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i like to rp. that's really all there is to say.

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Location: The Hot Springs

Tia bit her lip, hesitating at the outskirts of the hot springs. Warm, damp air washed over her, chasing away the cold. She watched the man through the steam. He seemed… careful with his movements. Tia had been a healer a long time — she knew the signs to look for when a person carried pain that they didn’t want to reveal. The odd, precise way his back and shoulder muscles shifted as he listed his arms, like one careless motion might aggravate an injury. The tension he seemed to carry despite his obvious relief at the water. He stripped the rest of his clothes and Tia’s cheeks warmed. She kept her eyes trained on the back of his head, his dark hair saturated with water.

Be a professional.

Nakedness at a spring wasn’t alarming to an Aurelian — especially in the Ember Isles, where the bath culture had been even more intrinsic to worship than it seemed to be on the continent. And if that weren’t enough, Tia had seen more than her fair share of naked bodies through her work as a healer. She tried to push any stubborn embarrassment to the side — there were more important things to worry about.

The blood was still stark crimson in the snow. It still painted swirling wisps in the water.

“Sir?” she tried again as she approached. Her feet found the flat stones surrounding the spring where the heat had melted away the snow. Her hand raised. Hesitating, Tia glanced back over her shoulder.

For a moment her surroundings shifted — the snowy landscape of steam and ice became the cave. The silver and gold of the moon and temple lanterns became the soft blues and purples of crystals. But when she looked behind her, a nervous hand stretched out towards something unknown and concerning, her name a warning that whispered in her mind — it wasn’t the guard who stared back at her with hard eyes and a tense jaw. The woman in his place, with her vibrancy and beauty, however, seemed no less wary.

She turned back to the man in front of her, the droplets that trailed down his back stained pink with blood. He was unwell. She saw Ivor and his distress — he’d just… needed a moment. He’d needed someone to reach for him. Worry mixed with compassion as she looked at this stranger, the visitor to the temple grounds that she was meant to steward.

Tia reached out with a gentle hand and touched the damp skin of his shoulder.

Interactions: Nyla Zafira @The Muse, Vellion Hurst @Dark Light

Location: The Jail

Ah. So he was arrested for talking too much.

This one just loved the sound of his own voice, didn’t he? It was almost entertaining. At least, it would’ve been if he weren’t in Elio’s way. He was so very pleased with himself behind those prison bars, so annoyingly smug about… who the fuck even knew. Elio’s eyebrow twitched up at Zeph’s name, but fuck Zeph too, for running around without Elio and making him worry. The punk was probably fine. He was likely squatting in some alley shoving a piece of cake in his mouth as he waited for Volkov to round a corner.

Yeah, Elio wasn’t surprised that he’d dipped out on guard duty if this was the prisoner. Crossing his arms, Elio leaned against the wall as the blond chattered.

Then Gadez — what a stupid fucking name, it didn’t even sound real — seemed to finally wind down enough to let someone else fill the air. A comment about his skin, a smile like he was waiting for applause, and then silence.

Elio let it stretch. Amber eyes met blue. The quiet filled the air, as thick and potent as any words that might’ve been stacked atop each other like so many layers of bricks in a wall.

When he finally spoke, his voice was easy and measured.

“Elio Azkona.”

Then an impressively built woman walked in and started talking shit. Elio… was he frustrated? Annoyed? Eager? It was hard to tell as they all began to feed into each other. He kept his body relaxed as he leaned against the wall, eyes still trained on the smiling man. But he could feel that familiar fight start building in him. Anger or joy, it all felt secondary to the promise of action. Irritation thrummed through his blood at the new guard’s condescension.

“Oh, don’t worry about me,” Elio replied, voice deceptively smooth. “Wouldn’t dream of asking anyone to do any work around here.” Wouldn’t that be a change? “I just put my hammer to stone. Nothing grows in winter — hafta build things instead.

“Now if I were, say, a gardener,” Elio continued, turning an easy smile to the guard, “can you imagine the time I’d have trying to get work done now? Planting doomed seeds in a foot of snow, pouring water on them incessantly like I’m not just drowning them in ice? You have to be careful as a tradesman, I’ve found.” Elio cast an appraising eye over his own work, running a finger over the seam where two stones lay against each other. “Get too sure of your craft, and you’re liable to get cocky. Make sloppy mistakes. Like planting in the dead of fucking winter and only making more work for yourself because you didn’t bother to check and see if the conditions were right to begin with.” He looked at the small grains of dust on his finger, rubbing them with the tip of his thumb. He shrugged a shoulder.

“I am but a humble stonemason,” Elio parroted Gadez’s words back at him, amber eyes narrowing. “What would I possibly know?”

Interactions: Gadez Paladice @Dezuel, Daphne Athenus @PrinceAlexus

Location: The Sun Temple

Tia’s gaze snapped up at the sound of an unfamiliar voice — smooth, melodic, accented, and warm all at once. The most effortlessly perfect woman she’d ever seen was now approaching her, and Tia couldn’t help but feel… exceptionally unimpressive. Gorgeous, graceful, and vibrant, the woman practically glided through the temple. Meanwhile Tia was still in her oversized sleeping robe, with stiff muscles that didn’t quite work and half a cookie in her mouth.

The woman smiled at her like she was letting Tia in on a secret and warmth bloomed on her cheeks. She tried not to stare. Was she staring? That was rude, wasn’t it? Based on this woman’s look and accent, she was Aurelian — from one of the desert clans. They’d been rare in the capital, but no more than Tia herself had been. Tia had always been uncomfortable with the stares she’d received — even more so after her… incident two months ago. But this woman… how could one help but look at her? There was such weightlessness to her steps, how heavy could a stranger’s gaze be?

Tia swallowed down the cookie and tried her best to clear her throat.

“The sun warms all,” Tia rasped softly at the newcomer. She didn’t think her voice had ever sounded more ruined than it did now, immediately after this woman’s lilting tones. But still, she tried to remember that however unprofessional she felt, she still had a job to do here in the temple, especially if everyone else had left for the day.

Then Tia’s eyes widened as she realized her words and glanced at the window. It was dark beyond the temple’s light, snowflakes drifting faintly in the cold. She met the woman’s eyes again. Her cheeks seemed to heat even more somehow. Then Tia just shrugged a shoulder, a self-deprecating smile curling her lips.

The sentiment was close enough.

Almost as an afterthought, Tia held up the small basket of cookies to the woman. She immediately felt childish offering one, but it’d be rude not to, right? Besides, Ranni would’ve been pleased to know if a temple-goer had enjoyed her work.

Then Tia held out her open palm towards the hallway leading towards the springs. Trying very hard not to waddle on her overworked legs, Tia led the perfectly beautiful stranger towards the side door, stopping to grab a towel for her on the way. She opened the door and tried not to shiver at the sudden cold on her skin — at least she was mostly covered, between her oversized robe and scarf. Her pale hair tugged in the breeze, blonde strands fluttering around her face as she looked down to the springs.

It seemed there was already a visitor this morning. He must’ve just arrived — the springs had been empty when Tia had searched for the twins. She glanced down at him, performing the simple, expected task of making sure all was well.

Her eyes widened though, when she saw a color that didn’t belong in the spring water, nor on the half-melted snow surrounding the pool:


Alarmed, Tia looked to the woman and thrust the towel and cookie basket towards her to take. She held up a hand, a quiet request to just… give her a moment. Tia’s dark eyes looked back down to the springs at the bottom of the stairs. Blood diluted in the water and stained the ice, marking a trail where the man’s steps had led him. Was he hurt? Did he need help?

Tia was already reaching for the well of magic in her core as she began the excruciating work of walking down the stairs — without either collapsing or slipping on ice. Aching hands anchored to the railing, Tia moved as quickly as she could towards the spring.

“Sir?” she called out as loud as she dared. It wasn’t loud at all, considering the scarred and shredded state of her throat. Tia pressed her lips together, trying to focus on her ruined muscles.

“Alright?” she tried again when she was at the bottom of the steps. Tia tried to look him over, to see if there was any sign of injury. It was hard to find the source of the blood though, submerged and turned away from her as he was.

Interactions: Nyla Zafira @The Muse, Vellion Hurst @Dark Light

Location: Royal Residence

Amaya’s embarrassment gave way to sharp irritation when she caught the tease in his smile — she tried to hold onto the feeling. It was certainly more familiar than this thrill of warmth in her chest, nerves tickling along her skin at the sound of his voice. She tried to tell herself it was just the winter chill settling into her again. But then Amaya glanced at his shadowed face. The darkness covered them like a blanket, making him seem closer, quieter, warmer. That mischief in his eyes… Amaya felt it pulling her in, a stubborn challenge rising in her. She wanted to wipe it away so it couldn’t make her feel so unsure of herself. She wanted to watch it spark and ignite, and know that she was the one to set him aflame.

Yes, perhaps it was better that she hadn’t woken to him still wrapped around her. Amaya was having a difficult time keeping her thoughts straight as it was.

But then — he said that word again. Partner.

Amaya looked at him fully, her eyes wide as it sank into her again. She felt it again — that overwhelming pull towards him that had led her into his arms last night. It was a blinding sense of being known and trusted, not in spite of who she was, but because of it. He looked at her so evenly. His shoulder bumped into hers, the motion so casual, like the act itself didn’t make her body real, his touch and gaze burning her into existence. As if what he was offering her didn’t matter at all.

A chance. Opportunity. The promise that Amaya could at least try to prove herself before she was written off completely.

Flynn’s tired eyes, the way his weariness weighed down his voice, even as he flicked his gaze over Amaya in a way that made her throat dry and her heart too quick, all made for a potent combination. Why wasn’t he touching her? Why was he so close? She wanted to burrow into him and keep him here, on this couch until all the shadows had been chased away. She wanted to drag him outside and demand he show her how to do all of these mountainous tasks he listed until she knew them as well as she knew the halls of the palace.

Whatever you desire.

