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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


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Name: Kraith
Age: 33
Race: Goblin
Sex: Male

Homeland: The Goblin Holds

History: Kraith was born to the Free Holds on a night with a full moon high in the skies to a she-goblin named Meeara, though she perished in childbirth. His childhood, such as it was for a Goblin's lot was not an unusual one. Spending his time learning goblin history of his tribe, whose name he refuses to utter any-more, those of the Goblin Holds might take it to mean he was an exile from his clan, a belief he didn't work to dissuade. The truth was, in his teens he became an indispensable master of spies for one of the warlords. A turn of events that had come about when he had 'found' an amulet around the neck of a merchant whose cooling body he'd relieved of the mortal coil.

It... changed Kraith. Cursed him. Imbued him with knowledge no Goblin was meant to have. Unchained his soul from its fragile vessel. He found that he could leave his body and watch the world through others eyes, and if he slipped the amulet onto their person, to use like a puppet. It was these talents that had served to so strongly bind him to the Warlord where he served for several years before Emperor Xixis Madheart 'liberated' the Freehold and its slave populace. Over the next ten year Kraith had worked within Xixis' administration and sometimes even close to the Emperor himself. He learned the arts of necromancy as a voice guided him in his studies, combined with his ability to possess his soulshard, and anyone who came to hold it, he proved even more invaluable.

One particular assassination always served as the pride of Kraith's, the Necromancer Ivanox Vanturo had plagued Xixis for some weeks with rotting dead from the desert. Kraith was sent out to deal with it. Approaching the Necromancer's tower Kraith dominated several of the Necromancer's Zombie Guards and delivered his amulet into their hands. They carried it deep into the tower and the Necromancer revelled at his fortune donning the amulet immediately.

The battle of wills went on for three days as Kraith fought to possess the Necromancer through the amulet and the latter expended all his power to try and prevent it. But finally the Zombies he'd dominated returned with his empty body and Kraith retook his own body, the Necromancer stunned by the cessation of the attack could only blink stupidly before the dominated Zombies rammed their swords into the Necromancer's chest as Kraith smiled down on him.

And yet now Kraith finds himself in new attire in the lands of Renalta serving the interests of the world, it doesn't pay as well it seems, but he has his own reasons for wanting to do this. Reasons too important to put down in words.

Motivation: Kraith's motivations are less easily defined than one might think when confronted with a goblin, but still they're in the right place.

Strength: 2/10
Agility: 6/10
Charisma: 1/10
Magical Endurance: 5/10

Fighter: 1/10
--Skill Set 1: Slashing; One Handed
Sniper: 1/10
--Skill Set 1: Throwables
Leader: 0/10
Seducer: 0/10
Sneak: 6/10
Mage: 2/10
--Magic School 1: Necromancy

Experience Traits
--The Silent Ones
--Escape Artist

--Soulshard: An amulet.

--Wraith in Truth; Within reason when Kraith possesses a new body he does not do it as an observer. He does it in truth. With his nature as a Soulwalker and the Soulshard he's learned that it is possible, and how it is possible, to shed hosts in absolute truth. Though it is a battle of wills and dependent on his 'new host' being in possession of his soulshard. Without the 'new host' being in possession of the soulshard however his possessions remain observer affairs.

The Amulet

--The amulet about Kraith's neck is a soulshard of that there can be little doubt, and yet, Kraith never draws attention to it or leaves it out where others can see, it is seemingly worth little, being a gemstone in a bonelike metal. And yet, when exposed it seems almost as if people seem less inclined to pay Kraith attention. Almost as if their gazes slip to more interesting subjects.

-Romance: With any She-Goblins sure, or maybe the occasional she-Kobold if Kraith's been drinking heavily.
-Play style: Unpredictable.
-Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Does a She-Bear in a leather Domme's outfit with a whip and a pack of cigarettes exist?... Probably not, and for the best, but the plushie does.

-Signature: Kadaeux, Master of Fates. Forge of Worlds. Architect of Universes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ClosetMonster
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ClosetMonster Practicing Optimist

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Nabbing CS spot - after I've read all and hammered it out. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 2 days ago

Dammit, Brovo, so many stuff to consider. ;_;
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gwynbleidd
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Gwynbleidd Summon The Bitches

Banned Seen 5 yrs ago

This intrigues me… May or may not make a CS for this; no guarantees.

Also, when I read "Skilled… Tongue…" under "seducer" I lol'd. Just thought you should know.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Knowing Brovo thats not at all accidental :p
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 2 days ago

Yeah, I noticed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Griever


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

This is my "Blood Cleric."

