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Demetri Rowan Howell


Demi smiled as Alexios told him he'd keep his distance. ”Thanks. That's all I ask is that you keep a safe distance away.” He replied before looking towards Andy and chuckling a little. ”I sure hope the ship fits. I mean if it can get all those giants and monsters out I'm sure we can squeeze a ship through. Might be a bit like threading a needle but I'm sure we can get a great pilot right?” Demis arm hung around Nancy, not wanting to break off the hug or contact until she felt it right.

His eyes looked towards Zeke as he asked about supplies. Honestly what was there to bring? Only two other campers had entered Tartarus before and even then it wasn't like they had a plug description of what they'd face down there. Every unknown challenge meant adding more supplies, but more supplies meant slowing down on foot from the weight. ”I can pack up a few items real quick. Should bring the Cornucopia along so that they can get some decent food for the trip. Down Tartarus has had much in the way of meals.”


”I think she should be fine. She's back with her family, and indoors.” Hermes signed. It felt selfish to think about at this moment, but they really needed to focus on themselves before others. As his hands moved about, answering his cousin's question, the kitten decided to start nibbling at the palm of his hand. Hermes simply took his other hand and began to gently scratch near the kittens cheeks till it loosened it's grip and let go. His attention was drawn towards the fiery location, fire fighters working hard to put out the flames as a gas station was totaled in its wake. Someone must've driven into the pumps themselves. Either passed out from intoxication or a suicide. It was impossible to tell. His brows furrowed as he watched the military vehicle parked in front of the accident, wondering why there was so much presence today.

The radio came to life, a breaking news bulletin cutting through the monotony of talk show takes of what was currently going on outside. Hermes began to attempt to translate, making sure to hit key words while leaving others at the wayside that he felt were just fluff. ”The Governor has mobilized the national guard and military. They are ordering an evacuation of New York and imposing a curfew. It seems other states are following suit and the President is going to give a statement at some point. What is going on? I know New Yorks always been weird but today's been…a nightmare. If other states are having this issue though…where can we go?”
Chat, I think this is about to be our greatest adventure yet


”Been ready. Mom knows to expect us, said to be safe. We've got a few supplies in my room i always keep packed up just in case. You never know in New York, city like this anything could happen so I always tried to stay safe about it.” Hermes signed as he finally grabbed the small kitten and placed it between the crook of his arm as he began to absentmindedly pet it while he made his way out of the apartment with his family. He held his phone in one hand and the cat lay in the other which made it a little difficult to sign at times. Needing to place his phone down each time he wanted to speak. Another thing he figured hearing people didn't consider when in conversation, the ability to keep at least one hand free. Made it harder during dinner or lunch when wanting to utilize a fork and knife.

He saw the explosion and pointed it out to his Cousin, Uncle, and Aunt. Refreshing the app on his phone to ensure that they weren't going towards that fiery mess. He reread the new instructions and pocketed his phone for now. Signing towards them once he got their attention again. ”We are going to be driving towards that. But it's ok, the route veers away before we hit the area on fire so we should be safe and should avoid the build up happening there. But we need to hurry before others change route too ok?” Hermes said before getting into the car and settling in, phone back out to read the instructions for them.

Demetri Rowan Howell


His other son? Nancy had mentioned a dark haired boy meeting them in her prophecy but Demi hadn't figured it'd be another Son of Hades. Fine. Just a little longer then until he himself could get some answers. His jaw clenched as he heard a familiar voice calling after him, feeling his hair getting ruffled before Demi took a wide step back. ”Hey hey hey, listen, Alexios. Two very important things. Number one don't mess with the hair please. I know it's disheveled but it takes a lot of time to get it the right kind of disheveled ok? Two, kinda just made a pact. See that lovely kid of Apollo over there? Yeah she has some issues that appeared under your domain see, so while I'm with her like I am right now, you can't be near. Otherwise not only is it a major party foul, it's also like being the biggest party pooper in the world. But I genuinely do appreciate your help, even if your are a bit late to the reveal of Thany over there.” Demi said as he patted Alexios head and ruffled his hair before walking further away to be with Nancy and Zeke.

