Current… If you like zombies, and want to live out your zombie apocalypse dreams feel free to join!
1 yr ago
Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds I’m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad I’m not the only one with the issue.
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.
@Trainerblue192@Kirah Giuliano looked over at his daughter and nodded slightly, the government really wasn't trustworthy at times really. "Alright we won't go there then." He signed as he looked at Mandy and Hermes as he got out of the car, signing to Alma. "Stay here and lock the doors." He signed to her as she nodded she made sure that the doors were locked once Hermes and Mandy got out.
Mandy would get a text from Kristain. "Already getting out of the city now, the military is quarantining the entire island sometime tonight, so get out as soon as possible." Some of Mandy's other friends in the group chat texted the same thing as well to, with a news article sourcing the information.
One of the neighbors around Mandy's age looked over at Hermes and shook his head. "I got no clue." He said before going back to loading up his car and getting ready to leave. When Hermes entered his house the place seemed to be eerily quiet for some reason and it looked like the kitchen and living room were ransacked maybe it was some hoodlums that broke in?
@Carlyle "It's okay I trust you to not crash." Isaac said as he got into the car's front seat and strapped himself in, he pulled out his phone to see if there was any new. "Uh looks like they are locking down the island sometime this evening, and that Newark Liberty International Airport, and John F. Kennedy International Airports are going to be designated safe zones." Isaac said to Kali as she started to drive out of her place and towards Liana's place. Isaac stared at the jar of berry sauce and shook his head slightly, he was pretty sure it would end up going bad in a few days if it didn't get refrigerated. Kali would get a text from Liana. "How far are you out?" Was what the text asked.
Flynn Price
Location: Car Shop. Skills: N/A
"It really is fucked up people biting each other, and who knows how well the government and military are going to handle the rest of it." Flynn said as he looked around, seeing a number of buses as well driving past them which made him wonder if the buses were bringing people away or if they were just single drivers getting out of the city. Everything was going to shit very quickly in a matter of hours it felt like. "Just yesterday I was riding my bike and going up here." Flynn said to Verity.
"The military is gonna do a pretty shitty job with them safety zones it'll take a few pissed off people to ruin everything." Gus said as he continued to drive they were nearing the George Washington Bridge. Gus started to notice that the traffic was getting congested as he looked at the others. "Well shit." Gus said as he rolled down the window sticking his head out of the window and started to beep the horn he really didn't like the idea of being trapped near or on the bridge. "Hey can you ask your friend if there is another route or something?" Flynn asked looking at Verity.
Kaitlyn Carver
Location: NYC, Apartment Garage Skills: N/A
Ameer turned to look at Waverly. "Mind turning on that old tin can of yours and see if theres any news or whatever?" He asked as he went over towards the window, he started to notice Joe on the outside being chased by a group of zombies. "Theres a guy out there." Ameer said looking at Juniper, Waverly, Stacy and Kaitlyn. "We should help him." Stacy said as she went under the bar table pulling out a handgun she kept for protection in case some druggie or hoodlum would try and rob the bar which has happened more than a few times as well to.
Kaitlyn turned to Juniper, from what her knowledge on zombie stuff. "The city itself is a deathtrap which we need to get out as soon as possible. Rural areas would be the best." Kaitlyn said as she started to look uncomfortable as Stacy grabbed a handgun from under the bar and started to make her way towards the back door of the bar.
Location: New Orleans - The Sorcerer's Inn Current Outfit: Current Clothes Skills: N/A
Diana made her way into the lobby of the hotel looking over at everyone else that was there, Vision she didn't see Leah or Sabine there which was odd, maybe they were taking a shower or something Diana didn't know really. "I'm ready." Diana said, she would have offered to help and teleport everyone over to Strange Academy, but Vision asked America to open up the portal. She watched America punching a hole through reality which opened up to reveal a waiting room of sorts with other students. "Show off." Diana said to America jokingly as she quickly stepped through the other end.
Diana looked around to see if the others who were staying at the Kingstons were, Diana saw her brother there on one of the chairs with a packet in his hands. Diana really did want to talk to Percy and Dorian to apologize, but she didn't want to do it in front of everyone in case something did happen and she could approach them at another time to.
