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Collab between @Queen Arya & @The Muse

Location: Temple of Aelios > Royal Residence

The knock at the door just about caused Ranni to jump clear out of her skin, the Priestess whipping around to look towards the door as she took a moment to catch her breath. Quickly, the girl stepped over to the window next to the Temple’s entrance, her violet gaze falling upon the two guards waiting outside. An expression of confusion could be clearly read across her fair features, even as she disappeared from view and the door unlocked before opening up. The Priestess stood before the two guards, offering a polite bow as they started to speak.

Her tail twitched wildly for a moment, betraying her surprise as her eyes went wide for a brief moment. ”The Prince and Princess? Has something happened? O-of course I’d be happy to accompany you, but as you can see I’ve guests within here. I cannot very well leave them while the alarm is ringing…” The Priestess responded, looking back towards the two women within the temple with a look of genuine concern, before her gaze locked back on the two guards.

The younger guard's brown eyes flicked over the Priestesses shoulder, taking in the two figures who had gathered behind her, their faces etched with concern.

“Is everything alright?”

A short huff of disbelief exhaled from the older guard as both their gazes landed on the rabbit-eared creature who had spoken up. Yet another blight-born harbored inside an Aurelian temple.

“Would it be alright if I accompanied the priestess? I don’t want to be left here alone.”

Their gaze shifted to the white-haired woman who spoke—seemingly human—and the younger guards' gaze softened just a touch at the sight of her.

“No. We’ve orders to escort the Priestess and the Priestess alone.” the older guard replied quickly, his facial expression stern and uncaring.

The younger guard shot him a sidelong glance before returning his gaze to the blight-born Priestess. “I will stay here to keep watch.” he declared, giving her a slight nod of reassurance. “Sergeant Langley here will escort you to the royals, miss.” he added, stepping aside to meet eyes with his older counterpart.

Langley considered the younger guard's decision for a moment, then nodded in agreement. This arrangement was acceptable—let the kid stay on watch all night. Langley, on the other hand, would return to the warmth of his own quarters after getting the blighted Priestess to her destination.

“You’ll be in good hands with Corporal Morris.” Langley agreed, glancing briefly at the pair who would remain in the temple before fixing his deep blue eyes to the Priestess. “Please, follow me, miss.” He said, gesturing for her to step outside and descend the stairs with him.

The Priestess stood silently for a long few moments, seeming to ponder over the guard’s offered compromise before giving a polite nod and bow of her head. ”Very well.” She said, looking back towards the Brazier in the center of the Temple. ”A second.” She said, moving quickly to the center to stoke the flames and offer additional fuel to the blaze. ”That should keep,” She whispered as she turned back towards the guards. Locking eyes now with the one who would be staying behind.

”Thank you, Corporal Morris. Aeli- No, I appreciate your willingness to stay.” She said, then moving to make her way out to descend the stairs with the Sergeant. Morris offered the Priestess a small smile before turning to close the door. Just before it shut, his gaze met his superior’s for a brief, silent exchange. Langley gave him a curt nod of appreciation, then turned to follow the Priestess out into the cold.

”What is… what is going on? With the Alarms, and the Prince?” She asked the man shortly after the two had left the temple.

Langley glanced down at the shorter woman as they walked toward town, eyeing her. Weighing if she were worth the air he’d waste in giving her information. He supposed, if this woman were to help the Princess, then he’d ought to tell her—blight-born or not.

“There’s been an attack.” he said finally, his voice lowered to keep it between the two of them. “Blight-born.” He tried his best to keep the venom out of his words.

“The Princess was involved and we’re still looking for the creature who attacked.” he added, turning his gaze to the snow-dusted path ahead and resting an uneasy hand on the hilt of his sword. “That’s all I know. We were given orders to bring you to the royals straight away.”

”A-an attack!?!” The Priestess exclaimed, subconsciously taking a step in closer to the guard as her gaze suddenly became more alert and scanning the surroundings. Thats where Dyna is… She thought, then looked back towards the Guard with a worried expression. ”T-then let us make it to the Princess with the most haste. Surely, Aelios’ radiance will heal any of her woes.” Ranni said quietly, sticking close to the guard in a hope for some feeling of safety.

Langley walked in silence beside the Priestess, his gaze sharp as he scanned the dimly lit streets. Every distant sound, every flicker of movement in the shadows, kept him alert. He greeted several passing guards with curt nods, exchanging quick words when necessary, but otherwise remained focused on his task.

And yet, despite his discipline, he found his thoughts wandering. Straying. The Priestess’s presence beside him stirred something unwelcome in him. It was strange. Unnatural. He had no love for the church, least of all an Aurelian one, and certainly never had he given a second glance to a blight-born in his life. Yet, for some inexplicable reason, her closeness set his thoughts wandering down a path he had no business treading. The warmth of her beside him, the way her robes shifted with each step, the scent of incense that clung faintly to her—it gnawed at something deep and vile in him.

He clenched his jaw, forcing himself to suppress the unwelcome impulses. All he wanted was to finish this errand, hand her off to the royals, and return home to rest.

After nearly fifteen minutes, they arrived at the entrance to the royal residence. Langley cast an assessing glance over the guard stationed at the entrance—an Aurelian, clad in pristine, polished armor. Spoiled brat.

He gave the man a nod before speaking. “I’m here to deliver the Priestess, as instructed.”

The Aurelian hesitated. Though his face was obscured beneath his helm, the silence stretched, laced with confusion.

“Where is Lady Hightower? And Priestess Tingara?” the guard finally asked.

“I don’t know any Tingara….” he frowned, glancing at the blonde beside him for a moment. “But last I saw, Hightower was with my superior—Aliseth Kain. Kain told me and another to assist with Lady Hightower’s tasks.” He lifted a brow, curiosity sparking. “Why? She never made it back?” It was a difficult thing to fight back a smirk.

Did Kain bed the Sage? That scoundrel. He thought, beginning to wonder if he should have acted on his impulses earlier with this blight-born Priestess. Maybe the Aurelians were easier than they looked. He could have made it quick.

A displeased grunt was the only response before the Aurelian guard turned and pushed open the heavy door.

“Priestess, please head upstairs.” he instructed curtly. “Another guard will be waiting to allow you into the Princess’s chambers.”

