“I’ve had more than enough time in, so called, perv dungeons.” Charles said. He considered which mission to take. Infiltration was definitely more up his alley, skills wise. It just wasn’t what he wanted to do. Besides, it felt like the roster for the rescue was filling up. “I wanted an excuse to refresh my combat diver training. What better excuse than putting C4 on the outer hull of the enemy ships.” He considered the possible counter measures they would face and the logistical difficulties of a long swim. “Or, I have been itching for HALO drop. Straight onto the deck.”
He paused. His mind running thousand miles a second. He always got excited when presented with a military problem. Reminded him of the old days. “I’ll sign on for the fleet. Will need more information to put together a proper plan.”
Charles listen to the reveal. He had seen plenty of weird Noble Arms, but a sentient autonomous one had always been the realm of fantasy. Now it was revealed there wasn’t one, but two. Wild. Interesting. Charles hadn’t fought a sentient Noble Arm before. Most of the anti-Arms training he received was about breaking the human wielding the Noble Arm. After all, a magic weapon was strong, but a human, a human is weak. Humanity had exploitable weaknesses. Now they pitted against an enemy that wasn’t human at all. Truely a unique challenge. It didn’t help that this False Turing was fanatical enough to be fine with ending itself to achieve its goals. Fanatics were dangerous. At least their boss was fighting for their own survival. That meant they would pay well. It meant they would provide good support because to them, failure isn’t an option. “Hang on.” Charles started. “If you are a Noble Arm, that can grow a Noble Arm, and eat Noble Arms to gain their powers…” He paused he went over the math in his head. “What is stoping you from growing a noble arm. Eating that Noble Arm to free up the spot so you can grow another one. Rinse and repeat.”
“Infinite Noble Arm. So why do you need our help?”
An early morning workout kept Charles in shape. Up at 4am for a jog around the campus before it got too busy. The jog wasn’t meant to be his full workout but rather a warm up. Something to get him limbered up and heart rate up for the day. So after a quick 20 minute jog, he went to the gym on base. He then spent the next 40 minutes working out. Mainly body weight exercises like push ups, sit ups, pull ups and squats. He preferred to train for sheer volume early in the morning as opposed to lifting heavy weights. That’s not to say he doesn’t train with weights, but normally does it three times a week in the afternoon in addition to the morning training. All in all, Charles Mallette was showered and back in his room by 5:10am. So he was dressed and ready to go at 5:20 when Myron Makraig knocked on his door to gather the members of Task Force Obsidian.
Charles was out the door in trousers and a button down. As a private contractor he didn’t do uniforms anymore. Listening to a couple of the others chat while they walked. An American and an Englishman by the accents. He sifted through his mind of the personnel files of the other members. He made it a habit to remain up to date on information. So after a bit of research when they arrived he at least knew names and organisations of the other members. So American and Englishman were Griffin and Rangel. “We are at war. I assume we are getting a new mission.”
I don’t think forcing people to play two characters is a good idea. Especially for an RP in Free Roleplay section. It’s more for a casual Roleplay. It’ll spread people to thin and lead to burn out.
Power: B(A) Speed: B Range: E Persistence: B Precision: C Potential: C
Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: Melee. Vampire/Life Through Death Noble Arm Abilities:
Consume - The standard ability of Hopes End. The basis for the other abilities the Noble Arm possesses. Whenever Hope’s End injures an opponent, it absorbs a portion of the opponent’s power proportional to the injury inflicted.
Boost - Often used on the user of Hope’s End. Hope’s End can use the built up energy to boost the physical abilities and attributes of the wielder.
Heal - Hope’s End can expend the built up energy to heal the wielder or anyone that the wielder can lay their hands on.
Duplicate - A rarer ability of Hope’s End. If an Arms Master is killed, the energy that is gained from it can be used to duplicate the ability of the Noble Arm that belonged to the slain Arms Master. However, once that energy is used up either through boosting, healing or duplicating, those abilities cannot be used again.
