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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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James sighed. “No one is summoning anything right now. You all have a physical in twenty minutes and you need to find your rooms. Danni, Dorian please help your friends follow Percy inside. We,” James gestured to the parents, with an unamused look at Casper. “Will discuss if a seance is within school regulations. For now, you all have a competition to focus on and if you want to participate, I recommend getting your things in your rooms as quickly as possible and getting back down here so we can take you to the Academy. Remember that this is mandatory and failing to show promptly could result in disqualification.” He directed sternly.

Danni hesitated as April abruptly hung up. Did he mess up again? Did he forget to think about how April was feeling? But he was offering to help. Wouldn’t talking to Poisson-Pas help? He didn’t understand why she was so upset and she hadn’t explained anything, just asked some cryptic question and then suddenly had to go. That wasn’t fair! He wanted to- Danni made a noise of protest as James plucked his phone out of his hand.

“Pops, no I need t’at! I don’t know why Princess was mad!” Danni pleaded, giving his best pleading face. James held out for all of two seconds before sighing and offering it back.

“One text. You’ll see her in just a little bit so you can talk it out there” Danni was texting before James finished talking, tongue stuck out in concentration.

Max nodded to Firestar as he took a step back from the portal. ”You have my contact information if anything. Oh, and do let me know if they're allowed a seance? It won't be till later anyways but it may help the children with closure and grief.” He said before closing the portal to California and turning around to focus on the group still standing on the front lawn. ”Casper you heard James, this can wait until later in which
yes I can arrange some outfits for everyone at the time of the seance. Until such time happens however, everyone should listen to James. We're running short on time and I doubt you all want to be disqualified simply due to tardiness Dorian, help Mr. Novikov out, he seems to be having issues with his key.”

Dorian was hovering over Danni's shoulder making sure he saw what was being said back. April had hung up so quickly he didn't know what to think. ”Maybe she ‘ad to go because a teach said so? If t'ey knew before us chances are no ones checked in yet so
could be she ‘ad to? I don't t'ink you said anyt'in’ wrong.” Dorian said trying to cheer Danni up. He went to grab his own phone to message his friends not present to ask if they were OK, but found it missing before looking towards his dad.

”Its indoors, where you should be.” Max said with a nod towards the door.

”Fiiiine. I just wanted to see if everyone was ok
” Dorian sulked before running over towards Percy at the door alongside Vicky and Zari. ”Won't work for me as I ‘ave a room ‘ere buuuut. Everyone go ahead and shake the ‘and on t'e door. It'll give you a key like what Perce ‘ere ‘as. T'e trail of magic leads you to your room.” He explained as he held Percy's free hand and began to lead him indoors. ”Let's go.”

Danni frowned at his phone and James's hand before offering it up quietly. James softened and pulled Danni in for a hug. “It's normal for people to be upset, kiddo. Just have some patience.” James told Danni. “You can have it back once everyone is settled in.”

Danni hugged his Pops back and sniffled with the effort it took to keep from crying. He got that but
 He shook himself off, picked up AmĂ©lie, and twirled with a smile on his face. He could deal with that later. “Maaaads, Zariiiii come oooooon! We gotta see your rooms!” Danni shouted, excitement quickly bubbling up inside him on command. He let AmĂ©lie scamper up on his shoulder and grabbed both their hands before hauling them towards the house. “Stop bein’ slowpokes!”

From the sounds of it, Leah was with April right now. I mean, they were staying at the same hotel so it should be normal right? But it also felt a bit weird cuz they broke up. Dorian didn't really know all the rules of it or anything, but maybe Leah just wanted to comfort her too? He listened intently to what April had to say, a heart attack, old age, none of this seemed right. Dorian had seen him just the other day, they had tea together, he was perfectly fine. His head began to swim with thoughts as he tried to make sense of it all.

Danni frowned at how upset April sounded. Like sure, he was dead but that didn't mean he was gone. He still didn't really get why people thought death was a horrible thing. Like, sure they weren't here but it was like when a friend moves away - just call them. But Danni knew that wouldn't go over well if he said that out loud, so instead he'd just offer himself! He covered the phone for a second when Ben came over, giving him an apologetic shake of the head and a shrug.

