Dr. Maeve Whitehall liked to have things in order. She had files filled with treatment plans, progress notes, and other such documentation when working with her clients. It made it easier to keep track of things. She kept them all under lock and key, of course. Privacy above all else.
Coulson had asked about her sessions and she gave him the barest of bare details. She noted no one had her worried or concerned apart from the two that were currently in C.A.G.E. and even then she was positive they would be all right and out soon.
Given the grand scale of the undertaking she was assigned, she thought it best to compile a report for herself regarding the students at Avengers Academy. It helped to understand the work completed and the work that needed to be done.
"This is Dr. Maeve Whitehall reporting on the work done with the students of Avengers Academy, asked by Director Coulson. Two of the students are currently under the care of C.A.G.E. and the rest were seen for initial screening sessions. These are my personal notes on the diagnoses of said students and my idea for treatment with them provided they are willing to continue sessions.
I will start with the students at C.A.G.E. April Flynn was brought in due to possible suicidal ideation given April's behavior and comments. While I believe April is not a current threat to herself I do feel strongly that she was suicidal. April appears to be under a great deal of pressure I believe stems from her parents and other family members given how strongly she didn't want her parents to see her. Despite this it is evident April has a strong support system behind her, one she is actively engaged in. My hope is that she continues to use her supports and be more open with herself going forward. I have diagnosed April with Bipolar II as there is no evidence of April being hospitalized previously for manic symptoms, this being the first and this being due to depressive symptoms. While I believe there is more going on under the surface, it is clear this is the most pressing issue.
Next we have Victoria van Dyne. This one is a bit more complicated due to Victoria being an android or robot created for a specific purpose. While there are human characteristics within Victoria treatment for her included bringing in a staff of roboticists and A.I. experts to help ensure she remains safe. Victoria came in due to a statement she made about wanting to kill herself. This warranted concern from Director Coulson. After speaking to Victoria I determined that, while she meant what she said, she did so with the belief it was the best option to prevent further harm to others. Victoria struggles with an internal "dialogue" telling her to do one thing despite her wanting to do something else. If this were a regular human I would consider schizophrenia or delusions, but I know there is an actual voice trying to control Victoria. The work being done includes learning to tune out this command, in a sense, and reprogram herself to make decisions that follow her own set of morals and beliefs. If I had to give Victoria a diagnosis I would say Unspecified Anxiety Disorder as this does present some anxious features within Victoria.
Now for the students seen for regular sessions. Percy Novikov seems to be a very bright student. It was easy to see him put up defenses when he thought I had a complete file on him with information he didn't want out. Once it was shown that wasn't the case he became less defensive, but still seemed on edge. He spoke highly of a boyfriend and seems to value that support, though I understand that Percy may rely too heavily on this partner and not value any other relationship. There seems to be tension with his sister regarding his boyfriend. While I am hesitant to say anything along the lines of co-dependence, I would keep an eye on this and ensure Percy is able to self-regulate himself and rely on other supports. Percy is diagnosed with Unspecified Anxiety Disorder.
Leah Jordan. I'm used to some people being aggressive when having to be engaged in therapy but she is on another level. Immediate distrust of an authority figure is not out of the question when someone has struggles from childhood and Leah definitely falls into that category. I do not know much about her father but from the information shared he is someone Leah fears; enough so she takes on the responsibility of managing him and pushing out anyone else willing to go to bat for her. This adds pressure to Leah and pressure needs to escape or it will blow up. Given the nature of all of this Leah is diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder, though this will need to be monitored and potentially add anxiety from the stress.
Diana Novikova seemed put-together, especially given the events with Arcade. What seemed to upset Diana the most was the sense of betrayal. This is also noted in her relationship with her brother and his boyfriend. While the situation itself was awkward Diana seemed to take it a step further and outright insulted her brother's partner and demonstrated some anger towards her brother. Perhaps Diana sees this as another betrayal? Diana is then diagnosed with Unspecified Anxiety Disorder.
Madalyne Crane is dealing with struggles to her identity. I have worked with various other "species", whether that be actual demons, vampires, or "monsters" if other people's words are to be used, but Madalyne is in the middle of being human and demon, neither identity seeming to manifest outright. Madayne struggles with other people's opinions on her and while she says she doesn't pay much mind to what others say, even untrue words hurt, and I believe Madalyne is putting up a shield to defend herself. I also do not get the sense she has much in the way of support. I do not get the sense she is depressed or fearful, though there is underlying stress. Unspecified Anxiety Disorder for now until I can do some more tests.
