the vast family wealth to keep Kaylee sheltered, and her secret safe. After the fall of the Empire after the Battle of Endor, Lorne used his friendship with Leia Organa from his days in the Senate as well as the Alliance to introduce his daughter to her brother, Luke Skywalker, where she might undergo training with him at the new Jedi Academy. Once at the Academy, Kaylee was introduced to fellow Corellian Jedi Coran Horn, who mentored her along with Skywalker in the ways of the Force.

Character Class (choose one): Force Sensitive

What Font and Color will you be using for your character's speech: Purple Verdana

Items (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! What major weapons and the like does your character carry? Such as a lightsaber, a rigged Sabaac deck, a blaster pistol, vibro-knife, wookie crossbow, telescopic lenses, etc): Blue Bladed Lightsaber, data pad, survival kit, refitted Eta-2 Actis class light interceptor with class 2 hyperdrive

Character Personality (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc): Kaylee is proud of her Corellian heritage and also takes her duty as a Jedi very seriously. She is devoted to the Jedi way, however, she has been known to show her "inner Corellian" and has been known to be a bit cocky and headstrong. This has gotten her into trouble on occasion. She is close with her mentors Luke Skywalker and Corran Horn, truely looking up to each man as a true role model, and aspires to make them both proud of her. Kaylee is also fiercely loyal, and will defend her friends no matter what. However, when it comes down to it, Kaylee is a young woman who despite her duties as a Jedi, craves companionship and approval. She also craves excitement and adventure, even though she knows that she should not, and at times she is unable to control these feelings and has a tendency to be impulsive because of it.

Character Alignment (Choose one): Light Side

Do you know how to post pictures on the RPG Boards:

Sample Post:
Yavin IV:

Kaylee Starsmore sits with her legs crossed at the base of a tree not too far from the main temple at the new Jedi Academy. There is a slight breeze which is refreshing on this humid day. Floating in front of her, are several medium sized stones. She often finds that this spot under this particular tree is a good place to come and clear her mind when she has something weighing her down.

There is no emotion, there is peace.

She has had a lot on her mind as of late. She has felt trapped spending all her time at the academy, not having been off Yavin IV in close to a year. And if truth be told, she has been feeling a little cramped as well. Another trainee, Rush Diel has been following her around like a lost puppy, unfortunately for him, she has no interest in pursuing a relationship, with him or anyone else for that matter. It's not that she doesn't find him attractive, because she does. His long blonde hair and chiseled good looks are enough to make any girl swoon...except for her. She just doesn't have time to get involved with anyone. Yet he persists.

As she mulls over the actions of Rush, the stone that she is levitating begins to orbit around a larger stone, slowly at first and then faster and faster. Suddenly, there is a cracking sound, as if a tree were being split in two. Before she knows it, the trunk of a tree, along with a massive boulder comes crashing down on the stone that she had been levitating, burying it under the debris. Kaylee just sits there, her mouth hanging open in surprise at what just happened.

"Now lift your rock again." said a voice from behind her. The voice of her Master, Corran Horn.

She turns and looks, only to find Horn and Rush, standing behind her giggling like teenage boys.

"You know, it wasn't funny when Master Skywalker did it either." Kaylee scolds them.

With that, Kaylee gets up and begins to walk toward the jungle.

"Where are you going?" Rush asks, reaching out to grab her.

"For a walk." She says without looking at him.

"Come on Kaylee, it was a joke." He pleads, suppressing laughter as he tries to get her attention.

"It wasn't funny Rush, and it you don't mind, I'd like to be alone." She insists.

"Let her go Rush, she just needs to cool off a little." Horn tells him. "She'll be fine."

The two men watch as she makes her way into the jungle, trying not to laugh, should they upset her any more.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 7 days ago

Kalistar said
Star Wars: The RPG Character ApplicationScreen Name: KalistarCharacter you wish to play: Kaylee StarsmoreRace: HumanFaction: New Republic

Approved. Glad to have you back!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 7 days ago

And while I'm at it...