Then suddenly a packet and clipboard appeared in her hands, Diana looked around and spotted an empty seat she sat down taking the pen provided and started to fill it out. Once Diana finished filling out the questionnaire she saw a few doors appear she got up and made her way over towards one of the to wait to enter.
Legal Name: Diana Niah Novikova School: Margaret Carter Institute Qualifying Team: Uncanny Avengers Date of Birth: October, 20th, 2021 Physical Age: 16 Emergency Contact: Dominika Novikova, Maria Novikova Notable Abilities or Powers: Quantum Teleportation. Declared Item: Collapsible compound bow Quiver of Arrows, Trick Arrows (10 regular arrows, 10 grapple arrows, 10 ensnarement arrows, 10 flashbang arrows, 10 explosive arrows, 10 EMP arrows) Pertinent Medical History: None Signature Certifying that You Agree to Follow All Contest of Champions Rules: Diana Novikova
Madalyne Crane
Location: The Kingston-Gray estate Current Outfit: Current Clothes Skills: N/A Grimoire: N/A
Madalyne gave Andy a slight smile she was glad that she was able to reconnect with someone. "Thats good to hear Andy." Madalyne said to Andy as she waited a little bit longer, until suddenly a portal opened right from under her feet and she felt herself suddenly falling through it and landing safely on the other end. "A little warning would have been nice." Madalyne said sounding slightly annoyed, then a clipboard suddenly appeared in her hands. Madalyne looked around finding an empty seat and sat down as she started to fill out the questions, which all seemed to be pretty normal.
Her attention was quickly turned to the star shaped portal in the middle of the hallway seeing that it was the others who were staying over at the hotel. She gave them all a friendly smile and waved towards the people that she recognized before turning her attention back towards the questionnaire she paused for a moment seeing the notable abilities and powers, she knew that she could fly with her wings and be able to grab things with her tail and decided to write those down as well to. Once Madalyne finished up filling out her questionnaire she got up seeing ten doors appearing ready to take in students and made her way over towards one of them.
Legal Name: Madalyne Lilian Crane School: Margaret Carter Institute Qualifying Team: Excelsior Date of Birth: November 28th, 2022 Physical Age: 15 Emergency Contact: Amara Crane Notable Abilities or Powers: Eldritch Magic, Demonic heritage, wings for flight, prehensile tail. Declared Item: Collapsible Spellbook Pertinent Medical History: Asthma Signature Certifying that You Agree to Follow All Contest of Champions Rules: Madalyne Crane.
Elise had gotten home one day from working out at the gym she parked her car in the driveway of her mother's home she hadn't moved out just yet really and was in the process of moving out soon. She got out of her car and made her way over to the mailbox to checkout the mail, bills in her name as well as her mother's but then a letter that was addressed to her got her interest. Elise entered the house putting her mother's mail on the dining room table before heading over to her room.
Elise' eyes went over the letter, she recently did win the US national Taekwondo tournament which was something she was really proud of doing, but she didn't think she would actually catch the attention of anyone major. She noticed the Visa Card in the letter as well and looked it over as well as the roundtrip tickets to France. And seeing the 1,000,000 prize that really caught her attention and decided to go to the ceremony.
Elise couldn't help but be excited to be on this little trip, Elise wasn't expecting a private jet or anything at all either and enjoyed the food and drink on the flight over. She looked over at the others, Elise didn't know them all really as she looked at the others and made some small talk on the limo ride over to the dock, as well as the ferry ride to the private island. Once they got to the house proper Elise was amazed at the size of the building itself. "Thank you." Elise said to Wadsworth as she followed everyone else into the Chateau seeing Eleanor greeting them, she looked over at the board that was set up with everyone's name and their assigned room.
She approached it seeing that she was in the Terracotta room, Elise followed shortly behind Millicent and Ralph up to the second floor and down the hallway, she looked around until she spotted her room and opened the door. It was definitely heavily inspired by a western theme as well as a few ghost town paintings. "Well this is really nice." Elise said to herself as she made her way over to the bed, sitting down on it to test how comfortable it was which was really comfy to her as she got up. They had an hour before dinner and Elise wanted to explore as well to so she decided to head out and check out the lounge.
Kiera turned to look at Sera and nodded giving her a smile. "Yep we do actually, we used it to travel across the states to New Rome." She told her as she looked over at Kristin to see if she would answer her sister's question. "Our weapons should be fine, Argo III should have the armaments that we need, i'll ask Alannah and Lauryn if she's still loaded." Kristin said, as she looked at the others for a moment she shook her head slightly at Demi's comment.