“All of it,” she breathed. It was a dangerous thing to say. Even in the darkness, Amaya could see the vivid green of his eyes. He was closer than he’d been just moments ago — or maybe she was.

Her fingers curled into the couch cushion like it could possibly steady her against the tide. The floor didn’t seem quite so cold against her feet. Amaya didn’t know how to move from this moment — either towards him, or away. The longer it stretched, the tighter her skin felt, and the heavier the air grew with that latent ozone she remembered from the night before.

“That man,” she forced herself to say. Amaya swallowed, and tried to steady her voice. “The prisoner. He was there, at the feast. He… it was because of him that I realized I’d fallen for psychic magic.” Amaya remembered his pale eyes, his odd musical voice. She could feel his touch trailing along her arm as she resurfaced and saw her attacker for who he was, after he’d disguised himself using her own memories.

The events of the day were bitter and painful in her mind. They flashed like a blade in the moonlight, spraying a crimson too sickeningly vivid. There were too many mistakes to count — too many failures.

Too many victims.

“If time allows,” Amaya began. Her eyes dropped from Flynn’s to stare at the collar of his rumpled shirt. The words trapped themselves in her throat. “I should…” Her lips pressed together. Her pulse picked up as she played the words in her mind, tried to steel herself to make her request.

“A knight died yesterday. For me.” A man whose quiet presence she’d known for most of her life. There’d been another guard with her — Amaya didn’t even know if he’d survived. She didn’t know his name.

“I should pay my respects, to him and… anyone else injured.”

Interactions: Flynn Astaros @The Muse

Location: The Jail

Elio could fight (and/)or fuck his way through just about any mood that struck him. Case in point: he wasn’t even pissed about Aliseth and his concerning batshit behavior anymore. He’d worked his frustrations out on some other dark haired, slate eyed man with a strong grip (and a particularly deft tongue) last night, and now Elio considered himself moved on. He no longer gave a shit about Seth’s new dead-eyed stare, or the chilling smile as he’d implied Zeph was dead knowing full well that he wasn’t. If he wanted to be a traumatized freak with a serviceable right hook, that was no longer Elio’s problem.

So fuck Aliseth.

Yes, Elio could move past anything — except if it got in the way of his work.

The ice and snow crunched under his boots, each step a warning. Heat flickered in his eyes like the torchlights cutting the night air. When the jail came into view — impeccable work, if it weren’t half finished — his gaze darkened. He’d heard about the new resident this morning. Elio wouldn’t have cared about some troublemaker getting thrown in jail (he’d been the troublemaker in question often enough) but the building wasn’t completed yet — his work wasn’t done. And if the work wasn’t done, Elio couldn’t stand by the quality, and for a craftsman of his caliber that was unacceptable. His father would’ve —

Fuck his father.

Elio barely glanced at the prim little lady scurrying out of the building, her face pinched and her clothes far too fine. Of course, he couldn’t help but file the information away — too sweet and proper for a jail, young enough to be naïve, displeased and distraught as she fled — but it was secondary to his true purpose to being here.

Ignoring the alarmed shouts of the guard, Elio forced his way into his building.

“What was it?” he asked, his voice low and measured as he stalked through the door. His gaze found the prisoner — he was singing, the little prick. Small, deceptively wiry, annoyingly golden hair and ghostly blue eyes. A stupid smile on his face. “Steal a loaf of bread? Kill your brother? Coerce some ingenue into questionable choices?”

Elio couldn’t help but dart his eyes around the building, a critical gaze cataloguing all the work there was left to do. The ceiling unfinished. Supports not yet reinforced. The runes drawn unevenly against his stone. He scowled, resenting the way such imprecise work still managed to hollow out his magic. His workers would have to complete this job around the prisoner, without the use of magic. It would only make for slower, sloppier work.

“Some blighter managed to attack the Princess and get away with it, and she’s got more eyes on her than fleas on a stray. Fuck, so does the little Princeling, and even he got away with his fun.” Eyes narrowing, he focused again on the prisoner. “So what crime was so essential that you couldn’t wait a fuckin’ week to do it, and how were you so incompetent that you couldn’t even dodge this town’s shit excuse for security?”

Interactions: Anora Raunfeldt, Gadez Paladice @Dezuel

Location: Royal Residence

Warmth, wrapping around her and weighing her down.

The slow, gentle shifting of her body.

Sea green and summer gold.

A low voice as something settled over her, a glancing touch at her cheek.

Amaya’s eyes drifted shut again, annoyance sparking. She wanted to find the sleep she’d just lost, that gentle, shadowed embrace. But everything felt… lacking, somehow. The cocoon around her didn’t fit the way it was supposed to, the weight too light, the heat too bare. A tired hum escaped her as she took in a long breath and curled tighter into herself. Whatever had roused her, surely it wasn’t that important. It could wait. Amaya could stay, where it was peaceful and warm, and –

Her eyes snapped open.

Amaya was warm. Upon waking.

Sudden awareness came to her. And when Amaya’s tired eyes focused enough in the darkness to take in her surroundings, all she could see was Flynn.

Memories of yesterday’s events crashed through her like an avalanche. The feast. The attack. The murder. Flynn. Elara. Ranni. Flynn. Flynn. Flynn.

He was looking down at her with gentleness that still felt piercing, somehow.

Later, Amaya would blame the sleep. The disorientation. The chaos from the previous day, and all the ways in which her world had fallen apart and reformed. Surely, one of those must’ve been the reason why Amaya looked up at Flynn and couldn’t keep herself from blushing.

“Good morning,” she answered softly, for lack of anything better to say. Sleep made her voice rough and unsteady.

Her words were invisible in the air. There was no puff of white, no evidence of her untamed magic capturing the room with a frigid chill. Beneath the blanket, Amaya’s fingers curled experimentally. No aching numbness. She hesitated. Then Amaya forced herself to move, cautious like she didn’t quite trust that her limbs weren’t frozen and sluggish, and that each pull of her muscles wouldn’t be a painful struggle. When her eyes finally pulled away from Flynn’s to look at the walls and ceiling, there were no fresh icicles glinting dangerously in the sparse light. She could feel her magic, vast and fathomless again beneath her skin. But it was calm.

Amaya found Flynn again, stunned – both at her own carelessness for letting herself sleep in his arms when she’d woken to ice coating her room more often than not the past few months, and that… this morning, she hadn’t.

She was on the couch. She’d slept on the couch. With him. Distantly, she registered the state of herself — the messy tangle of her curls, puffy eyes, her nightgown. It wasn’t important. It felt incredibly important.

Flynn sat on the edge of the couch, just as rumpled, somehow both too close and achingly far. He wasn’t touching her. Was it better that she’d woken with distance between them again? She could still feel him wrapped around her, the phantom sensation of his hold, anchoring her to him.

They’d been tangled together in more ways than one. Whatever spell had taken hold of her last night, its touch lingered faintly on her skin. Something tender, buried deep in her heart, tried to reach towards him. His weariness that made her want to coax him to rest, his bold assurances and whispered comforts as she’d come undone… they made an overwhelming portrait when she painted them with her fears and failures. Amaya didn’t recognize the version of herself in her memories. Soft and dangerously unguarded as Flynn held her, his voice rumbling against her ear as he pulled truths and tears from her, his breath in her lungs as –

Amaya was, perhaps for the first time in her life, too warm.

Mouth dry, heart hammering, she pulled her eyes away from him to look at anything else. The hearth. The blackened ash and what remained of the wood. And there, a soft glow hidden amongst the ruins that had managed to hold on throughout the night, stubborn despite the chill.

She wanted to know where her careful walls were. Wasn’t she supposed to be more composed than this? What had Seluna given her all that trauma for if she couldn’t even use it now to keep herself from falling to pieces first thing in the morning?

Amaya found herself entirely too aware of the distance between them. She didn’t know how to cross it. Was she meant to? Did Flynn expect her to?

…Did she want to?

She chanced a look back at him. Amaya remembered his eyes, dark and hungry.

“I should dress for the day.”

The words were too quick out of her mouth as she pulled her legs in (very deftly avoiding any contact with him) to find the floor. Amaya flinched at the chill shooting through her bare foot — the floor was no colder than it ever was in winter, but now it was too harsh against the new heat of her skin.

Interactions: Flynn Astaros @The Muse

Location: The Sun Temple

Tia’s List of Priorities and Tasks
In no particular order

  • Serve Dawnhaven as High Priestess of Aelios
    • Tend to eternal flame
    • Keep temple and hot springs clean and well maintained
    • Provide counsel and healing to residents as needed
    • Perform religious rites and blessings as needed
    • Clean bloody robes Discard ruined robes
  • Take care of Ranni and Dyna
    • Find out what happened between Ranni and the Prince and Princess
    • Apologize for disappearing
      • But don’t tell them where I went or what I was doing, too dangerous and possibly punishable
      • Don’t lie
  • Check on Gadez
    • Double check spear for fish guts
      • Triple check sacred dagger of Aelios for fish guts
    • Don’t tell Dyna
      • Sneak? Bad at sneaking
      • Tell Dyna
  • Stop getting Céline sick with my anxiety
    • Encourage to move out Support transition to independent living if she brings it up
    • Suggest regular group meditation
    • Stop having anxiety
  • Report to Queen
    • Don’t tell Prince
  • Discern if visions are real
    • Remember Arch Priest’s training
      • Meditate and pray for wisdom
      • Possibly just bad anxiety dreams?
        • Evil?? From unverified and possibly risky source?
    • Don’t tell anyone until sure
      • Tell Prince
        • Too dangerous to tell Prince
        • Prince said tell Prince
          • Prince said don’t tell Arch Priest??
          • Stop making Prince mad
        • Tell Prince about visions upon verification that they are safe/worth pursuing
          • Verify without telling anyone
            • Don’t lie, bad at lying
    • Two visions confirmed Three visions confirmed Three dreams corresponded roughly to discoveries/events of unverified consequence
      • Sun disappears
      • Blood compass?
      • Cave with evil gem?? gem of unknown origin and power that gave scary vision
        • Give gem to… someone?
          • Eris
            • How to give her gem and let her know that it’s evil and needs to be researched very carefully and might be dangerous and what it did without explaining how I got it and where I found it?
              • Anonymous mail
              • Ask Ivor to discretely te
          • Prince
            • Stop making Prince mad, he will be very mad
    • One dream as of yet unexplored
      • Hand on fire?
        • Very scary, don’t want to
  • Properly thank Ivor and Guard for assistance and apologize for cold treatment at temple
    • Learn Guard’s name
  • Find hairpins

Tia rubbed a bleary eye as she looked down at the scrawled pages on the floor of her room.