Characters Application:

Screen Name: NiteMare Shape

Character you wish to play: Joren Kel

Race: Human

Faction (does your character belong to a group, such as the New Republic, The Imperial Remnant, the Bounty Hunter's Guild, a specific crime syndicate, etc): He is more or less independent, not really belonging to any faction

Background (list the history of your character here. Created Characters Must Be Thorough!):
Joren Kel is the son of a jedi knight named Van Kel who survived the Jedi Purge, and effectively vanished by relocating to the smuggler's moon of Nar Shaddaa. While on Nar Shaddaa Van met the bounty hunter Allana Drask, who he fell in love with and eventually married, having one child.
Joren showed sensitivity to the force at a very young age, and Van began training him in the ways of the Jedi, in the hopes that one day the Jedi Order would reemerge and end the tyranny of the Galactic Empire. However, Van never saw his dream come to fruition as he died five years before the Battle of Yavin when Joren was only 11 years old.
After his father's death, Joren continued to use what his father had taught him to train in the ways of the Jedi, however he used his force talents to survive the harsh streets of Nar Shaddaa than anything else.
Joren had been spending much of his time in Jaspeel's Cantina playing Sabaac, sometimes using the Force to gain a "competitive advantage." This has gotten him into trouble with The Kath Hounds, one of the more dangerous gangs on the smuggler's moon. Joren used his talents in a game with Amaral Kenso, one of the leaders of the Kath Hounds, and cheated him out of several thousand credits. Kenso has all but declared war on Joren, even having gone so far as having Joren's mother Allana kidnapped and held at an undisclosed location.

Character Class (choose one):

Force Sensitive (Jedi, Sith, Witches of Dothamir, Emperor's Hands, and all other Force Users)

Items (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! What major weapons and the like does your character carry? Such as a lightsaber, a rigged Sabaac deck, a blaster pistol, vibro-knife, wookie crossbow, telescopic lenses, etc): Blaster Pistol, which is his primary weapon, the lightsaber that he inherited from his father, He also travels aboard the freighter Darq Dreams with his companions, Nyna Shar, Dono Kiilar, and Kelsa Sila

Character Personality (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc): Joren is a bit of a free spirit. Although his father tried to raise him with Jedi values, Joren has for the most part shunned those teachings, wanting nothing to do with the Jedi Order, the New Republic, or the remnant of the Empire. In a way, he blames his father's death on his devotion to the Jedi Order, and he refuses to allow that to happen to him. Joren wants to live his life as he sees fit, and could care less about the war that still engulfs the galaxy.

Character Alignment (Choose one): Hero

Do you know how to post pictures on the RPG Boards: Yes

Sample Post (write a sample post that is at least 4 paragraphs long and containing at least 3 lines of dialogue or meet the RPG Advanced guidelines of 12 lines):

I sit in a darkened corner in the very back of Jaspeel's Cantina. This used to be a nice place, well, as nice a place that there can be on Nar Shaddaa. Unfortunately things have changed, the Kath Hounds have claimed it as their turf, and so has the local contingent of The Empire. As you can imagine, things can get a little hairy in here from time to time.

Voices rise and fall as a couple of Duros get into a heated exchange with a Rodian over a game of Sabaac, sure enough, the table is toppled over as the argument erupts into a full on brawl. I take a sip of my Jawa Juice as Jaspeel's bouncers grab the two Duros and the Rodian and through them violently out the door. I smile to myself and take another drink, and I take some comfort in knowing that even with all the craziness going on in the galaxy, somethings never change.

The chatter in the cantina goes quiet for a moment, even the music stops. I look up, expecting to see a group of Imperial stormtroopers, or even some of the nastier members of the Kath Hounds walking through the door. Luckily it wasn't either, instead I see a lone man wearing dark blue Mandalorian armor with a blood red lining around the visor.

The Mandalorian walks over to where I'm sitting and pulls out the chair beside me. He takes off his helmet, and as usual he has a jovial grin on his face. Not exactly what most people expect when they think of Mandalorians,then again Dono Kiilar isn't your average Mandalorian.

"Good news vod'ika, I found out where they are holding your mother."

"I knew you'd come through, let's go get her."

"Not so fast Joren, they're holding her in the sublevels of their main base of operations. There are two ways in, and neither of them are going to be easy."

"I wouldn't expect anything less, let's go."

"Very good, Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur"

We leave the cantina to go someplace alittle more private so that we can work out our plan to save my mother, without having to worry about somebody overhearing our conversation and giving the Hounds a heads up. Dono is right about one thing, today is a good day for somebody else to die.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alfhedil
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Alfhedil What do you see Kaneda?

