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So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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@Morose Here is my SA NPC sheet!

Location: Outside Kingston-Gray House
Skills: Omega Healing Factor

James chuckled as Casper promptly ignored everything and tackled the shocking part of everything: Andy and Zari. They hadn't been with them long truly, but the Mutant Underground was family. At least, he'd considered them family so their abrupt disappearance after everything they'd been through together was frustrating. And now? He was just happy they were back where they were supposed to be.

”V why would I want you dead? I t'ought you said it was an enormous amount of magic t'at does you in. T'is? T'is is like t'e baseline average amount of magic. T'en again I can't see magic so
 maybe I can't gauge it as well? But Aggie and Pa ‘ave it all covered!” Dorian remarked back, a bit shocked that Vicky would even imply and malicious tendencies to come from a superhero.

James had been ready to step in when Danni invited everyone just to start heading to the house, but a phone call distracted him thankfully. Danni leading a charge on the house was likely to devolve into absolute chaos. “Don't take too long on your call, kiddo. You got guests over.” James said quietly to his son, ruffling his hair, and clapped Dorian on the shoulder. “Not even introducing your own family? Making us do it ourselves? I'm wounded.” James teased before holding his hand out to shake Percy's.

“Welcome to the
” James paused as Percy shook his hand, a bit robotically, but he could feel the pounding in Percy's head, the nausea, the light sensitivity. It was familiar, almost an afterthought to take the pain away, but it felt just like Casper trying to hide a hangover. “Family. I'm James. If you're ever hurting, don't hesitate to let me know. Even if you can't figure it out, I can.” James offered, before patting Dorian one more time and heading to round up his errant husband so they could get everyone settled in.

”But you guys do such a good job of doin’ it yourselves! Besides I've told t'em loads of stories about all of you so it's like ‘e already knows you!” Dorian replied back to James before hearing Danni mention April's name. He bolted over towards the call, pressing his ear against the other side of the phone as well so he was cheek to cheek with Danni. ”April!!!!! Did you guys arrive ok?! ‘ow is t'e ‘otel? Which one are you at so we can visit maybe? Oh you ‘ave to come over for dinner at least!” He chimed in, unsure if she could hear him or not.

“Waaaa, Dee! ‘old on, Princess we gotta
 Wait, where's AmĂ©lie? AmĂ©lie! What are you-? No, stop chasin’ t’e bugs! Come on, you gotta meet t’e ‘rents in person!” He yelled back through the portal. AmĂ©lie grumbled and snorted a puff of smoke, still too little for real fire, and bounded through the portal with Amour close behind, pushing through Andy and Casper’s legs and hooking her claws into Danni's clothes to climb him and take her rightful place on his shoulder. “Okay, what’s up, Princess?”

There was a brief moment of silence as they listened to April and then


Location: Outside Kingston-Gray House
Skills: Omega Healing Factor

James chuckled as Casper promptly ignored everything and tackled the shocking part of everything: Andy and Zari. They hadn't been with them long truly, but the Mutant Underground was family. At least, he'd considered them family so their abrupt disappearance after everything they'd been through together was frustrating. And now? He was just happy they were back where they were supposed to be.

”V why would I want you dead? I t'ought you said it was an enormous amount of magic t'at does you in. T'is? T'is is like t'e baseline average amount of magic. T'en again I can't see magic so
 maybe I can't gauge it as well? But Aggie and Pa ‘ave it all covered!” Dorian remarked back, a bit shocked that Vicky would even imply and malicious tendencies to come from a superhero.

James had been ready to step in when Danni invited everyone just to start heading to the house, but a phone call distracted him thankfully. Danni leading a charge on the house was likely to devolve into absolute chaos. “Don't take too long on your call, kiddo. You got guests over.” James said quietly to his son, ruffling his hair, and clapped Dorian on the shoulder. “Not even introducing your own family? Making us do it ourselves? I'm wounded.” James teased before holding his hand out to shake Percy's.

