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Current Congrats to my X-Men peeps! 2 years and over a 1000 posts later and we are heading into our 5th story arc!
6 yrs ago
RIP Stan Lee... You will forever be missed. As someone whose grown up reading Marvel comics, you've always have kind of been a part of my life. Thank you for making most of the Marvel heroes we know.


Name: BlueSky44
Aliases: Blue
Age: Mid 20s
Birthday: October 27
Gender: Female
Occupation: Dog Groomer
Languages: English
Current Bio Theme: Five/Emily Kolburn
Previous Themes: Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
Years Rping: Too many
Preferred Rp Section: Casual

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Zelda Flynn

Location: the Sorcerer's Inn
Skills: N/A

"I don't really know," Zelda said with a bit of a shrug towards Diana when she had asked what she thought about the whole thing. Stuff like that just sort of happened. People lived and people died, it was just how things worked in the world. Even in a world of people with superpowers, aside from those who had the power to basically be immortal or something, death was kind of the one certain thing in the universe.

Of course, Mary Sue had basically tried to argue about Vision telling them the whole situation at the moment and right now. Well personally, she'd prefer to know now rather than wonder where Ser Nemo was in the long run. And Vision's response to it seemed to agree with her own thoughts on that matter. Better to rip the band aid off immediately. Not like the whole people dying thing hadn't come up with this group of people or whatever before anyway. Others were sort of just getting distracted by a few other things, but personally at the moment, she didn't overly seem to care one way or another what was going on over there at this point.

Zarina Raynordattir

Location: Kingston-Gray Residence
Skills: N/A

Zari eventually stepped through after everyone else, more or less just looking around the area as she went. The group was mentioning someone being dead, which she wasn't entirely sure who it was at first, but then it was mentioned that it was one of the coaches which was probably not a good thing. And now was the talk about Casper summoning up ghosts? Well, that probably would explain what happened to the dead person. Still this was not probably a good thing to be doing at this point honestly. But it might be a lot of fun to do, and a bit of an adventure.

"A seance sounds like it might be fun if you're alright with doing one," Zari said with a bit of a smile, as she followed along after the others a bit as they were being herded along to the actual building. Did it make her giggle slightly at the fact that James was very pointedly telling people that they couldn't summon ghosts in the front of the house? Definitely. It was a little odd to her, since for her it had only been a few months since Genosha, for them it had been a lot longer.

Janelle Gauger

Location: Arena
Skills: N/A

"True," she said with a small laugh as she helped Isaac up, not long before he had landed another hit on her. There was the sound of movement as someone else showing up, and she couldn't really tell who it seemingly was based on the words. Something about someone finding something they were looking for? She wasn't entirely sure what it was that they had said with regards to the situation. Then again there was such a sudden swirl of words and other people showing up and everything. Was a bit of a whirlwind.

Though it was made obvious who it was after she was able to funnel through and figure out it was Thanatos, talking about the Doors of Death or whatever it was that they were called specifically. Hearing about what else everyone else was saying was a bit difficult to follow along with. She just listened to the others, since sparring was definitely over as they had other matters to deal with, and now they were likely going to go off on a quest to deal with the doors or whatever it was. Things were going to start picking up real fast, she still wasn't entirely sure what the plan was going to be, but it'd be fun to try and figure it out.

Zelda Flynn

Location: the Sorcerer's Inn
Skills: N/A

It was at least somewhat nice to be off and away from the school in her opinion. Then again she still wasn't too thrilled at being in the contest if she couldn't help it, but since she was here, she was still going to see about helping out her team however possible. Even if she wasn't necessarily the person that they would probably want on the team. Danni had more or less made it clear that she wasn't really wanted on the team, at least that was how it had appeared to her.

They then ended up at the inn, waiting to see about checking in. When Vision was explaining how things were going to go with the contest. Typical stuff when getting reminded that this was essentially a school field trip. Then came the not so nice thing, the mention about Ser Nemo being dead. Which that was not something that she expected to hear at all. It was more of a shock than anything else. Her sister took off for another room, and Zelda herself was just still trying to mentally process what it was that happened. Sure, he had been on the older side, but still. A heart attack? That was just not something she thought of happening to anyone really.

Zarina Raynordattir

Location: Kingston-Gray Residence
Skills: N/A

Zari was kind of excited to go through the portal to see people and all. Of course the instant the portal opened up, she found herself in a bit of a hug caused by none other than Casper. "Nice to see you again too," she said with a bit of a smile. Though also not entirely surprised by how quickly Casper had completely shifted subjects to the elephant in the room. That being Selene the doll, and Max made the comment about 17 years of being trapped when it came to Selene. Had it really been that long? Zari couldn't help but giggle a bit at that comment.