Member Seen 40 min ago

Screen Name: Alfhedil

Character you wish to play: Grand Moff Zsinj

Race: Human

Faction: True Sith Order

Background (Because Zsinj is a canon-character, much of his background will be found on the wikia, however the years after the fall of the Empire will be changed slightly to fall in line with the setting of the RP):

After the fall of the Empire, Zsinj set out to do what other Moffs were already doing, and began to consolidate power in his region of space. Essentially declaring himself a warlord in his own right, Zsinj and his fleet harried Rebel shipping throughout the north-eastern Outer Rim and set up multiple outposts among the backwater worlds through deals with local populations. With allied planets secured for resupply, and his reputation beginning to grow among the other Moffs, Zsinj was looking to be well on track to swaying the other Remnants into a coalition to reform the Empire. Then, everything simply went silent. Zsinj's fleets pulled back to dark space in the Borderlands Regions, their presence on the allied planets fleeting at best, and the few times they did run into other fleets, the Zsinj Remnants made their best to avoid them. Rumors among the allied planets started to spread that Zsinj had been killed and that the other admirals were contending for power, or even that Zsinj had somehow made contact with a remnant of the true imperial remnant and was working to rebuild the Empire.

The truth of the matter is that while patrolling the old Sith Throne-worlds, Zsinj had encountered a lone vessel traveling from world to world, and which refused to acknowledge his authority. After a short battle, Zsinj's star-dreadnaught "Iron Fist" crippled the vessel, and a party boarded the ship to capture the crew. When the boarding party failed to return, he began to suspect that foul play had been involved, and so he ordered another team to be drawn up and lead it himself. With each corridor of the ship, he felt colder and colder, as if the ship was open to the vacuum, and more relics began to be sighted. Ancient blades of various shape and origin decorated the walls of many rooms, with cases of holocrons and other assorted storage devices. It was only when he breached the main hold of the ship that he found the reason why the occupants had refused his authority. Before him he found his previous boarding party, each of them bearing the tell-tale wounds of a lightsaber, and above them were three figures. Two of them were unobscured, a pair of women who would later be identified as Requiem and Solace, the Miralukan twins who serve their master as the prime apprentices. In the center of the room however, there sat the source of the strange cold that permeated the entire ship, and all at once he felt a crushing depression sink over him, as if nothing he ever did had truly mattered. It was then that Zsinj knew he had encountered another of the Sith, and he knew that to deny this Sith would only result in his death. Struggling to take to one knee, he swore fealty to the Sith Lord that would become both a blessing to his fleet, and the bane of his existence, a Sith known only as the Cold Void.

Since swearing fealty to the Sith, the Old Sith Order has worked to reorganize Zsinj's assets and consolidate resources into a more maintainable nation. Fleets that had been scouting potential annexation and conquests were pulled back to secure the Borderlands Regions, as well as to assist in creating shipwrights and dockyards within the inner systems. Shipping lanes were established in the course of a month, serving as the backbone of the Borderlands Regions and creating an infrastructure that could actually be maintained and serve to grow the region into an actual power. Most infuriating of all, however, was the Sith Lord's demands to make peace with the Rebellion, and to allow not only them, but other Imperial Remnants safe haven while within the borders of what was now being called The Reach.

Character Class (choose one): Soldier (Grand Moff/Fleet Admiral)

Items: Moff dress uniform, Moff duty uniform, standard issue Stormtrooper armor with commander helmet, E-11 Blaster Rifle, medallion denoting fealty to the Cold Void.

While not under his personal and direct command, his position as Grand Admiral and Warlord of The Reach entitles him to use any of the vessels that were once part of the Quelii Oversector's armada. Foremost of these vessels is the star-dreadnaught "The Black Citadel" a vessel that was once named "Iron Fist"

Character Personality (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc):

For the most part Zsinj is relatively indifferent to most things that go by, though he is by no means a lax commander. When provoked he can be a ruthless foe, one that cares nothing for prior agreements or relations, but only for the utter destruction of his enemy. He can be rather arrogant, and often times annoyingly stubborn, but he knows his place in the order of things, and when all else fails he can only respond with indifference.

