Name: Kraith
Age: 33
Race: Goblin
Sex: Male

Homeland: The Goblin Holds
History: Kraith was born to the Free Holds on a night with a full moon high in the skies to a she-goblin named Meeara, though she perished in childbirth. His childhood, such as it was for a Goblin's lot was not an unusual one. Spending his time learning goblin history of his tribe, whose name he refuses to utter any-more, those of the Goblin Holds might take it to mean he was an exile from his clan, a belief he didn't work to dissuade. The truth was, in his teens he became an indispensable master of spies for one of the warlords. A turn of events that had come about when he had 'found' an amulet around the neck of a merchant whose cooling body he'd relieved of the mortal coil.
It... changed Kraith. Cursed him. Imbued him with knowledge no Goblin was meant to have. Unchained his soul from its fragile vessel. He found that he could leave his body and watch the world through others eyes, and if he slipped the amulet onto their person, to use like a puppet. It was these talents that had served to so strongly bind him to the Warlord where he served for several years before Emperor Xixis Madheart 'liberated' the Freehold and its slave populace. Over the next ten year Kraith had worked within Xixis' administration and sometimes even close to the Emperor himself. He learned the arts of necromancy as a voice guided him in his studies, combined with his ability to possess his soulshard, and anyone who came to hold it, he proved even more invaluable.
One particular assassination always served as the pride of Kraith's, the Necromancer Ivanox Vanturo had plagued Xixis for some weeks with rotting dead from the desert. Kraith was sent out to deal with it. Approaching the Necromancer's tower Kraith dominated several of the Necromancer's Zombie Guards and delivered his amulet into their hands. They carried it deep into the tower and the Necromancer revelled at his fortune donning the amulet immediately.
The battle of wills went on for three days as Kraith fought to possess the Necromancer through the amulet and the latter expended all his power to try and prevent it. But finally the Zombies he'd dominated returned with his empty body and Kraith retook his own body, the Necromancer stunned by the cessation of the attack could only blink stupidly before the dominated Zombies rammed their swords into the Necromancer's chest as Kraith smiled down on him.
And yet now Kraith finds himself in new attire in the lands of Renalta serving the interests of the world, it doesn't pay as well it seems, but he has his own reasons for wanting to do this. Reasons too important to put down in words.
Motivation: Kraith's motivations are less easily defined than one might think when confronted with a goblin, but still they're in the right place.
Strength: 2/10
Agility: 6/10
Charisma: 1/10
Magical Endurance: 5/10
Fighter: 1/10
--Skill Set 1: Slashing; One Handed
Sniper: 1/10
--Skill Set 1: Throwables
Leader: 0/10
Seducer: 0/10
Sneak: 6/10
Mage: 2/10
--Magic School 1: Necromancy
Experience Traits
--The Silent Ones
--Escape Artist
--Soulshard: An amulet.
--Wraith in Truth; Within reason when Kraith possesses a new body he does not do it as an observer. He does it in truth. With his nature as a Soulwalker and the Soulshard he's learned that it is possible, and how it is possible, to shed hosts in absolute truth. Though it is a battle of wills and dependent on his 'new host' being in possession of his soulshard. Without the 'new host' being in possession of the soulshard however his possessions remain observer affairs.
The Amulet
--The amulet about Kraith's neck is a soulshard of that there can be little doubt, and yet, Kraith never draws attention to it or leaves it out where others can see, it is seemingly worth little, being a gemstone in a bonelike metal. And yet, when exposed it seems almost as if people seem less inclined to pay Kraith attention. Almost as if their gazes slip to more interesting subjects.
-Romance: With any She-Goblins sure, or maybe the occasional she-Kobold if Kraith's been drinking heavily.
-Play style: Unpredictable.
-Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Does a She-Bear in a leather Domme's outfit with a whip and a pack of cigarettes exist?... Probably not, and for the best, but the plushie does.
-Signature: Kadaeux, Master of Fates. Forge of Worlds. Architect of Universes.
