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Current Fuh... one of the worst days of my life
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Started at work today, expect my replies in 1x1s to slow down considerably. Normal RPs go as usual.
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Coffee time every time. Be sleepless.


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Canonically, the shape you assume after the transformation is"What you think a toa should look like", so its really up tto the character :) Toa Mata adorer would probably have their build. Ahkmou on the orher hand might end up looking more like a phantoka makuta, for example.

So the sky's the limit.

Location: The Kingston-Gray estate
Outfit: ASTRA Armor
Skills/Powers/Equipment: N/A

The place was growing more bizarre by the second. Victoria watched Percy... interact... with what in the stretchiest terms may be called a doorhandle, and retrieve a key that seemed to also work as a homing beacon. The whole scheme seemed to her convoluted for the sake of being convoluted, which... kind of explained a lot about some things about Danni and Dorian, considering they spend a bunch of time of their life here.

Still wary of what sort of reality defying magic could be hiding here despite the necklace working rather well so far, she approached the handle slowly and shook hands with the house. A key that looked older than the country appeared in her hand, just short of a few cobwebs on it. "Well... let's see, I guess." she said for herself, following behind the Dorian and Percy towing operation.

If Vicky was to be honest, a mop closet would do for her just as long as there was a power plug in it. She has never even visited another person's house, let alone stay for any longer time, and it was making her feel like she was intruding on holy ground. She felt like the walls were just exuding this pressure that wanted to push her back the way she came. It was probably just in her head, or maybe it was this magical mansion, but it left her feeling like she was shrinking, and it only intensified as she walked deeper into the house.

She finally reached a door the key was seemingly pointing her to, and, curiosity overpowering her shyness, unlocked it, unsure what to expect. What she saw wasn't any of the variants she imagined, but the more she thought of the scene in front of her, the more she saw the appeal. In front of her was what appeared to be an endless white void, with only a hanging chair that seemed to be built to handle more weight than one would usually expect, and a shelving unit to the side big enough to accommodate all of her armor pieces. "You know what? I like." she finally decided. She thought about how to name such a place, and a sanctum seemed appropriate.

In Primality 3 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I won't be joining. Had trpuble coming up with a character and then a similar 1x1 fell into my lap. Apologies.

Secrets of Mata Nui
@Forsythe, @Cleveraptor

"In the time before time, the Great Spirit Mata Nui descended from the heavens, and brought the matoran into an island paradise. The Matoran tribes were separated, so the Great Spirit gave them the three virtues to follow: Unity, duty and destiny. Now working as one, the people named their island home Mata Nui, in honor of the Great Spirit.

But the Great Spirit's brother, Makuta, grew jealous of the people's reverence of his brother. So, he betrayed him, casting a spell that put the Great Spirit into an eternal slumber. But the people would not offer their praises to Makuta, so he cast a shadow over the land, causing the great Rahi beasts to go on a rampage.

And now, the Toa, six mighty heroes, have arrived as was prophecized. Together, they must find the great masks of power, and then confront the Makuta, to banish him once and for all and awaken the Great Spirit."

Or so the Turga's legends say.


SoMN is a game following an alternate Bionicle timeline, where extra characters are introduced in the original 2001 saga. The characters are those destined to transform into a different set of Toa with a hidden past and destiny they have to uncover, while learning to use their powers and facing the fallout of their unexpected arrival.

The story explores how the addition of these characters would change the Bionicle storyline going forward. Any and all changes to the canon prior to the start of the game must be made in a manner that would leave the canon events happening as they did, without change.
Character sheet

The Wall of History

Place to link to important posts.

Location: The Kingston-Gray estate
Outfit: ASTRA Armor
Skills/Powers/Equipment: N/A

"Baseline averag-" Victoria deadpanned, before realizing Dorian was right. He couldn't see. She took her phone, filmed a panoramic shot of the estate and the surrounding area, and then connected to the phone and edited the shot to look like what she saw, before sending it to Dorian. "There. Now you can. The place is so-" she struggled to find the right word. Bewitched? Cursed? "-Enchanted, it is a unicorn short of me thinking it was woven out of a rainbow." she explained.

Then the news dropped, and the whole conversation about Nemo being dead through Dorian apparently having visions of the future to Danni bringing up talking to ghosts - Because that's a thing, apparently. - happened. Vicky merely nodded in agreement: "One of the staff was Arcade's plant and tried to kill us, another has the philosophy that we have to suffer in life to amount to anything good. So plus one on checking he actually died, and this is not one of Nimue's pain games. At this point, if a member of the MC Institute staff says the sky is blue, I'd still rather check."

Her gaze followed the direction to the estate after James suggested they go inside, but one look at the creepy hand of a doorhandle that looked like it belonged to a SCP foundation's containment cell made her decide there was no way in hell she was touching it first. Instead she turned to Mads. "I'll be fine, thanks. Whatever this is, it's working wonders." she tapped the piece of jewellry around her neck. Hanging there very loosely. One tug from being snapped off, and sending her to the afterlife.

She pouted, grabbed an edge of her armor's chestplate and instructed the piece to detach to expose her silver, gold printed skin. She told the nanites to let the object pass through, and the necklace sunk below her nanite skin, now safe from being removed. Nodding approvingly, Vicky reattached the chest plate.
In Primality 10 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Carlyle Still recruiting? I'm thinking of a metal/iron, or possibly magnetism as an element.
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