Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Not much occurs the town of Bergen, and new arrivals are the only thing that really happen here. For the most part, the inhabitants get along with each other as best they can. But what they don't know is that many of the people of this town are supernaturals, such as skinwalkers, witches, spectres, and other odd folk. And some of the human inhabitants are hunters- A secret clandestine organization who have existed for centuries, with the sole purpose of hunting down all supernaturals. The two groups have hid their existence undetected by all in Bergen, hoping that this little town might finally grant them peace, and grant them normal lives.. but when several murder victims die of Exsanguination, it would seem that a supernatural may be causing the murders. Whether supernatural or hunter, both have their reasons for helping or hindering the murder investigations. Perhaps some might want to keep their normal lives, and destroy evidence and withhold information to keep it that way. Some might go vigilante and try to start up their own investigation, believing the local police inadequate. Or maybe even start some murders of their own....

Either way, everyone's secrets are in jeopardy. Bergen will become a new battlefield in human vs supernatural dominance. Blood will spill as the paranoia sets in. Who exactly is your new neighbor that just moved in last week? Your co-worker that always seems too busy to hang out with you? That reminds me. Your boss seems to have an avid nightlife..... A party animal or something else? You'll never know unless you take some drastic measures.

About the RP:
The premise of this rp is that no one will know who is a supernatural or hunter. In order to have a CS accepted, you must send me a PM stating whether you are a supernatural or hunter, along with any potential powers/weapons, and if you are a supernatural, your species and weaknesses. Don't reveal what you are so early in the RP- That'll only make it less fun. The fun of it is that you, an rper, must find out who the other rpers are rping as, a supernatural or a hunter. You'll get a reward if you guess correctly in the RP, and a special punishment waiting for you if you guess incorrectly! So don't just ask right at the start! Read other character's posts carefully, you may find some clues. But I expect each rper to try very very hard not to give off obvious hints. But your identity will be revealed sooner or later, so you better make use of the time that people don't know what you are. Of course, with the advent of the murder, you can tamper with evidence, help the local authorities, start your own investigation, You have the freedom! Your choices will affect the role-play directly! I will post for NPCs and the sort, but if you have any good ideas anytime during the story, don't be afraid to tell me! If it's reasonable, You'll get credit if such a post is created.

1.To have a character accepted, you must PM me if he/she is supernatural or hunter, and any powers/weapons they may possess, and if they are supernatural, the species and weakness. I will decide whether it needs changes then.
2. No metagaming, godmodding, that kinda stuff. It gets really annoying, and I have a zero tolerance policy.
3.IF you want to leave that's fine, but please inform me if you choose to do so.
4. Please do not argue with me if the time comes. In return, I will be fair and just to any parties involved.
5. No one liners, please. I understand there are times writer's block hits, but you should be able to write more than that. Don't rush out a post if it is that short.
6. If romance ever happens, you know the drill. If it ain't PG-13 then take it to PMs.

Bio:(Explain their past and why they came to Bergen)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Will get a CS up and to you soon
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Will do. I think I finished up most of the OOC for now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Sarin Verata
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Appearance: Sarin stands about 6'3'' with a standard build. He has mid length dirty blond hair that is usually kept neat, though there are times where it can seem to go everywhere and dark green eyes don't seem to miss much. A small array of scars run down the right side of his jaw, through this is usually covered up by the thin stubble that he seems content with not shaving
Occupation: Used Book seller
Personality: Welcoming and friendly, Sarin is quick to offer strangers comfort whenever he can. He is this way to everyone, save for those who 'get under his skin', as rare as that is.
Bio: Sarin was born in Bergen, and grew up there. His parents, while loving, were busy folks and often sent Sarin to read in his school or library, this is where Sarin learned his love of books. As he grew older he began to have a definite wander lust for what was out side the town, he got his chance to experience it when he went away to collage. There he studied, and earned, a degree in Mid-evil Literature. After his collage days were over he enlisted into the military, it was here where he earned his scars. Leaving after a while Sarin returned to Bergen and opened up his store, selling used and old books and has remained there ever sense, content with selling and reading the books that line the messy shelves in his store, his pet Crow Muninn watching as it perches on the self same shelves
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I'll have a CS up today or tomorrow.
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