“Welcome to the
” James paused as Percy shook his hand, a bit robotically, but he could feel the pounding in Percy's head, the nausea, the light sensitivity. It was familiar, almost an afterthought but it felt just like Casper trying to hide a hangover. “Family. I'm James. If you're ever hurting, don't hesitate to let me know. Even if you can't figure it out, I can.” James offered, before patting Dorian one more time and heading to round up his errant husband so they could get everyone settled in.

”But you guys do such a good job of doin’ it yourselves! Besides I've told t'em loads of stories about all of you so it's like ‘e already knows you!” Dorian replied back to James before hearing Danni mention April's name. He bolted over towards the call, pressing his ear against the other side of the phone as well so he was cheek to cheek with Danni. ”April!!!!! Did you guys arrive ok?! ‘ow is t'e ‘otel? Which one are you at so we can visit maybe? Oh you ‘ave to come over for dinner at least!” He chimed in, unsure if she could hear him or not.

“Waaaa, Dee! ‘old on, Princess we gotta
 Wait, where's AmĂ©lie? AmĂ©lie! What are you-? No, stop chasin’ t’e bugs! Come on, you gotta meet t’e ‘rents in person!” He yelled back through the portal. AmĂ©lie grumbled and snorted a puff of smoke, still too little for real fire, and bounded through the portal with Amour close behind, pushing through Andy and Casper’s legs and hooking her claws into Danni's clothes to climb him and take her rightful place on his shoulder. “Okay, what’s up, Princess?”

There was a brief moment of silence as they listened to April and then


Nicholas Macloud
Nicholas Macloud

"What time do they have to empathize with us monsters?"
| Aloof | Intelligent |
| Observant | Judgmental |
| Self-serving | Patient |

The Macleod twins are relics of a time long gone, born in the throes of the Renaissance and the rise of the printing press. The twins lived a relatively sheltered life in northern Scotland. Travel was difficult in the 15th century and their coven was content with the village well south of Forres.

However with suspicion and fear of the supernatural rising out of Germany and carried on in ink, it wasn’t long until the witch hunts of the mainland spread to the Kingdom of England and beyond. When they were not yet twenty summers old, Elanor Cobham found imprisonment for life for treasonable necromancy and Margery Jourdemayne was burned at the stake in a market square. Both were once well connected and well established in their communities and yet it did not save them. Fear amongst the populace was encouraged and manipulated in a twisted game by the nobility of England and they sent their inquisition north, carrying Kramer’s Malleus Maleficarum.

They thought their village safe, nestled quietly in the foothills in the shadow of their mountain. The village traded less, hunted closer to home, and year by year became less and less present in the world. Their magic flourished and the children of the village played without fear and time was meaningless.

However, there were enough stories for the inquisition to find it.

They struck at night, the comfort of a century unbothered lulling them to safety. They carried torches and pitchforks and rope and kindling. The stench of burning flesh and the screams of men, women, and children carried across the hills into the uncaring darkness. Their family was not spared this horror. Their parents fought, like the others, but their murderers came prepared and their magic found no hold. A special pendant, bearing the mark of the Inquisition of England, was pressed against their coven and their magic broke and failed and the witches found themselves powerless.

If not for the ego of the Priest of Forres, the twins would not have been so lucky as to carry the horrors of their village with them. It was the children they could not bear to see hurt and as the Priest tossed the torch upon their own parents, the twins struck. Illusion and Enhancement, hand in hand, wove the death of all. Fire springing forth, spewing from their parents' mouths, finding purchase in the flesh of friend and foe alike. According to the Inquisition, the Devil himself dragged the village to hell in his wraith and none survived.

But the truth was, the twins burned it to the ground. Entranced in their domain, the twins set an uncontrollable blaze to consume the Inquisition and fled with the few survivors they saved. Neither of them were prepared to mourn their people nor handle the grief of those still living. They travelled the Scottish countryside, incorporating a few of their broken coven into new ones each time they stumbled across them until the twins found homes for all.