Everything hurt.

She felt like Ivor had turned into a bear and walked on her. Her legs throbbed and shook with pain whenever she tried to pull on her overworked muscles. Her shoulders were tense and sore from the phantom weight of the bag she’d taken on their journey. Her hand cramped so badly she didn’t think she could make a proper fist. And all of this was wrapped in a stiff, aching chill from having slept on the hardwood floor of her room with a fire that had long since died in the night.

“Ow,” she squeaked out as she tried to stretch her limbs.

Tia looked at the mess surrounding her. Paper strewn about, a pencil worn short, and that small, glinting gemstone that may or may not have been evil – something about the look of it all felt… poetic almost. Metaphoric, in a way that made Tia want to throw herself on her bed and indulge in some good old self pity.

Tia leaned her head back against the side of her bed and sighed.

Her return to the temple last night… could’ve been worse, all things considered. After the mortification of needing to be carried back, she’d been greeted by a thunderous (but terrifyingly silent) Dyna and a sleepy Ranni, curled on one of the church pews with puffy eyes and her trusty stuffed gecko. Guilt had lanced through her when faced with the reality of her choice to lead an unsanctioned expedition – she didn’t have just herself to worry about anymore. She’d left her sisters so soon after being reunited, failing to think through the consequences. Their worry, Tia’s abandonment of them to face Dawnhaven alone when they’d just arrived… and there was some issue with the Prince and Princess that Ranni had faced in her stead? And what was this about all the alarms Tia remembered when they’d left town?

But they’d all been too exhausted last night to do much more than give each other tight embraces, with the unspoken promise that there’d be words about all this in the morning. Dyna had ushered the two Priestesses to bed (and a very thorough cleaning for Tia and the two weapons she’d commandeered) like the world’s most muscular mother hen. Tia remembered the look of murder she’d shot at her two escorts – they hadn’t deserved that. Ivor and… the guard she still didn’t know the name of… had only been acting at her request, and had been exceedingly conscientious of her safety. They’d nearly died because of her. And Tia had been so cowed by Dyna’s displeasure that she’d hurried into the temple with barely a backward glance at them.

Tia squeezed her eyes shut as she remembered her own discourtesy. Both of the men deserved better than that. Ivor was so accommodating and infectiously joyful, and the guard…

A cocky smirk appeared in her mind, his hazel eyes glinting as he called her Firefly.

Heat bloomed across Tia’s face.

She shook her head – only to freeze and wince at the pain that shot through her stiff neck.

Tia hadn’t gone to sleep once she’d returned to her room. She’d instead retrieved the papers from her drawer, both clean and marked. Descriptions of her dreams, the Arch Priest’s censuring letter, and the newly written recordings of the vision she’d had when she’d touched the gem, lay haphazardly around her. She’d written out the gem’s vision over and over again, trying to find every detail she could recall, until she’d written a final version that was as thorough as she could possibly make it. She’d even tried to draw what she’d remembered of the odd rune carvings, though they were little more than vague squiggles. Perhaps if Eris had a book of runes, she could identify them?

But that would mean asking Eris for a book of runes.

Which might be suspicious.

And she would tell the Prince.

Who would be mad.

Tia reached over and hesitated before picking up the small gem. She’d tested it again last night, half afraid that she’d have another terrifying vision. But it was cool and quiet against her skin, the cut edges pressing into the pads of her fingers. She held it up and watched as the pale moonlight glinted over its surface. Pressing her lips together, Tia slipped it into the pocket of her oversized sleeping robe.

She didn’t know what to do – but nothing at all would be done if Tia didn’t start moving. Bracing herself, Tia started the slow, painful process of forcing herself to her feet. Her stomach stretched as she straightened up, pulling painfully against itself, and Tia swayed. She hadn’t eaten anything when she’d returned, after she’d hiked in the snow for over an hour, gone cave diving, exhausted herself of magic, and hiked in the snow again, on some soup and a single slice of raw fish. No wonder Ivor had needed to carry her. But Tia hadn’t felt her hunger when she’d made it back to safety. She’d been too exhausted and consumed with the need to organize her thoughts and memories into something useful.

The chaotic mess of papers seemed neither organized nor useful. And she certainly felt her hunger now.

Tia was very proud of herself when her legs didn’t buckle as she took a wobbling step. She hiked up her robes (one hand little more than a loose hook of her fingers) to keep its heavy edge from dragging across the papers and disturbing them. She’d clean it all up… later.

She didn’t notice a page camouflaged amongst her own, filled with a familiar, bubbly scrawl.

Navigating through her room proved difficult as she tried to step around each page, to the islands of hardwood that remained. She couldn’t bring herself to step directly over any piece of paper, a cultural habit from her childhood that she’d never been able to break. Picking a winding path through her room, Tia eventually made it to the door. Her hand – the one that didn’t feel like it was about to lose all its fingers – rested on the knob.

Taking in a deep breath, Tia leaned her forehead against the door. Emerging it would mean facing her sisters. They deserved answers – but how much could Tia give them? What could she say that wouldn’t put them at risk? She tried not to think of all the ways she’d failed them yesterday, of Ranni’s puffy eyes and Dyna’s anger masking her worry. They were her responsibility. She needed to do better by them, especially after they’d all been given the miraculous opportunity to be together again.

She forced another breath. Nerves and dread filled her as she thought of all the answers she couldn’t give – but she knew she’d have to face it all eventually. Tia gave herself a long moment to just… breathe. Listen to the quiet. Prepare herself. Then she opened her door –

To find a small basket with a note on the floor of the hallway in front of her.

Tia blinked down at it.

For Dyna and Tia <3

She gave a little smile at the note in her hand, eyes softening. It seemed Ranni had been up for a bit. Opening the basket, she found a small stack of chocolate chip cookies. Sure enough, Tia could smell the scent of baking in the air. Concern filled her though as she looked down at them. Ranni must’ve been troubled – on a mission to make nice with as many people as she could find. Her dear, sweet sister, always trying to please everyone, lest they think her a burden. The irony was lost on her. Tia took a bite of a cookie.

Walking with careful, unsteady steps, Tia made her way into the temple, half expecting Dyna to be waiting for her, ready to demand answers. But it was empty. The kitchen was clean and spotless, filled with the scent of cookie dough – also empty. The hot springs were empty. When Tia knocked on the door of the twins’ room, she received no answer. She opened it slowly, peaking her head in to find it just as empty as everywhere else. Her eyebrows drew together.

Wandering back to the main chamber, Tia wondered where her sisters could’ve gone. Had they been called away somewhere? Had Tia just slept in that long? The cookies left behind meant that Ranni had clearly ventured off into town… perhaps Dyna had gone to escort her? Not knowing what else to do, Tia took another bite of her half-eaten sweet. She’d been so anxious to have a Talk with her sisters, it was almost… disappointing that she’d been spared from it for the moment.

Tia stood in the middle of the temple, filled with the very disconcerting and unfamiliar sense that she’d gotten away with something.


Collab between @The Muse and @c3p-0h
Previous Day

Sometime around 1am | Location: The Royal Home

Part IV

Amaya’s regret was sharp and immediate as she watched the hurt reverberate through him.

Her words struck him like a blade, and Flynn’s face tightened, a faint grimace passing over his expression before he glanced away. His entire body tensed around her, and the fire that had burned so fiercely in him just moments before seemed to flicker, nearly snuffed out. Like running full speed into a brick wall, she had forced him to face reality.

The church. The prophecy. Their impending death. The way his heart ached for her, and how impossibly vast the distance between them could still feel despite how close she was now. He’d seen her layers peeled back one by one over the past couple months. He’d memorized her patterns and habits, watched her move like a ghost around him, always trying to slip away. He’d been carefully observant, intrigued, and took in whatever she allowed when he'd made an effort to know her.

But this fire he felt—how could she possibly feel even a fraction of it? She’d shut him out at every turn until she had no choice but to let him closer. Yet, even now, she tried to create a boundary. She didn't feel what he felt. She couldn't have, and the ache in his chest grew sharper.

With a growing sense of clarity, he realized that the feelings he couldn’t name had been shaped by what she perceived to be her duty.

His fingers curled along her face, tempted to pull away entirely. But then he looked at her again, feeling the way she leaned into him. Her words didn't match her body language. She'd wrapped herself around him, softened against him, even made the initial move. He could still hear her breathless under his touch, that intoxicating sound he had the power to command from her. It didn't feel like obligation, duty or pity that had driven her. It felt real.

Then again, Nyla had felt real too—bright and fleeting, burning hot and burning out. Had it really been so easy for him to forget her and the way she reciprocated his passion equally? His heart cracked at the thought. Was he just desperate for something—someone—to hold onto?

Reality had sobered him in an instant. The crack in his heart widened, but still he couldn’t bring himself to let Amaya go. She felt like glass in his hands—fragile, delicate, and so beautifully breakable. He could shatter her if he wasn’t careful, and she’d leave him bloody for it in return.

He finally exhaled, a quiet, defeated sound. “I suppose so,” he murmured, the heat in his voice gone, replaced with a flat, hollow tone. It made Amaya want to shrink into herself, into him, and pull the poison of her words out of the air.