Interactions: Celine @SkeankySnack, Aurora @BlackRoseSiren

Ranni Soleil, Priestess of Aelios

Interacting with:
Céline (@SkeankySnack) | Aurora Halliwell (@BlackRoseSiren)

Fade-To-Black Counter - 0

Dawnhaven - The Temple of Aelios
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning

Pity. That was truly the only feeling that Ranni could feel as she watched her fellow Blightborn suffering before her. Telling Ranni about her hunger, and why that made her a danger. Thoughts which nearly brought the young Priestess to tears, as she couldn't imagine what it was liking being such a danger to everybody around you. Well... maybe she'd be able to soon enough, after all there was so much that she didn't know about her new condition. This poor soul needed comfort, she needed... somebody to help ease the pain. After all, what kind of life was it to be dedicated to service and then being forced to endanger people just so you could survive? A dreadful test. With a little sigh, the Priestess stood up to stoke the flames in their little brazier before turning her attention back on Celine. After but a moment; Ranni gently drifted closer as the woman continued to speak, kneeling down to take one of her hands in both of Ranni's own. Her eyes meeting with Celine's with a soft, yet fierce, determination burning within.

"Would you like to know what I see?" She asked softly, offering a reassuring smile towards Celine. Ranni did not wait for an answer before continuing to speak. "I see somebody who is past the point that most would break and cave to their desires, the very ground that drives good men to perform evil deeds. Yet, I see somebody who walks that ground with her concern still very much being with the welfare and in service of others." She said softly, tilting her head slightly to the side as her tail gently flicked behind herself. "That requires strength, alot of it. The very kind of Strength one must have in order to help another. That strength, is also what separates us from the monsters of the world, and what reassures me that you are not, in fact, a danger to those around you." She said softly, allowing herself to sit next to Celine even as she still held the woman's hand within her own. "So please, do not the frustration and bad thoughts control you. Else we'll never be able to find a way to help you, and if we can't do that... then we won't be able to get you back to a focus on helping others. Then Dawnhaven, I fear, might lose one of the strongest souls whose mind I've touched since arriving." She offered with a little smile.

Ranni then turned her attention forwards the flames for a long moment, seeming to fall deep into thought before looking over towards Celine once more. " 'Tis my belief, that Aelios must test each and every one of us at some time in our life. It would seem that she had chosen your trial to be faced now, exposing you to such temptations with your condition." Ranni said, cocking her head to the side as a thought occurred to her. "Tell me, when you must... feed on emotions. Does it also take some of that feeling from the one you are sampling from? Perhaps then, we've a potential path forward. You could, with self control I must admit, use that to both satisfy your hunger and ease some of the hardships of your fellows. Not enough to remove the feeling entirely, mind you, but to make it... easier to deal with." She said, offering a little smile as she already found herself trying to find ways to resolve the moral conundrum Celine found herself in... even as the Priestess silently worried if something similar would happen to her.

It was at that very moment that another voice cut into their conversation, and the Priestess visibly jumped a bit from where she was sat with a small yelp helping to announce her surprise. At the same time, the shrill sound of the alarm cut into her mind... just barely audibly over the crackling flame and soft whispers of the wind outside their little alcove. Ranni wondered how she'd even missed the sound until now. So engrossed had she been in their conversation, and with the other noise in her immediate area they must've drowned it out. As Ranni stared at the woman before her for a long moment, she closed her eyes to clumsily grasp around for the two presences she knew best in this town. Dyna, was easy, and Ranni got a flash of a sense of purpose along with a myriad of armed people being with her... along with a boulder for some reason. Still, it was clear, Dyna was on the hunt for whatever had caused the alarm. Tia, however was far away... which Ranni found strange but couldn't exactly do much about. She willed Tia to be safe, uncertain if her prayer or thoughts would ever reach her sister, then pulled herself back to the moment.

She wore a sheepish smile, as she quickly bowed in apology towards both Aurora and Celine. "Apologies, I did not... hear the alarm, I'm afraid I am quite new to Dawnhaven." She said softly, then immediately stepped back towards the temple's entrance. "The High Priestess appears to be dealing with something, though most assuredly she is keeping safe." She explained, mostly a subtle indication to Celine that it would be safe to step back inside. "With there being an alarm about, the three of us should step back inside. We'll be safer inside than we would out here. Come, Come." She said, beckoning the two to follow her without giving either woman much room for a debate at the moment. "Miss... I will need to ask your name, you can help us by staying with us inside. Please, so I can confirm you're safe." She said, a hint of firmness attempting to be forced into the girl's tone.

After all, she did have a job to do still. Right now, that meant ensuring any nearby got indoors where it would likely be safer... and focusing on a task did keep her mind from wandering down darker avenues she'd already tread that morning...

Ranni shook her head as she entered the empty Temple, holding the door open for both women before slipping inside herself. "Please, take a seat. I'll keep a watch of the situation from inside, though I would appreciate additional pairs of eyes. Just in case, I'd feel dreadful if we locked out somebody in need of shelter." The Priestess explained as she turned lock on the doors. Taking up a position where she could see out a window near the doors, she spoke up softly towards the two within the building. "Since I am relatively new to Dawnhaven, does this sort of thing happen often? The alarms?" She asked, fishing to see if this town was somehow dangerous... and just how worried she needed to be about her sisters.

Ranni Soleil, Priestess of Aelios

Interacting with:
Céline (@SkeankySnack) | Tingara Tomae (@c3p-0h)

Fade-To-Black Counter - 0

Dawnhaven - The Temple of Aelios
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning

Ranni moved to start towards the large man, aiming to stop him from getting involved with Dyna's business; yet soon found her progress halted by a sudden grip of her hand. Enough to freeze Ranni in place as she turned to cast a confused look back towards the source. Celine. The woman was holding onto her hand, fixing her with a look that seemed to be pleading with her not to go. A vulnerable look, almost, that struck a certain part of Ranni's heart. One she herself knew she'd worn before, and one she'd seen many of the younger orphans wearing as well. In that moment, the Priestess knew she had to let Tia and Dyna fend for themselves. She couldn't very well abandon somebody in need, else what kind of Priestess would she be? Ranni looked back towards Celine and listened closely to her words as she pleaded for them to step outside. The Priestess gave a small nod towards Celine then gestured for the woman to lead the way towards the door. When Celine started off, Ranni followed along immediately. Wondering just what it was that made Celine's presence a danger to Tia.

As they turned to leave however, Ranni turned to watch as Dyna moved past. Escorting the same blonde man that they'd seen earlier that day out of the Temple, and earning a look of confusion from the Priestess. Yet she knew better, she knew that look on Dyna's features. If she was arresting that man, without even a hint of emotion on her features, Ranni knew that meant she was acting out of whatever she felt was best for the safety of the temple. For the safety of herself and Tia. She gripped Celine's hand tightly in her own, stopping Celine so that Dyna could escort her prisoner from the temple.

"Wait, let the Champion go first." Ranni said softly, ensuring to put a bit of a reassuring edge into her voice to portray a sense of calm towards the woman.