P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
The twins are shaped by their drive to survive. Their choices have all ensured that, at the expense of those around them, they continue to thrive. They have seen cruelty over the centuries and they do not bother to pretend that is not the nature of man. They are always one step away from disappearing on the wind and selling everyone else down the river to do it.

In reality, they wandered to find a place that is safe, that they can relax in for the rest of their centuries, that they can be with their magic and their peace and not have to worry about the world burning it down. Nicky, in particularly, wishes for connection and friendship and family, but their transient nature leaves them with on one. He prefers to find community with other creature of their age, but those are few and far between. Strange Academy has seemed like the perfect place. For now.

If there were two things you avoided while in New Orleans, the first was the nasty curses settled onto innocuous objects and the second was a Kingston-Gray cleaning spree. Armed with windex, fabuloso, and a veritable army of lint rollers and microfiber cloths, James and Ben tore through the house, pressing anyone who dare get too close into service. Windows were scrubbed to shining, pictures frames nearly new, and for once, the various piles of games, books, and other miscellaneous clutter that sat in the corners suddenly found new homes. Max, of course, would have preferred to clean the house with magic but there was love in the elbow grease they used and magic wouldn't satisfy the pair.

It took longer than they'd like but eventually, the house was spic and span. Though, knowing the boys, it’d be put back through the blender soon enough. Still, James and Ben liked company thinking they had some part of their life together so it was an important part of anyone coming over. James stored the chemicals and supplies while Ben tossed the clothes to wash.

“Shit, shit, shit.” James muttered before raising his voice. “Less than five minutes until we're supposed to open the portal! He shouted through the house, rushing to his bedroom to change quickly.

Max stood in the center of the room where they were cleaning, checking his watch periodically to ensure they wouldn't be late. He watched as James flew through the room, letting out a sigh as everything became immaculate. ”You're robbing the house of its personality. A healthy layer of dust or clutter can help add character to a location. Unless your goal is to turn our place into a showroom for a museum.” He protested. He'd offered up his magic, not just for ease but also to keep the house from becoming too clean. When James shouted it was five minutes till arrival, Max looked back at his watch and noticed it had stopped ticking. Blasted thing must've finished its wind without his notice.

Ben turned around on his heel, covered in a fine layer of sweat, the collar of his shirt popped open, and a tacky pair of yellow gloves on his hands. “Maximilian Gray, if you do a single spell to give the house personality by making everything dirty again
” he warned, “then you’ll be sleeping on the couch!” he threatened, as if he wouldn’t fold at a single request from his husband - as if he could ever deny him anything, especially these days.

”Jaaaames it’s an emergency!!!” Casper screamed from the bedroom, surrounded by a veritable avalanche of shoes. There were specific shoes that he had wanted to wear for today - they were his favorites, a cute little pair of sparkly pink pumps that went so well with his kimono - and they were missing. He couldn’t find them. He had thrown every pair of shoes he owned out of the walk-in closet and into the middle of the bedroom, and while he had managed to find one of them, he couldn’t find the other! There were easily two hundred shoes surrounding him, as Casper repeatedly slipped and fell like in a ball pit, struggling to unearth anything that even remotely resembled the missing heel - but he owned so much pink. ”Jaaaaames!!!!”

James was pounding his way up the stairs as his husband screamed. He'd left Casper alone for too long; who knew what trouble he'd gotten himself into. James skidded to a halt in front of their door and threw it open, breathing heavily as he took in the sighing in their bedroom. The once beautifully cleaned and organized bedroom was now

James sighed, equal parts irritation and fondness in his chest. He stepped gingerly into the shoe avalanche and supported his husband, guiding him to lean on him. “Babes, I would really like to help you but I need to change really quick and you know how bad I am at telling the difference between your shoes.” James picked his husband up, wading through the mess and into their closet, putting him down and kissing his nose. “Give me a moment to change, we'll find your shoes, and then head downstairs.” James stripped efficiently, swapping out The ratty cleaning shirt for something clean and pressed, basketball shorts swapped out for tight jeans. He picked up his loafers, paused, and looped his fingers through a pair of pumps and lifted them out for Casper's inspection. “Are these what you're looking for, babes?”