Name: Renaldo Ysattara
-Age: 27
-Race: Human-Elf
-Sex: Male

-Homeland: Kingdom of Rheinfeld

-Occupation: Ex-Clergy

Physical Stats
-Strength: 4/10
-Agility: 0/10
-Charisma: 4/10
-Magical Endurance: 6/10

-Fighter: 1/10
+Blunt, One Handed (Mace)
-Sniper: 0/10
-Leader: 0/10
-Seducer: 1/10
-Sneak: 1/10
-Mage: 7/10
--Magic Skill Sets:
1.) Holy Magic
2.) Unholy/Daemonic Magic (I assume this includes Blood/Sacrificial Magics?)

Experience Traits
--Trait 1. Blood Mage
--Trait 2. Linked

--Trait 1. Unbreakable Faith
--Trait 2. Bloodline Unholy: Tiefling
--Trait 3. Hive Mind

Unique Trait:
Null-Unholy: An Anti-Demonic barrier is erected upon Renaldo, Nullifying a single (1) Demonic/Unholy/Blood Magic. Magics which corrupt the soul and taint the spirit are nullified and rendered ineffective.
-Weapons imbued with such cursed magics are weakened, but not nullified fully. As a side-effect of the barrier, Renaldo becomes more susceptible to Holy damage,
-Elemental/Telepathic and the like are not nullified. All other non-elemental spells (healing, debuffs, buffs, mind-control etc.) can pass through the Nullification barrier. Can only be cast on Renaldo.

History: Renaldo Ysattara's upbringing has its origins in the defunct Papacy on his human father's side. although Renaldo himself was once a member of Clergy, his allegiance to the Papacy of yore has faltered. His Elven mother, who would eventually disconnect herself from the scandal and turmoil of the Papacy, became a priestess of the Templar Order shortly after the banishment of the Gods. A superstitious woman, his mother often warned Renaldo of the magical folklore that exist out there. She would tell tales of witches and werewolves, beasts who wore the facade of a human by day, but when the Moon rose, they transformed into something primal. His Elven mother had quite a few decades under her belt, much more than his father, so he often heeded her advice. Renaldo parents instilled in him religious tolerance and he has carried that over into his adulthood. Renaldo was born in the capitol and has been a city-dweller most of his life.

For a while, life was simple and relatively carefree. Renaldo had purchased a young white mare, which he named Renegade. By now, Renaldo was 24 and had his whole life ahead of him. Then, strange disappearances were reported by the townships of Rheinfeld. Grotesque, dismembered and drained of blood, many corpses were found on the outskirts of the city. People feared the town may be being terrorized by a serial killer, or worse.
On a humid, moonlit night, Renaldo was out to fetch some water from the local well and upon returning to the stables, he discovered his prized Renegade had gone missing. After tracking down a few leads, he explored the wooded outskirts of a quaint village. He entered the forest and horror painted his face as he eventually discovered what he already knew in the back of his mind. It was the mangled body of Renegade, sprawled atop a giant stone slab - virtually unrecognizable were it not for the saddle he last wore, strewn around his body. There was no doubt in his mind, this must have been the work of some perverse, horse-sacrificing cult. That day, Renaldo promised himself he would do anything possible to quell any uprising of the "Dark Arts." Shortly thereafter, a King's Ranger recruited him to the Queen's Blades, which Renaldo eagerly accepted.

Regarding his amnesia after a bout in the Sea of Blood, Renaldo views his newfound powers as both a curse and a blessing. Shortly after washing up ashore in his homeland, he found himself drawn to grimoires detailing the Dark Arts, and the darker side of Magic. He studied this primarily as a way to defend himself against those who would dare use such unholy magic, but soon realized that such magic in the possession of a good mage, could be utilized "properly" and safely. Perhaps he had been too judgmental on those he views as "Unpure" - necromancers, cultists, the undead, vampires, etc. After all, he prided himself on being tolerant of other religions, particularly ancient religions which predate empires built by mortal men and this was the God's ironic way of punishing him for his trespasses. Although his Hive Mind trait seems to be a natural extension of Linked, and can use both skills separately or in conjunction, he would rather not bear this burden.

Motivation: Renaldo has a stoic demeanor that is offset and balanced by periodic profound compassion. His religious background and close contact with the clergy of Rheinfeld ensure he is as anti-social as he is personable. With an eternal thirst for knowledge, Renaldo is the ultimate busybody. He seeks all information, regardless of origin. In the face of danger, is cool and collected. With the steadily increasing presence of cultists and vampires in the world, Renaldo views The Queen's Blades as a venue with which to quell this threat to his religious beliefs. In addition to restoring glory to the Kingdom, he wishes to reunite Rheinfeld's fragmented people under one banner, subservient to the Gods.