She then turned to cast a look towards Tia, wanting to ensure that the woman didn't need anything from her before she left with Celine. She happened to look back just in time, catching Tia's gaze just as the other Priestess was seeking out her own. She saw Tia's weak smile, and understood the intent behind it... no matter how unconvincing the smile itself happened to be. She had questions, worries, and she wanted to know just what had happened with that man Dyna had arrested. Yet she also knew from the look that Tia was giving her that now was not the time for that. So, Ranni offered her own little smile and made an attempt to project a feeling of calm towards Tia. Hoping to reassure her fellow Priestess.

Then Ranni turned herself back towards Celine and offered the other woman a polite smile and a gesture towards the door. "I apologize for the holdup, shall we?" She asked softly, giving a gentle bow of her head as Ranni started to head towards the front doors of the temple.

Only to pause once more as the hulking behemoth of a man caught up to the two women, and before Ranni could even speak up; her companion seemed to hand the issue by telling him to stay with Tia.

Then the minor delay was out of the way, and Ranni was free to lead Celine out of the front doors. A short walk later, the two remained close to the temple but stood near an exterior brazier. This one serving less religious significance than the one inside, and instead served to help those outside the temple stay warm. Holding her hands out towards said flame to warm them, the Priestess cast her gaze up to give Celine a long look. "Better? Can you tell me why you felt your presence was a danger?" Ranni asked softly, her eyes staying locked with Celine's.

Dyna Soleil

Interacting with:
Zephyros Hale (@The Muse) || Gadez Paladice (@Dezuel)
Dawnhaven - The Jail
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning

By Aelios does he ever shut up.

Ever since the man had been thrown into his cell, he had done nothing but poke and prod. Talk and jab. Tease. The man spoke and spoke as if he had all the secrets of the world in the palm of his hand. As if by one simple interaction he'd understood her perfectly. Were Dyna anything lesser than her calling, the Champion might've even caved and fired off any number of biting remarks that floated around in her mind. Yet instead, the woman remained silent and stoic. While her attention remained firmly on the man, it was clear that nothing aside from unfeeling professionalism would make its way across her features. Still, a small voice in the back of Dyna's mind couldn't wait until the guards returned to keep a watch on the prisoner. Albeit, Gadez did earn a slight hint of reaction out of the Champion when he mentioned the idea of bringing the Clergy Ranni's head. The hand that had been resting easily upon the hilt of her sword suddenly gripped it for a moment, squeezing as if to distract herself from something. A flash of anger, burning hot, flashed through her gaze. Were it that looks could kill, then the man would've been reduced to ashes on the spot. Yet, Dyna managed to reign herself back under control with the calming techniques the Order had taught her. Silent prayers to Aelios, and a mantra chanted in her mind brought her anger back firmly under her grasp. Even as Gadez continued prattle on, something about being a gardener and how she would look cute with a smile, Dyna returned herself slowly to that neutral professionalism. Hoping her outburst of anger hadn't been noticed...

Footsteps from down the hall drew Dyna's attention, and she noticed a guard finally making his way down the hall to relieve her. As he approached, she acknowledged the man with a simple nod... before he immediately started in with a round of his own questions and... implying she was once more there for the view of her prisoner. That implication earned the man a very unamused look from the Champion. Her response to his questions, however, were interrupted by the arrival of an older, brunette woman who introduced herself as the enchanter before getting to work on the anti-magic field. Dyna felt a slight shutter run over her body, as the comforting warmth that she'd long come to associate with her magical ability, seemed to flee in the face of the the woman's runes. Yet, still she remained outwardly unbothered by the feeling, having nothing but full faith in her training and physical ability should the need arise. Her attention turned back on the troublesome guard after a few moments, as Dyna noticed that he seemed to be waiting for her to speak.

"Threats against King Auric, and an attempt to implicate a Priestess of Aelios in his plot." She said simply, letting the weight of his accused crimes do all the talking. Letting it explain why his previous jests landed firmly on an unamused crowd. "This one likes to talk, don't let him get to you. I'll find the Prince, he should be informed of this development." Dyna said, leaving no room for questioning as she started to step past the guard and pausing at the door. "May Aelios' radiance give you strength." She said towards the man, assuming that since he seemed to recognize her for her order, he must've been Aurelian. Without waiting to hear his reply, the Champion made her way out of the jail. Searching first for a guard to hopefully point her in the direction of the Prince so she could pass along her warning...

Then found herself staring at a group of four guards running towards the West. Guards didn't typically run unless the situation demanded it, and that alone drew the alarm from the Champion. Stepping into their path, Dyna called out to the guards. "Whats the rush for, what happened?" She asked, getting an answer from the ranking member of the squad as he paused long enough to answer her while his squad ran ahead.

"A murder, Champion, I'm not clear on the details beyond a blightborn might've been involved and we're tasked to assist. If you're half the Champion that stories tell of your order, we could use your help ma'am." He said, before turning and running to catch up with his squad.

"Shit." Dyna swore, turning to run after the man to lend her aid. The Prince could wait, if there was a murderous beast on the loose, that needed to be handled before it could hurt anybody else.

Before it could hurt Ranni.

Ranni Soleil, Priestess of Aelios

Interacting with:
Céline & Ivor (@SkeankySnack)

Fade-To-Black Counter - 0

Dawnhaven - The Temple of Aelios
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning

Almost as soon as she'd welcomed them into the temple, the woman with the bunny-like ears seemed to stagger under an unseen force. Her ears drooped, and she clutched her head in her hand. At the same time, Ranni was assualted by a myriad of tumultuous emotions. None of which seemed to come from her own mind, but rather the woman before her. Then, there seemed to be a sort of... rhythmic calming effect. As if she were reigning herself in, and much more effectively than Ranni had ever done it. Still, the effect washed back over Ranni in turn. Her own mess of conflicting emotions slowly fell into the background, even as she started to question just how she was so certain that the feelings came from the woman before her. However, as the woman spoke, the young Priestess brutally forced those questioning thoughts from her mind. Ranni's gaze shifted to focus on each of the newcomers' gazes before landing back on the woman's just in time for the introduction of each. Celine. Ivor. Ranni made a careful note of their names and faces, a priestess needed to be familiar with those who might frequent her temple. She remained silent, listening to Celine's explanation, nodding along silently. Though the way that Celine trailed off left her next thoughts filled in by Ranni's own mind.

You saw my memory. You saw me die.

"Mayhaps." Ranni said after just a moment of silence. Her eyes locking with Celine's own and a sort of determination burning like fires within her eyes. "We might be similar. I can... hear my sister's thoughts, I think." She said softly, allowing a hint of vulnerability to show itself through her previous outwardly calm composure. A small shake of her head was Ranni's response to Celine's worry that what she said might just sound crazy. "We've both been... changed by our afflictions. Nothing seems too insane, least we can do is support one another." Ranni added, a comforting smile adorning her lips. Turning then towards Ivor and his offering, reaching towards him as if to accept the offering. A pleasant smile on her lips at his explanation of the offering. Truly, it was very sweet of him. Ranni regarded the hulking shape of the man, and found that her initial impressions off the man were horribly wrong. Ivor was a much more... pleasant man than his appearance indicated.