Max quirked an eyebrow at his husband, as if they didn't have couches so soft you could pass out in them at a moment's notice. But that wasn't what the threat was, no, it was a night without his husband by his side. A part of him debated on teasing him, telling him if that was the case he could spend the night with a certain necromancer they shared. But in Ben's current mood that wouldn't go over too well. ”I don't plan to don't worry. No Mystic Mischief making more messes.” He said with his hands in the air to prove innocence. ”However it's now time and you're not even dressed yet. Let alone showered, so perhaps we focus more on that?”

”...Shit,” Ben muttered, his shoulders slumping for a moment. ”Can you pick something out? While I’m showering?” he then requested. His husband’s fashion sense exceeded his own - and unlike him, Max wasn’t color blind. He waited for a moment, before rushing up the stairs to shower and change as quickly as he could - it would only take him a few minutes, if he was fast about it. He didn’t have a really complicated shower routine - just basic soap, shampoo, and conditioner.

In the bedroom, Casper gasped, his eyes positively sparkling. THOSE WERE HIS SHOES! He rapidly looked between the pair of pumps in James’ hands, and then back at the single one he was holding. Identical. The same. Did he get a second pair and not remember it?? Had he always had duplicates?? Were there more duplicate shoes to be found in the pile?? Had Max conjured an extra set of his favorite shoes and never told him?? ”You found them!!!!” Casper squealed, jumping right back up into James’ arms, whether his husband was ready or not. ”I didn’t know I had three - I didn’t know shoes could come in threes!!” He covered James’ face in kisses, tiny little red imprints from his lipstick slowly coating his husband.

Max nodded along as he gestured for Ben to hurry along and get ready. They were already falling behind, and now he needed to find an outfit for him while he finished getting ready. Max trailed along behind Ben, slapping his ass as they made their way up the stairs and went towards their room. He pulled out a soft green button up shirt, specks of gold and red splattering across almost like flowers in an oil painting. It cut low, just below the collar bone, and he paired it with a pair of brown earthy toned pants and some loafers. ”Clothes is on the bed honey! I'm going to go check on Casper and James.” He shouted through the running water before making his way over to their side and knocking at Caspers Door. ”Are you two ready yet? We are late. How are we late when I literally bend space to my whim?”

James was well acquainted with his husband's eccentricities. So when he saw the brief disconnect, he could piece the puzzle together. He was ready when Casper launched himself, catching him and laughing as the kisses tickled his face. He returned one and carried his husband back to the bed, setting him on the edge and kneeling down. “You had Max duplicate these once when you lost one that time you went out drinking while I was in Venezuela.” James reminded him, helping into his shoes and pressing a kiss to the inside of his knee. He looked up at the sound of Max pounding at the door and tsked.

“We're coming now, Max!” James shouted back, pulling Casper to his feet.

”Ohhh right
 Huh,” Casper shrugged a bit, before looking down at his beautiful husband, kneeling before him. ”You know
 If you’re already down there
 And we’re already running late
 Do they really need all four of us to show up to the portal?” he pouted, doing his best to look like a princess.

”Casper I can practically feel what your thoughts are and the answer is no you don't have time and yes you two do have to be down there when the portal opens! Now let's move it people!” Max said as he made his way back downstairs and towards a small wooden box, opening it up to show a small metal medallion. If it wasn't for Agatha, this would still be locked up, but a student needed it in order to stay or even visit here. He let out a sigh before closing the box and pocketing it into his coat.

James took a deep breath. It was tempting, but James shook his head. “I'll make it up to you after the kids have settled in.” James promised, wrapping his arm around Casper's waist and leading him out of the bedroom, following Max's grumbling.