"No silly. It hasn't been 17 years. At least not for us. Only been a few months! I toooooooooold you so. And no one believed me when I said I was a time traveling, reality hopping half-Asgardian sort of thing. But nooooooooooooooooo. You all wouldn't believe me and all thought I was crazy! Nope, nuh uh. I was telling the truth. Then again, my dad is the God of Lies in my reality, so I don't even try to lie. I had gone back because of a prophecy the Norns had told me that meant I needed to help save your reality in order for me to even exist in my own. So yup, lots of fun." Of course, they'd see the familiar floating robotic eye flying around behind her as she spoke to them, and it seemed to be beeping at her. "Not sure you can tag along Mr. Eyeball, you and magic don't exactly mix too well. And we haven't fully figured out a way to get around that permanently..."

Janelle Gauger

Location: Arena
Skills: Heightened Hearing

"Dat would be fun maybe," she commented with a bit of a shrug, "Just 'avin a beg sparrin match setup fahr everyahne would be interestin." She thought for a moment about what her next move would be in the match. The nice thing was, with him sitting there talking a bit, it definitely helped her to pinpoint where exactly he was in comparison to her. And that was all that she really needed.

Twirling her staff slightly, she swung it around, managing to connect with him and she heard the thud as he hit the ground. A second later, she did a sort of quick jab almost and landed another hit while he was on the ground. "Just lettin you know, talkin makes it easier fahr me to know where you are," she commented to him, holding her hand out in return to him to help him off the ground if he wanted it.

Zarina Raynordattir

Dr. Maeve Whitehall inwardly cursed as her computer started acting up. Fitting as the next client she was to see was Zarina, a Technopath. Maeve debated asking her to take a look after session but knew that crossed a boundary. Maeve cursed again before she stood up and took Zarina's file. Not only a technophile but one who could sense when someone was close to death. The weight of that alone...

Maeve left her office to get things ready.


The room had light green walls with light gold specks freckled throughout, almost like little fireflies were dancing around. The floor was a light wood and the carpet under the sitting area was dark green. There were four chairs, three armchairs and a couch, all light green with white pillows. The light green table had a vase of various colored roses on it and some blank notebook paper. There was a pitcher of water and two glasses. The window showed the view outside as nighttime despite it clearly being daylight, but the room was accentuated with lights.

Maeve sat in one of the chairs as Zarina entered. "Hello Zarina. Please, come in. I am Dr. Maeve Whitehall. You can call me Maeve or Dr. Whitehall, whichever is easier. Please, have a seat anywhere you like. And let me know if I can make this space more to your liking also."

Zari was sort of bouncing along as she walked into the room. But she wasn't really alone though as she walked into the room. Floating along after her was Mr. Eyeball, who didn't seem to know if he she be there or not at all. The robot beeped a little at her and Zari started giggling. "Your being silly Mr. Eyeball," she giggled as she looked over at Maeve, "Nice to meet you! I'm Zari, but you know that already. What do you want to talk about? I think this is going to be fun, the room is nice and pretty," cue more beeping from the robot. "I am not rambling again so ruuuuude!" she protested looking at the thing.

Maeve smiled warmly as Zari spoke to her robot. "Thank you, I tried my best with the decor. I'll admit I went to school for psychology, not interior design. And this is Mr. Eyeball is it? A pleasure to meet them as well."

"Before we do get talking I would like to mention at the start that this space is private and confidential. Confidentiality means that what we talk about in this room will stay in this room. Coulson may have mandated sessions for you and your classmates but I will not share what is discussed with him unless you give me the okay to do so. There are some rules to confidentiality though and, if brought up, may mean I need to break confidentiality. That includes if there is any desire to want to seriously hurt yourself or someone else, if there is any child abuse or vulnerable adult abuse, or if the authorities get involved and ask for my records, and even then I will fight them on it. other than that, this is your space. So, really, we can talk about whatever it is you want. I'll ask though, why do you think Coulson recommended therapy for you all?"

"Okie Dokie!" she said still giggling as she sat down in a chair (partially because Mr. Eyeball was beeping at her to calm down for once but she was only half listening to him). It took her a moment to slow her brain down enough to focus on what Maeve had asked with regards to recommended therapy for everyone. "Noooooooo idea. Honestly this isn't even the weirdest thing or place I've been. And I'm used to people thinking I'm weird or crazy already. So nope, no clue as to why. Though if you don't mind me asking. What even is "therapy"? Cause I have nooooooooo idea... Never actually really heard of it."