He eased back into the couch, creating a small distance between their bodies, his hand slipping from her face to rest on her hips again—holding on just enough to keep her there but not enough to feel like a demand. Her hands didn’t follow him. They were empty with the space he used to fill, before she pulled them back towards her own body. His eyes were somber, reflecting a quiet sadness as he resigned himself to the idea that maybe this was as close as she’d ever let him get.

“Is that why you're here?” he asked, refusing to retreat back to walking on eggshells. His gaze dipped to where she was settled in his lap before lifting to meet her piercing blue eyes, bracing himself for whatever distance she might try to wedge between them.

Some part of Amaya, larger than she wanted to admit, felt betrayed that he’d proven her right. For all his passion and assurances, a single sentence had undone him. His question hurt – but it was a fair one, wasn’t it? Why had she said what she’d said, if not to make him pull away? Shame and guilt smothered her as the ache in her chest grew.

Amaya looked in his eyes and it was like seeing her own heart break. The parts of her that he no longer touched grew cold. It was painfully familiar.

In her desperation to know when and how this would all be ruined, she’d done it herself.

Her gaze dropped. The silence grew like the distance between them, punctuated by the crackling fire as it filled the air with smoke. Finally she managed a shake of her head, so small it was nearly imperceptible. It didn’t feel like enough.

“I –” Amaya cut herself off, the words stuck in her throat. She didn’t know how to lie to him anymore, and anything she could possibly say felt wrong. It was inadequate, or an excuse, or an explanation that was too raw to give. She watched the slow rise and fall of his chest. She couldn’t look up at him and bear witness to the hurt she’d planted, the distance she’d created.

“You didn’t deserve that.” It was weak and thin, like tissue paper held against the light of the moon. But it was the truest thing she could’ve said, even amongst all the thoughts she didn’t know how to voice. No matter how scared she was, Flynn had never once deserved her cruelty. “I’m sorry.”

His jaw clenched. He didn’t know what to say. The ache in his chest hadn’t faded, but seeing her fold under the weight of guilt felt worse than anything she could’ve said. Silently, he cursed himself for asking the question at all, for letting his pain spill out.

Amaya was so very tired. Every new hurt she’d gained today seemed to weigh her down all at once. She’d almost forgotten them earlier, when she’d been nearly asleep in his arms. The pain in her chest solidified. There was a burning weight behind her eyes. And she was still sitting on Flynn’s lap, like she belonged in his space.

She tried to swallow her emotions – at least long enough to remove herself and give him privacy. Careful not to touch him, Amaya pressed her hands into the couch and began to move away from him.

He acted without thinking, his hand darting out to catch her wrist before she could get a leg out from under her. The motion was quick, firm enough to stop her retreat but gentle in its hold.

“Amaya,” he breathed her name like a plea, begging her not to move any further from him. His heart pounded fast against his ribs, his fingers wrapped gently around her wrist, careful despite the desperation in his touch. He realized too late that he hadn’t thought through what to do next. He just knew he couldn’t let her go—not like this. The thought of trying to sleep with this hanging between them felt unbearable. Not when his own barriers had been stripped away, too, leaving him raw and exposed.

He couldn't rebuild them against her anymore—couldn’t even begin to try. Not when he found himself still craving her, even if she only stayed for the sake of duty. It would kill him, slowly and surely, but there were worse deaths than being beside her. He’d take it, even if every encounter left him bleeding.

“Please stay,” he whispered, the words weighted with more than just the physical act of keeping her there.

Stay when things got hard. Stay when it was messy and painful. Stay with him, in the moment, without closing herself off. Open herself to him. Let him in. Let him learn all the darkest parts of her. Give him the chance to stay before she made that choice for him by locking him out.

She finally looked at him again and ice met the sea. Glistening and breakable, turbulent and relentless.

His hand loosened around her wrist, giving her the freedom to move if she wanted, but his eyes never left hers.

Amaya saw her own ache reflected. Her emotions swelled, threatening to drown her.

Slowly, carefully, like she was mindful of all the ways they might break each other, Amaya looked down and gently pulled his hand from her wrist. She cradled its warmth in her lap, tracing her fingers lightly along the parts of him she’d seen but didn’t know. His skin, golden in the firelight. The calluses lining his fingers and palm. Faint scars and freckles that spoke of a full life under Aurelia’s sun.

Flynn’s skin tingled where her fingertips drew patterns, warmth spreading through him like wildfire. He let her do as she pleased, hand relaxed in her grasp as he watched her—helplessly captivated.

“I grieve the loss of things before they’re gone.” The admission stung like frost, reminding her of silent halls and a vicious crown — of blood splattered across pristine snow. But she didn’t know what else to offer him. “And this,” Amaya whispered, drifting her thumb along his knuckles. She looked back up at him, trying to be brave enough to meet his eyes. “This will hurt. Her voice broke, choked by fear and grief as a heavy tear slipped down her cheek.

He looked up at the sound of her voice, just in time to see the tear stream down her cheek. His chest clenched, a painful, powerless feeling wrapping tightly around his heart.

She wasn’t wrong—it would hurt, especially if they couldn’t find a cure before the clergy decided that their time was up. It hurt even before he’d found himself wrapped around her finger, and now it felt like there was even more at stake—more to lose if he let himself fail. But for him, the hurt felt worth it. Whatever time they had left, he'd take every moment she offered.

Straightening, he leaned in and lifted his free hand to her face. His thumb swept over her cheek, catching the tear, and he kissed the trail it left behind—slow and unhurried. Pulling back just enough to meet her eyes, his fingers lingered along her jawline, tracing the delicate angles of her face.

“Then let it,” he whispered, silently asking her to take his hand and leap off the cliff of uncertainty with him. Take the risk. They'd already lost so much. What else could they possibly have to lose, except each other?

His heart pounded rapidly against his ribs, vulnerable and bracing for more of that painful rejection he wasn't used to. But still, Flynn refused to retreat.

Whatever the church’s aims—whatever cruel plan had brought them here—he couldn’t bring himself to entirely hate it anymore. Not when it had led him to her. He’d never known someone quite like her—someone who could make him feel so raw and exposed while still leaving him wanting more. So he’d let it hurt. They could hurt together.

For a moment, he thought, perhaps the Goddesses had truly fated them together after all.

“Stay.” It wasn’t quite a demand, but it slipped out before he could think better of it. Then he kissed her, pouring all his longing into that gentle touch. He pulled back just a fraction, his breath brushing her lips as he whispered, “Let me stay.”

Let him mend her when it hurt. Let him kiss every broken piece of her. Let him hold and protect her. Let him love her.

Eyes shut, Amaya’s dark world was only the sound of his plea, warm and low like the crackle of the fire. It was only the breath he gave her, the gentle way he cupped her face in his hand.

His hand… filled with a heat that he wielded as second nature. He held it so lightly against her, little more than a touch when before it’d been firm and sure. It was like he’d finally realized he might burn her – or perhaps that she might leave him numb and bloodless. But still, he held her. Amaya found herself tilting her head again, leaning into it.

Her eyebrows pulled together, face tensing as she tried to fight back another wave of emotion. A shuddering breath escaped.

Flynn asked too much of her. So much of her life had been about weathering one pain after another. Hadn’t that been enough? Wasn’t it cruelty to ask her to choose to bear one that could very well shatter her?

Amaya turned her face into his touch, feeling the roughness of his calluses scratch against the delicate skin of her cheek. Her lips were still and soft against his palm. When she opened her eyes and let light back into her world, it remained as it was – small, fragile, and composed solely of Flynn.

He was beautiful in a way that stopped her heart. Or maybe he was just that moment between one beat and the next, the brief, quiet terror as she waited to see which would be her last. One day, that stillness would be all that was left.

Slowly, she nodded. The sharp edges of his hand caught on the curve of her lips.

Relief flooded through him, the tension in his shoulders finally easing. But Flynn watched her carefully, as he always did, looking for the words she couldn’t or wouldn’t say. There was more she wanted to say—he could feel it in the way she hesitated, how she shuddered against him, how her expression tightened. This was a small victory, but it felt bittersweet.

Amaya leaned into his body, more cautiously than she’d done before. He knew she must have heard the way his heart pounded—steady but quick, almost frantic—but he didn’t care. His arms wrapped around her and Amaya let herself be thankful for it. In the absence of his warmth, a chill had seeped through the meager layer of her nightgown and deep below her skin. The fireplace simply couldn’t compare to his embrace.

Sighing, she closed her eyes again and let him adjust the way they fit together. When he settled she pressed a kiss to the tender spot between his collarbone and neck. He closed his eyes, nerves alight and sparking in ways he couldn’t quite control. His hold on her tightened. All the better, she told herself, to chase away the cold. Nestling into him, she pressed herself closer in return.

Amaya stayed, and tried not to count all the reasons to pull away.

Collab between @The Muse and @c3p-0h
Previous Day

Sometime around 1am | Location: The Royal Home

Part II

Flynn’s breath was unsteady, his pulse thrumming in his ears as he looked up at Amaya, bathed in firelight, eyes sharp as ice and warm as embers all at once. One hand rested on her hip, his body angled into the couch, drawn into her intensity. He leaned into her touch, savoring this new sensation—being held by her, pursued by her. A hunger stirred deep in his chest. He wanted more. Needed more.

He didn’t want to talk about the High Priestess. He didn’t want to talk at all. The only thing he could think about was her—her lips pressed against his, the way she had pushed past hesitation and thrown herself into him. He wanted to pull her closer, to feel the warmth of her against him, to lose himself in this fire she had set.

With slow, gentle care, his free hand curled around her right hand, gently peeling it away from his face. He planted a kiss on her palm, then her wrist, his lips trailing slow, deliberate touches along her forearm as he considered his next words. Her voice had left no room for argument, yet he found himself delaying, as if each kiss was an unspoken plea to stay in this moment with him just a little longer.

But she had told him to speak, not asked. Demanded it.

And in this moment, he was certain he’d do just about anything she commanded.