Casper preened at James’ promise, fully intending on cashing it in the minute that he was bored with teasing Dorian about his boyfriend - the other kids coming over didn’t interest him as much. Well, the kids that weren’t his kids after all - he was excited to have his baby boys back around the house, things were far too quiet and clean with them gone! ”You’re just jealous, Max!” he shouted out, before following along with his husband.

Ben hopped out of the shower, using his tentacles to quickly grab a towel, drying himself off, and with the other tentacles, he grabbed the clothing and got himself dressed in the gray shirt that Max had picked out for him. He didn’t super understand the choice of gray - maybe a play on their last name? - but he trusted his fashion expertise. Once dressed, Ben rushed from the room, before hurrying his way downstairs. “I’m surprised you didn’t pick something more colorful, honey,” he said, giving Max a kiss on the cheek. “But thank you.”

Once everyone had gathered together in the kitchen downstairs, Max led them all outside, walking to the edge of their property with the house framed right behind them. ”Agatha had gotten a hold of me, one of the studenrs cannot step inside for now but we have
measures. So for now we can greet them from out here.” Max returned the kiss back, half tempted to do so when the portal opened but he didn't want to traumatize all the kids, only his son. ”It's a magic shirt honey, but you need to wear your glasses in order to see that magic happen. Special enchantment just for you.” He said as he began to hold one hand out while the other spun in a clockwise formation at his side but just from the wrist.

At first a singular minute star had appeared, like a diamond glistening in the sky with shades of pink, blues, and purples radiating off of its center. Then, it moved, leaving a trail of those triadic colors with a silver center as it followed Max's hand movement until a circle was fully formed. On one side stood the children waiting to come over, and the other, the Kingston-Gray family. Before the students stood the Kingston-Gray family and the estate in the background. But more importantly than that, for two certain individuals (Mads and Vicky), they would be able to see more to the scene. Swirls of magic radiated from every aspect of their surroundings. Flowers, grass, the very gate behind them and even the housing was hued by a series of ultraviolet lights that mimicked at psychedelic painting. Max's eyes instantly snapped to his two boys. Danni and Dorian, a warm smile growing as he got to see them once more since Thanksgiving break. Besides him, or rather attached to him?, was another boy, younger with shaggy hair, his shirt being unbuttoned by Dorian as they muttered something. Then again blonde he recognized from a photo, the young Van Dyne whom he'd need to have a chat with, and finally

Max froze for a moment as he feared his eyes or magic were playing a trick on him. As if he needed his own pair of glasses to remove this spell. Three people from his past, all lives he (to his knowledge) couldn't save in one way or another, and here they stood at the age he'd lost them. Three was a very important number, and now Max had to wonder what was going to happen to his little slice of life after this all cleared up. Max cleared his throat to gather everyone's attention. ”Good evening students of Margaret Carter Academy. I am Maximillian Gray, Master of the Mystic arts, father to the wonderful Dorian Gray and Husband to Ben Gray who is right over there. Next we have James and Casper Kingston, fathers of Danni Kingston as I'm sure you're all aware. We welcome you to Kingston-Gray Estate, it may not seem big but you'll find nothing is as it seems here in the French Quarter of New Orleans. Everyone has their own rooms, I will be providing you all with a key that will lead you to them, but before everyone gets settled
please watch your hands and feet as you are exiting the portal, maintain them at your sides at all times and enjoy your stay. Oh. And Miss Van Dyne? A word before you enter our abode please.” Max said as he took a step back and gestured for them all to enter and go past towards the other family members, his eyes locked onto Vicky, Andy, Zari, and Mads.

James gave Max a side eye. For a moment, he could have swore Dr. Strange had somehow taken over his friend’s body. He’d tuck that away for later, when he could tease him mercilessly. His delighted at seeing their sons turned to surprise when a familiar pair of faces stared back through the portal. Andy and Zari looked almost identical to the last time he saw them. James, and Casper by extension, had kept himself from aging but he didn't recall them having that ability. “Are you two- OOF!”