Age: 33
Race: Goblin
Sex: Male

Homeland: The Goblin Holds
History: Kraith was born to the Free Holds on a night with a full moon high in the skies to a she-goblin named Meeara, though she perished in childbirth. His childhood, such as it was for a Goblin's lot was not an unusual one. Spending his time learning goblin history of his tribe, whose name he refuses to utter any-more, those of the Goblin Holds might take it to mean he was an exile from his clan, a belief he didn't work to dissuade. The truth was, in his teens he became an indispensable master of spies for one of the warlords. A turn of events that had come about when he had 'found' an amulet around the neck of a merchant whose cooling body he'd relieved of the mortal coil.
It... changed Kraith. Cursed him. Imbued him with knowledge no Goblin was meant to have. Unchained his soul from its fragile vessel. He found that he could leave his body and watch the world through others eyes, and if he slipped the amulet onto their person, to use like a puppet. It was these talents that had served to so strongly bind him to the Warlord where he served for several years before Emperor Xixis Madheart 'liberated' the Freehold and its slave populace. Over the next ten year Kraith had worked within Xixis' administration and sometimes even close to the Emperor himself. He learned the arts of necromancy as a voice guided him in his studies, combined with his ability to possess his soulshard, and anyone who came to hold it, he proved even more invaluable.
One particular assassination always served as the pride of Kraith's, the Necromancer Ivanox Vanturo had plagued Xixis for some weeks with rotting dead from the desert. Kraith was sent out to deal with it. Approaching the Necromancer's tower Kraith dominated several of the Necromancer's Zombie Guards and delivered his amulet into their hands. They carried it deep into the tower and the Necromancer revelled at his fortune donning the amulet immediately.
The battle of wills went on for three days as Kraith fought to possess the Necromancer through the amulet and the latter expended all his power to try and prevent it. But finally the Zombies he'd dominated returned with his empty body and Kraith retook his own body, the Necromancer stunned by the cessation of the attack could only blink stupidly before the dominated Zombies rammed their swords into the Necromancer's chest as Kraith smiled down on him.
And yet now Kraith finds himself in new attire in the lands of Renalta serving the interests of the world, it doesn't pay as well it seems, but he has his own reasons for wanting to do this. Reasons too important to put down in words.
Motivation: Kraith's motivations are less easily defined than one might think when confronted with a goblin, but still they're in the right place.
Strength: 2/10
Agility: 6/10
Charisma: 1/10
Magical Endurance: 5/10
Fighter: 1/10
--Skill Set 1: Slashing; One Handed
Sniper: 1/10
--Skill Set 1: Throwables
Leader: 0/10
Seducer: 0/10
Sneak: 6/10
Mage: 2/10
--Magic School 1: Necromancy
Experience Traits
--The Silent Ones
--Escape Artist
--Soulshard: An amulet.
--Wraith in Truth; Within reason when Kraith possesses a new body he does not do it as an observer. He does it in truth. With his nature as a Soulwalker and the Soulshard he's learned that it is possible, and how it is possible, to shed hosts in absolute truth. Though it is a battle of wills and dependent on his 'new host' being in possession of his soulshard. Without the 'new host' being in possession of the soulshard however his possessions remain observer affairs.
The Amulet
--The amulet about Kraith's neck is a soulshard of that there can be little doubt, and yet, Kraith never draws attention to it or leaves it out where others can see, it is seemingly worth little, being a gemstone in a bonelike metal. And yet, when exposed it seems almost as if people seem less inclined to pay Kraith attention. Almost as if their gazes slip to more interesting subjects.
-Romance: With any She-Goblins sure, or maybe the occasional she-Kobold if Kraith's been drinking heavily.
-Play style: Unpredictable.
-Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Does a She-Bear in a leather Domme's outfit with a whip and a pack of cigarettes exist?... Probably not, and for the best, but the plushie does.
-Signature: Kadaeux, Master of Fates. Forge of Worlds. Architect of Universes.