"C'mon lets go." Isaac said, as he and Janelle went to get things ready for their journey and get whatever gear that they needed, as Kiera looked over at her sister. "Lets get our things ready." Kiera said to her sister. Kristin turned to Demi and Zeke. "If you two don't mind grabbing the camping supplies at the camp store, since it's a quest they should hand all the camping supplies that we need for free." She asked them she went and headed over to the Hephaestus cabin where she knew where Lauryn usually was most days.
Over at the Roman side of camp the legionnaire nodded giving Niah a salute. "Yes ma'am." He said as he turned around and quickly started to spread the word that the quest was starting. They had already made up a plan to have the most senior ranking senate member to take up the temporary position to lead the Legion.
Madalyne Crane
Location: Tartarus Skills: mistyiokinesis
Leda would be able to easily dodge out of the way of the basilisk that tried to attack her, and she would be able to kill it with her weapon. Damasen would be able to stomp on a cluster of the little snakes easily killing them easily and swung his weapon at another, there was a sound of hissing, and the basilisk started to slither away from the group. Madalyne closed her eyes and sighed slightly for a moment watching the little things go off. "Lets keep moving." Damasen said as he started to lead the group forward eventually they were able to get out of Damasen's swamp, Madalyne started to follow him as she looked around.
She spotted what looked like a rather tall mountain in the distance, maybe they can use that as a vantage point and figure out where the Doors of Death were maybe and get a better lay of the land and see any other threats. "That mountain over there, can we go over to it?" Madalyne asked looking over at Damasen as he looked at her and nodded.
He started to lead the two of them over towards the mountain then the three of them could hear what sounded like a dragon's roar as it flew overhead but it didn't look like it had spotted them yet heading in the same direction. Madalyne remembered dealing with a dragon with Niah and Nancy with the quest that they had gone on together which felt like a lifetime ago.
Location: New Orleans - The Sorcerer's Inn Current Outfit: Current Clothes Skills: N/A
Diana started to unpack some of her clothes putting them down onto her bed, she had her phone on the bed next to her she started to think about texting her brother to see if he had settled in okay over at Danni and Dorian's home. Though she would have a feeling that he would have ignored her text, but she knew that Diana would see him again for the examination. She wanted to apologize for the way she did react to both Dorian and Percy she knew the way she reacted wasn't right at all. And Diana was on the same team with Percy as well to, and they needed to work together.
Diana got the text from Vision, they needed to meet back down in the lobby and head over to Strange Academy to get the examinations done and out of the way. And if she didn't show up she would be disqualified and all of the training that Diana had done would be all for nothing to. She put her clothes back down and grabbed her phone and started to make her way out of her hotel room, looking over at Leah, and Sabine it sounded like they were having some intense conversation as she made her way back down to the lobby to meet up with all of the others that were going over.
Madalyne Crane
Location: The Kingston-Gray estate Current Outfit: Current Clothes Skills: N/A Grimoire: N/A
Madalyne decided to put her bag down onto her bed and sat down on it for a moment looking around, it reminded her of her room back home which was very nice and cozy. She went over and started to unpack some of her clothes laying them neatly on the bed, she took a moment to look at one of her shirts. She ran a hand through the holes in the back that would allow her wings through, a few months ago it didn't have them. Madalyne quickly shook her head as she folded it up and started to make her way out of the room, she knew that the examinations over at Strange Academy were very soon and she didn't want to get disqualified.
Madalyne left the room and closed the door behind her, making sure that it was locked as she made her way back towards the foyer of the house hearing Danni and seeing that Andy had came back after visiting the neighbor. "So when do we head over to Strange Academy?" Madalyne asked, she wanted to get the whole examination done and over with.
@Trainerblue192@Kirah Giuliano looked at Mandy for a moment, he didn't really know where to go they could try their luck out in the suburbs or the rural areas and see how things were. "Maybe the military set up refugee camps near the city, if not we could try the rural areas see if there is a place to stay there." Giuliano Mandy's father suggested the roads were pretty clear for now and they would be in Hermes little neighborhood now. He would be able to see that the door to his home was cracked open slightly a few neighbors were seen packing up and leaving their homes as well to.