Character Alignment (Choose one): Walking the Line

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 7 days ago

Alfhedil said
Figured I would get around to actually posting in the thread, I'll see about having some form of CS for my characters up within the next couple days.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Edgeworth


Member Offline since relaunch

Is there a cap on the level of resources or power an OC addition can have in this RP? If so what is that cap? My Idea was an Imperial Remnant Officer (who I could volunteer to function as an antagonist in plots that may emerge.) He would have a small flotilla at his disposal consisting of a few original creation ships that would be about the size of an Imperial II Star Destroyer but with different strengths and weaknesses, as well as a few lesser ships such as escorts. It's an old character concept of mine that I've used before to great effect but I am aware he does not fit into every RP. Many Thanks
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 7 days ago

I'm ok with that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kalistar
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I can't wait for this to get started.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 7 days ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raptorman
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Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

I'll be bringing in my neimoidian sith lord as you requested. It should be up fairly soon.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 7 days ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 7 days ago

Kali, if you like you can start posting whenever. I'll probably post tomorrow myself
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Edgeworth


Member Offline since relaunch

Star Wars: Dawn of the New Republic Character Application

Screen Name: Edgeworth

Character you wish to play: Rear Admiral Talon Rake

Race: Human

Faction: Imperial Remnant, Loyal to Ysanne Isard

Background: Talon began his military career in the closing years of the Galactic Civil War and shortly after the battle of Yavin. He was following in the proud military tradition of his family by going into the Empire’s service, an Empire he still believes is the legitimate government. The young officer performed well despite the Empire’s declining fortunes. However, he had some degree of difficulty in distinguishing himself from the set of other, competing, talented officers. His lucky break came disguised as an utter disaster when, shortly after the battle of Endor, the ship he was on became involved in a calamitous engagement with a far superior Republic vessel. The skill of the ship’s captain led to the destruction of the Republic ship. However, the Imperial vessel was heavily damaged in the fight and lost all power to her engines. Unable to sustain orbit the vessel plummeted towards the planet below and crashed, causing further damage to the already crippled vessel and wounding or killing several crew members in addition to the fire fight.

One such casualty was the Captain himself, who was alive but incapacitated, as well as the second in command, who was killed outright. Taking control of the situation Talon assembled what remained of the crew and made the ship as defensible as possible. There he was able to hold his position against repeated Republic attacks though a combination of cunning tactics, brinksmanship and hard fighting. Eventually Imperial vessels came to rescue the surviving crew and, having distinguished himself, Talon’s career really began to take off.

Given command of a ship he was assigned to safeguard a seemingly secure area of Imperial space. He had however, been put there by Imperial Intelligence as they believed the local Moff may be either corrupt or treacherous. Talon was not informed of the scheme as Imperial Intelligence believed he would operate best in ignorance. However, a member of Imperial Intelligence was secretly placed aboard his ship to guide Talon towards making the right decisions as well as ensure Talon did not become treacherous himself. Not only did Talon manage to prevent the Moff’s attempted defection to the Republic but he also discovered the identity of the spy aboard his own ship. Though Talon was less than pleased to be spied on his loyalty and skill were established and he was used on increasingly highly valued and highly classified missions.

Though he was never a member of Imperial Intelligence he gained a reputation, both inside and outside of the Remnant, as an effective and dependable commander, known for getting results and lightning raids. Eventually he started to receive missions from Ysanne Isard herself, after which he gained the nickname “the dagger of Ysanne.” In time Talon ended up being one of her more trusted and well used tools, even going so far as to promote him out of the role of leading small squadrons of ships and actually give him command over a portion of her fleet. This was partly because Talon was a gifted military commander, and whilst he was no Thrawn he was better than Ysanne herself who had a poor head for war but a good one for intelligence and politics. But it was largely because he had absolutely no intention of taking her job. It took two years of working under her for Ysanne to believe it but she eventually saw that the man was not going to try and overthrow her, as such he became a reliable constant in a world of intrigue and betrayal.