During all that it seemed others were getting their questions out and about to Thanatos. How long till they march, what could they encounter, what should be expected. It felt like a boring Roman meeting all of a sudden but they were all very important questions. He was trying his hardest to pay attention, when suddenly he felt himself pulled into a tight hug. He'd expected Zeke or Andy, really anyone before Nancy. But he returned the hug all the same. ”Please me and Thany are chill, met before and well the gods need to do their parts too. They can't all be lazy bums, so I ya know…asked for some things to get done. Really it's nothing I wouldn't do to see Zeke and you smile. Or to help a friend in need.”

Despite it seeming as if Max was otherwise preoccupied, he was in fact still listening in on Andy's conversation. He supposed it was an old habit when surrounded by so many mutants, so many familiar faces. He paid attention. Especially when it came to the case of Andy Drummond, she always seemed to have a hard time trying to fit in. It hurt him to hear that for the most part she still felt the same way, then again it hadn't been nearly as long for her. That was when Selene began her tirade again, Max looking towards Firestar and mouthing to excuse him for just a moment. ”Sorry you washed up old rat, but I don't take kindly to third rate mystics with fifth rate magic attempting to curse my friends and family. So you'll excuse me if I send you on a very lonely vacation for a while.” Max said as he traced a circle above his head with one finger and Selene's carrier (along with her) fell through a portal.

His attention was placed back onto Firestar, pushing past the awkwardness of realizing that it was his first time meeting Madalyne Crane. Time travel never got any easier it seemed. He'd have to explain to her that he met her many years ago as a child, and that she probably didn't remember him. Another cover story until the truth could be revealed. A funny thought as the bearer of the Eye of Truth. Firestar made sure to snap him out of his thoughts as she explained the issue that had come about. Their teams coach had passed away, in another dimension nonetheless. Max was about to ask what she intended for him to do about it? Had she heard of their families' feats and wished for a resurrection? He gauged her expression and realized quickly that what she needed was guidance. He let out a soft sigh moments before his children decided to announce to the world that their coach was dead. Another sigh following suit.

”Don't worry Firestar, we'll collect the children and have a talk with them all about what has just transpired. You need not concern yourself with this particular issue any further if you do not wish to. But if you need someone to speak to about this, about your colleague, then feel free to stop by at any time. Our door is always open.” Max said with a comforting hand placed upon her shoulder.

Location: Sorcerer’s Hotel
Skills: Foot in Mouth

Even now, Valerie still wasn’t quite used to the experience of traveling with pop stars. It was such a change from her old life - rather than sneaking onto flights and buses, wearing invisibility like armor, they took chartered planes and chauffeurs waited to bring them where they needed to go. They didn’t need to travel light, they didn’t need to worry about where they’d be able to stop for supplies, and they didn’t need to carefully rotate through a set of fake IDs. Even the clothes were different - she’d spent so much time wearing the same gray hoodie and a pair of ripped skinny jeans, having a wardrobe of options to choose from felt extravagant (though mostly, her girlfriend and brother helped to pick things out for her. She appreciated it).

However, the hotel lobby they found themselves in now, with peeling paint, old and tattered furniture, and a pack of upset children on a school trip… That was much more in line with the shitty motels Valerie was used to staying in. She raised an eyebrow, a bit surprised that her brother had decided on this place. He had expensive taste. ”Are you sure this is the right hotel?” It looked like the sort of place the Mutant Underground would have used as a temporary headquarters - one of their nicer ones, to be clear, but still definitely below the pop star’s standards.

Davie, for the moment, was the personality utilizing his body. He’d let one of the others take control if it was needed for the situation, or if one of Harry’s other personalities decided to pop on out - he didn’t want to steal time from the others when it came to their significant others, although the entire arrangement was much easier to manage on the astral plane, where they weren’t limited to the single body Davie and the others had to share. He slipped his hand into Harry’s, entwining their fingers. He went with his husband on every tour, and he’d stayed in enough hotels to know that this one probably wasn’t correct. He then paused for a moment. “Willow wants me to tell you that it isn’t Terry’s fault.”

Eva looked around the lobby of the Hotel. She raised an eyebrow, hidden behind her sunglasses. ”This place is quaint.” Her eyes paused on the group of teens. They seemed to be upset about something. She wondered if they were here for the same reason her little group was there. It was likely, which probably meant they were involved in the contest. ”There isn’t anyone at the front desk. Hopefully, they hurry back so we can check in.”

