Avatar of KTostada


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Theatre kid, drag queen, roleplayer and writer

Any pronouns

I love theatre, drag, and tabletop roleplaying games

My favorite play is Godzilla + Kong by Max Tachis. Currently playing an actor in Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon. Past credits include Spot in Shakespeare in Love, Katie in Godzilla + Kong, and Ninja 2 in TED. Katie was my all-time favorite role<3.

My favorite characters (from anything) are Death, Susan and Tiffany from Discworld, Sydney from Camp Here and There, Katie, Lana, and Cheryl from Godzilla + Kong, Frenchy from Grease, and Ursula from The Little Mermaid

On this site I am currently playing:

-Juniper in The Dead Don't Die

Most Recent Posts

Ivanna (Brendan)

Location: Ivanna's sad little apartment, Los Angelos, CA
Skills: N/A

Ivanna always loved when a story started with a mysterious envelope.

Narratively speaking, letters are a captivating way to start a story. Grammatically speaking, they are the only way to start a story.

Ivanna knew there was something special about a fancy envelope with both her names, though she failed to recall any stories where drag queens got to go do cool things after getting a mysterious letter. She started to slide one of her fake nails under to open it when she heard footsteps down the stairs. She put the letter back on top of the pile of mail, then flipped it so that the letter was hidden under the usual bills and coupons for random resturants, placing it on her counter just as her best friend, Superfetch, returned from the upstairs bathroom. Ivanna didn't know where this instinct to hide things from their bestie was coming from, but she still scooted the mail pile away a little further before Superfetch returned and threw her arms around Ivanna. They'd been shooting makeup videos, both in drag, like they did every weekend, unless one of them was competing in something. It would be hours until Superfetch finally left, and Ivanna got to actually open the letter.

Who were these people? Why did they want Ivanna? It didn't matter. She was going to go. She decided that before she'd even finished reading the letter.

Location: Château de La Lune
Skills: N/A

The plane flight had been amazing. No one else was on the plane, except for a flight attendant. They didn't run out of Terra Blue chips, and Ivanna had gotten a record-breaking low number of panic attacks: seven. Maybe she was getting over her fear of planes, although the flight attendant would not agree. Ivanna took some time to fix her running mascara--no, she did not regret taking the entire plane flight in full drag--and made her way.

The Chateto or whatever it was called was so to Ivanna's taste. So fancy, so over-the-top. She was lead to a board that posted room assignments.

"Ugh, that's the photo they used of me? I've looked way hotter..."

Ivanna found their way to their room and was pleased to find some absolute design...choices, blue flower print everywhere, as if her dead grandma's exact couch had exploded and taken over the entire room. Beautiful. She'd been told there was an hour until dinner, but knowing old people, Ivanna was expecting it to be at least two hours. Thank Ru she was already in drag! That would not be enough time. It did mean she didn't have anything to do for two hours...she was tempted to photograph the room and send it to Superfetch, who would absolutly hate how much granny it was giving, but stopped. She hadn't told Fetch she was here. She hadn't told anyone. She hoped she could find some other drag performers around somewhere. She hadn't seen anyone in drag yet, but surely there were some somewhere, for her to compete against? What even was this competetion? Should she have thought before she came here? Should she have told someone? Should--oh wait, there was a door on the other side of the room! That must be the bathroom! If it was even half as nice as the rest of the Chatito, then it was time for Ivanna to finally take the fancy dump she'd deserved all her life.

Juniper Mayfield

Location: Beyond the Veil
Skills: N/A

Juniper felt a weird relief when he heard Waverly declare that the beings were zombies. Then he felt a little weird at the fact it brought him comfort. Probably it was just that having a label for something makes it easier. Plus, Juniper knew about zombies, though his thoughts felt a little scrambled right now, he was having difficulty recalling everything he'd spent all that time studying about zombies. Faintly he could hear Stacy talking about how the bar had some supplies that could be useful.

Juniper tuned back in more as he was told that it would be safe to stay in the bar, even if for only an hour or two. He didn't want to cause commotion while everyone was trying to rest, but his anxious thoughts were building. Eventually he did say something,

"What about after that? We have to like, figure out where else is safe....if anywhere? Or is the whole world zombie'd?"

Juniper Mayfield

Location: Beyond the Veil
Skills: N/A

Juniper watched, feeling a little awkward as all the people who knew each other talked. He stood by the bar unsteadily, not sure what to say as they discussed another person he didn't know. In his mind he tried to think of different things to say, should he ask who this other person was or just say quiet? Or should he be focusing his attention on what was going on outside...? He turned back towards the window.

He turned back hearing the mention of looters and evacuation. "Looters?" He paused awkwardly trying to figure out what to say or even if he should be interupting at all right now. "Do we need to go...or...I don't mean to rush anyone."