His grip on her waist shifted lower, fingers pressing into the curve of her body. And then, in one smooth motion, as if she weighed nothing at all, he pulled her into his lap, settling her against him. A surprised sound escaped her, briefly dissolving into an airy laugh. Her arm, the one he had been kissing, now rested over his shoulder, and his hands found their place at her hips.

He looked up at her, his eyes dark beneath her shadow. "Can you keep a secret?" His voice was low, a whisper in her ear, barely rising over the crackle of the fire. Something flickered in her eyes as she tried to hide a shiver. She arched a dark eyebrow.

He was aware, distantly, that her guard was somewhere in the house, likely within earshot if they were careless. He didn’t want to keep things from her, but certain things would have to stay between them and only them. Though, right now, all he wanted was for nothing to be between them at all.

“From everyone but you, it seems,” she muttered, matching his volume. But her hand was soft as it drifted down from his cheek to the side of his neck. The accusation didn’t stick.

Flynn smirked, unable to hide his satisfaction at her answer. He held her gaze, letting the moment stretch as he tried to ground himself back down to reality—tried to focus on anything but the way she fit against him.

He was broad and solid beneath her, his hands burning through the fabric of her dress. Amaya was… not nervous, per se. But aware. The intensity of his eyes, the fullness of his lips, the rough edge to his voice. Her weight on top of him, her many layers shed, the few that still remained between them. She catalogued all of it, her attention pulled in countless directions, all of them leading back to Flynn.

His mind drifted to Tia—the way he’d cornered her with questions, demanded answers she had been reluctant to give. No wonder she had vanished when he’d needed her. His smirk faded, the amusement in his eyes slowly dimming.

“The High Priestess saw it in a dream.” His gaze flickered away, jaw tensing briefly before adding, “She’s a seer… I think.” He shook his head slightly, uncertainty evident. “She doesn’t seem to trust her dreams as visions.” He met her eyes once more. “But she saw the path to Lady Hightower’s discovery.”

Amaya was still as she tried to process this new information, emotions flickering across her face.

A seer.

It was an exceedingly rare gift. Valuable. Powerful, both magically and politically. Aurelian Priests and their dreams had gotten them to this mess in the first place. And they’d sent one to Dawnhaven? Why had she tried to hide behind clues and the Sage instead of ingratiating herself with Flynn?

That she didn’t trust her own visions was another point of confusion — Amaya had never known a member of the clergy to admit they were uncertain of anything. They posed themselves as a font of guidance and answers. Doubt was poison in a church.

Then again, the Sun faith seemed vastly different from what she was used to. Ranni flashed in her mind, nervous and trembling and blight-born. She would’ve been stripped of her station before the first meek apology escaped her in Lunaris.

Amaya’s eyes drifted, her thoughts racing. Questions clamored for the open air.

“What do you make of her?” she asked, refocusing on Flynn. He’d met her. He knew his clergy better. Amaya didn’t have all the pieces yet.

Flynn’s fingers toyed absentmindedly with the thin fabric of her gown, feeling its softness between his thumb and index finger. His mouth tightened as he gave a small shake of his head. Finally, he admitted aloud, “The Arch Priest can’t be trusted… I don’t trust him.” The weight of saying it felt oddly freeing, but it was followed by a sigh as his gaze traced the curve of her shoulder. “I don’t know if she can be trusted yet, either.”

He pulled his eyes back to hers before they could wander any further. “She shows more kindness than I’ve seen in the Citadel, but I… I don’t know yet. We’ll need to keep a close eye on her.”

He considered pulling her in closer, letting the conversation end there and dissolve into something else entirely. But there was still more. Always more. He shifted slightly beneath her, settling more comfortably against the back of the couch before speaking again.

“Regardless, Lady Hightower’s discovery needs to be taken to the blight and tested.” His hands instinctively tightened on her hips, a subtle, unconscious protest against the very thing he had laid out in his mind earlier that day. He had planned to lead the voyage himself, but that idea felt like it had formed a lifetime ago. Before she had been attacked. Before the world had irreversibly shifted beneath his feet.

“We’d need to send her and a few of the Sages out there to do it. With protection. A small force, nothing that will draw too much attention, but enough to keep them safe.” His focus remained on her face, watching for any shift in expression. “I can ask Orion to lead the expedition in my stead.”

Reaching up, he tucked a loose strand of dark hair behind her ear. “What do you think?”

Amaya’s free hand, the one still hanging over his shoulder and out of sight, curled into a loose fist as she caught his words.

“You intended to lead it.” And he didn’t anymore. Amaya’s voice was carefully neutral, her expression quiet.

Flynn nodded, his hand finding its way back to her hip as he lost himself in the steady way she looked at him. “I’ve rethought it.” he said, quietly. “My time is better spent here.”

Words formed on the tip of her tongue, her eyebrows drawing together slightly. He’d changed his plans because of her. He shouldn’t have needed to. But beneath her displeasure and tired shame, Amaya couldn’t help but feel grateful. Warm, despite the chill.

So she didn’t push.

Amaya sighed, her expression melting into something thoughtful as she watched him. Then she leaned into his chest. His arms instinctively wrapped around her as she nestled into him. Her head rested along the slope of his shoulder as her arms curved loosely around the back of his neck. She lay there, feeling his breath rise and fall like the tide.

“Then he seems the logical choice. If this discovery stems from the church and they’re not trustworthy, then there’s no telling what it leads to.” She was silently relieved he wouldn’t go — even without the blight poisoning the land and all the political and divine intrigue, the wilderness had never been easy to survive. “You’ll want people familiar with the Lunarian wilds, too. More have died from the cold than the blight.”

Flynn rested his head against hers, his eyes trailing the length of her back as he listened. She was right. “Do you have anyone particular in mind?” he asked, his gaze flicking to a nearby window. Large snowflakes were gathering against the glass, a sight that might have sent a shiver down his back, had he not been comfortably warm beneath her. But he dreaded the thought of sending men and women out into the cold—the ill-equipped Aurelians especially.

“I plan to talk to both Commanders tomorrow, if you’d like to join me,” he continued, his voice still quiet. “I need to make it clear that they have to work together while they’re here in Dawnhaven. We can ask Commander Volkov for specific people to volunteer, too. He should know who is best to handle the terrain.”

Amaya tried to remind herself that this wasn’t a trap. He wasn’t giving her a test she was meant to fail. He asked for her opinion, invited her to discussions, because he thought she might contribute — even if Amaya didn’t know how. She bent her arms a little tighter around him.

“All the guards I know are from the palace.” It was a whisper — too soft and vulnerable for the innocuous words. But throughout her life, guards had meant her father. Kind, or competent, or intelligent… whatever their merits, they had been above all, obedient to the crown. Sir Abel flashed in her mind again, as she’d known him — cold and distant, at the periphery of some of her worst memories.

“You spoke to a blight-born, once,” she said, hiding behind the change in topic. “He was from one of the wild tribes. No one knows the forests better than them.” And they were independent, disconnected from the palace’s influence. Amaya remembered his booming voice, the way his laugh had pierced through the walls. “And he has less to fear from the blight.”

"Ivor," he said, recognizing the blight-born she was talking about. "Good idea." Something bright bloomed in Amaya’s chest at his approval.

He closed his eyes, letting silence stretch between them. He was utterly exhausted, but for the moment, it felt like the world outside this room didn’t exist. Her heartbeat pulsed softly against his chest, like a dance in time with his own, and he breathed in the warm, subtle undertones of her perfume. He could have fallen asleep here, with her.

But his mind did as it so often did. Drifting, cataloging the day’s events. Eventually, an unwelcome image surfaced—Nyla. Standing in the cold outside the tavern, looking up at him with her own blue eyes full of sorrow and regret. The memory hit him harder than he wanted to admit, a sharp pang that lanced through his chest and made his heart miss a beat in their dance.

He opened his eyes, grounding himself in the soft feel of all Amaya’s curves against him. Forcing himself to focus on the fire crackling across the room, he tried to chase away the guilt gnawing at him.

Quietly, he grappled with whether or not he should say something—confess and risk unraveling the bond they'd only just begun to build. Desperately, he wanted to protect it. Their connection still felt so fragile—like one wrong move could shatter it and Amaya would cast him back out into the cold.

Something in him had shifted today. He craved what she so scarcely offered out. He’d been bathed in that rare, precious warmth that she held, and the thought of being out from under it again terrified him.

Yet, he knew keeping secrets could rot people from the inside out. He’d seen it in his father, in his mother—how lies and hidden truths poisoned everything they touched. He didn’t want that for them. Didn’t want to start their partnership on ground riddled with hidden pitfalls.

"Amaya..." he breathed, his voice low and hesitant. He glanced down at her, resting against him, her head turned away on his shoulder. Nerves coiled tight in his stomach. He wanted her to look at him, but at the same time, he didn’t. Maybe it would be easier not to see the inevitable shift in her eyes that threatened to slam a wall of ice between them.

"There's something else you should know, too..."

The words felt heavy, almost suffocating, but he made himself say them. He wanted to be brave enough to risk it—to be honest with her, even if it cost him the warmth he'd fought past endless barriers for.

Collab between @Queen Arya, @c3p-0h, & @The Muse

Location: Royal Residence

Flynn remained still near the banister, listening intently, half-expecting to see Elara ascend the staircase to return to Amaya’s side. But the approaching footsteps told him otherwise—hesitant, cautious, uncertain of their surroundings.

As the steps neared, flickering candlelight caught the curvature of horns, casting faint shadows against the wall. Instinctively Flynn grabbed the hilt of his sword, his heart skipping a beat at the sight in his own home. Sensing the Prince’s reaction, the guard stationed by Amaya’s door immediately unsheathed his own sword and stepped forward to meet whoever approached.

But then she came into view, and Flynn loosened his grip. The blight-born Priestess.

The very same he had seen earlier that day, practically offering herself to the Eternal Flame. Her blonde hair shimmered in the dim light, framing the horns that arched from her head. A slender tail curled behind her as she moved, violet eyes locking onto his.