Harry turned to face his group, leaning against the Front Desk counter as he looked down over his sunglasses. A spotlight cast upon him. ”Of course she did. She never thinks anything is Terry's fault. But that just makes me feel like it's his fault even more.” He declared before pushing his sunglasses back up and viewing all the others in the room before turning to Val, leaning on one side now against the counter. ”I don't know Val. All the hotels in the French Quarter look the same. I get they're historic but could they have individualized it even a little bit? Anyways Eva, apparently they cant find my reservation. How they managed to misplaced such a high esteemed reservation makes me wonder what kind of business he's running here.”

Davie’s posture abruptly shifted - no longer loose and relaxed, but instead stiff and tense, with crossed arms and an aggressively tapping foot. “What in the nine hells is your problem with Terry?” Willow hissed, her eyes burning a bit with hellfire. “You’re always blaming him.”

Valerie shifted a bit uncomfortably - she was much more used to Legion’s sudden shifts in personality, but it was still jarring to see. ”Okay, so… Do you have a confirmation email?” she asked. ”Did you book it - or was it one of the boys?” The fact that Harry didn’t immediately confirm it was the Sorcerer’s Inn they were booked at was concerning to her - and the idea that they were at the wrong hotel entirely, with her brother complaining about the hotel’s owner, it didn’t soothe the small flare up of social anxiety within her.

”Val is right. Do you have a confirmation email, or this place is old enough to use fax or carrier pigeon.” Eva stood close to Val and gently wrapped a comforting arm around her. ”If we are at the wrong place you're buying dinner.” She told Harry.

Harry scoffed, mock acting as if he was hurt by all the accusations. ”No I don't have a confirmation email or pigeon. Just this note left by Terry and his terrible handwriting. It says the place with arms. There's a coat of arms right there in the windows. Ergo, We are at the right location.” He said as he produced a scrap piece of paper that read Place D'Armes.

Willow snatched the paper from Harry, reading the note for a second. She didn’t know French, despite her beau being French-Canadian. She didn’t get out enough to really master the language, and one of the others likely was sitting on the French skills. “I want to talk to Terry,” she insisted. “And his handwriting isn’t terrible, it’s unique!

Valerie relaxed slightly with Eva’s arm around her, but what Harry had said didn’t inspire a lot of faith in her. ”So you don’t know the name of the hotel, just that it has a coat of arms on it… like tons of the other buildings we drove by to get here,” she summarized, reflexively reaching into her pocket for her phone, as if this was just another mission and she needed to reach out to a contact for intel. Maybe they’d need to consider finding a place that could fit them in same-day. They couldn’t stay with the Kingston-Grays - and Valerie still felt some lingering guilt there, even years later - and she started mentally running through the list of mutants they knew in the area.

”Which coat of arms?” The city was going to be busy and booked. If they had to pull some weird strings it would look bad. Eva considered the possibilities and then shrugged. It would work out. Either this hotel was the right one or they were at the wrong place and needed a different hotel. ”How did Terry book it? Maybe there is a number to call.” Eva suggested. Though if there was no email there likely was no number.

“Terry can wait a bit Willow. Place is crowded enough as is without adding more people to the mix. Now let's see…” Harry thought as he got off the counter and paced in small circles, the spotlight following him as he did. ”He found the place online, because I wanted something quaint but not too quaint. Character but with class. So he needed visuals…but I think he booked them on call which means…” Harry fished his phone from his pocket and began to scroll to calls from the same day it was booked. Finding a number he didn't recognize but that Terry had saved as ‘Contest Hotel’ ”Ah-ha! I have a number. I can call them.” He said as he held his phone up to his ear.

Willow’s nostrils flared, before she suddenly gasped and her posture loosened up considerably again. “Ooof she is big mad…” Davie said, shaking his head slightly. “Like almost as mad as the Geneva trip from last summer.” Of his most frequently appearing other personalities, Willow was definitely one of the more fiery ones. At least - unlike during his youth - Davie didn’t black out anymore when other personalities took control. It was more like he went to a quiet space in the back of his head, just a fly on the wall observing.