Duplicate is hard to explain with a whole bunch of numbers and delving into the *energy* of Hope’s End.
It’s not as clear cut as this, but if you simplify it down…
Each person has 100hp. Every time Hope’s End deals damage to those hit points it gains a charge for every hp lost. So a paper cut might only be 1-2 hp, but losing a limb could be 60+ hp. Now all that energy goes into a pool. If the target also happens to be an Arms Master, the last hp has code for Arms Abilities. Now that code can only be applied to energy stolen from that target.
So if you deal a killing blow to a heavily injured Arms Master, you will o oh get 20-30 energy points, but they can be used to replicate the abilities of that Arms Master. Once they are used up they are gone. Some abilities will obviously have a higher cost and as such can’t be used as much.
Misc Abilities: Prior to any military service, Charles was trained in Savate by his father who was the three times world champion in his youth. When Charles later joined the Action Division of the Directorate-General for External Security, and became trained in sabotage, destruction of materiel, assassination, detaining/kidnapping, interrogation with and without using torture, infiltration/exfiltration of persons into/from hostile territory and hostage rescue. These skills would serve him well when he became an Arms Master and moved into the Private Sector.
Likes: Expensive Wine. Coffee. “The finer things in life.” Money. Sparring.
Dislikes: Self proclaimed Gods. Relying on Noble Arms.
Fears: Charles doesn’t have many fears. Chief among them though is probably leaving a job half done. Or at least that’s what he tells people. Charles’ real biggest fear is letting people in. Scared that people will hate the real him, or worse betray him and use his feelings against him.
Bio: Born to a Savate world champion, so most of his early childhood was spent being forced to train in the French martial art. Most afternoons after school was spent in the training hall either sparring or tidying it. When he turned eighteen he signed up to the French military, and not long after that, his skills in Savate got him poached into the Action Division. He spent nearly 20 years working with the Action Division before manifesting a Noble Arm. During this time he specialised in covert operations and even tackling Arms Master threats to French National Security. On one mission Charles teamed up with a Russian Arms Master to battle a group of Russian Terrorists that were in France. Kostya, Charles’s partner at the time, was the Russian Arms Master that was wielding Hope’s End. During the mission, Kostya had his left arm cut off by one of the Terrorists that turned out to be an Arms Master. Kostya then sacrificed himself to Hope’s End to form a feedback loop of energy and passed the Noble Arm onto Charles. It was a last ditch effort that resulted in a temporary massive power boost to Hope’s End and resulted in the Noble Arm being passed onto Charles. After cleaning up the remaining terrorists, he took some time off to ponder the consequences of becoming an Arms Master.
Charles ended up deciding on moving to the Private Sector after he received an offer he couldn’t refuse. Around 20 years later he had made a name for himself as a private contractor who would take a job with whoever has the money to pay.
A black armoured limousine came roaring across the battlefield. The car having come from the main garage of the bulldozer weaved between fire and rubble. This that had read any briefing in depth would recognise the car as one of the Prime Minister’s personal transports. It came to a screeching halt between the Prime Minister and the bulk of the ASEAN forces. Skirting around the overturned scout car, the back door popped open. Inside, sitting on the seat was a white haired man in a suit. “Mister Prime Minister.” The man said. It was Charles. The former Acrion Division operative had spent a few months inserting himself into the Campodian workforce. Now he was the Prime Minister’s driver. Had been for a few weeks. “Get in.” Charles yelled over the chaos, “I’m gonna drive you out of here.”
In a panic, and without much time to think of anything else, Prime Minister H.S. Got in the back of the limo. Sure getting a lift in an armoured limousine would be safer than running on foot? Once the Prime Minister was inside the car, the swung shut and was electronically locked by a button next to the steering wheel. Once the door was locked, Charle’s facial expression changed. It was over. He wasn’t the mild mannered driver anymore. “Prime Minster.” He said in a deeper, more serious voice. “ASEAN have asked I place you under arrest.”