Then she felt a spark of anger, determination from the new place in her mind that Dyna seemed to permanently occupy. Immediately followed by shouting, a flash of light, and the sound of a door being slammed open.

Ranni spun on her heel towards the sound just about the same time that Celine and Ivor reacted to the sudden interruption. A small yelp left her lips as Ranni stumbled back from the large-framed man pushing himself past her to head towards the sudden disturbance that had ripped through the temple. As she caught herself, Ranni's tail flicked in visible frustration before she started after the man just as he was calling down the hall towards the disturbance. Ranni, however, already knew the cause of the disturbance. Her connection with Dyna sharing both her emotions, and the face of the blonde man who they'd seen at the inn earlier. Dyna had caused the disturbance, acting in her role as a Champion. "P-Please stop, sir! There could be danger, let our Champion handle the situati-" She called, being cut off by the emergence of her sister... escorting the blonde man from Tia's room.

Immediately, Ranni found her gaze searching past her sister and into the room. Hoping to check that Tia was okay…

Dyna Soleil

Interacting with:
Tingara Tomae (@c3p-0h) || Gadez Paladice (@Dezuel) || Ivor (@SkeankySnack)
Dawnhaven - The Temple of Aelios
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning

The Champion's body tensed visibly as the blonde man reached for his weapon, only to relax and second later as it was tossed onto the ground. Her features remained neutral, unwavering, and unaffected as the man spoke. Smiling at her words, and continuing to prattle on as if he knew the secrets to all things. Yet, Dyna remained unmoved. Her gaze shifted for mere moments, locking with Tia's own to confirm the Priestess’ safety. Once she was satisfied, the Champion kicked the man's weapon out of the way without so much as a word. Her gaze flicked then from the Priestess down to the weapon on the ground, then back up towards her. A silent order, telling the woman to secure the weapon so Dyna could deal with the threat. She waited for the few seconds it took for Tia to collect the weapon, and start moving to stand with her Champion. She felt the hand on her arm, and heard the barely-spoken words the Priestess tried to convey. Words that fell squarely upon ears not interested in hearing them, as the Champion had already decided on the appropriate course of action. Her gaze shifted towards Tia’s own once more. A silent command, stop. The Champion's training overriding any sympathies she could've harbored for the woman, despite Tia being very much a sister to her.

The Champion easily brushed off Tia's grip on her arm, not a harsh move but a simple grip of the Priestess’ hand to move it away.

Then her attention shifted back onto the man before her, closing the distance in two strides. One gauntleted, strong, hand reached up to grip his wrist, and pull it down to his side. Wordlessly, she took a strong grip on his bicep to ensure the man wouldn't easily be able to run… should he be so inclined. ”Priestess, keep the weapon here. Once I return, I'll ensure it is properly stored until his fate is decided.” She said firmly, any hints of Tia's younger sister seemingly gone beneath the hardened surface of the Champion. Turning her attention back on Gadez, she gave a small push towards the door. ”Walk.” Dyna said, betraying not a single hint of emotion in her voice. As they passed through the threshold, Dyna noticed the veritable mountain of a man calling out to them and at the end of the hall. She also noticed Priestess Ranni, trying to stop the mountain from moving further down the hall. In silence, the Champion advanced forward until the two parties were within a comfortable conversation distance. ”No doctor is needed. Under the authority vested in me as Champion of Aelios, this man is under arrest. Please do not interfere.” Dyna said firmly, even as she heard Ranni chiming in to try to get the man to return wIth her to the woman he'd come in with.

Pushing past, Dyna escorted further out of the temple. Stepping once more into the cold darkness. A quick scan of the surrounding streets soon bore fruit for Dyna, as she noticed a patrolling town guard coming their way. No doubt wondering why she was escorting the man out of the temple.

As the guard approached, Dyna offered him a nod of her head as a greeting. ”Dyna Soliel, Champion of Aelios.” She introduced herself, turning slightly to show off the insignia denoting her rank. The man took a few seconds, but was clearly Aurelian as he recognized the insignia. ”Ay, ah… what's going on here then, Champion?” The man asked, still a bit confused by the situation at hand.

”This man is under arrest, threats against King Auric.” She said firmly, watching his eyes go wide with shock for a moment before continuing. ”Can you lead me to the town’s holding cells?” She asked, even as the man nodded rapidly and turned to start walking rapidly down the street away from the temple, and Dyna leading Gadez to follow on his heels. ”It isn't complete yet, but we've got a few cells up.” The man explained as they walked, giving the Champion something to think about as they made their way to the partially constructed jail.

Not long after, Dyna was guiding Gadez into one of the completed cells. The door locked into place, and Dyna was already looking towards the guard who'd escorted her. ”We'll uh… we'll need to keep constant eyes on him, and uh… can you watch him for now, Champion? I'll go inform the others and we'll get a proper watch set up.” The guard asked, and was already running off to report on the developments before she'd even finished saying yes.

With a long sigh, Dyna turned back to watch the cell containing Gadez. As she settled in to keep watch over his cell until the guard returned; Dyna allowed her mind to drift over the day's rather… dramatic events.

Aelios. She hoped things remained a little less interesting around here.

Dyna Soleil

Interacting with:
Tingara Tomae (@c3p-0h) || Gadez Paladice (@Dezuel)
Dawnhaven - The Temple of Aelios
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning

Dyna trusted Tia, but she didn’t trust the man with her. Something about him seemed… off to the young Champion. This, paired with her charge to always guard the Priestess with her life, led Dyna to step in and press her ear to the door just after Gadez had closed it. She couldn’t make out every word, certainly, but what she could make out was more than enough. Enemy of the Goddess, a Dream of Striking down King Auric? Her sworn oaths to both Church and Crown demanded this man not be let to prattle on further.

Nay, his very words were dangerous to Tia. Dyna trusted her to remain faithful and choose the right path… but the implications of knowing such a plot were too dangerous.

So she closed her eyes, pulling in a deep breath as she pulled her shield free. At the same moment, the Champion slammed her shoulder into the door with a thunderous impact. Bursting into the room with the practiced speed and power only known of a Champion. In the same moment, her shield was being raised towards Gadez. Tia’s eyes widened in recognition. On instinct, the Priestess turned away, the thick sleeve of her robe raising to block her eyes. A brilliant and blinding flash of light emitting from it as Dyna sought immediately to subdue the man.

A brief look Tia’s way confirmed the woman was unharmed, and betrayed the ferocious protectiveness with which Dyna had barged into the room.

None would hurt one of her family ever again.