His privileged position allowed him to influence Ysanne in a few key areas, most notably he persuaded her to authorise the construction of three experimental vessels that Talon believed could change the face of war. These were the dagger class ships, named for Talon’s own nickname. They were slightly longer but narrower than Imperial II class cruisers and shared a similar basic shape, but the similarities ended there. The Dagger class was far more specialist than the workhorse of the Empire, this had advantages but it involved sacrifices as well. Aside from a few shuttles the Dagger class had no spaceships of its own, no fighters or bombers. It also had a significantly reduced stormtrooper contingent, with enough men to repel boarding actions or mount boarding actions of their own, even fight small battles. But they could not garrison worlds and they lacked almost all of the heavy equipment found on more standard star destroyers, such as ATSTs. Crew conditions were also cramped, with hot bunking common place for all but relatively senior officers.

However, all of this freed up space, space which was chiefly used for massive power generation which in turn fuelled more powerful shields, sensor bafflers and interdictors, more powerful engines at both sub light and hyperspace speeds, and a whole new breed of gun. There was not a single conventional turbo laser to be found on the whole vessel. Instead the guns were divided into two broad classes. A large number of point defence guns were still present, with some extra power put to them to make them more effective at dealing with fighter craft at close range, as well as incoming missiles and torpedoes as was their original function. The real revolution came in what Talon called capitol guns. Akin to the great turrets once found on naval ships in the distant past turbo laser technology had been adapted and radically redesigned to make the monumental turrets possible. These things had a surprising turning speed given their size, far greater range and greater power, but a much lower fire rate. They were designed to fight ship to ship battles in a different way but were very expensive to make, hence their extremely limited production run until their capability has been proven in battle.

So, with powerful ships at his disposal, rank and considerably autonomy Talon has now set about trying to demonstrate the effectiveness of his ships as well as serve Imperial interests in general and more specifically aid Ysanne if she requires it.

Character Class: Soldier

Items: Talon has the same equipment as most Imperial officers, generally he can be found in his uniform with various code cylinders and his E11 blaster. Whilst not standard issue he also usually has a small blade secreted about his person. Of course, he has access to the armoury and all the equipment which lies within including a special request for several suits of ATAT commanders armour for use by non stormtrooper officers when conducting dangerous missions.

His most dangerous assets however, are his ships which are as follows.
3x Dagger Class Battle Cruiser
6x Imperial II Class Star Destroyer
6x Victory II Class Star Destroyer
Assorted lesser escort and light duty ships.

These ships will rarely all be deployed together and when compared to Ysanne’s entire fleet they make up only a small, but noticeable, proportion. He has the authority to requisition more ships and will often assume a command role should he be called back to Ysanne’s fleet to direct larger actions, the above however, reflects his permanent autonomous command.

Character Personality: Talon Rake is a man from the old universe, a universe that probably never really existed in anything but slanted history books and romantic memories of a time gone. If he was asked how to describe himself he would simply say “I am an Imperial Officer.” With the unspoken addition of all that implies. He believes in the officer class and the behaviour of the model officer. Loyal, brave, dedicated, calm, hardworking, talented, honest and fair but firm, obedient and commanding. He is, or at least tries to be, everything the propaganda videos would have you believe.

He believes in the legitimacy of Imperial Rule and see’s the New Republic as little more than an Illegal usurper. Furthermore, he sees Ysanne Isard as the legitimate ruler of the Empire as he is both unaware of the true extent of her illegal activates to seize power and the fact he can trace her power through the Moffs and legislature, giving her technical superiority over Grand Admiral Thrawn, whom Talon admires and respects immensely. He will follow the chain of command absolutely, unless he believes his commander is somehow acting illegally. The thing most likely to prize him away from Ysanne is an argument based on law. His belief in the law is the centre of his character and the prime motive behind many of his choices in life.

Of course, he is only a human and not without flaws. He is not known to forgive those who abuse his trust and will persecute those who break deals and agreements with him to an almost ridiculous extent. His singular focus on completing his assigned mission means he is willing to accept loss of life. Not only in his own crew, though he will go to lengths to avoid it if possible, but also amongst bystanders and civilian populations. Again, he tries to avoid needless civilian deaths but he will not let such a loss of life stop him from completing his mission. He also fight against the Republic with the ferocious, indignant and prosecutorial air of a man who genuinely believes he is fighting an evil, an evil that must be stamped out. Furthermore, Imperial law both permits and compels certain, morally distasteful actions and whilst he does not relish in these tasks he will carry them out as necessary.