Danni hurtled into Casper and James at full speed, jumping up and grabbing them both in a hug that threatened to knock them over. “Papa, Pops!”

"Danni!!! I’ve missed you kiddo!!!” Casper beamed. He had the constitution of a wet noodle, so as his son barreled into him, he wasn’t able to put up much resistance, instead having to just have faith that James would be able to support all three of them - that or they’d end up sprawled on the ground, which was perfectly fine with him. It wouldn’t be the first family cuddle pile, and it definitely wouldn’t be the last. He was so distracted with seeing his kiddo again that he didn’t notice the ghosts from his past - didn’t notice the girl he had given a safe sex talk to that had essentially just been kick him in the dick.

Ben rolled his eyes a bit at his husband’s theatrics - and as Max was giving his speech, he reached into his pocket, his glasses magically appearing as they were enchanted to do so. When he put them on, he couldn’t help but shake his head, seeing the greens and reds of the shirt. His husband was such a troll sometimes. But then something else caught his attention, and Ben cleared his throat. ”Dorian
” he raised an eyebrow, seeing his son unbuttoning his boyfriend’s shirt.,

Dorian had been fixing Percy's shirt, no matter how many times he told him you don't button every one up, he still managed to do so every time. ”Perce it's a flannel in New Orleans, trust me you'll want it at least halfway undo-” The all too familiar sound of his family coming from behind him, including his father's stern voice with just his name as a command, a challenge, as is to ask him what it was that he thought he was doing. ”Appa!” Dorian shouted as he sprang forward through the portal and wrapped his arms around Ben's waist before motioning for Percy to follow him in. T'ats's Percy, my boyfriend I told you guys about over break. T'e one who sends me Chaucer.”

”Pleasure to meet you, Percy,” Ben said, giving his son a tight hug. He couldn’t help that he was curious about this boy - Dorian had barely been able to shut up about him. ”The Chaucer you selected was rather nice - good taste,” he complimented. He wasn’t going to admit it, but he had started looking forward to Dorian revealing the daily Chaucer text during Thanksgiving break - it had been a nice little bit of intellectualism to start the day with.

Every muscle in Percy’s body was tensed as he stepped through the portal, grateful that the sunglasses were hiding how bloodshot his eyes were. He couldn’t help but hyperfixate on every interaction, every exchange - was he standing normally? How was he supposed to stand to look casual? Or was casual the wrong approach for meeting Dorian’s parents? Should he make a quick jump back another ten minutes or so, just to get a bit more reading done on how to make a good first impression? Or should he let this entire chain of events play out first, and then jump back for another shot?

 Yes,” Percy said, completely flustered. ”I’m
 I’m Percy. It is very nice to meet you.”

“Welcome home, Danni. It's been too quiet without you too.” James laughed, reaching out as he held the three of them up to ruffle Dorian's hair. Danni beamed up at his parents mischievously.

“Well, it's gunna get a lot louder now! Guuuuuys! Come on, I wanna see your rooms! Pa always makes t'em a little different when ‘e adds ‘allways!” Danni whirled to address his friends, waving them to come over. “We can get y'all settle din and t'en we got a ton of games t'at we can play and movies ta watch and stuff ta do! Come on, come on, come on!” Danni jumped as his phone vibrated, fishing it out and beaming at the group chat photo on the screen before answering. "'ey, Princess!!!! Everyone's just gettin' 'ere and I'm givin' them a tour! What's up?"

Max made his way over towards Percy, still waiting for the others to come on through. ”Mr. Novikov, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. I've heard so many things about you from Dorian. Including a series of messages about
a certain museum? That I will apparently need to fix.”

”Paaaaaa! It's Novikovaaaa. ‘Ow many times do i ‘ave to remind you. T'ere's an ah at the end t'ere. I'd say ask Perce but ‘e doesnt even know ‘is own name.” Dorian joked.
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