Avatar of Nytem4re
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    1. Nytem4re 11 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Current The irony of someone telling other people they have nothing better to do when they write on a roleplaying forum is not lost on me
5 yrs ago
Goodbye alt man it was nice knowing you
5 yrs ago
5 yrs ago
Oh don't worry they're just terrorist sleeper cells LUL
5 yrs ago
I’ve worked min wage jobs and I’ve done the bare minimum and have still gotten the measly ten cent raises yearly and good references from them. There really is no point, bare minimum gets you by.


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In my opinion, sandevistans are over hyped. Like a decent cyberdeck could blind a sandevistan and it won’t matter how fast they are if they can’t see. I personally don’t think the increased cyberpsychosis risk is worth it.

I blame the sandy popularity on the show, but to be fair the show makes it look pretty sick. (except for the psychosis I guess)

It really depends on the situation if a netrunner can neturalize a sandivestian user imo, the sandy in-game and in the show are pretty busted ngl. In Cyberpunk 2077 it's pretty unbalanced when it comes to quickhacking at the late game and the sandys as well. Sandys in game you can literally clear a pretty big area with a sandy and the enemies will die before they even know you are there.

However late-game quick hacking is also OP, so theoretically the quick-hacker might have some chance in just destroying the sandy user from a good distance. Think it really just depends if the netrunner is known to the sandy user. While ICE is supposed to kinda help, in-game it doesn't really matter, outside of story beats. At least in the show MaxTac has some trouble quick hacking a sandy user with military grade ICE, albeit they still did hack him pretty quickly. (maybe 1-2 minutes)

In all I find sandys kinda neat, but from a balancing perspective kinda a nightmare, although quickhacking also is in cyberpunk 2077. Maybe rp wise/tabletop they're much more balanced perhaps, although I don't know much about the tabletop or if they even have sandys, so idk there.

Pretty interested as I always wanted to either run or play in a Hunter game.

Took me long enough, thanks Stuff for letting me steal your template

EDIT: oh crap @Nytem4re i just realized you beat me to a explosives expert type, the woe of taking too long to make an app lmao. Assuming we're both accepted I can change Brask to fill a different role if you'd like

It's alright, I'm going to pull my interest, you can go ahead and take that role.
<Snipped quote by Nytem4re>
I'm pretty sure you making up lies to smear my name. I was waiting for someone to come along and try to paint the issue for what it was not. I expected you to have some honor and decency to not go after an obvious reply, but you did it anyway. An applause to you.

I was kicked cause I spoke in defense of guns. Don't try that smear campaign on me. I'm too old to tolerate childish antics anymore.

I only said something because I remember reporting you to the moderators about your behavior. I find it hard someone was banned for just simply saying, I like guns, or being an ardent 2A supporter.

Considering that there were people who were not banned for saying that the Rohingya deserved everything the Myanmar goverment was doing to them, yes, I feel you are lying severely about what you were really banned for.

If it really is true that they banned for for being pro 2A/black then why don't you provide some evidence? Surely this would be a bombshell revelation and it would only be beneficial to you to release such evidence.
<Snipped quote by Lithfangel>

<Snipped quote>

*laughs in black*


You know, I might be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure you were banned because you started going off on some weird rant about race and nothing to do with gun control. If I remember correctly even, you started ranting about how quote "default skin color was white, now it's black" in rpg or some weird shit like that.

I'm also pretty sure you were the guy who went into CA or somewhere on the rpg discord and told everyone covid wasn't real, but sure. Gun control I guess.
You could say that, and I'd like you to prove it.

If I haven't seen it, I can't give you any proof either because it doesn't exist for me. If you've seen it, then you can prove it too.

Then, once you have your motivation, we can discuss about whether or not the problem is widespread enough to be a problem. If it's people going out of their way to harass you over private DMs in discord then, well, yeah, you should probably screenshot that and forward it over to the mods so they can tell them cut it out or eat a ban.

Am I advocating for narcing? yes, yes I am. If you don't report a theft to the police, the police cannot get the chance to act on it.

And if you have reported it and they didn't act on it, then you should probably mention that incident.

I don't see a point in sending you examples when you don't seem open to having your mind changed. And you could prove that you haven't seen any sort of bigotry on the guild by sending me your entire post history, the threads you've been on, and your DMs. But that would be an exercise in pointless futility no? Nor would I want to browse over hundreds of posts to see if you were really telling the truth.

The rest I don't even really see a point to addressing because I would just point back to my previous arguments.

But have a nice day.
Legitimate question: What attacks have been going on toward marginalized groups on this site? Maybe my social circles here just haven't overlapped with those that have seen it, but I've never come across anyone who's here to terrorize or belittle someone from the groups mentioned above. I've also got some concerns about policing speech on the Guild unless this issue extends beyond one or two jackasses who could be dealt with by alerting the mods about their behavior. Adding rules doesn't stop people from being bigots, after all, and there will probably always be a few skulking around.

Second question: If this issue is prevalent enough to warrant action, what solutions are being suggested to handle it? I'm interested in hearing the specifics.

Y'know I was about to quote

  • Respect all members. Be pleasant to each other and treat people how you would like to be treated. Remember that respect comes in all forms and should be applied in everything that you do. When disagreements arise in discussion be sure to address them in good faith, ensuring that you avoid escalating them into any unnecessary conflict.

as being an anti-harassment rule but, as it turns out, this one is worded super lax. Still, I think the spirit of a rule called "respect all members" naturally umbrellas into "also respect the members of a more marginalized identity", don't you?

Otherwise I mostly agree with Dagger here; if there's harassment, I haven't seen it. If it's private enough, then I'm sure the members in question should be reported and dealt with accordingly. The mods on this site are pretty open folk; I really doubt it's a systemic problem. I'd also really like not to be stalked on this site; people can report me if my conduct is out of line (though most of my warnings come from the status bar, so I'm basically painting a target on myself, really)

I'm not ruling out the possibility of there being nasties on this site, but I really doubt they're ubiquitous enough to be much of a "root cause" problem.

I don't see why adding it in the rules should be a contentious topic. I think it's really just the bare minimum they could do in order to make those groups feel safer. The other common argument I've seen is that "bad people will be bad", but at that point why does anyone have any laws passed in the real life? The constitution also says there are certain unalienable rights, but there was still the civil rights act among others that needed to be passed down the line, despite the constitution saying "all men are created equal". Sometimes things have to be outright stated, even if we are to assume common sense is common.

Saying that you have not seen any harassment towards marginalized groups is great, but I could easily say that I have seen people share some extremely bigoted views towards race and LGBT people on my time here, so I don't think that's also a good point to put across. Perhaps sometimes not outright harassment, but it leads to an situation where some people don't feel safe participating when the environment isn't always welcoming.

I believe putting it in words makes sure there is no ambiguity in the guild's views on bigotry, and is a step forward in ensuring that better/more accountable moderation is put in place. The action taken to help marginalized groups feel safer can't just be the words added to the rules sure, because in the end those are just words. People have to enforce them, but having it in writing has little downside other than a more wordy rules section. Of course more needs to be done, but the guild should start taking the steps to do so.
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