Flynn’s eyes narrowed as their gazes met. He studied her, but remained silent as she closed the distance between them. The guard beside him remained in a tense, defensive stance, but eased slightly upon recognizing the robes she wore.

When she reached the top of the stairs, Flynn stepped back from the banister to fully face her. A beat of silence passed between them before he finally spoke.

“Where is the High Priestess? And Lady Hightower?”

Ranni nearly froze in place as the Prince met her gaze, and his eyes seemed to narrow in response. Was her presence here in particular not something he welcomed? Ranni’s own eyes went wide with surprise and she seemed about to speak up before he beat her to the punch.

”A-ah!” Ranni said, bowing her head in apology towards the Prince as she seemed surprised by his words. ”T-the High Priestess was occupied away from the temple, but I assure you; your highness, I am quite capable of offering aid in her stead,” she explained, offering a deeper bow of apology before straightening up. ”I-I was told what happened, but not how the Princess is faring… perhaps you would allow me to at least see what aid I can offer?” she asked, radiating out a feeling of genuine concern for the Princess’ wellbeing as she spoke.

Flynn’s lips pressed into a thin, irritated line at the woman’s response—or lack thereof. She hadn’t answered where Hightower was, didn’t even seem to recognize the name, and her explanation about the High Priestess was far from satisfying. Where had the High Priestess and his Lead Sage run off to?

His eyes assessed her for a moment, suspicion tightening in his chest. He was supposed to put trust in a blight-born? After everything that had just happened? His jaw clenched at the very thought, though a part of him told him not to give in to the prejudice he had been trying to fight against here in Dawnhaven.

At the very least, he had seen this woman with Tia and the Champion of Aelios earlier, so he assumed she was no imposter, but it didn’t exactly set him at ease.

A heavy sigh left him, his restraint unraveling thread by thread. He had fought back frustration all day and now it was beginning to slip through the cracks. Was there no one in this town he could rely on?

Without a word, the Prince turned sharply on his heel and strode past the priestess. Flynn’s gaze burned into the soldier, who still stood wary with his sword in hand, waiting for the next command.

Through clenched teeth, barely above a whisper, he ordered, “Find Hightower. Now.

The guard stiffened before nodding sharply. “Of course, Your Highness.” The man pivoted and hurried down the stairs, armored boots thudding against the wood.

With his back to the priestess, Flynn exhaled, dragging a hand over the lower half of his face as he tried to rein in his composure. After a moment, he approached Amaya’s door, his hand coming to rest on the handle—ice cold against his fingers.

Lightly, he rapped his freehand’s knuckle against the door a few times. “Amaya...” he called, “We’re coming in.”

Giving her a moment, he half turned, green eyes finding the priestess once more. He studied her for a beat, then asked, “I assume you are a skilled healer? What is your name?”

Ranni gave a quick nod in response, careful to remain quiet and non-disruptive as she looked towards the Prince. A sense of confidence and pride radiating from the Priestess, this being a field she knew herself to be adept. ”I am, High Priestess Tia herself trained me in the arts. My name is Ranni Soleil.” She responded, offering a polite and comforting smile.

Flynn gave her a curt nod before pushing the door open. Stepping inside, he held the door for the priestess to enter, his gaze settling on Amaya amidst all the flickering candlelight.

The room was still ice cold. Amaya’s facial expression was just as distant as it had been when he’d left, if not more so. A question lingered in his eyes, something he wouldn’t ask while in the company of another.

“Amaya,” he said, his voice softer than it had been moments ago. “This is Ranni. She’s a healer… a Priestess of Aelios.” Only then did he glance toward Ranni, his focus reluctantly pulling away from Amaya for a brief moment. “Hightower is on her way too. How’s the wound? Any changes?”

His voice washed over Amaya. The sound echoed somewhere inside her. She didn’t have the energy to search for that place, to follow that echo.

She didn’t react, not at first. She sat in the middle of her bed, fine blankets draped over her legs and pooled in her lap, face blotchy and tearstained. She was motionless, but it wasn’t the careful frigidity she so often used as a shield. No, she was simply too exhausted to move.

Trembling, she was helpless to the chill of her own magic. It was as vast and sprawling as her grief, a quiet ocean that filled her. There were no storms tearing through her, no blizzard to freeze her solid. Just the steady trickle that she barely felt and couldn’t stop, leaking out of her like the tears down her face.

She was staring at the water pitcher on the bedside table. It’d frozen solid, covered in a layer of frost. Cracks spiderwebbed over the ceramic. The whole piece was solid now, but it would shatter when the ice melted.

Amaya didn’t bother to wipe at her cheeks. Briefly, she considered telling them to leave. Would they, if she demanded it? Amaya found that she didn’t want to know the answer.

Finally, she turned her gaze away from the pitcher and down to her arm resting in her lap. The ugly bloodstain marring her sleeve, so thick it was nearly black. The jagged, scabbing wound. The pain she’d nearly forgotten about. It felt… trivial. Distantly, she knew that wasn’t the case. Her wounded heart was nothing compared to the very real threat that bloodied the streets of Dawnhaven. But how much pain and grief could she be expected to keep track of in a single day?

She looked up to find Flynn standing with a stranger at the door to her frigid room, and suddenly all she could see was the patient green of his eyes.

Amaya’s pain swelled like the tide, stealing the breath from her lungs and flooding her senses.

Tearing her gaze away, she focused back on her arm. A fresh tear dropped onto her sleeve, staining the fabric dark. Flynn’s heart clenched. The room felt colder. She tried to swallow around the lump in her throat.

Curling her fingers, she felt the distant arcs of pain in her arm. Then she looked back to the water pitcher and shook her head - an answer to his question. Amaya lifted her arm slightly in silent permission.

Flynn moved before he could think better of it, striding to her side. The bed dipped under his weight as he sat beside her, his hand finding the one she still held in her lap. His fingers wove through hers, warmth spilling into the spaces of her palm that the cold had claimed. But she barely reacted, her grip loose, her gaze averted, and the ache in his chest deepend.

With his free hand, he reached up, his thumb gently brushing against her cheek to wipe away the traces of her tears. There was so much he wanted to ask, but not here. Not with the Priestess watching. So instead, he whispered, his voice low and only meant for her.

“It’ll be okay.”

Amaya’s eyes shuttered closed as another languid tear rolled down her cheek. Soft and close. It seemed that every time her world fell to pieces lately, there he was, soft and close.

Flynn searched her face, longing for her to look at him, to give him something—anything. Even the guarded anger she used to wield against him would have been a relief. His hand lingered against her cheek, but at the sound of approaching footsteps—heavy strides, following closely behind a lighter step—his hand withdrew. Amaya finally looked to him, just as his eyes left her. It felt selfish to miss the weight of him, the softness and closeness. It felt cruel to leave her cold hand in his. Flynn turned his attention toward the door just as the Sage appeared, her expression grim.

“Apologies for the delay,” she began, “I was—”

The color drained from Eris’ face as her eyes locked onto the blonde woman standing in the room, dressed in the sacred robes of a Priestess. Horns protruding from her head, a tail flicking behind her.

Eris felt her heart plummet.

The breath caught in her chest, but she forced herself to forward, stepping fully into the room as the guard closed the door behind her, resuming his post outside the bedroom door.

"Where is Tia?" she demanded, her voice sharper than intended, reflecting the frantic feeling buzzing beneath her skin. "I—I requested the High Priestess. Who is this?"

Panic tinged every thought. Had she requested a High Priestess? Or did she simply ask for a Priestess, assuming Aliseth would know who she meant? Had Aliseth distracted her so much that she had failed this one task?

Oh, goddess. Did you mess this up, Pip?

Her brother’s voice echoed in her mind. Her pulse pounded against her ribs as doubt clawed its way up her throat.

Flynn narrowed his eyes, tension seeping into his very core. “Miss Tomae is busy, apparently.” he stated, his voice taking on a distant, cold edge. Something in Amaya tightened at the sound of his displeasure. She was suddenly hyper aware of where she touched him – how the weight of him tilted the mattress, pushing her arm into his. The stubborn warmth of his hand, curled around her own. She thought, briefly, futilely, of pulling away. Flynn kept his composure, though frustration clearly simmered beneath. The hairpins in Eris’ pocket no longer felt as comforting as they once had. “This is Ranni. A Priestess. A healer.” He briefly looked at Ranni before turning the full weight of his attention back to Eris. “You can still heal her, can’t you?”

The room seemed to take on a more hostile air as a new person, Eris, entered the room and nearly immediately took on a sharp tone. Complaining about expecting the High Priestess, and the Prince himself seeming tense in regards to Tia. Immediately, a burst of protective irritation burst from Ranni; radiating for a moment as she cast a look across the two. She nearly, very nearly, bit out in an equally sharp tone to protect Tia. Yet… she caught herself as she knew that Tia wouldn’t like such… inappropriate behavior out of the Priestess. Not when there was somebody who needed her help.

“I—I…Y—” Eris stammered, her throat dry as she forced the words out. Yes, I can.” she said more confidently this time, her voice quiet but firm enough to be heard. She did not want to be the object of the Prince's ire, of all people.

Her mind raced. If Ranni was truly a Priestess, then she had to be a skilled healer… right? But Eris had no way of knowing the full extent of her power. No way of ensuring that this wouldn’t cost Ranni her life. At least with Tia, she could be certain. But it didn’t matter now. For the crown, she had to work with what they had.

Steadying herself, she moved to Amaya’s bedside, lowering herself onto the mattress opposite Flynn. Gently, she took Amaya’s outstretched arm into her hands, her fingers warm against the Princess’ cold skin. Pulling her attention away from Flynn, Amaya watched the Sage as she drifted pale fingers over her arm. She kept herself from leaning away from the touch, even as her other hand curled into Flynn’s.

Turning her attention to Ranni, Eris asked, “Do you know detoxification healing?” Her voice was calmer now, more composed than she felt inside as she tried to summon the bits of herself that still remembered how to be a leader. The question was more for reassurance than anything. Regardless of the answer, Eris was going to guide her through it.