Her attention snapped back on the man in question; ”By the charge of Aelios’ Will and Authority as her Champion, you are under arrest! Submit peacefully, or I will use force!” The Champion demanded, her voice booming with confidence of a trained Warrior even as she advanced, muscles tense for either a fight or to subdue the man.

Ranni Soleil, Priestess of Aelios

Interacting with:
Céline & Ivor (@SkeankySnack)

Fade-To-Black Counter - 0

Dawnhaven - The Temple of Aelios
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning

Ranni's religious fervor broke abruptly, shattered by a myriad of factors serving to tear her from that moment of raw focus. The first, and perhaps the most jarring, was a sudden yank from the back of her collar. A yelp of surprise left her lips as the world seemed to suddenly come back into focus. Her mental outreach seeming to cut off from all as suddenly, timed about the same as Ranni landed on her rear with a shot of pain racing up her body. The Prince's words cut through the noise of her buzzing mind, revealing that he'd somehow heard her prayer. At the same time, Ranni could... feel Tia's own sudden shock and concern projected towards her. That, and somehow able to hear the myriad of curses and concern racing through Dyna's mind. Some chastising Ranni for doing something so dangerous, and others aimed at Dyna herself for not realizing how much pain Ranni was truly suffering from. The Priestess' eyes seemed to glisten as tears grew within them, tracing warm paths down her cheeks.

Her prayers, albeit not overtly, had been answered.

Instead of being consumed in a fury of flame, Dyna had been allowed to yank her back from the brazier. The thoughts consuming her suppressed by the relief spreading through her. Kept down by the feeling of the comforting thoughts of those closest to her. Ranni took a long few moments to collect her breath, looking towards her sister and offering a small smile of reassurance. "I'm okay, sister." She said softly, and finding that her words did absolutely nothing to shake the concern written all over Dyna's face even as Ranni slowly pushed herself to her feet. A moment was taken to straighten out her robes, it wouldn't do for a Priestess to be going about with dirtied robes. Another deep breath was slowly taken then, then exhaled as Ranni used the moment to regain control of the final remnants of said runaway emotions from before.

She'd gotten her answer. Now was not the time to deal with those dark memories, such luxuries could come later.

As she calmed herself, Ranni's attention immediately shifted towards the back of the temple, as if she could see through the wall and the person walking towards Tia's door. "We've guests." She said to Dyna, attention now shifting towards the entrance of the temple as two more opened and entered the building. The thought not even occurring to Ranni about how she'd been able to... feel their presence. That only came after she looked over to see nothing but an expression of pure surprise on her sister's features. Only then did she realized she'd noticed several people without ever seeing them. That she could hear Dyna's thoughts. That... that somehow the Prince had heard her silent prayer.

What did the blight do to me? She wondered to herself, before shaking her head suddenly. Later. Work to do. She thought before turning her attention towards Dyna.

"Can you head back to check on Priestess Tia? See what our guest back there needs, and I'll handle the two newcomers." Ranni said, and upon receiving a nod of confirmation, stepped past her sister towards the two at their front door. Albeit, one of them looked rather surprised by something within the temple.

A polite bow was offered towards the two, and a friendly smile given towards them both. "Welcome, I am Ranni, one of the Priestess' of Aelios. You said your friend has an offering to the Goddess? Perhaps I could assist in offering that to her while my sister fetches Priestess Tia to collect your things?" She said softly, before pausing and adding a question. "And, might I ask, what it was you meant when you said you've seen my sister before?" She asked, having a sinking feeling as to precisely what the other meant.

The dark thoughts sitting at the back of her mind once more called out, reminding her of what she'd become... that she was likely the cause.

Dyna Soleil

Interacting with:
Tingara Tomae (@c3p-0h) || Gadez Paladice (@Dezuel)
Dawnhaven - The Temple of Aelios
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning

As Ranni seemed to come back to her, Dyna felt the hints of a smile grow upon her lips. As Ranni seemed to collect herself, Dyna now clearly hearing all of her thoughts, the girl just sat there silently and held her sister. She stood with her sister, and watched with utter confusion as Ranni seemed to just... know that there were others coming into the temple without having ever seen them. Yet, she knew better than to comment on these strange developments. Certainly when she could feel those dark thoughts still boiling within Ranni's mind, just underneath the surface. There was so much she wanted to do, to say, to make her sister feel better. To shield her from all the pain and hurt in the world... yet she could do none of it. Not when the trouble was locked firmly within her sister's own mind. So, Dyna bit her tongue, she knew that Ranni would talk to her. To ask for help when it was needed. All she could do for now was be there for her sister and let her fight those mental terrors on her own.

Dyna's attention was stolen by the... clearly blighted, woman staring her direction and muttering about having seen her before. She looked towards Ranni, wondering if perhaps Ranni's mental... projection had been powerful enough to reach this woman as well. She'd been about to ask the woman, but was interrupted by her sister suggesting specific roles for the two of them to handle the newcomers in the temple. Dyna was stunned, for a moment, caught off-guard by her sister's focus their jobs at hand despite both the turmoil in her mind and the tears on her cheek. Yet, it occurred to her, that the focus on the task at hand might be a helpful distraction for Ranni. To avoid the darkness holding onto her. So, with a little nod and a move to wipe away the tear on Ranni's cheek, the Champion turned away from her sister. Walking instead back towards Tia's room where she noticed the blonde man she'd seen briefly at the tavern standing in the hall.

" 'Scuse me." She called to him, deciding to try and intercept the man before he bothered Tia too much. "Mayhaps whatever you needed from the Priestess, I could assist you with? I'd wager by her being in her quarters that she'd prefer not to be bother-" She said, being cut off as the door opened and Tia appeared. "Or... or not." Dyna said softly as she shifted her attention towards Tia. "Ah, my bad Priestess. Priestess Ranni wanted me to come back to check on you while she welcomed the two who just arrived." She said by way of explanation, offering a polite bow of her head and using a more formal manner of speech around the man she didn't know. Her gaze then shifted back up to Tia, seeking out how the Priestess wanted to proceed with the situation.

Ranni Soleil, Priestess of Aelios

Interacting with:

Fade-To-Black Counter - 0

Dawnhaven - The Temple of Aelios
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning

The twins looked to each other in silence for a long few moments, silently communicating a mutual sentiment without even the slightest of the movements. Whatever the Prince had wanted with Tia, it didn't seem good. The two let out an audible sigh, idling in place for a long few moments as they tried to grasp what to do following their mentor's rapid disappearance. It was Ranni who broke their stupor for, drifting forwards through the temple in a silent-yet-graceful movement. Steadily making her way past the pews, with her fingers lightly dancing across their tops as she passed. She didn't speak, lost as she was within her own thoughts.