-Romance: It's all good. With both genders. And all races. ;)
-Play style: Action-oriented.
-Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: CTRL+F "Plushie" Apparently it exists.

-Signature: Griever
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ehhhh hope that's good. Sorry my comp isn't here yet so I'm doing this on my iPhone

Edit: oh and Gat against all odds won't be back for at least a month or two. Kinda busy with these two rps I'm in now so I want to get back into it slowly but you will be the first to know when it does come up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It's 3 am where I'm at right right now. I was about to go to sleep until I found this. God damn, I haven't been this excited for a RP in a long time. I know what I'm doing tomorrow morning... that is if I do fall asleep soon.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aerandir said against all odds won't be back for at least a month or two.... but you will be the first to know when it does come up.

Steeples fingers in imitation of Mr Burns... Excellent.... :p
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Lothar Wolff
Age: 28
Race: Mostly human, but by no means is he a pureblood. Still any other blood is negligible.
Sex: Make

Homeland: Kingdom of Renalta
History: The House of Wolff has lineage to the throne of the Kingdom of Rheinfeld, but that lineage is approximately 200 years old. The Wolff family were close relatives to the Papacy until the inner court realized that the family often generated offspring that had the power of telepathy. Thus, in an attempt to hide the fact that witchcraft had infiltrated the Papacy, the House of Wolff was banished in an attempt to distance the Papacy from “negative” influences so that the authority of the Pope would not be questioned. In addition, the inner court of Rheinfeld hoped to quietly make sure that this scandal would pass by quietly.

The House of Wolff relocated to the Kingdom of Renalta since they expected to be more likely to be accepted. Still, they kept their telepathy capabilities a family secret as it was obvious that the world was not ready to accept those with the ability. In addition, the house took care to produce few offspring as an attempt to make it less obvious that the family had the gene. Generations have passed and the gene has slowly become diluted. The power of telepathy began to skip multiple generations, but Lothar inherited the ability. Perhaps it was through sheer luck, but regardless Lothar’s power showed that the gene was still active within the family.

Lothar’s parents instructed and raised Lothar in the traditional Rhinefeld manner as the house had retained its culture throughout the years. His father taught him the ways of the Templar while his mother taught him knowledge of the preists. In addition, he was trained in courtly affairs as the House of Wolff still took part in minor courtly affairs despite their lack of any real power other than their name. However, he learned from the people around him as well. The Kingdom of Renalta showed compassion for the poor, the maimed, the ill and the unfortunate. It was this exposure to kindness that largely modeled the way that Lothar carries himself. Thus, as an adult, Lothar helped those in need throughout his travels. From merchants being robbed by highwaymen to just buying an orphaned child some warm clothes, Lothar did what he could to help others.

Motivation: To bring unity and order to the chaotic times that have befallen everyone as the less fortunate are trampled an ignored in the name of necessity. His focus is mostly the Kingdom of Rhinefeld, but he also seeks to do so in a larger scale as well if it is possible.
Strength: 5/10
Agility: 3/10
Charisma: 4/10
Magical Endurance: 2/10

Fighter: 3/10
--Slashing, One Handed
Sniper: 0/10
Leader: 5/10
Sneak: 0/10
Mage: 1/10
--Holy Magic

Experience Traits
--My Hero!

--Royal Blood (Kingdom of Rheinfeld)
--Non-Magic Telepathy
--You Lucky Bastard

--The Voice of the Lord: In situations where character(s) morale is low or critical, Lothar can use his training to either give others courage and to have them continue with high spirits or strike terror in others to make them give in or break and flee for their lives.
Romance: If it makes a more interesting and fun RP, then why not?
Play style
1. Either
2. Multiple Choices, but if you need to make it linear to progress the story, then go right ahead.
3. Complex , but straightforward is nice on occasion .
Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Errm, spent about 2 hours trying to see if there was an answer for this. Still, I’m going to give an answer I came up with. It does if you want it to.

Signature: Heyitsjiwon
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Andrea


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Name: Andrea Llolth'Allin
Age: 543
Race: Dark Elf/Drow
Sex: Female.