Ranni looked back towards the Sage, forcing herself to display a calm demeanor as she nodded towards Eris. Her tail, however, twitched in an obvious display of tense anxiety over the current air in the room. She gave a polite nod, stepping forward a small step. ”Both magical and non-magical means.” She said softly.

Feeling slightly more reassured, Eris shifted her attention to Amaya, her expression softening as she truly took in the look on her face—the sheer distress written in her eyes. That was what mattered. Not the Prince’s scrutiny, not her own fears. Amaya was what mattered right now. This was her entire purpose for being here. She would see it through, no matter the cost.

“Your Highness… may I place my hand on your chest?” She hesitated only a moment before adding, “I’ll need to hold your hand and put a hand on your chest, while Ranni places a hand on your wrist and the other on your back.”

The Sage’s questions, her hesitancy, her gentleness, left Amaya feeling uneasy. Whenever they’d brought a healer to her in the palace, there had only ever been cold orders and sterile efficiency. Why ask permission? Surely ‘no’ wasn’t an option, not if they’d already gone through all this effort of securing a Priestess.

Having one of our best sages walk out of this room to grab a priestess, who we don’t know, but is supposed to be our best sun-blighted hope is the exact. Opposite. Of fine!

The memory came to her unbidden. The force of Elara’s anger, her fear, poured into Amaya, drowning her again. She hesitated a moment before nodding. A new urge flooded her – to know this stranger they’d brought to her. Before she could lose her nerve, Amaya looked to the Priestess.

Recognition dawned. Ranni. Ranni Soleil. Sister to Dyna. The name had drifted through her mind unexamined when she’d been introduced, but Amaya remembered her now. This was the nervous blight-born she’d met at the feast, before…

Her arm pulled from Eris’ grasp. Amaya couldn’t stop herself from tightening her grip on Flynn’s steady hand, pressing into him like she could bury herself. His free hand moved on instinct, settling protectively against her back, his fingers brushing the curve of her waist. Whatever strength she sought from him, he would give it. Cracks spread along the water pitcher, thicker and more jagged as the ice’s chill deepened.

“You’re the mindworker.” It was little more than a whisper.

Eris’ hands hovered in the air where Amaya had slipped from her grasp, fingers curling slightly before she slowly lowered them to her lap. Her eyes flickered to Flynn, catching the sharp intensity in his green gaze—locked onto the Priestess.

Clenching her hands into nervous fists against the fabric of her coat, she too turned her attention to the Priestess, beginning to consider what abilities the blight may have given her.

The attacker hadn’t been the only blight-born today to invade Amaya’s senses with psychic magic. She’d brushed it off at the time, but Amaya remembered the foreign thoughts pressing in on her, the image of herself, cold and regal. Even now she could sense it, if she looked hard enough — a soft, subtle haze that drifted through her mind, tinting her thoughts. It was the odd, dissociative sensation of looking at herself, fragile and damaged, to be pieced together like broken crystal. It was weaker than the last time Ranni’d sent thoughts into her. Amaya didn’t even know that she’d recognize it, if not for her prior experience with it and her magic training. The familiar press of someone else in her mind, bending her emotions, sent her heart thundering, someone else’s poisonous blood pulsing through her veins.

Ranni moved in gently, her expression calm-yet-comforting as she looked towards Amaya. Forcing all thoughts, all worries, from her mind save for a single minded focus on doing whatever she could to help the Princess. She needed aid, and Ranni was unable to turn down somebody in need. Unknown to her, Ranni was also pushing out this single-minded and pure focus on helping Amaya’s recovery throughout the room…

Until Amaya recoiled from her presence.

The Priestess’ eyes went wide, her tail wrapping itself tightly around her own leg in sudden fear and lack of understanding as to what she’d even done. That whisper cut deep into Ranni’s mind, that she was… the mindworker? A sentiment that the Priestess found herself unable to comprehend, particularly how Amaya had seemed to figure out abilities Ranni had that she herself was only even barely beginning to comprehend. She knew she could feel other people… sometimes.

”W-what do you mean, your Highness? I apologize for whatever I’ve done to unsettle you, but… I swear I am what I say, a Priestess of Aelios, and I am only here to help Miss Hightower aid you.” She said, her tone betraying the confusion and lack of understanding for Amaya’s reaction. The same confusion the others would no doubt be able to see in her eyes as the Priestess frantically searched their faces for some kind of explanation.

”P-please, let us help you. If my presence makes you uncomfortable, I will leave the moment you are healed, but I can’t just leave somebody in need of aid.” She said, refocusing on Amaya in the desperate hope that the Princess would calm enough to at least let them handle her wound.

Flynn’s silence stretched as Ranni pleaded with them, his jaw tense as he bit back the impulse to lash out at both the Sage and the Priestess. Every instinct screamed at him to protect Amaya, to throw them both out of their home and shield her from further discomfort. The fear radiating from her as she leaned into him made his insides churn. Whatever she had already endured from this woman was yet another failure he incurred from leaving her side this morning.

His eyes shifted back to Amaya, worry lining his features. “Do you want to wait for the High Priestess?” he asked, as if Eris and Ranni weren’t even in the room. Amaya looked at him with wide eyes, again struck by the novelty of being asked. “Just say the word. I’ll send them awa—”

"Y-Your Highness, I would... I would highly advise against this." Eris spoke up, her voice wavering slightly, though she looked at him with conviction. "We do not know what that blight-born's blood could be doing, or will do. The Princess..." she paused, turning her gaze onto Amaya now. “Your Highness… you must be healed.”

In the haze of her cluttered, exhausted mind, fear brought Amaya sharp clarity. Her attention darted between the others and the growing energy in the room — the Sage’s nervous fluttering beneath a determined mask, how the Priestess seemed to collapse in on herself, how Flynn snapped between rigid anger and that careful gentleness he wrapped around her like a cloak with a quickness that left her dizzy. Amaya felt off-balance — she’d made the mistake of unguarded panic, and the whole room had shifted around her voice.

Flynn’s expression hardened as his attention shifted to the Sage, and for a moment, his anger flared. That “Astaros Fire” eager to rear its ugly head. He knew the danger, the uncertainty, but the fear in Amaya’s face was louder than any warning. He bit down again, reeling himself in with a deep breath—trying to peel emotion away from logic.

“You can’t do this alone?” he asked, his voice tight with restraint, though he already knew the answer. The lack of the sun left the Aurelians at a disadvantage, their power diminished by half, if not more. Aelios had damned them all.

Eris’ eyes dropped to her lap, shame creeping across her face as she shook her head. “No, Your Highness. I cannot. Not alone.”

Flynn briefly looked at Ranni, considering her presence—her offer of aid. “What did she do?” he asked, turning a softer gaze back onto Amaya.

A different scene played out in her mind. A memory. A different voice asked a version of that same question. The last time she’d exposed a blight-born using psychic magic against her, a man had been murdered as payment.


She could feel the precarious balance of the room, waiting to shift again in response to the unspoken words lodged in her chest.

Ranni's eyes stayed wide, as if she were terrified she'd miss another sudden change in the room. The hostility, the distrust she could practically taste from the air bit at the fragile stability she'd built in her mind ever since she'd… changed. The Priestess seemed to visibly shrink further into her robes, taking a subconscious step back as if she were afraid of being lashed out at. The looks on the faces, and unspoken accusations towards her based solely off what she was left a sour, terrifying taste in her mouth.

She was a monster, afterall. She could see it in the terrified expression of the Princess, and the hardened look from the Prince. Tears started to well up in her eyes, with the young Priestess knowing not how to handle the fear gripping her heart.

Had Aelios lied to her?

The doubt rang deep in her heart, and for a moment Ranni wanted nothing more than to scream. To lash out and show the others in the room how… horrible and terrifying they were being toward her. Show them the very fear pouring into her mind in that moment.

Amaya pulled her eyes away to find Ranni. She took in the way the Priestess shrank into her robes, how her tail coiled defensively around herself, the blink of her wide, confused eyes. She was shocked and anxious, but she didn’t look like she’d been caught in the midst of some scheme. No, Ranni just looked scared. Something in Amaya’s heart softened — but she couldn’t afford to trust it. Not when the haze of magic still lingered in her thoughts, foreign and invasive. It drifted in and out of focus, like torchlight through fog. Her mind scrambled as she tried to grasp at it, to gather the intangible wisps so they could be removed, but with each clumsy attempt she grabbed nothing but air.

Was Amaya the only one affected? Or did Flynn and Lady Hightower, Aurelian as they were, just not recognize the magic for what it was? She couldn’t stop herself from leaning into Flynn, greedy for what she’d spent months guarding herself against. The weight of him, entwining with her hand, curving around her waist, made her want to fold herself into him. She wanted to tell him to send the others away, if only to see if he’d actually do it. But they couldn’t leave, not when the dull pain of her arm suddenly demanded her attention. Amaya shouldn’t have pulled away from Lady Hightower, when all she wanted to do was help. It nearly brought tears to Amaya’s eyes — the muddled, desperate urge to let them care for her.

It’s not real.

Amaya struggled to find the boundaries of what was her, and what wasn’t. The press of someone else in her mind, staining her, bending her, made Amaya’s heart rise into her throat, choking her with blood that wasn’t hers, as –

A sharp crack cut the air.

She felt Flynn tense, his larger frame securing her closer, curving more tightly around her as she gasped. Her hand, the one not encased in his warmth, was trembling. A small cloud drifted between her lips before dissipating in the candlelit air – how had it gotten so cold?

The Sage gasped, flinching at the sudden noise that sliced through the tension in the room. Her fingers dug into the fabric of her coat, heart pounding as her eyes snapped toward the sound.

On the table, the water pitcher was well and truly ruined. Coated in a thick layer of white frost, deep gouges separated the geometric pieces of ceramic. The once solid piece was now little more than tiles arranged and held together by a mass of ice, thin wisps of fog drifted off of it.