She didn't stop, not even as she reached the steps up to the brazier holding the brilliant flames of Aelios. Only as she reached their summit, and stepped past where the Priests would typically lead sermons from, did she stop. The girl fell to her knees, head bowed and eyes shut tightly. Her hands clasped at her chest, yet her mouth did not move. Her prayers remained, so she thought, between herself and Aelios. Yet... her thoughts broke free of the cell of her mind. Emotional turmoil seeming to slam those quiet thoughts out with a renewed vigor that far outmatched the previous flows of psychic energy.

Dyna Soleil

Interacting with:

Dawnhaven - The Temple of Aelios
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning

Dyna watched on in silence as Tia and Prince Flynn disappeared. Wondering if, for a moment, she should invoke her duty as a Champion to follow. To ensure the Priestess' safety, as she didn't much like the obvious tension in the air between the two. Albeit for more selfish reasons than that of duty alone, Dyna wanted to ensure she was there for Tia. The woman had clearly suffered so much, and after all the good she'd done for Ranni in the past... Dyna wanted to return the favor. Yet, she also knew better than to interject herself into such matters as a private talk with the Prince. So, the Champion decided she would wait for now. Until such time as Tia showed a reason for her to get more involved.

This concentration was soon broken, however, as she spied Ranni steadily moving forward from the corner of her eye. Turning to watch her sister, Dyna watched as the girl approached the altar. A sense of comfort, no doubt, in something so familiar to her. Dyna gave her sister space, even as she ascended the altar, knowing that Ranni likely needed this... after all she'd been through. So even when her sister dropped suddenly to her knees, Dyna did not find herself filled with worry. Instead, moving to stand near the first row of pews and kept a watchful eye on her sister's prayer.

What she was not prepared for, however, was to hear Ranni's prayer. To hear every word within her own mind as if she were the one speaking it. Yet, strangely, she could clearly see that her sister's lips weren't moving. Dyna recoiled physically, taking a step back and steadying herself as she realized. She'd been hearing and feeling her sister's thoughts throughout the day. A product of her... new form, no doubt. Yet even as the shock from this realization was shook from her mind, Dyna once again found herself staggered by the words she heard her sister to be speaking. The pleas she made.

The horrific visions and experiences she shared from her sister's memory.

The impact was enough to shake the Champion from her stupor, even as she saw Ranni hold her arm over the flame. Begging for either immolation or salvation. A plea, meant in part, to spare Dyna herself from some false hopes about their being reunited.

She didn't speak the harsh retort she had to that thought, instead starting up the altar and reaching for the collar of her twin's robe. Intent on yanking the young woman away from the flame, and refusing to lose Ranni for a second time.

She could only watch as Tia’s lips moved in a silent call, Ranni able to read her lips well enough to know the voiceless words had been her own name. She froze and stiffened slightly at the touch of Tia’s hand to her cheek, not having expected the slight shake and wariness she could feel in said touch. Her mind, somehow, could feel the trepidation and myriad of negative emotions racing through Tia. Ranni couldn’t explain how, but she just knew her former teacher was suffering. She chewed her lip nervously, uncertain of what she should do… not when the very woman who’d always been her example for what should be done was the one who seemed so uneasy. You have to do something! she screamed at herself, even as her mind remained in that dreadful deadlock.

Then her violet eyes went wide as she saw the tears moving down Tia’s cheeks.

Yet she didn’t have a second to react, with arms wrapping around her and pulling Ranni into a tight hug. Immediately, the younger Priestess returned the embrace, holding Tia as close as she could. The trembling in her mentor’s body caused Ranni to gently rub Tia’s back as they embraced one another. The girl tried desperately to provide the very warmth and comfort she so desperately needed now to another. Somebody in even more need. Subconsciously, her mind emanated the kind of false reassurances she’d offer another… and a genuine feeling of comfort. Comfort that only came from being reunited with one's own loved ones. Her tail flicked behind herself, unable to control itself as that myriad of emotions ran through Ranni’s mind… even as she remained silent and held the embrace.

”You were here,” Ranni whispered through their embrace, smiling against herself even through tears running down her cheeks. ”I missed you,” she added, before falling silent once more and simply enjoying their embrace… while musing to herself about how her mentor seemed to have changed in these short two months.

Yet, she knew not what traumas Tia must’ve endured; obvious as it was that she had endured some terrible circumstance. In the end, however, the specifics mattered not. Only one aspect, mutual between the two now, mattered;

They’d both suffered.

They’d both endured.

They would support each other. It was the only way either could truly make it through their trials.

When Tia pulled away from Ranni, her skin was blotchy and red, her cheeks damp. They still held each other – but there was just enough space now for Tia to look up again at her student’s face. She let out a wet, choked laugh. Her emotions were a tangled mess, an overwhelming mix of grief and joy and confusion. She brought both hands up to cup Ranni’s cheeks, thumbs moving softly. Then she hesitated.

She almost didn’t want to ask.

Looking up at Ranni, she steeled herself and mouthed Dyna’s name, hope and worry in her eyes.

Ranni gave a weak, but persevering, smile towards Tia as she pulled away. Her hands moved up to cup Ranni’s cheek as the blightborn let out her own choked laugh at seeing Tia again. She knew, somehow, that her mentor was experiencing a veritable tempest of emotional turmoil inside even while they held each other. Ranni tried to portray calm, best she could, and focused carefully on Tia’s lips as she mouthed Dyna’s name.

In response, Ranni’s eyes widened. ”Aelios… I may have ran off on impulse and left her at the tavern.” Ranni said softly, wearing a sheepish smile, even as the distant sounds of somebody in armor running towards them grew louder and louder…

Tia practically deflated in relief. When she sank back into Ranni’s embrace this time, it was the feeling of letting go, of tension leaving her, rather than the desperate way she’d clung to her student the first time.

Dyna was here, too. She was safe. They were both safe.

The jostling of metal and crunching snow echoed through the winter air. Tia finally pulled away from Ranni fully – though still within easy reach of her, like she might disappear if Tia strayed too far. A warm smile broke across her face as Dyna’s armor caught in the moonlight. Tia raised a hand, waving to catch her attention.

Turning in the direction of hefty stomps, Ranni found herself looking just in time to watch her sister coming into view. Not quite at a dead sprint, but making a good pace all the same. The two priestesses didn’t have to wait long, as Dyna quickly turned and made her way towards them. Her eyes grew wide as she closed in, seemingly shocked to see Tia standing there with Ranni.

Her attention first snapped towards her sister. ”How did you…?” She asked, recalling how Ranni had mentioned Tia by name earlier. Then her expression grew more stern as she seemingly remembered her role. ”You can’t rush off like that, Ranni. My job is to keep you safe!” Dyna said, hands on her hips as Ranni looked away sheepishly.

Then, without another word, the armored woman stepped in and wrapped Tia in a tight hug. ”Missed ya, bis sis.” She whispered softly.

