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Current Finally got everything updated, wheeee.
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Six years and change, but guess who's back, back again. Looking at my post history and remembering what a cringey twenty year old I was.
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6 yrs ago
Dog sitting for my mother while she's in the hospital. Ill reply to RP's tomorrow or the day after. (She's fine.)
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Happy fuckin' new year, folks
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6 yrs ago
Either the guild's broke or everybody went on vacation at once...


Name's L.C. I write, work, sleep, write some more, work some more, sleep some more... You get the point! Finally here to stay, and itching for partners, let's go.

Most Recent Posts

Kiffar had been, for lack of a better descriptor, catatonic for several minutes now. In the way of orange cats everywhere, he had picked a random shadow to stare at, and promptly become vacant of all thought and expression, save the occasional flicker of his tail. As a result, he missed the majority of conversation in the time since he had seated himself, stirring only once the authoritative shouts of the approaching Blades became audible. That, at least, was enough to make him blink a few times, seeming to return to the present from whatever abyss had borrowed his attention as they were all herded to the sides, and issued instructions. He found himself pressed to the wall at the rear, just beside the opening tunnel, and thankfully without squishing anybody else between himself and the wall.

It took him a few moments to process and mentally catch up with the goings on, but soon enough, he dipped into what fraction of a bow he could manage while crowded back against the wall, fingers brushing his chest, icy eyes locked on the Emperor and his escort. He was familiar with them, in passing- vague memories of time spent guarding the talks between Emperor and Mane, before things had gone so wrong.

"Mane-of-Men, this one is pleased you still breathe. Kiffar thanks you for this pardon. He regrets that he is no longer worthy of offering service to the Mane-of-Men, but Kiffar will gladly make clear the tunnel's exit for him. Come, Elfling. Witch-woman, Darmon-Thing, and the fancy man-thing should come, too. Maybe the lizard-things, yes yes. We will go take fresh air and give hands to things that may lurk and skulk beyond. As a favor for the pardoning, yes? Then maybe come back for Kiffar's things from the things-box. Kiffar likes those things."

He seemed to have little interest in hanging around to see if the others followed his presumed lead- indeed, his words were muffled by the time he was half done speaking, as the massive Khajiit ducked down and started his way down the passage opened at the back of the cell. On the bright side, he made an excellent duster on the way, with his shoulders brushing the walls and his head the ceiling, clearing the tunnel of cobwebs by simple virtue of walking through it ahead of everybody else. If the tight space bothered him, he didn't let it show- or at the very least, he seemed determined to resolve the problem by getting to the other end with expediency, moving briskly and stalling for nothing. He'd find the exit soon enough. Hopefully. Probably. If it wasn't locked.

Sagamiyama - Sakuhana Park

Darius nodded, pleased as the chaos started to settle- A solid plan, and solid support, made all the difference in the world in keeping a level head. A level head, of course, made all the difference in living to see another day. As his barrier was reinforced with another overhead, and the boys settled on a plan, he grunted his approval and starting back a few steps to get clear of the barriers, leaving the others to keep the Hollows at bay, trusting the barrier to keep them safe... Safe enough, at least.

"Just keep slashing at them! Don't let them get around, kill them with papercuts! You boys can do this- It's no different than whack-a-mole!"

Further back he trotted, until he had a clear line to the sky, drawing on the same strange, unfamiliar power that had let him craft that wall in the first place. Magic. Kido. Whatever they called it, it was mystical to him, and some parts of it just worked better when he built them around things he was familiar with. It was how he had figured out he had a talent for it, stumbling on it almost by accident when trying to copy something he had seen one of the proper reapers do during their training. A great red ball from the palm of their hand, fast and explosive. Shakkahou, they had called it. A cannon blast, red as a dying star.

He had thought it would be funny to imagine it on a smaller scale, a pistol beside a cannon. Doing the motion, picturing it in his head, something so familiar, had been the key to unlocking the ability. He did so again now, focusing on the Hollow flying in the air above them, hand moving on muscle memory- drawing an invisible pistol from his belt and aiming it high, focusing power in his fingertip, packing it tight, imagining the pressure building until he could practically see the imaginary bullet, primed inside his finger. They had told him to name the technique. These Soul Reapers seemed to put a lot of stock in naming things; and in hollering those names loud and proud when they were performed. That was familiar, too. Shouting the process was training bread and butter.

"Down here, you big bastard! Let's see that ugly face- Looks like a damn bat got busy with a walnut! TAMAHOU!"

He let the technique fly. Just like a bullet, it erupted from his finger faster than he could see, with a thunderous crack- a fast, lethal shot of raw kido sent rocketing towards the flying Hollow, aimed to catch it right in the center of the mask. Just as they'd been taught.