@Carlyle Isaac turned to Kali as he finished putting cans of food and stuff that wouldn't expire for awhile he left things that needed to be cold or frozen in the fridge and freezer. "Yeah theres some canned food in there, i'm ready to get out of here if you are." Isaac said as he started get up and made his way over towards the door. "Since you know where your roommate works, you should drive." He suggested handing her his car keys. Isaac would see the last of the people in the apartment were now all leaving as he got out of the apartment building and made his way towards the car.
Flynn Price
Location: Car Shop. Skills: N/A
"What do you think the military will do to the city?" Flynn asked looking over at Gus as he thought for a moment before he was a mechanic he was in the military himself. "They'll probably quarantine the island itself, either they blockade all exits out of the Manhattan or they blow up all the bridges leading in." He said with a slight shrug Flynn didn't like having to be locked up in the city with the dead at all, as he leaned back in his seat.
He looked through the front windshield he started to notice smoke in certain areas of the skyline which wasn't good at all and worrying, as he watched a few other cars. Some looked like they were fully packed and were taking the same route that they were going now Gus then snapped his fingers slightly. "I got an ex outside of the city she has a cabin she rarely uses we could go there and she owes me a favor or two." He suggested, Flynn shrugged slightly. "That works for me."
Kaitlyn Carver
Location: NYC, Apartment Garage Skills: N/A
"Theres a few canned goods in the kitchen, probably can't bring anything that requires refrigeration or frozen that will go bad. And tons of booze for awhile could be useful if needed." Stacy said as Ameer headed over towards the window to make sure that there wasn't anything else going on from the outside of their little bar. Waverly would get a text from her sister. "Where are you at I got home and you weren't there?"
He turned towards Juniper for a moment then over towards the women. "We can maybe stay an hour or two the front doors are barricaded shut so anyone who wants to break in have to come in through the back. The storefront protection on the windows and doors should help a little bit." He said, they had a few break ins in the past and Stacy was able to buy some decent store front protections when she closed for the day. Kaitlyn remained pretty quiet for the most part taking a sip of her beer as she listened to the conversations that were going on as she looked down at her car keys.
Over on the outside Joe could see the bar that he frequented a lot owned by a woman named Stacy, a very loud groaning sound could be heard and a zombie could be seen shambling from behind him knocking down a few trash cans and tripping over them and tried to get up chasing after it's prey.
"We'll probably need a few weapons as well to, and some more defensive things to protect the ship." Kristin said as she looked over at the others. "As well as somethings like camping supplies, like tents and whatnot in case something does happen to the Argo III while we are down there. Along with other rations in case we all get separated from each other." She said to everyone, they were all going into the heart of where all the monsters are they needed to make sure that they were prepared for everything.
"What supplies do you think you'd need?" Isaac asked as he looked over towards Janelle wondering if she needed to get anything and if she needed any help to. "I'll help you out get whatever you need." He offered her. Kiera looked over towards her sister and smiled she was happy to finally be able to find her girlfriend down there and save the Roman's friend as well to.
"Just going to get some sleeping stuff and i'll be good." Kiera said to Kristin as she looked over at the others as Kristin nodded slightly as she looked over at the others. "We'll meet up at the beach then in thirty minutes if anyone objects."
Amara continued to cook her dinner as she turned on the tv to see what she wanted to watch, she decided to make some tacos for dinner. Amara switched it to a cooking channel that she sometimes did like to watch. She slowly started to finish cooking up her dinner, taking off the pan of ground beef from the stove putting it to the side. She made her way towards the fridge pulling out a bag of shredded cheese and creme cheese and some shredded lettuce.
Amara raised her eyes when she heard a rather loud knock on the door, she wasn't expecting anyone to come over really or ordered anything either. Then there was another set of loud knocks Amara let out a rather annoyed sigh she turned the stove off, she wandered over to the front door opening the door. "Hello?" Amara asked as she took a step into the hallway looking around up and down the hallway, she didn't see anyone. "Really?" Amara said sounding really annoyed thinking it was some kids that were just very bored she turned and started to head back inside.
Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.