Tia wrapped her arms around Dyna in turn, careful of her metal armor. But she was just so happy. After the stress and trauma and fear that seemed to encompass her life the past two months, having the twins back felt like coming home. Tia pulled away from Dyna just enough to reach up and give her hair a playful ruffle.

She’d had sisters once – she couldn’t remember the exact number anymore. Two? Three? There had been six other siblings in total, she knew, all older than her. But her life before the clergy seemed distant and abstract, like facts pulled out of a tome. Ranni and Dyna, though… they were as real as the snow dusting the top of her head.

Tia glanced over her shoulder back towards the springs. Mist billowed from the water at a leisurely pace, the remaining visitors having calmed considerably since the nobleman’s odd departure. It was… probably safe to leave, right? No great catastrophe would befall the springs if Tia wasn’t here? She turned back to look at the twins, too eager to be with them. The springs would be fine, she decided. Orion was good at keeping people calm, and Sya… well, Sya seemed to be coping. Tia still knew nothing about the woman with the fiery hair, but she seemed calm enough, now.

Smiling, Tia took Ranni and Dyna’s hands in her own. She gave a slight tug towards the temple, glancing at it, then back at the twins. She wanted to show them their new home – if they were staying.

Tia hoped they were staying.

The twins each gave Tia a little smile as she seemed to visibly be lighting up over the both of them being here. As she took their hands, the girls looked at each other as if asking an unspoken question. The two followed, and it was Ranni who broke the silence.

”Uhm… S-so, is it okay if I at least stay here, Tia?” She spoke up suddenly, gesturing towards her new growths as if still uneasy about their existence. ”I… I don’t know if I’d be allowed back as I am now…” She said, chewing her lower lip as her tail flicked with a mind of its own behind herself. A clear betrayal of the inner turmoil racing through the girl’s mind. ”I-I don’t know what's… changed.” She added, seemingly uncertain of what to say.

Tia’s smile faltered. Ranni was blightborn now. It was very possible – practically guaranteed, actually – that she shouldn’t have been allowed back. Not based on all the whispers she’d heard over the past several years about blightborn being corrupted and twisted.

Teeth flashed in her mind. Her scarf seemed heavy and too hot, sticky with her own blood.

The Arch Priest would be so… disappointed in her if he knew that she was too weak, too sentimental, to protect the sanctity of Aelios’ light. Anxiety wrapped its way around her heart, as she imagined his tired eyes glance over her, and he gave a quiet sigh.

But Tia didn’t know how to let go of Ranni’s hand.

She bit her lip. Then, releasing Dyna’s hand, she grabbed the end of her own hair – so blonde it was almost white, when it had once been a deep black color. She lifted the hair so it was between the three of them.

“We change.” Her voice was a weak rasp, when it had once been clear and smooth. Another reminder that Tia wasn’t who she’d been before, either. Dropping her hair, she pressed the tips of her fingers to the center of Ranni’s chest. “We remain.”

Maybe it was selfish to not turn Ranni away. Maybe it was an affront to Aelios. But… why bring Ranni and Dyna back to her if they weren’t meant to be together?

She gave Ranni’s hand a gentle squeeze. Another fragile smile.

Ranni took a small step back, eyes wide and visible surprise in her features as Tia showed off her own blonde hair… and the weak rasp of her voice rang in Ranni’s ears. The girl’s tail further flicked with nervous energy whenever Tia stepped in and touched her, but the words hit deeply within the girl’s mind. Looking away slightly, Ranni gave a small nod at the wisdom her mentor shared.

Of course. While she was physically changed, the soul and who she was inside hadn’t changed. The person at her core. The one who had been touched by Aelios’ light. That Ranni was still there, still the same. Just scared of what she’d been through, but still there. The Ranni that had sworn to serve Aelios’ will until her last… which she’d seemingly not yet drawn.

With a small nod, a gentle smile growing on her lips, she squeezed Tia’s hand in return. A little hint of that eager spark from so many years ago returning to her eyes. ”The people we are, at our cores, still remain. Y-you’re right, Tia.” She said softly, turning her attention up towards the temple. ”Then the girl who swore she’d make you, and Aelios, proud still remains. So I still must serve. T-then it’d be okay if I stayed, right?”

She hoped it was okay.

Tia’s smile grew less fragile. Warmer. And for a moment her heart was so full she thought it might overflow, with fresh tears to stain her cheeks. She brought Ranni’s hand up to press a kiss to her knuckles. Then she took up Dyna’s hand again to do the same to hers.

Something dark and nervous twitched in the back of her mind. The Arch Priest would be displeased, he’d be disappointed, he’d cast her away again —

The twins’ hands were warm in hers. They anchored her. She… she would just omit the news of their arrival in the next letter she wrote — oh sun above, the letters. another source of anxiety that twisted Tia’s heart.

But that could all be dealt with. The letters, the Arch Priest, the dreams… Tia didn’t know how, but it could be dealt with… right? She tried to not let her nerves show on her face, looking up at Ranni and Dyna with a smile growing strained.

Releasing them, she stepped between the two sisters and turned to face the temple. She held her hands out to both of them, hoping to move forward with each. When their hands were warm and secure around hers, Tia lead them up to their new home.

A wave of Aelios’ warmth embraced them as the door opened, brushing away the winter chill. Pulling the sisters inside, Tia glanced up to each of them, hoping to catch some sort of joy or comfort on their faces. She froze though when she realized the temple wasn’t empty.

Prince Flynn sat amongst the pews.

Ranni and Dyna each took one of Tia’s offered hands, following her into the temple as a certain weariness seemed to finally wash off the two. The return to something so familiar, reassuring, after their tumultuous experiences of the last few weeks providing a sort of second wind to the two girls.

Then Tia froze in place, and both girls poked their heads around the woman to look further into the temple, trying to figure out the cause.

The reaction of the two girls was nearly instant. With Dyna snapping to attention, remember the more martial training and tradition her sect often borrowed from more standard armed forces. Ranni, meanwhile, visibly jumped and moved to hide behind Tia. Clearly concerned for how the Prince might react to a Blightborn entering the church…

Perhaps their day was not yet done with the tumultuous twists and turns.

Ranni Soleil, Priestess of Aelios

Interacting with: Syraeia Leela (@PrinceAlexus) || Amaya Selu (@c3p-0h) || Tingara Tomae(@c3p-0h)

Fade-To-Black Counter - 0

Dawnhaven - Town Center -> The Hot Springs
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning

As the response from Sya rang in her ears, all else seemed to fade away to the young Priestess. Tia was here? Somehow, despite it coming as a great shock to her; Ranni also felt a complete lack of surprise at the development. Somehow... she'd simply known already that Tia was here. Moreso, that she was in the exact direction that had been indicated for the hotsprings. It was almost as if Ranni had... felt her being in that direction? Such a thing shouldn't have been possible, yet for the second time that day it was happening. First when she'd arrived in town and somehow known that her sister was at the tavern, and now with Tia. A heavy frown grew on her features as the girl tried to wrestle with what any of this meant. So lost was she in her own thoughts, that Ranni seemed to retreat away from the world itself, evening being unaware that they had a new visitor to their group nor that she was directly addressing both Ranni and Dyna.

