The "Who Goes There?" novel has smarter characters than the 1982 film but it's still a masterpiece.
7 yrs ago
What is even the point of pineapples on pizza? You might as well throw strawberries or apples on it too. I mean that's what I would do if I knew I had shit taste lol.
7 yrs ago
It feels good to be back on this site after so many months. Military life is exhausting.
7 yrs ago
"Yeah man, I'm actually being smart with my scholarship money. I'm saving it instead of buying things out of impulse like other people." *buys a pair of Yeezys the next day*
7 yrs ago
I just want to be apart of an RP that actually ends. You know, without everyone dropping out.
Name: Brandon Robert Wilson Jr. Age: 31 Occupation: Police Officer
Appearance: When out uniform, his attire is usually business casual and a polo or at worst - regular shirt and light windbreaker when there's a slight windchill. He is an African-American man with a stocky build and naturally strong, wide facial features and slanted brooding eyes. He is "fit" enough to run two miles at the same rate acceptable according to decent PT standards he doesn't quite remember scoring during his 'more physical days' as an MP during this days in the Army. Alas, his later age just fainting at him as glimpses is still nonetheless slowly catching up to him now in his small moustache.
Background: Born to a aviation mechanic, Brandon Sr, and Miranda Cosgrove in the last few months of being a toddler, "Junior" was born in 1975 over at the US Naval Hospital in Guam during the years his father was still in the Navy amidst the aftermath of the Vietnam War. He is the second-born to an older, nonsensical sister. Him and his immediate family located to Inglewood, far from their own southern Louisianan background and into the thresher of the growing Crenshaw dominated area. After an interesting upbringing and discourse of a rather confusing part of his life, the death of his mother in a DUI sparked the young man into chasing something that would make sense of the few turmoils was troubled by.
Wilson enlisted in the Army in 1993 at the behest of his father, opting in for six-years of service predominately spent in Baumholder with a few deployments and TDY's under his belt for about three years while the remainder of his service was spent in Fort Bragg, closer to his family. Married to a Romanian woman, divorced in only the course of several years upon moving to Los Angeles. Seeking some sense of retribution and solace, he sought out a quieter yet flawed life in the hick American countryside against the bickering of his older sister wishing for him to stay around and only now coming to haunt him in some unexplainable malignant form.
In 2003, he was 'reassigned' to Kansas. Far from home, far from everything believing it more of a calling. It was after years of introspection that he slowly begins to realize the tantalizing nightmares that haunt him with seemingly no origin. After spending less than a year in the middle of this Kansas city, would he later realize it was a lot larger than he had ever imagined the longer his stay is.
The Touch: Brandon is haunted by something he cannot put his mind to. When he is deeply in thought, a metaphysical phantom lurks in the dark which he inevitably believe it traces back to his childhood and reluctance to indulge in hedonistic pursuits though something else tethers him especially to Havenwood. An interesting sounding town far from the place in name or he seeks solace in which he experiences as deja vus he simply disregards some false sense of precognition albeit an ominous one that won't leave him alone. Regardless, despite still being newcomer to this only slighty sleepy town there still irks a harrowing nightmares lingering in the background to his own dismay.
Weaknesses: His disciplinary mannerisms are at times his downfall, without realizing ultimately from time-to-time how easy it would be for him to befall into addictive or impulsive behaviors while at times having a disdain for himself for doing so. His emotions are kept stable under the guise of psychological structures he's built to keep himself under control.
Motivations: Occupationally, Mr. Wilson is hoping to make Sergeant after almost hitting his five-year mark within the police force and perhaps with the help of his prior Army service will earn him into a detective.
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