Homeland: The Underdark
So much had changed, the surface world had been turned upside by a blue haired woman of legend and her band of merry misfits. And in the ever darkness of the hidden world below the surface, the Underdark, eyes that belonged to powerful entities turned to the surface after the gods were banished. One such entity, who can count on the allegiance of a great amount of Drow decided to send several of her agents, her acolytes to the surface, doing it's bidding and seek out this new, true Queen of Renalta and see what fate will determine will fall upon both the surface world... and the world below.

Motivation: Because she was commanded to by *censored*
Stats & Traits
Strength: 3/10
Agility: 3/10
Charisma: 4/10
Magical Endurance: 4/10

Fighter: 1/10
--Skill Set 1, One Handed Slashing Weapons
Sniper: 0/10
Leader: 0/10
Seducer: 5/10
Sneak: 2/10
Mage: 2/10
--Magic School 1, Holy Magic

Experience Traits
--Trait 1, Cultural Mastermind (Charisma 4, Seducer 5)
--Trait 2, Faceless One (Magical Endurance 4, Seducer 5)

--Trait 1, Non-Magic Telepathy
--Trait 2, Underworld Contacts
--Trait 3, Unbreakable Faith

Divine Connection
, Andrea's belief in her faith and her goddess while all gods are banished seems idiotic to some. And yet... somehow it seems that at times her spells are more powerful than one would expect. (Can ask her Goddess/GM to 'supercharge' a spell, be it using a minor heal to make a crit injured person or a damage speal that deals much more damage than one would expect, additional GM note, can only be used once in a battle/area).

Romance: I am the creator of the slut sisters... answer enough?.
Play style: Little of everything really.
Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Oh yes it does

Signature: Andrea agrees with some of the stuff and enough to participate :p
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sathanas Rex
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Sathanas Rex

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

and character profile is posted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarzu


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Naream Baenre
Age: 211
Race: Drow
Sex: Male

Homeland: Underdark
History: Once a apprentice to his uncle Harrad Baenre a Arch Mage of the Drow and a master of Necromancy, thanks to him owning a particular potent and very dangerous Necromantic Tome, the envy of a great many necromancers who have even heard mere rumors of it, so naturally Naream wanted to claim the tome for himself... that and the rather menial tasks his uncle set him out to do... clean his uncle's robes, clean out the privy and for some reason sing to him when he was sick was making Naream to just want to stab the old bastard. So when Harrad attempted to murder Kouri the 'loyal' apprentice that he was saw his chance and stabbed his master literally in the back a number of times. Taking his amulet and was about to take the Necromantic Tome when Harrad, a spark of life remaining, smirked at his apprentice, murmuring that he was proud of such a excellent betrayal, before hurling Naream to his extra-planar laboratory, leaving the tome behind.

He spend years in that hell-hole, figuring a way to return and when he did he learned that the tome had been taken, to Renalta to be exact in safekeeping with a certain archmage. That tome was his legacy, his inheritance and he would be damned if it would rot away while it was in the hands of someone who would not use it, figuring that Kouri owed him for his service of foiling his former master's plans he made his way to Renalta, meeting old acquaintances along the way...

Motivation: He wants the grand Necromantic Tome which belonged to his master and unlike that foolish Harrad, use it's power to become a powerful lich mage and perhaps, if he feels like it, help fighting off the invading demon hosts.

Stats & Traits
Strength: 2/10
Agility: 3/10
Charisma: 3/10
Magical Endurance: 6/10

Fighter: 0/10
Sniper: 0/10
Leader: 5/10
Seducer: 0/10
Sneak: 0/10
Mage: 5/10
--Magic School 1 - Necromancy
--Magic School 2 - Golemancy

Experience Traits
--Trait 1 - Subtle Magician: This character is able to repress their own inherent magical talent in order to avoid triggering the senses of other mages nearby. The higher their magical endurance, the faster they can regain their full magical capacity when not suppressing it. Note, that while this prevents ranged auto-detection by other mages, there are still certain, more intensive and less accurate ways to “detect” mages.
--Trait 2 - Invisible Friends: Summoned and bound creatures, as well as certain undead, demons, and supernatural creatures, are more loyal towards your character when recruited or summoned, and opposing creatures of such ilk may be convinced into betraying their own to aid you if you are clever enough about it.

