Tan S Lake said
Oops! Forgot to write mission and character name on my post. Edited that in.
Whoops. Me too.
It's like there's always a four-edit phase of noticing spelling errors and fixing formatting errors after each of my posts

Tan S Lake said
Oops! Forgot to write mission and character name on my post. Edited that in.
LimeyPanda said
We aren't in that much of a rush Temp. To be frank, you are probably going to have a fairly hefty post on the Here cometh side; so if it takes a couple days we are perfectly understanding of that.Except maybe Alpha. He is an impatient iguana.
Alphakoka said
Sleep it off Tempy.
LimeyPanda said
We aren't in that much of a rush Temp. To be frank, you are probably going to have a fairly hefty post on the Here cometh side; so if it takes a couple days we are perfectly understanding of that.Except maybe Alpha. He is an impatient iguana.
Alphakoka said
Oh, my bad then, I should adjust my patience-o-meter from my usual Casual patience to Advanced patience.Would 3 months be suffice?:p
Tempest said
I would if I could but schoooool. q.qIt may take about that time. Busy hectic schedule has me a bit all over the place so I'm having to do things piece-meal. I mean, damn, I just managed to get -the rolls- done for Cease Fire and they've been waiting hella longer than y'all ; P... Why yes, yes it would. Is that your approval? :D
Alphakoka said
I can dial it up up to 6 months if needed. I'll just spent it at trying to poke fun at the others. So, yeah, take your time.
Tempest said
Do not tempt Advanced GM. I could make it last. I. Can. Type. A Sentence. A Day!
PCSutfin said
Rayne getting the fuck humbled out of him >8)Is it wrong that I like to see my own characters suffer?