Of all those in the cell, only a few looked his way- and of those, only two bothered to answer his greeting. Kiffar was beginning to think these people would not be so sociable, and the yearning for his old cell had already begun... Though these ones, at least, didn't spew whatever insults came to their vile tongues without hesitation or filter! For Darmon, he had an appreciative nod, accepting the man's name, respecting the will to actually green him in turn. For Yarmira.... Well, when dealing with crazy people, special care must be taken, and Kiffar was nothing if not accommodating to those with particular needs! He resisted the urge to lean away in horror as the little treefling declared that she had used his corpse well, wondering at what horrors she foresaw in her mad premonitions of his death, only to see that she was comparing him to a Senche. That almost made him scowl, stricken by the blatant racism, but it would do no good for a madwoman.

Besides... She followed it so swiftly with flattery, and he did love flattery. He instead offered his best, toothiest grin. It was a horrifying sight, truly, an approximation of a smile ill suited to feline features. Why the many manthings and elfthings did not simply tip their ears and blink their eyes, he would never understand. For good measure, he extended a hand to pat her head, between the strange antlers that adorned her, ruffling her hair in a manner that probably came with some risk of whiplash. Divines, but he could probably pick her skull up like a yarn ball with those murder mittens!

"Kiffar is... Pleased this one has been so resourceful, yes? The treefling did very well. Kiffar is... Yes, Kiffar is here to help the treefling. But Kiffar must have dinner first, and the guardthings will bring the dinner Kiffar has asked for, with the little potatoes. Or else the guardthings will have to fix two doors."

The last, he spoke over his shoulder, loudly enough to be clearly audible in the corridor even with all the chaos. Satisfied that his point was made, despite zero evidence to confirm it, he shuffled his shoulders contentedly and began the arduous task of pressing his way deeper into the cell, seeking a space he might have room to sit or curl up. Instead, he found himself thigh-to-face with a foppish man who seemed to be declaring himself the loin-lapping champion of his kind. Kiffar blinked lazily, leaning forward to stare straight down at poor Isai in confusion.

"This one... It flirts with the witch-woman? Kiffar thinks she will eat you, too, but her way will be much less fun than yours. Scoot, scoot, fancy man-thing. Kiffar will sit here, and the man thing will be scooted or be a cushion. Treefling! Darmon-Thing! Come, come, sit with Kiffar, tell him of why the many manthings and elfthings are here, while we watch the fancy one be eaten by the witch-woman."

For six days, Kiffar had been rather enjoying the peace and quiet of the oft-unused cells of the City Prison. The guards liked to do him that favor, if only for their own sanity, whenever he was brought in- A nice, quiet cell towards the very back, where he couldn't pester them too much, and the lack of stimulus led to him napping more often. It suited him just fine. He liked napping, after all, quite a lot. So for six days, he had napped, and eaten, and occasionally exercised before napping some more. In two more, he would be released, free to go find some more trouble to cause until he inevitably stumbled back in, to be dropped right back in the same cell again. Some of the more understanding guards had started calling it his guest room.

Then, some silly fool decided to start a riot.

Ordinarily, he might have approved of that much chaos, and partaken in it gladly if he were free to do so. But he wasn't free to do so- He was locked in a cell, and his expected peace and quiet was shattered by the screaming, the shouting, the clash of steel, sometimes near, sometimes distant. Soon after, it was disturbed further still as the cells began to fill up, one by one, packed to capacity, creeping nearer and nearer to him until a group was shoved into the next one across to his own. Half-orcs and Nords, Bretons and elves. Then, worse, they threw a man into his cell! Some rancid Dark Elf that immediately began mouthing off to anybody who came into view. Kiffar's nap was firmly interrupted, with no hope of returning to sleep, which left everybody else to deal with the unfortunate reality that if Kiffar wasn't sleepy, he was hungry. The first his new neighbors would know of the massive Cathay-Raht was when he stood from the pile of blankets he had acquired to make a comfortable place for himself on the floor. Laying down, behind the mouthy elf, he might have been mistaken for several people, huddled together for warmth, or for a pile of laundry. Once he sat up, stretching his arms overhead with a yawn that parted immense jaws far enough to fill sharks with terror, there was no ignoring him. He was massive, more than massive, and being bright orange hardly made it easy for him to blend into the background.