Amaya’s eyes widened as she looked at it. Realization struck her so suddenly that she was nearly lightheaded.

The Priestess audibly yelped and recoiled, crying out as she did. ”IMSORRYIDIDN-”


The Priestess’ words quickly cut off as she lost her balance, and tumbled to the floor. Falling heavily on her fear and nearly instantly throwing her hands up as if to protect herself from the attack that was surely coming. Why else would it have shattered…

Eris tore her gaze away from the pitcher, her eyes going wide at the sight of the Priestess crumpled on the floor. Opposite her, Flynn’s expression shifted with brief surprise, though he made no move to help Ranni, still focused on holding Amaya close.

Amaya, ripped from her thoughts by the sounds of Ranni’s panic, was now looking the Priestess over with stunned, thoughtful eyes. She made for a pitiful image – frantic and cowering on the floor, so certain that retribution was coming despite the fact that none on the bed had moved to strike her. There was an ache in Amaya’s heart. Was it real? Did it belong to her? Or was it another violation, forced onto her by the magic she could still feel?

She looked back back to the pitcher, shattered with the force of her own untamed magic.

“You don’t even realize you’re doing it,” she murmured as she watched the soft billowing of the fog. Amaya turned her eyes back to Ranni, eyebrows pulled together. “Do you?”

When no attack came, only the Princess’ softened voice, Ranni slowly lowered her hands. Peaking out with the eyes not of a dignified Priestess, but a traumatized and scared girl. Something in the Prince’s gaze softened, the fear in her eyes striking a chord deep within. For a fleeting moment, he was back in the palace, comforting a little sister who had once worn that same look.

The Priestess stared at Amaya for a long few moments, shaking her head slowly in way of a response. She remained silent, trying to gather herself enough not to break into tears or to scream whenever she opened her mouth.

Amaya took in the blight-born Priestess and her earnestness – contradictions wrapped around each other. Would Ranni turn violent if Amaya revealed her, as the attacker had? Something echoed in her mind, more instinct than answer. It didn’t feel like enough. But psychic magic was a dangerous thing, and if Flynn and the Sage were susceptible to it, and they didn’t realize… they needed to be made aware. She’d had catastrophic errors in judgement today, ones she could measure in blood spilled and tears shed. If Seluna had any mercy left, this wouldn’t be another.

Her next words caught in her throat, thick with fear and memories of what they might cost. Amaya’s hand tightened around Flynn’s, her whole body tensing. Her soft voice landed heavy in the tension of the room.

“Do you know you have psychic magic?”

Eris shifted her gaze from Ranni to Amaya, her brow furrowing. Psychic magic? Had she missed something? She hadn't felt any unusual presence in the air or pushing into her mind, though she knew Amaya would naturally be more attuned to such things. It made sense. And yet, she couldn’t help but feel a pang of shame for not noticing it first.

Ranni shook her head. ”I-I've started to figure out that I can… feel? Hear? Others.” She admitted meekly, still seeming guarded as if worried her words would bring the terrifying tension back in full force.

Flynn’s attention fixated on Ranni as she spoke, cataloguing her response carefully. A flicker of unease passed over his features—how had he missed the psychic magic that Amaya had noticed? After years of training to notice these things, how had he let it slip past him?

He glanced briefly at Amaya, trying to read her expression. What was it she had felt, that he hadn’t? What had stood out to her that he hadn’t sensed?

”I didn't know I was… influencing others. I-I-I'm sorry, Princess. I've not been… this… very long. I still don't know how it's changed me.” She admitted further, her voice shaky and interrupted by little non-vocal pauses that betrayed the Priestess to be on the verge of tears. ”I didn't mean to s-scare you. I-I'm not a monster like some of my kind.” She finished, voice remaining soft and guarded.

Amaya watched her move, taking in every flinch and tremor. The revelation of her magic landed softly, confusion clear. There was no rage. No violence, as there’d been with her attacker. Relief was palpable, even if Amaya didn’t know if she could rely on it yet. But she didn’t relax – not when she still felt Ranni’s magic, even after calling it out for what it was.

”I-If you're prepared to allow me, I'd like to prove that. By helping Miss Hightower.” She said, a small hint of the desire to help returning to her eyes as she looked between the Royals.

Yet… a little piece of her faith in others and even Aelios herself did not return.

Nor was she sure it ever would.

Finding her strength, Eris stood and took a cautious step toward Ranni. "You'll be safe here," she said quietly, her breath fogging in the cold air as she extended a hand—an offering to help the Priestess back to her feet.

“The Princess has been through... a lot, as of late,” Eris continued softly, her voice gentle, compassion flickering in her eyes for both Amaya and Ranni. She understood their fear all too well—the way Amaya recoiled from touch, how Ranni raised her hands as though she were bracing for a blow. “As I’m sure you have, too...” She added, her heart aching at the thought of Ranni’s recent transformation and the difficulties of navigating that

How painful and cruel this world was for them all.

Once Ranni was on her feet, Eris turned back toward Amaya, her eyes studying the Princess’ expression as she seemed to assess the Priestess. Nervously clasping her hands in front of her, she waited in silence for Amaya’s final judgment.

Ice blue eyes lingered on Ranni, careful and quiet. Her own panic was dissipating, though the bloodstains remained in the corners of her memory. Something new emerged from beneath the heaviness that had been layered throughout the day. Something familiar and unyielding.

Every stammer and sniffle from the Priestess made Amaya want to flinch, to console and soothe. But she didn’t move. Not when she still felt the soft touch of psychic magic. The wrongness of it kept her heartbeat quick, and her body tense.

Poisonous memories coiled around her, of feeling like a passenger in her own body, of the riptide of her emotions turned against her, of her perceptions turning untrustworthy and traitorous, not with force or violence, but with a thought. Amaya had never once been in control of her own life – but her mind was hers.

The boundaries of her mind had been violated on three separate occasions today – two of those had been by Ranni, intentional or not. She had apologized. But did she understand? Or did she think Amaya’s fear had more to do with what she was, rather than what she’d done? Did she know that even as she assured them she meant no harm, she was still intruding?

It was an impulse. Before she could think better of it, Amaya sank herself into Ranni’s magic, letting it wrap around her without resistance. For a moment she felt untethered, the sickening loss of boundaries leaving her formless. The small intake of breath she gave was the only sign of her discomfort. She tried to remember her body – the aches, the chill, the warmth. She tried to match her shallow breathing to the steady count of Flynn’s surrounding her.

Amaya had never had any real skill for psychic magic – or perhaps she’d just never had the stomach. But she’d sat obediently through her required lessons, and knew enough to detect and guard against it. She used that knowledge now to instead take hold of the psychic connection Ranni had accidentally forged.

If Ranni didn’t know the extent of her ‘influence’, if the paths she created were still invisible and undefined to her, then Amaya would give them definition. She would line torchlights through the fog, and show Ranni the road she’d been walking.

I’ve known monstrous humans, and compassionate blight-born. None of them are permitted inside my mind.

The message echoed through Ranni’s magic like a beacon, faint but undeniable. And then, just as the words began to fade, Amaya mustered her strength and pushed the magic out of her mind. If the Priestess needed an opposing force for her own magic to know itself against, she had it now. Walls came down, forming an unmistakable boundary.

And Amaya was alone in her mind once more.

Flynn barely had a moment to register what was happening before Amaya’s words crashed through him like a tidal wave, filling every corner of his mind, pushing out thoughts and feelings he had believed to be solely his own. The sheer force of it made him tense, his brow furrowing in discomfort. He had never liked psychic intrusions—never enjoyed the feeling of something foreign twisting through his thoughts without permission.

As Amaya’s presence faded, it left behind unmistakable traces—clear threads of magic woven through his thoughts, ones he hadn’t even noticed before. And then, that overwhelming need to help Amaya surged through him again. His jaw tightened as realization settled in. That feeling—it wasn’t entirely his own afterall. Not completely. Ranni’s magic had subtly wrapped around his natural instincts so perfectly that he hadn’t even thought to question it.

But now that he knew what to look for, he could feel the intrusion that had slipped past his defenses unnoticed. A flicker of frustration stirred—not at Ranni, but at himself. He should have caught this. Should have known.

He exhaled slowly, grounding himself as he refocused on the Priestess. Steadily, he reinforced his mental walls, methodically pushing her influence out of his mind. As his thoughts and feelings became entirely his own again, he made a note to brush up on his training. Even if it aligned with his own beliefs, he needed to be able to detect it. His father had taught him to fight against hostile intrusions, but never this. And this was a weakness to be fixed.

Amaya deflated where she sat – only to find she couldn’t move much at all. Flynn was still holding her, pressed so close that she would have blushed if she’d had the energy. He was as solid as the walls she’d formed, and instead of collapsing, Amaya found herself leaning into him. She shouldn’t have wanted to, she knew. After Elara –

Her hand was still in his, loose now, but intertwined. She looked at the mismatched pair, telling herself it was the psychic magic that had pushed her so close to him. Her tired eyes flicked back up to see the two women, still standing on the other side of the room. Eris was looking at her expectantly, waiting for her to tell the room which way to shift again. Her gaze moved to Ranni, and there was that softness in her heart again as she took in the other woman’s distress. It seemed that hadn’t been her magic’s influence, afterall.

Despite everything, there was an odd, hesitant sort of kinship. Amaya knew what it was to be ignorant and out of control of her own magic – the room was still frigid.

Amaya couldn’t bring herself to pull away from the heavy warmth curled around her body. She was too exhausted by the day, the grief, the magic. Whatever strength she’d had to define her will and make it known was gone now. Perhaps it hadn’t been her will at all, but rather the influence of Ranni’s wish for Amaya’s care. The thought soured.

She wanted to turn from the two healers, and give her answer only to Flynn, like it was something secret. He could be the one to command the room – he played the role so much better. But Amaya focused on Ranni. She didn’t let herself break the Priestess’ gaze as her fingers curved around Flynn’s unconsciously. .

Amaya nodded her permission, silent but clear.
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