Avatar of Doughboy


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1 day ago
Current It’s done if any of you would like to join. roleplayerguild.com/posts/5…
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2 days ago
I’m working on a rp and so far I think it’s pretty good
3 days ago
How much Caffeine have you drunk?
3 days ago
Hope this goes well.
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Looking forward to it!

Its done

7:33 pm March 8th

The Rookery felt less like a sophisticated espionage hub and more like a drafty castle to Raven, The Scottish Highlands wind howled outside, rattling the ancient windowpanes as he stood stiffly in the Briefing room. The room was spartan, dominated by a large mahogany desk cluttered with maps and files. Commander Ainsworth, a man whose presence exuded quiet authority, sat on a chair, his gaze piercing. "Captain Jensen," Ainsworth began, his voice a low rumble, "welcome to Project Nightingale. I trust your journey was...uneventful?" Raven merely nodded, the unspoken weight of the mission already settling on his shoulders. "We have a situation brewing, one that requires a team with your, shall we say, unique skill set. The others will arrive shortly, and then, Captain, we begin."

Ainsworth leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Your reputation precedes you, Jensen. Laos wasn't your fault. War is a dirty business, and good men die. Don't let their sacrifices be in vain." He paused, letting his words sink in before continuing. "Nightingale doesn't offer redemption, Captain. It offers a chance to make a difference, however small, in this global chess game we're playing. Your mission, and the missions to come, will be morally ambiguous, often brutal. Are you prepared to walk that path, knowing that the cost of failure could be the world as we know it?" Raven met his gaze, his own eyes reflecting a steely resolve. "I am, sir. Tell me what you need me to do."
Name: Alex Riley

Age: 37

Background: Alex signed up for the Air Force right out of high school, eager to escape a small, dead-end town and prove himself. He excelled as a pilot, finding a sense of purpose and belonging within the structured world of the military. He flew combat missions for several years and while he never talked about it, the experience left its mark. A medical incident in his last tour led to an honorable discharge five years ago.

Life after the Air Force was…complicated. He bounced between a few jobs, unable to replicate the camaraderie and adrenaline he experienced in the service. He tried working as a commercial pilot but found it dull and stifling. He fell in and out of a serious relationship with Sarah, a kind doctor who saw through his tough exterior, but ultimately they just wanted different things in life. His life now is mostly working as security in an office building. He is close with his sister, Kim, who lives a few hours away.

Personality: Alex is a man of few words, often coming across as stoic and reserved. He's fiercely independent and distrustful of authority, a lingering effect of his military experience and subsequent disillusionment. Beneath his gruff exterior, however, lies a strong sense of loyalty and a deep-seated desire to protect those he cares about. He struggles with feelings of guilt and inadequacy, constantly second-guessing his decisions and wondering if he could have done things differently.


Piloting: Exceptional flying skills, both fixed-wing and rotary.
Firearms Proficiency: Highly skilled in the use of various firearms, a result of his military training.
Situational Awareness: Trained to quickly assess threats and react accordingly.
First Aid: Knows basic first aid and can treat minor injuries.

Wallet with ID and a small amount of cash
Cell phone
Leather flight jacket
Small first aid kit
Motivations: Alex is driven by a need for purpose and a desire to protect those he cares about.

Flaws: Alex is emotionally closed off, struggles to trust others, and is prone to bouts of self-doubt. His past experiences have left him with a cynical outlook on the world, and he can be quick to anger when he perceives injustice or betrayal. He also has a habit of pushing people away before they can get too close, fearing the pain of loss.

Misc: Alex has a recurring nightmare about a mission gone wrong. He enjoys reading old war stories.
I’m making the IC today.

<Snipped quote by Doughboy>

Excellent, I'll be glad to have another new player!
I would suggest you join us over on Letter Bee's Discord, as we're all very active on discussion over there and it's a good way to get to meet everyone, and discuss any ideas you might have for your character. The link is in the first OOC post.

Unfortunately, I don't have Discord.
I'll be making a cs late next week then.
For your consideration:

Name: Anna Rodriguez, "Squirrel"
Nationality: US
Age: 27
Rank/Position: Corporal, Linguist
Appearance: Slightly tall for a woman, measuring at a height of 5'10, she stands eye-to-eye with the majority of men. Her brown eyes are unremarkable, and her brown hair falls down to her midback. She is slim but toned from years of training.
Backstory: Born and raised in America to a Spaniard father and an Italian mother, Anna was multilingual from a young age. Aside from English, she also speaks Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French, and Russian. Those well above her ranks were always aware of her abilities, and she was recruited from her Army intel job for Nightingale out of the blue. She's also extremely proficient in hand-to-hand combat and self-defense.
Personality: Humble and mostly reserved, though she welcomes social interactions. At times an over-thinker, and this quirk has led her to second guess herself numerous times. She can, however, pass herself off in any role she needs to.

2. Attributes:
Strength: 2
Agility: 5
Intelligence: 4
Charisma: 4
Endurance: 3
Willpower: 4

3. Skills (Rated 0-5, 0 meaning untrained, 5 meaning expert):
Firearms: 3
Close Combat: 5
Demolitions: 1
Stealth: 4
Survival: 3
Medical: 2
Languages: 5 - Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and French; 4 - Russian
Electronics: 2
Driving: 2
Pilot: 0
Interrogation: 3
Deception: 4
Investigation: 3
Protocol: 2

4. Equipment:
Standard Issue: Army fatigues, AMT Hardballer, Buck 110 folding knife (personally acquired), first-aid/survival kit.
Specialized Gear: Multiple disguises, a lockpick, voice scrambler, listening device.
Personal Items: A ring given to her by her husband (deceased).

5. Contacts:
Denise is her best friend and back in the states, she was her Lieutenant (their friendship formed years prior to Anna becoming an officer). Given her intelligence role, Denise is as valuable of an asset as they come.

Is this still accepting new people?
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