For a moment, he simply sat there, blinking blearily and licking his teeth, dispelling the weariness that called him back to sleep- what little of it remained, at least, with all the chaos keeping him from that blissful blackness. Then, with a sigh, and a rumble of his stomach that might put a wolf's best snarl to shame, Kiffar pushed himself upright, moving to the door of his cell and roughly palming the elf's head to drag him back from the bars, despite a wail of protest and smacking hands. Leaning against the bars, he tried to speak softly, to get somebody's attention, and was drowned out by the noise, both outside and inside the prison. He tried a little louder, glowering at a guard who dared to ignore Kiffar in favor of his silly wounded finger, and when that, too, failed, he decided he would get dinner on his own. Grumbling irritably, he squatted down, hooking his fingers through the lower bars of the grated door- and lifted. Once, twice, thrice, with heavy, jerking pulls, until something gave with a screech of metal on stone. The hinges gave before the walls, of course, simple barrel hinges that they were, and the Khajeeti giant just... Lifted the doors away from their place, letting them fall into the corridor with a crash.

He stalked out of his cell- the elf left behind, and kept there, surely, by another guard- scratching at his bottom sleepily, seeming entirely unbothered by any drawn swords that rose to meet his apparent prison break. He simply stared at the nearest guard, one whose face he recognized well enough, and flicked his tail in what was clearly supposed to be a polite greeting.

"Kiffar hungers. The man-things did not hear him, so he is here now. Kiffar will have meat, with the little potatoes. The potatoes Guard-Granus and Guard-Biggus told him are tasty, yes?" He pointed towards the cell across from his own, sniffing irritably. "Kiffar will go there now, since the man-things made him break his door. Unless Guard-Tabulus wishes to end Kiffar's sentence early this week~? Kiffar promises he will behave this time, for a whole three weeks."

Guard-Tabulus did not, apparently, want to end Kiffar's sentence early. Amidst all of the yelling, threatening, and frantic attempts to command Kiffar back into his cell, his polite request for a meal or his freedom went without a clear answer. He was, instead, shepherded towards the opposite cell by the guards who knew him well enough to know he wasn't actually about to start breaking them all in half over dinner. Yet. With some gentle, and nervous, prodding, in he went- vast shoulders crowding the door as blue eyes swept over his new companions, blinking with contented slowness.

"This one is Kiffar. Hello."

Ace had been, quite cleverly he thought, hidden behind the professor's hologram during the announcements- leaning back at that long vacant desk, legs kicked up and crossed atop its edge. It was all about entrances, after all, and if the professor wasn't going to use his desk, then somebody certainly had to! The fox was more pretty, than handsome- at least, so long as one could get past his mutant nature. Androgynous in the extreme, his style was little help, riding the line enough to leave people guessing at his gender. He was quietly taking a file to his nails, carefully maintaining the points they naturally grew to, and glanced up only briefly when the hologram dispersed to favor the classroom with a smile. Despite the toothy nature of a vulpine face, he managed to make it seem pretty, wiggling his fingers in the semblance of a wave before he returned his attention to the task at hand.

Despite his apparently keep interest in nail care, he kept an ear pivoted towards the rest of the class, trying to get a feel for this supposedly wild bunch. Spending time in the States had been a good move, he knew, but it had certainly left him out of the loop here, and what he'd caught up on so far painted the picture of a chaotic, trouble prone group of misfits. Which, he supposed, was par for the course for a hero course, but they could at least stand to be less blatant about it... He found himself rolling his eyes at the antics of Kyoya, all too familiar with that type, and peering warily towards Kagari soon after. The little giggle sounded positively menacing- Just what was she daydreaming about? He'd heard less sinister laughs from actual villains!

Then, the contributions of his own yearmates. He loosed a soft, breathy laugh as Reiji's introduction came to a close, looking up through his lashes at the lot of them, brilliant green gaze sweeping across them each in turn.

"What Reiji means to say is he's heard a lot, and he's choosing only to listen to the good bits~. You all gathered quite a reputation while we were away, you know. I'm still sorting through all the gossip. Oh, and, don't mind Izanagi too much. The only chains and cages he knows about are stashed in his room, where he thinks I won't find them~. The field trip was only sprung on us a few minutes before it was on you all, so don't get your hopes up too high on questions. So far as the training exercise goes, we'll be feeling you all out in our own ways. Some of us are a little more prone to tests of strength than others, so get stretching, hmn? Personally, I just plan to get to know you all a little, do a bit of.... Digging~."

He grinned, playfully menacing, as he pressed a nail to his temple- The implications of his tone somehow riding the line between flirtatious and deeply disconcerting. Was he planning to dig through their heads? Just seeing who of them was made uncomfortable by the thought alone?

"Now, if that covers all the baseline questions, let me get some introductions from you all. I know your names, but I don't know the faces to put them with, yet. At least, not most of you. I, for one, am Akai Jace. You can call me Ace, or Vulpes if we're in costume. I just got back from Stateside, so I'll need whichever one of you is the local gossip hound to catch me up on all the good tea after class. Knowledge is power, and all- and the little things come in handy as much as the big things."
Buddy time
It'll be fiiiine he can always get more

I give to you... Kiffar.

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