[color=BDB76B][u][i][b]Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by:[/b][/i][/u][/color] [@Morose],[@BlueSky44]
[*][url=]Skyrose Multiverse Lore Guide.[/url] Made by: [@Morose] & [@BlueSky44]
[*][url=]Agents of SHIELD[/url] GMed & Co-GMed by: [@Morose],[@BlueSky44]
[*][url=]X-Men: Darkness Rising[/url] GMed & Co-GMed by: [@BlueSky44],[@Morose]
[*][url=]The Gifted[/url] GMed & Co-GMed by: [@Morose],[@BlueSky44][/list]
[color=BDB76B][u][i][b]Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by:[/b][/i][/u][/color] [@Kirah]
[list][*][url=]Forgotten Space[/url] GMed & Co-GMed by [@Kirah],[@Morose][/list]
[color=BDB76B][u][i][b]Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by:[/b][/i][/u][/color] Me [@Nallore]!
[*][url=]Nallore's Apartment of Characters[/url]
[*][url=]Heroes of Olympus: The Next Age of Heroes.[/url]
[*][url=]Hotel Valhalla: & The Gods of Asgard.[/url]
[*][url=]Once Upon A Time.[/url]
[*][url=]Heroes of Olympus: The Hidden Gem[/url]
[*][url=]Heores of Olympus: The Stolen Muse[/url]
[*][url=]Hotel Valhalla & The Gods of Asgard: The Missing Apples[/url]
[*]Heroes of Olympus & Hotel Valhalla Crossover
[*]The Hunters of Artemis
[*]Camp Othrys
[*]Nexus RP Universe Guide[/list]
[url=]Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1[/url] with [@AngelBites15]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><hr class="bb-hr"><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /><br><img src="" /></div><br><hr class="bb-hr"><br>Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.<br><hr class="bb-hr"><hr class="bb-hr"><br><br><hr class="bb-hr"><hr class="bb-hr"><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /><br><img src="" /></div><br><hr class="bb-hr"><br><font color="#bdb76b"><span class="bb-u"><span class="bb-i"><span class="bb-b">Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by:</span></span></span></font> <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/morose">@Morose</a>,<a class="bb-mention" href="/users/bluesky44">@BlueSky44</a><br><ul class="bb-list" style="white-space: normal;"><li><a href="">Skyrose Multiverse Lore Guide.</a> Made by: <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/morose">@Morose</a> & <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/bluesky44">@BlueSky44</a></li><li><a href="">Agents of SHIELD</a> GMed & Co-GMed by: <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/morose">@Morose</a>,<a class="bb-mention" href="/users/bluesky44">@BlueSky44</a></li><li><a href="">X-Men: Darkness Rising</a> GMed & Co-GMed by: <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/bluesky44">@BlueSky44</a>,<a class="bb-mention" href="/users/morose">@Morose</a></li><li><a href="">The Gifted</a> GMed & Co-GMed by: <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/morose">@Morose</a>,<a class="bb-mention" href="/users/bluesky44">@BlueSky44</a></li></ul><br><hr class="bb-hr"><br><br><font color="#bdb76b"><span class="bb-u"><span class="bb-i"><span class="bb-b">Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by:</span></span></span></font> <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/kirah">@Kirah</a><br><ul class="bb-list" style="white-space: normal;"><li><a href="">Forgotten Space</a> GMed & Co-GMed by <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/kirah">@Kirah</a>,<a class="bb-mention" href="/users/morose">@Morose</a></li></ul><br><hr class="bb-hr"><br><br><font color="#bdb76b"><span class="bb-u"><span class="bb-i"><span class="bb-b">Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by:</span></span></span></font> Me <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/nallore">@Nallore</a>!<br><ul class="bb-list" style="white-space: normal;"><li><a href="">Nallore's Apartment of Characters</a></li><li><a href="">Heroes of Olympus: The Next Age of Heroes.</a></li><li><a href="">Hotel Valhalla: & The Gods of Asgard.</a></li><li><a href="">Once Upon A Time.</a></li><li><a href="">Heroes of Olympus: The Hidden Gem</a></li><li><a href="">Heores of Olympus: The Stolen Muse</a></li><li><a href="">Hotel Valhalla & The Gods of Asgard: The Missing Apples</a></li><li>Heroes of Olympus & Hotel Valhalla Crossover</li><li>The Hunters of Artemis</li><li>Camp Othrys</li><li>Nexus RP Universe Guide</li></ul><br><hr class="bb-hr"><br><a href="">Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1</a> with <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/angelbites15">@AngelBites15</a></div>