Juniper Mayfield

Location: Beyond the Veil
Skills: N/A

Juniper waved awkwardly to Ameer and Stacy, completely unsure of what to make of new people. Waverly was still kind of stranger to him, evn Kaitlyn was kind of stranger to him. Then he glanced back over his shoulder at the military vehicles. These people were still more trustworthy. As Waverly continued talking, he glanced around the bar, taking in every detail. It felt weird to be in a bar, one that didn't look to far off from the ones he'd perform at, while still knowing that the world outside was in all this chaos.

He brought his attention back to the real world just as Waverly was placing a hand on a radio and introducing it. As scared as he was of the situation he couldn't help but smile at the name. He laughed a little, feeling a little at ease from Waverly's friendliness. "AM and FMy. I get it." He laughed a little, "That's a genius-y name." . Slowly and unsure if he was allowed, he stepped slightly closer to look at the radio.

Juniper Mayfield

Location: Beyond the Veil
Skills: N/A

"You keep track of how many stations are up?" Juniper said. It was clear he was impressed by this.

Juniper looked over to the building. The building looked cool. He didn't quite know what it was, but something about the cartoon eyes and musical reference of the title brought him slight comfort, despite the seriousness of the current situation. He watched as Waverly started typing on his phone, wondering how many more would end up joining them. He was a little nervous about being around more strangers in this situation...but Waverly seemed trustworthy enough, and, well, better than the alternative of trying to survive in the zombie apocalypse alone.

As Waverly texted her friends, he looked outside the window that faced the streets, noticing the military vehicles for a moment before turning back to face the bar, not wanting any of the military people to notice him.

Juniper Mayfield

Location: NYC, Apartment Garage
Skills: N/A

Juniper nodded, staying quiet as the two girls were discussing whether or not these incidents were zombies. They definitely were, at least in Juniper's mind. He still felt awkward about how he'd been the one bringing it up, maybe he wasn't supposed to talk about it so much now that it wasn't a hypothetical. In his mind he was sorting through everything his extended family had taught him about zombies, for the first time questioning, just for a moment, whether it was all accurate. What Kaitlyn said about only being able to trust themselves, that's what he knew for sure, and not much more. At least someone had weapons if they did run into more zombies.

He got out his phone, sending a short text to his mother, asking if she and the rest of his family were okay, then glancing back up at the others in the car, wondering what Waverly had been doing. "What was that?" He asked, curious.

Juniper Mayfield

Location: NYC, Apartment Garage
Skills: N/A

Juniper stared at her for a few moments. How could she not want to know? How could she face horrors like this and not want to analyze them? How else were they supposed to survive? They needed to know everything, and she didn't even want to call it what it was? He could feel all the thoughts clawing at his brain again when she kept speaking.

"Don't--don't you want to--no, yeah that's... fair, actually." Juniper said. Maybe she was right. He got into the backseat of the car, carefully taking off his backpack and sitting it in his lap, looking up at the two girls. "Thank you, again," He said, hoping he hadn't made it too awkward by mentioning the zombies. His brain was still replaying what the stumbledly fellow had been doing, looking for signs of what he was taught about zombies. He kept trying to shut down the thoughts. They kept returning. He buckled up and gave a thumbs up to the one who was driving to let her know he was ready, taking one last look back at his apartment, wondering about life in the world to come.

Juniper Mayfield

Location: NYC, Apartment Garage
Skills: N/A

Juniper listened as both girls offered to let him go with them. Just because he hadn't seen this other girl, Waverly, before, didn't mean he was ready to go through this alone. He trusted her, somehow, plus something about her seemed familiar.

"Yes, please. I'll go with you. Thank you." He glanced at his apartment. His backpack had pretty much everything he needed. He tended to carry anything he could need with him...except one thing. The pistol, especially not while he was working as a schoolteacher. He briefly wondered whether it was worth it to go into the apartment by himself, or if that was too dangerous. He started for his apartment but all the thoughts he'd been trying to push out of his mind started overwhelming him.

Don't say it, don't say it, don't say it... Juniper thought.

He stopped walking and turned back to the two girls. "I'm sorry...did you say...biting at each other? Like...as if...and I'm in no way trying to say this is what it is, or jump to conclusions but like...biting at each other...as if they were...in the style of...might one say...zombies?"

Juniper Mayfield

Location: NYC, Apartment Garage
Skills: N/A

Juniper approached his apartment with caution. He had his thoughts about what was going on at the school, but didn't want to jump to conclusions. Still, he couldn't help but think about what his family would be saying about this whole situation.

His family. He should call them. His focus was torn away when he heard a familiar voice. He looked up to see Kaitlyn, who he sorta knew from work. She was new. There was also a second woman, who watched a can of coke that was spraying and fizzing everywhere as a sickly looking person stumbled towards it. His heart raced.

As he approached, Kaitlyn told him, or maybe this other woman, that she'd dropped her keys. Juniper nodded, carefully stepping in front of Kaitlyn, glancing back and forth from her to see if she'd retrieved the keys yet, and the sickly person stumbling.

"Are you okay? What's going on? Who is that stumbledy fellow?" Juniper asked.

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