Dorian Gray was fun to talk to. I believe him when he says he doesn't see the need for therapy, but I also believe he understands its value. If anything I think Dorian appreciates having someone to talk to that isn't his immediate circle. Dorian seems to put himself in charge of his loved one's safety and wants to be there for him, even at his own expense. He was quick to change the subject a few times, though when we discussed heavier topics he did not shy away, instead asking questions to fully understand what was being asked. I think he has dealt with a lot of trauma that hasn't fully manifested itself quite yet, though the signs are there. I think he has a solid support system and will be fine ultimately. As of right now Dorian is diagnosed with Unspecified Trauma- and Stessor-Related Disorder and I will keep an eye on him.
Daniel...sorry, Danni Kingston is a very active person. I believe therapists are guilty of immediately diagnosing ADHD with clients who are hyperactive and engaged, though I do not believe Danni falls into this. I think he is just that type of person. I think it is a defense mechanism to protect himself from handling intense emotions and, unfortunately, Danni finds himself doing more harm than good. I believe Danni cares greatly for others but that means he often puts himself down or prefers helping others versus himself. I think he holds it all in and, in doing so, unleashes it when he doesn't want to. I will give Unspecified Anxiety Disorder but I believe he may qualify for full Generalized Anxiety Disorder if this continues.
Sabine Bassard likes to put on a good appearance of having everything together. More often than not this stems from either a desire to want to ensure they are fine to other people or to themselves. Sabine has a history of self-harm and panic attacks, though I do not believe she wants to hurt herself significantly. A lot of the pain stems from her deceased mother and her biological father's treatment of her. Sabine has a steady support system that I don't think she uses to its full potential. I think a lot swims underneath the surface and she is scared of what that means. I think she puts pressure on herself and that is slowly forming cracks. I believe she has depression though I am hesitant to diagnose Major Depressive, so for now Unspecified, though I feel strongly this will change if she does not accept help.
Zarina was a ball of enthusiasm. She had no idea of what therapy consisted of but that did not deter her from opening up. I admit to being fascinated in what Asgard is and what it does for the people there. To hear it from Zarina's point of view they do things differently. Despite this, Zarina was given potentially more freedom to explore other avenues of who she is. I am admittedly hesitant to diagnose her with something but if I had to I would say there is underlying stress and confusion along with learning to step into who she is and make decisions for herself. Unspecified Anxiety Disorder for now though I believe this will change if she comes regularly.
Zelda Flynn kept her heart close to her chest, which is not unfounded when someone starts therapy. Despite this she did participate. I get the sense Zelda is slow to open herself up, even to people she considers close. She is dealing with emotions, both her own and ones she gleans from others and that is a bundle of stress within her. As someone who also notices people's emotions, it can be hard to parse through them as well as your own and that can often lead to confusion. I believe Zelda possesses the strength to overcome this, but it will take work to manage and mitigate the potential harm. As of right now I believe Zelda would be diagnosed with Unspecified Depression.
Andy had lots of good questions and wanted to learn more about therapy which gives me hope. She responded well to therapy and I believe she is willing to put in the work to help overcome what she is struggling with. There are major concerns regarding her family which I believe would be an eventual focus for her, but as it stands Andy struggles with being both her past self and her future self. What does it mean for her to be who she is and how it impacts her relations, and vice versa? Unspecified Anxiety Disorder for now with a potential Z-code for parent-child stress, but that will be for a later date.
Mary Sue came in hostile and I cannot honestly blame her. Thankfully it seems she is open and willing to work on addressing her concerns. There is a lot of hurt there. Worry. Fear. Guilt. While I believe some part of that stems from recent events with Arcade there is a lot more going on with her. Unspecified Depressive Disorder that I believe can step into Major Depressive once I delve more into her history.
Overall I believe the students each struggle with something. Whether it be issues of he past, concerns for the future, or the bonds that bind them they all are impacted. Some are more accepting of it than others. Each of them is hiding something within, something that worries and concerns them. This is not surprising and is standard. We don't like to admit there are problems. Even the ones who were eager for therapy or were, at least, not averse to it were not completely open at the start. While I believe none of them are a present danger to themselves I will note some of them display dangerous tendencies that would need to be addressed if they don't want it to progress further. I am not Big Brother, but I remain a support for them should they need it.