While the Prime Minister struggled in vain to open the magnetically sealed doors of the limousine, Charles radioed ASEAN that he had the Prime Minister in custody. He described the vehicle to them so they wouldn’t open fire on him as he drove towards the bulk of the force to turn the Minister in.
Power: B(A) Speed: B Range: E Persistence: B Precision: C Potential: C
Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: Melee. Vampire/Life Through Death Noble Arm Abilities:
Consume - The standard ability of Hopes End. The basis for the other abilities the Noble Arm possesses. Whenever Hope’s End injures an opponent, it absorbs a portion of the opponent’s power proportional to the injury inflicted.
Boost - Often used on the user of Hope’s End. Hope’s End can use the built up energy to boost the physical abilities and attributes of the wielder.
Heal - Hope’s End can expend the built up energy to heal the wielder or anyone that the wielder can lay their hands on.
Duplicate - A rarer ability of Hope’s End. If an Arms Master is killed, the energy that is gained from it can be used to duplicate the ability of the Noble Arm that belonged to the slain Arms Master. However, once that energy is used up either through boosting, healing or duplicating, those abilities cannot be used again.
Duplicate is hard to explain with a whole bunch of numbers and delving into the *energy* of Hope’s End.
It’s not as clear cut as this, but if you simplify it down…
Each person has 100hp. Every time Hope’s End deals damage to those hit points it gains a charge for every hp lost. So a paper cut might only be 1-2 hp, but losing a limb could be 60+ hp. Now all that energy goes into a pool. If the target also happens to be an Arms Master, the last hp has code for Arms Abilities. Now that code can only be applied to energy stolen from that target.
So if you deal a killing blow to a heavily injured Arms Master, you will o oh get 20-30 energy points, but they can be used to replicate the abilities of that Arms Master. Once they are used up they are gone. Some abilities will obviously have a higher cost and as such can’t be used as much.
Misc Abilities: Prior to any military service, Charles was trained in Savate by his father who was the three times world champion in his youth. When Charles later joined the Action Division of the Directorate-General for External Security, and became trained in sabotage, destruction of materiel, assassination, detaining/kidnapping, interrogation with and without using torture, infiltration/exfiltration of persons into/from hostile territory and hostage rescue. These skills would serve him well when he became an Arms Master and moved into the Private Sector.
Likes: Expensive Wine. Coffee. “The finer things in life.” Money. Sparring.
Dislikes: Self proclaimed Gods. Relying on Noble Arms.
Fears: Charles doesn’t have many fears. Chief among them though is probably leaving a job half done. Or at least that’s what he tells people. Charles’ real biggest fear is letting people in. Scared that people will hate the real him, or worse betray him and use his feelings against him.
Bio: Born to a Savate world champion, so most of his early childhood was spent being forced to train in the French martial art. Most afternoons after school was spent in the training hall either sparring or tidying it. When he turned eighteen he signed up to the French military, and not long after that, his skills in Savate got him poached into the Action Division. He spent nearly 20 years working with the Action Division before manifesting a Noble Arm. During this time he specialised in covert operations and even tackling Arms Master threats to French National Security. On one mission Charles teamed up with a Russian Arms Master to battle a group of Russian Terrorists that were in France. Kostya, Charles’s partner at the time, was the Russian Arms Master that was wielding Hope’s End. During the mission, Kostya had his left arm cut off by one of the Terrorists that turned out to be an Arms Master. Kostya then sacrificed himself to Hope’s End to form a feedback loop of energy and passed the Noble Arm onto Charles. It was a last ditch effort that resulted in a temporary massive power boost to Hope’s End and resulted in the Noble Arm being passed onto Charles. After cleaning up the remaining terrorists, he took some time off to ponder the consequences of becoming an Arms Master.
Charles ended up deciding on moving to the Private Sector after he received an offer he couldn’t refuse. Around 20 years later he had made a name for himself as a private contractor who would take a job with whoever has the money to pay.