--Trait 1 - Powerful Connection: This character has a connection with one of the most powerful characters in the world, be they powerful through politics or powerful through sheer force of arms, and for one reason or another has earned their attention and perhaps even their care. Either way, in times of great need or upon request, said character might appear to help them, delivering information, or saving them from a particularly nasty spot... All for reasons that only they know. Mikan the Green Fox
Effect: Grants your character a special connection with a legendary hero or villain of the realm, whom may come to your aid in times of great need or upon request.
--Trait 2 - Ancestral Ghosts: When entering new areas, there is a chance that an ancestral ghost will appear to aid your character in some manner. Be that something as simple as being a guide, to something as crude as slitting the throat of a guard, or unlocking a locked door. Once used, the ancestral ghost leaves the area and may or may not reappear later. Ancestral ghosts have their own personalities and histories, and as such, it is worth noting that since most people do not lead evil lives, evil characters may have a harder time convincing their ancestors to aid them than good ones. On the other hand, good characters may have a harder time convincing their ancestors to do perturbing or morally questionable acts, even if it’s for the greater good.
Effect: Gives a chance for family ancestors--ghosts--to appear and aid the character based on their request.
--Trait 3 - You Lucky Bastard: Some characters have abnormally fantastic amounts of luck, maybe they’re great gamblers, or untouchable thieves, or that one guy who found the key to the brothel right when they were all ready to give out free services. Regardless, your character’s past is riddled with examples of incredible luck.
Effect: Sometimes any action may randomly have a slight bonus thanks to luck, and if struck with a wound that would normally kill them this character can instead take a minor version of that wound once per battle. EX: A head shot instead results in a cut open cheek, or a heart piercing blow results in gash on the torso which can be treated, etc.

Extra Planar Amulet, taken from his uncle's corpse after repeatedly stabbing it in the back, this amulet allowed Harrad to teleport from the mortal coil to his extra-planar laboratory where he toiled on undead abomiantions, wights, etc. Naream seems to be able to use it to go there at will, at least when he is not under stress of battle so it is not a escape method, however... it's halls and many rooms are filled to the brim with perfectly preserved skeletons and corpses of various races and beasts... now if one had a certain Necromantic Tome with the right spells... one could raise a rather sizable undead host with these materials...

Personal Section
Romance: Makes for interesting rping opportunities... that and potentially sacrificing those you love for some decent necromantic rituals so by all means....
Play style: Action, intrigue, dialogue and general wacky situations are always fun.
Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Witnessed it so yes it does.... or is the plushie a lie and therefore life itself?

Signature: *signs with blood* Sarzu
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LimeyPanda


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Griever said
Romance: It's all good. With both genders. And all races. ;)

I almost take this as a challenge.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

GreenGoat said
Motivation: She is in the Queen's Blade to be the next queen of... Oh wrong one. She is in the Queen's Blade to end the torrent of monsters coming into the world, and perhaps lower the number of those who lusts after her blood.Signature: GreenGoat

LOL. I see what you did there. Took me a second, but well done.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brovo


Member Offline since relaunch

Cracks fingers Time to do my GM thing. MASS REVIEWS INCOMING! (Note: If your character is declined, take heart, it usually takes a couple attempts to get things just right.)


A Chosen One (Fate). Trait acknowledged. Skype message will be sent with your destiny. Good luck... ;)

Soul Gorge approved.

Character Approved.

@Kestrel: Do you want me to auto-assign you a powerful connection or are you going to request a specific one for when this sheet is done?

Kasim Ambibilus, approved.

Rayvon Krayvitch, approved.

Aneura Shivan, approved.

Jason Drake... Not approved.
#1: What chosen one is being picked? Fate, or Destiny?
#2: The hood being on or off determining whether the unique trait works or doesn't work is a little silly. :p This could use some work.

Tromund ‘Trom’ Five-blade, approved.

Eins Nimgrud, needs some work. You have two more conditions and I think you should work on an entirely new Unique ability. Controlling lightning within 50m is both niche and overpowered since she can do it without training. (And I mean extremely niche. Lightning doesn't just appear from nowhere, after all. :p)

Renaldo Ysattara, approved.

Lothar Wolff, approved.

Andrea Llolth'Allin, approved.

Naream Baenre, approved.
@Everyone: I'll be updating the first post and sending out any relevant PM's or skype messages tomorrow. When I'm awake. :p A little more lore may also be coming along.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I still can't figure out a good unique trait that would fit with my character. Suggestions anyone? I have one okay one in mind, but I'm a bit wary of it. It's not very creative to be honest.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Commander Kalic

Commander Kalic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Heyitsjiwon said
I still can't figure out a good unique trait that would fit with my character. Suggestions anyone? I have one okay one in mind, but I'm a bit wary of it. It's not very creative to be honest.

Well, what kind of character are you trying to build/aim for?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Look at my CS. If you can't tell, then I REALLY need to brush up on my writing.
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