Was it something to do with becoming a blightborn? She had heard tell that some of them developed... strange abilities. Yet, as far as the Priestess knew those were either just stories or had to do with their physical abilities. She'd heard nothing of the sort that she was experiencing now. Was Aelios reaching out to her, guiding her towards those she knew in her time of need? Maybe. Yet this feeling was... almost cold. Filling her with a sense of numbness she often associated with chillier climates, not like the warmth that would've spread from Aelios' touch. It was... strange. Yet another of the innumerable changes that'd happened to her since that dreadful night, and one of many more Ranni feared she would soon be discovering.

Her gaze flicked towards Dyna, as her sister seemed to be engaging with the newcomer to their group. Finally, Ranni seemed to come out of the shell she'd retreated into. Her gaze flicking about those around as if she were just noticing that they were still standing there. Yet, even as she did, her mind still clung to the fact that it could feel that Tia was in the direction of the temple. In this very town. Ranni chewed her lower lip, looking around the group for a long few moments as she settled for simply listening into the conversation; trying to ignore that inexplicable draw in the back of her mind. She tried to focus back in on the conversation, looking for the first time over the Lunarian woman who'd spoken to them. Ranni had, of course, missed her words and identity entirely. She felt a sort of shock as she looked over the woman, her first thought being impressed by both how beautiful she was and her regal composure... moments before the Priestess rapidly tried to shove those thoughts down in her mind. Not quick enough to avoid unknowingly blasting such feelings out to those around her in her continued telepathic barrage, but enough that she could force herself to think normally.

Well, somewhat normally. Part of her still seemed distracted even as Dyna moved to introduce both of them to the woman opposite. Ranni gave a polite bow and smile towards Amaya, even as her mind kept dragging her towards the temple. To go investigate, and confirm herself that Tia was truly in the town, whether that strange certainty she had carried some truth to it. Ranni was only able to resist it a few seconds longer before looking up towards the beautiful woman who'd joined them and speaking softly. "M-my apologies, b-but I think there is something I must attend to..." She said, cringing at her own excuse before rapidly turning and setting off at a near-run towards the feeling she was certain had to be Tia.

It wasn't terribly long before Ranni found herself approaching a familiar sight; a Temple of Aelios. Nearby, she saw the telltale steam rising from a hotsprings. Ranni paused for a few moments, feeling that similar tug pulling her towards the hotsprings instead of the temple. Why would Tia be there? She thought gently, before turning and quickly making her way into the hotsprings themselves...

Only to find herself staring at the aftermath of a chaotic scene no doubt. The nobleman from earlier; the who'd called her a goat, was in the bath alongside the Innkeeper and another woman she didn't recognize. There was some man, one she didn't recognize either... and Tia herself was there. Trying to help the nobleman out of the water. Ranni's heart pounded in her chest as a resoundingly strong feeling of shock blasted out from her mind, knowing now that somehow she had been able to sense exactly where her former mentor had been. Her tail flicked frantically as she stared in wide-eyed shock, softly speaking with a voice that seemed to carry every ounce of worry she'd felt for her mentor in the time since they'd last seen each other. "T-tia? Y-you're here too?" She asked softly, barely able to grasp at the proper words for the moment...

Dyna Soleil

Interacting with: Elara Moonshadow (@Qia) || Amaya Selu (@c3p-0h)

Dawnhaven - Town Center -> The Hot Springs
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning

Dyna wore an expression of shock at the mention of Ranni's for mentor, both from Ranni and Sya confirming her presence, seemingly out of nowhere. Her brows furrowed lightly as she cast a look over her sister, wondering for a long moment just what had inspired the girl to ask about Tia out of the blue. Dyna had certainly heard nothing to indicate the woman might be here before Ranni spoke up, and was even more certain that Ranni wouldn't have access to any more information to indicate that than Dyna did. Her mind tossed around the question of how this was possible for a long few moments before shaking her head. A problem for another time. Instead, Dyna's gaze was drawn to the newest visitor to their group. She didn't recognize the woman, apart from her clearly being Lunarian, but most certainly recognized the regality of a noble. A thought that put her slightly on edge, after the previous noble's rather... indignant attitude.

Yet, Dyna found herself being pleasantly surprised when the woman spoke. More casual, nothing like the peacock's flaunting of his feathers earlier, and polite. A welcome change, for certain. As she continued to speak, Dyna offered a hint of a smile and nodded in response to the comment about them having not met before. Yet, she hadn't a chance to respond before the woman from before... Elara, was it? Spoke up and addressed the woman as 'Your Highness'. A wave of shock slammed into Dyna as she realized that this wasn't just a noble but rather the Lunarian Princess. Immediately, the girl gave a respectful little bow towards the Princess; not particularly wanting to cause an incident by not showing the proper respect to members of royalty.

In the next moment, Dyna was hit by a sudden wave of emotion that didn't quite feel like her own... but was enough to influence her line of thought. For the briefest of moments, she found herself looking over the Princess and finding agreement with the thought that she was rather attractive. Yet almost as quickly as the wave of emotion had hit her, it also disappeared deep within her mind. Leaving Dyna momentarily confused, and with a slight blush to her cheeks, before she finally replied. "Ah, I don't believe we have, Your Highness. Dyna Soleil, Champion of Aelios. This is my sister, Ranni Soleil, Priestess of Aelios." She explained with another polite bow. "I arrived just before the blizzard hit and spent it in the Beholder there, Priestess Ranni arrived today..." She explained, trailing off her explanation as she lost how to explain things. Albeit, an attentive eye could likely figure out that a girl arriving in town, a blightborn, and just after the blizzard ended had likely been recently turned.

" 'Tis our pleasure to make your acquaintance, certainly with Dawnhaven comi-" Dyna started to say, before being cut off by Ranni offering a weak excuse and running off in the direction of the Temple. As composed as she had been mere moments before, Dyna's expression changed to one of pure shock at her sister's actions as she watched her retreat. She turned back towards the Princess with an awkward and apologetic expression on her features. "A-ah... my apologies Princess. My sister's... been through alot lately. She... likely felt overwhelmed and panicked." Dyna offered as an excuse. Offering a sheepish smile towards the woman. "I don't mean to be rude, your highness, but I should go after her. T-that is if its quite alright with you?" She asked, not even attempting to force a neutral expression and mask the worry she felt over her sister's sudden strange behavior.
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