Avatar of Simple Unicycle


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2 days ago
Current I'm here to kick ass and chew bubblegum. And I'm all out of ass.
8 mos ago
If they added downvotes to posts I would methodically go through and downvote every single post you've ever made.
1 yr ago
My source is I made it the fuck up.


An absolute clown with a fixation on faceless men who punch criminals.

Guaranteed to flake out of RPs at least 99% of the time.

Most Recent Posts

Direct Mentions: @Quest Abandoner

As Antonius readjusted his gear he heard the Bosmer speak to him. A little chuckle escaped his lips as she mentioned how Y'ffre enjoyed the unexpected detours that life loved to throw at people. "I suppose one must also learn to love it, but I'm not quite sure I can enjoy this turn." He looked at the Emperor for a moment, a feeling of unease gripping him. Something bad was happening right now, that was for certain. He only hoped that the Blades and even this group of misfits could protect the Emperor from whoever was after him.

The wood elf continued to speak, describing... Some kind of beast. Minotaurs, maybe? He hadn't had the displeasure of running into one in his travels. But no, minotaurs are territorial and dangerous beasts, nothing like what she's describing. He kept racking his mind trying to figure out what creatures she had seen when it hit him: cows. She was talking about cows. "... Those are farm animals."
Oh boy. I actually made a whole Moon Knight playlist when I was gonna play him in a Marvel Multiverse tabletop game that never came about. Here it is for those curious. If I were to pick out one song from that though, it'd be Turbo Killer.
On the subject of chatter and activity in the OOC:

What's everyone's favorite take on their respective character? Any particular runs in the comics you'd consider required reading, or a version from the cartoons or movies that inspired you?

Lemire's Moon Knight run was the first Moon Knight comic I read and it made me fall in love with the character.

Outside Curien Mansion
Word Count:
344 (+1)
@Lugubrious @Eviledd1984 @DracoLunaris

The sky above was dreary, the threat of rain in the gray clouds. Sitting at a campfire with his helmet removed and gear laying in front of him was Kit, the knight's eyes closed as he sat in a sort of meditation. Breathing in and out slowly, he tried his best to clear his mind of any thoughts, focusing on the rise and fall of his chest. In. Out. In. Out. In-


Kit's eyes shot open at the sound of crashing metal not too far away. He grabbed his helmet and slid it on, then grabbed his sword and shield as he stood and stomped the fire out. The Mansion he had been camping outside of had an ominous feeling about it, and he intended to venture through it one of these days to cleanse it of whatever evil was infesting the place. The only problem was he didn't have a key to the gates.

As he marched his way towards where the sound had come from, it dawned on him that it came from the front gate of the manor. Maybe someone had broken right through the gate. It wasn't long before he arrived there, finding that his suspicion was correct and the gate had been blown right open, with a behemoth of a man leading a man in strange attire and a white wolf. Now, the question was whether they were friend or foe.

It was only a moment later that Kit noticed the walking corpses advancing towards the three. The mountain of a man met them head on, beating on the undead with impressive swiftness despite his size. Friend or foe, Kit decided that it was probably best to stick with this small group against the horde of zombies. He approached them from behind, pulling his sword from the sheath on his back and readying his shield as he walked past the strange man and wolf to join the behemoth in battle.

"Greetings, big man!" Kit shouted out, slicing a zombie's head off with his blade. "Need a helping hand?"
All those changes have been made, boss.

As for the Black Eye Orb, I figured if we ever get to Irithyll past Sen's Fortress it could be used there to fight Lautrec and fulfill Kit's mission to avenge the Firekeeper of Firelink Shrine. If you would prefer not to have that happen I can just remove it from his inventory.
<Snipped quote by Simple Unicycle>

Sounds like a plan to me. Right now, the Wilderness crew is at (or near) Hammerhead, and my update tomorrow will introduce one new area (Outback) as well as lead into a week of driving to their destinations. Your character could be at Hammerhead, at Outback, at another destination, or somewhere on the road to another destination, meaning he'd meet other characters en route.

Alright, I'll try to get my character sheet up some time tonight or tomorrow and figure out where to put him. I take it there's a Discord for this RP?

Also, on second thought, think I might go with the group in the Hinterlands near Martira.
<Snipped quote by Simple Unicycle>

Well, hello again! Seems like it's a good season for returns. If you're down for a one-post-a-week commitment then we'd be happy to have you. It's a good time to jump in as well, since we're in a bit of downtime before the next mission, with people spreading out over the Paved Wilderness for short adventures. Or, you could join team Detectives and Dog to the northeast near Martira, whose members are looking to crack a case of missing children at the nearby Curien Mansion.

Who're you thinking of playing?

I should be able to keep up with that commitment! I'm thinking of playing the Chosen Undead from Dark Souls who got plucked and thrown into the World of Light right after first arriving in Anor Londo. As for who I'd join, probably the team at the paved wilderness.
Hey, long time no see. I was part of the original RP a looooong time ago and I'd love to join this if you guy'll have me.
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