Valerie nodded, waiting patiently as her brother called. She was beginning to really regret not insisting on making the arrangements herself - or at least asking for Harry’s management team to do it. He was sometimes thirteen different people - she could hardly blame him for being a little scattered at times.

”Does anyone hear a phone ring?” Eva let go of Val to lean over the counter and listen for a phone. ”Imagine.” She said and then wrapped herself around Val again. ”Look at it this way. If he is wrong we get to tease him mercilessly about it later.”

”Thank you for calling the Places D'Armes Hotel. My name is Kevin, how can I help you?”

Harry proceeded to speak to the man on the phone. Many “uh huhs” and “mhms” spoken as he continued the call. ”Now in relation to the uh…Sorcerers Hotel? Next block? Right, heading towards…ok. Thank you so much for your help Kevin we will be there momentarily. Oh there's online check in? Wonderful I'll do that instead.” He said as he hung up the call. ”Terry forgot to write the word hotel at the end of it. That note wasn't an instruction, it was a name. One I'm hoping is better than this…lovely hotel.”

Valerie couldn’t help but laugh slightly at her girlfriend’s antics, shaking her head. ”Not only are we going to tease him, I’m also never letting him make the travel arrangements again.” Nor would she allow him to live this down. He already had one over on her, by using the name VEIL for his institute - technically two, if she counted the fact that he clung to the mere minutes between their births to assert himself as the older brother. She could work with this, if nothing else.

Once Harry finished his conversation, Davie flinched slightly, a hand reflexively going up to his ear. Willow was screaming in his head about how this actually vindicated Terry, and that it was Harry’s fault for assuming the note was a description and not the name of the hotel, and that he owed her boyfriend an apology. “Oww, inside voices please... Is the other place nearby? Do we need to get the car back?”

”I guess you’re buying us dinner, then, Harry,” Valerie smirked ever so slightly - concealing the mortification that her brother had, in fact, insisted they had a reservation at a hotel that they definitely had not had one for.

Eva was grinning broadly. This was entertaining. ”I'd like surf ‘n turf. Or one of those bags that they cook a bunch of stuff in. And obviously beignets for dessert.” Eva heard some of the conversation coming from the group of teens. The adult was giving a lecture about death. But importantly they had been noticed. At least two of the teens had noticed them. ”Time to go soon. We’ve been spotted, and I don’t mean Harry’s spotlight.”

”There’s still time for you to change your mind and let me cloak you both,” Valerie said pointedly, an eyebrow raised. ”It’d be more effective than these glasses.”

”Technically still Terrys fault. He needs to learn to note take better. It's difficult enough to scramble through thirteen different memories but I suppose I can treat you all to lunch. You get Po Boys and you're gonna like it. There's a great spot nearby for them too, apparently the recipe hasn't changed in over a century or something. Barry found it.” Harry said until they all noticed they'd been spotted. Val went into defense mode, wanting to cloak them, Eva was ready to leave but Harry? He faced his adoring fans, tilting his sunglasses down once more to look over them straight at the queer pair before him.

A spotlight appeared over Wiccan, a gentle hue of blue surrounding him. ”I see we have a fan in the house. Don't be shy, come on up here kid.”


There was a pang of embarrassment as his cousin told him that slower was better. But then…how could he get better? He could hardly catch the words she signed earlier and now he worried he was slowing everything down. He took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly. It was fine. It'd be fine. His uncle wanted to evacuate. Hermes didn't think that was a good idea. Between the military, the traffic, and how badly people were driving today he didn't think it was wise. They'd sooner run out of gas parked in traffic than actually leave the city. But…Quarantined here could be bad as well. ”Yeah…I'll text her.” He signed back as he leaned against the counter again.

Hermes pulled out his phone, shooting his mom a text. ”Hey ma, at Mandy’s still but are thinking about evacuating the city. We are going to get you and Nana and a few other things then we are all outta here ok? Pack up, stay safe, see you soon. Love you ❤️” He opened up his Waze app, typing in his address to find the best way to get to his place. Then from her place another direction leading them out. It seemed there would be a lot of back roads taking him through the long way around but the traffic was much clearer than the main streets others were using so it'd be safer for them at least. ”Found directions both to Ma's and out of here. It'll take us the backroads but much less traffic. So I think it's the best shot no?”

In Trainers CS 19 days ago Forum: Test Forum

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