“Oh Appa, apparently our coach just died? But hey, Princess. It's okay, it's okay! Just ‘cause someone died doesn't mean it's over, ya know? They're still around, just somewhere else. Kinda like when we ‘ave ta go ‘ome for summer! All we gotta do is call as much as we can.” Danni replied cheerily. “So, ya wanna chat wit’ ‘im? You got anyt'in’ you wanna say? I t'ink people always ask for like one more chance ta people when t'ey die. We can give everyone a little time wit’ Poisson-Pas. Gotta make sure ‘e doesn't ‘ave any more crazy stuff planned t'at ‘e won't be able ta deactivate! And t'en we can call ‘im back when we win for t'e celebration! T'at should ‘elp, right Dee?”

”I mean
we can certainly try but
I don't t'ink Nemo is dead. It's not ‘is time yet, t'at doesn't ‘appen for like
almost a year? So somet'in else is up i t'ink
eit'er t'at or ‘e's about to be resurrected. Eit'er way t'e first step is tryin' to summon ‘is ghost to ask.” Dorian said more matter of fact than usual, as if he was trying to solve a game puzzle right before him.

“See Princess! Not'in’ ta worry about! Dee knows it's not time for Poisson-Pas ta die, so don't sweat it. We just gotta find out what
” Danni paused, looked at Dorian, looked at the phone, and the gaped at Dorian. “Waaaaait one ‘eckin’ second?! What do you mean, it's not time for ‘im ta die?! ‘ow do ya know it's in a year?! Did ya get another power?! Why didn'tcha tell me?! Do you know ‘ow many tests were could ‘ave gotten t'e answers for?!” Danni watched Andy bolt across the lawn over to old man Erik's place. Weird but not as weird as his best friend not telling him he's a divination wizard now!

”It's not a new power! I
it's more
I didn't want to talk about it ok? I was stuck in t'e astral for a really long time and Nemo was nearby when it ‘appened. I t'ink bein’ too close was t'e issue I just, it was like I saw ‘is future or at least one year into t'e future. I saw ‘is grave and t’e marker was for next year. So
’e can't be dead. And t'ere's no test answers in t'e astral.” Dorian pouted. He'd hated what he saw, hated that there was even more there to tell but he didn't need to bring this on them before the contest.

“Deeeee, you should ‘ave told us! ‘ow are we supposed ta ‘ave a cuddle pile now l?! Ugh, we'll ‘ave ta wait but just you wait Mister. T'e second we can, it's a trio pile up on you.” Danni waggled his finger in Dorian's face before whirling to Casper. “Papa!!! Can we do a seance? We wanna see if Poisson-Pas is actually dead! Oh, everyone can be a part! Mads, Zari, Andy-no she's seeing Old Man Erik for some reason-Spicy, Vee, y'all wanna do one! It'll be so cooool! A real New Orleans welcome!”

James sighed as the conversation spiraled. He made a note to discuss with Max about this astral vision Dorian got and apparently had hidden even from Danni, but now wasn't the time. “Okay, kiddos. Let's head inside? We have some food if anyone's hungry but that way you can get your rooms, get settled, and we can talk about this without conjuring ghosts on the front lawn.” James addressed the group as a whole. “Everyone has their own room so you'll be plenty comfortable.”

@Morose Here is my SA NPC sheet!

Location: Outside Kingston-Gray House
Skills: Omega Healing Factor

James chuckled as Casper promptly ignored everything and tackled the shocking part of everything: Andy and Zari. They hadn't been with them long truly, but the Mutant Underground was family. At least, he'd considered them family so their abrupt disappearance after everything they'd been through together was frustrating. And now? He was just happy they were back where they were supposed to be.

”V why would I want you dead? I t'ought you said it was an enormous amount of magic t'at does you in. T'is? T'is is like t'e baseline average amount of magic. T'en again I can't see magic so
 maybe I can't gauge it as well? But Aggie and Pa ‘ave it all covered!” Dorian remarked back, a bit shocked that Vicky would even imply and malicious tendencies to come from a superhero.

James had been ready to step in when Danni invited everyone just to start heading to the house, but a phone call distracted him thankfully. Danni leading a charge on the house was likely to devolve into absolute chaos. “Don't take too long on your call, kiddo. You got guests over.” James said quietly to his son, ruffling his hair, and clapped Dorian on the shoulder. “Not even introducing your own family? Making us do it ourselves? I'm wounded.” James teased before holding his hand out to shake Percy's.