Finally the man is somewhat arrogant and does not suffer fools lightly. He is not blinded by his ego, he knows men such as Thrawn are his tactical superiors. But he also knows he is better than most and will not tolerate those of lesser rank displaying incompetence around him. Worryingly, he has even criticised those superior to him for their mistakes or bad plans and whilst he would always obey an order he might try to dissuade them from foolish courses of action. Many believed this would lead to his death on one occasion when he plainly but respectfully advised Ysanne Isard against her planned course of action, cautioning her that it would lead to military disaster. He survived the encounter but Ysanne did not heed his warnings, leading to the very defeat he predicted. Since then he has continued to advise Ysanne, undeterred by her previous dissatisfaction and relying on the fact he was proved right before to lend credit to his words. When confronted by her directly about his attitude he simply said. “I serve you poorly by telling you want you want to hear. I tell you what you need to hear.” To this day he is not entirely sure if he will regret those words, but he still draws breath and he is consulted more often than before.
Character Alignment: Walking the line

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So he had it, at last. He had his ships, he had his daggers, daggers he would soon drive deep into the New Republic. At least that was his plan, but he knew the execution would be somewhat more difficult. He took some time to walk about his flagship, a vessel he had controversially named the Ysanne, after his benefactor who had given him these vessels. It was a gesture of respect and gratitude but the fact he had used her first name struck some as being too familiar. Still, Talon had ignored those voices, such naysayers rarely achieved anything worth mentioning. For the moment he walked his ship’s halls, visited her nocks and crannies, her major organs and saw to her health and wellbeing before finally arriving at the centre of it all. Her very mind, the bridge.

Once there he again, walked about with both hands behind his back and a long, easy stride. He looked every one of his bridge staff in the eye, giving nods, greetings and knowing smiles as needed. He became familiar with every station, every aspect of this room before walking over to the main viewing windows and staring out not just into space but into the future as well. After a few minutes a voice appeared from behind Talon.

“Admiral, all ships are reporting in as fully loaded and ready.” It was a familiar voice to Talon, it was the voice of his long serving second officer, a man named Yullish Dagor. Without turning around Talon nodded his head and remained silent for a moment before saying in an easy but confident tone.

“Very good, no need to tip the Rebels as to our hand just yet. Form a vexalation, the Yssane, two Victory II vessels and two Imperial II class cruisers. We will proceed at Imperial II class normal travel speed to Sernpidal. The rest of the flotilla will proceed to their holding location some distance from Bastion.” Upon hearing this Yullish clicked his heels in obedience and gave a slight nod of his head.

“Yes sir!” And with that he turned on his heel and was away, off to carry out Talon’s orders. Talon meanwhile continued gazing into space as if there was more there than just ships, planets and stars. So began this next chapter in his career. So began the process of bringing more worlds back under the rightful rule of the Empire. So began the process of rebuilding a military ready to shake the stars. The road to a fresh victory began here! … so it began.

((Obviously I have assumed certain things for the above, such as key characters being alive. If any of that doesn't fit let me know and I will adjust accordingly))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 7 days ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Edgeworth


Member Offline since relaunch

Excellent, quick question about setting and the map you put up before I start typing away. Is the area marked out on that map as "Empire" all the Remnant currently has? If not where are there other points of power. Plus is the Pentastar Alignment still hanging around the Corporate sector in this version of events? Or is their territory Remnant, Free, Republic etc etc?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 7 days ago

The map was more or less a guideline for where everything is and the general trade routes. I used it mostly because it was one of the better maps that showed where different worlds were. The Imperial holdings on the map are more or less a starting point, what they hold is constantly changing as the gain and lose new systems all the time.

I hadn't made any plans for the Pentastar Alignment, but if you would like to incorporate them, feel free
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Edgeworth


Member Offline since relaunch

Well, my initial plan was to bring those areas of space under the official banner of the Remnant, which would more than double the indicated area currently held by the Empire without directly stepping on Republic toes. I just wanted to know if I was going up against Pentastar, Hutts, Free systems, whatever. I just wanted to be sure what was there. For that I might need to NPC Ysanne a bit or wait for someone else to take on her juicy role. Certainly I wouldn't have her as one of my main characters simply because I wouldn't be very good at writing her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 7 days ago

The Hutts are active, as well as the Black Sun. Feel free to NPC Ysanne if you need to.
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