“Welcome to the
” James paused as Percy shook his hand, a bit robotically, but he could feel the pounding in Percy's head, the nausea, the light sensitivity. It was familiar, almost an afterthought to take the pain away, but it felt just like Casper trying to hide a hangover. “Family. I'm James. If you're ever hurting, don't hesitate to let me know. Even if you can't figure it out, I can.” James offered, before patting Dorian one more time and heading to round up his errant husband so they could get everyone settled in.

”But you guys do such a good job of doin’ it yourselves! Besides I've told t'em loads of stories about all of you so it's like ‘e already knows you!” Dorian replied back to James before hearing Danni mention April's name. He bolted over towards the call, pressing his ear against the other side of the phone as well so he was cheek to cheek with Danni. ”April!!!!! Did you guys arrive ok?! ‘ow is t'e ‘otel? Which one are you at so we can visit maybe? Oh you ‘ave to come over for dinner at least!” He chimed in, unsure if she could hear him or not.

“Waaaa, Dee! ‘old on, Princess we gotta
 Wait, where's AmĂ©lie? AmĂ©lie! What are you-? No, stop chasin’ t’e bugs! Come on, you gotta meet t’e ‘rents in person!” He yelled back through the portal. AmĂ©lie grumbled and snorted a puff of smoke, still too little for real fire, and bounded through the portal with Amour close behind, pushing through Andy and Casper’s legs and hooking her claws into Danni's clothes to climb him and take her rightful place on his shoulder. “Okay, what’s up, Princess?”

There was a brief moment of silence as they listened to April and then


Location: Outside Kingston-Gray House
Skills: Omega Healing Factor

James chuckled as Casper promptly ignored everything and tackled the shocking part of everything: Andy and Zari. They hadn't been with them long truly, but the Mutant Underground was family. At least, he'd considered them family so their abrupt disappearance after everything they'd been through together was frustrating. And now? He was just happy they were back where they were supposed to be.

”V why would I want you dead? I t'ought you said it was an enormous amount of magic t'at does you in. T'is? T'is is like t'e baseline average amount of magic. T'en again I can't see magic so
 maybe I can't gauge it as well? But Aggie and Pa ‘ave it all covered!” Dorian remarked back, a bit shocked that Vicky would even imply and malicious tendencies to come from a superhero.

James had been ready to step in when Danni invited everyone just to start heading to the house, but a phone call distracted him thankfully. Danni leading a charge on the house was likely to devolve into absolute chaos. “Don't take too long on your call, kiddo. You got guests over.” James said quietly to his son, ruffling his hair, and clapped Dorian on the shoulder. “Not even introducing your own family? Making us do it ourselves? I'm wounded.” James teased before holding his hand out to shake Percy's.

“Welcome to the
” James paused as Percy shook his hand, a bit robotically, but he could feel the pounding in Percy's head, the nausea, the light sensitivity. It was familiar, almost an afterthought but it felt just like Casper trying to hide a hangover. “Family. I'm James. If you're ever hurting, don't hesitate to let me know. Even if you can't figure it out, I can.” James offered, before patting Dorian one more time and heading to round up his errant husband so they could get everyone settled in.

”But you guys do such a good job of doin’ it yourselves! Besides I've told t'em loads of stories about all of you so it's like ‘e already knows you!” Dorian replied back to James before hearing Danni mention April's name. He bolted over towards the call, pressing his ear against the other side of the phone as well so he was cheek to cheek with Danni. ”April!!!!! Did you guys arrive ok?! ‘ow is t'e ‘otel? Which one are you at so we can visit maybe? Oh you ‘ave to come over for dinner at least!” He chimed in, unsure if she could hear him or not.

“Waaaa, Dee! ‘old on, Princess we gotta
 Wait, where's AmĂ©lie? AmĂ©lie! What are you-? No, stop chasin’ t’e bugs! Come on, you gotta meet t’e ‘rents in person!” He yelled back through the portal. AmĂ©lie grumbled and snorted a puff of smoke, still too little for real fire, and bounded through the portal with Amour close behind, pushing through Andy and Casper’s legs and hooking her claws into Danni's clothes to climb him and take her rightful place on his shoulder. “Okay, what’s up, Princess?”

There was a brief moment of silence as they listened to April and then

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