"Crazy is a term I never use. Weird, well I think most people are weird. Heck, I'm weird. So, therapy is different for everyone, but it boils down to being a space to use in whatever capacity you need. Some people use therapy to talk about what they are feeling or to address any problems they have, like if they lost a loved one or broke up with their partner. Some people like therapy because they can talk abotu whatever and process things. I'm here to provide help and resources in whatever context is necessary. This is your space though. Is there anything you want to talk about or any questions? I'm a pretty open book."

"Ohhhhhhhhhh. My dad needs that," she commented with a shrug, with Mr. Eyeball beeping in agreement. "As for what to talk about well there are technically lots of things we can talk about. Like me jumping realities and being a fish out of water here cause I was born and raised in a different reality. Or there was when I time traveled back in time using my watch to help save the world sort of thing. Or there is the saving everyone's lives with the Arcade thing though think Mary Sue didn't take that revelation of what we ended up having to do very well so yay? There are so many things to talk about. You might need to be a bit more specific on what to talk about. Though from what I'm told asking me if I have any questions for you is probably not a good thing cause I've been told I ask a million off topic questions, or just morbid curiosity questions and such. Soooooooo where in that long list of potential things to talk about would you prefer to start with. There are a lot of things."

"Those all sound like great things to talk about. Why don't you pick the one you maybe have questions about or want to process more in-depth? When I have lots of thoughts I do my best to organize them, but if I am struggling with doing so I tend to pick the one that bubbles to the surface first." Maeve noted the comment about Zarina's father but she didn't want to push it just yet.

"Now see that there is a hard question for me to answer hence why I asked you. This world is still a bit weird to me without seeing a fight of some sort seemingly break out every 10 minutes cause that's just how things are but definitely makes things entertaining. Not so great to be sitting around doing nothing. Cause that would be incredibly boring. My aunt though makes things more interesting for me at times when she has the time. She's the All-Mother for New Asgard. Since she doesn't have kids my dad is next in line, then me. So that's also fun being a princess from another reality. Seriously though that world is soooooo different from this one. Like I had to learn a few things about the ways the countries are arranged here since you know, I didn't have those sort of places back home. Speaking of which let me tell you it was a little weird to talk to She-Hulk after the whole Arcade thing. Cause on one hand she's technically related to me, since I'm the granddaughter or a reality variant of her cousin, and on the other hand it was weird because she looks a lot like my mom. It is so weird. Anyway there are so many weird differences between here and my home reality. Like insanely weird it is kind of ridiculous."

"With all those changes and differences I can imagine it can be stressful at times. Though I am happy to hear about your relationships. I am a little familiar with New Asgard, but I've rarely talked to anyone from there. What's it like?"

"Well it's a bit more complicated than you know to explain it. There isn't really too much in the way of structure. At least when compared to what was Asgard there. My aunt Klara runs the place though, but for the most part she leaves everyone to themselves as long as they follow the laws there people mostly do whatever they want. Lots of fights tend to happen there. Then there is the whole Valkyrie thing which I decided to join up with when I got old enough. At my parents' home though the aesthetic is a bit different. My mom is an inventor type of sorts so I think people tend to say our home has almost like a steampunk sort of feel. Since it's a mixture of more modern technology with like Asgardian stuff and things like that. She helped me to build Mr. Eyeball. My dad helped me learn more with fighting and stuff like that.

"That sounds fascinating. Your parents sound great. And I like how involved your parents are. Tell me more about the Valkyries. I've heard of them, of course, but I admit I do not know much about them nor any Asgardian thing. They tend not to seek out therapy, at least from us here on Earth. I do not imagine they have many Asgardian therapists."

"Well see, that's why I asked what therapy even was. There are no therapists or anything like that. Pretty sure they don't believe in that. As for the Valkyrie well, I was the youngest person there. Then again learning how to use my sword a bit better was cool. Plus I ended up getting armor finally after forever. I ended up stepping a way a little bit back from that when I got a quest from the Norns to go save this reality for whatever reason so had to go do that. Course there also was the issue for a while that I didn't have the Asgardian strength, but fun times that changed a bit apparently more recently so yay for that. Sometimes I go on a trip with my mom and visit my grandpa sometimes, so that is a lot of fun too. Cause in my reality there is a sort of homeland for mutants cause the rest of the world is a bit craaaaaaaazy."

"Yeah the world here is rather wild. We've made strides, thankfully. One of those being that homeland for mutants. I admit, I have never been there either though I would love to go one day. I would even love to see Asgard, you make it sound wonderful. Tell me though, Zarina, how are problems handled there. By problems, I mean things like stress, anxiety, depression. Mental health concerns. Do Asardians believe in mental health overall?"

"Mental... Health?" she asked a bit confused by the question. "I don't know really no one seems to pay attention or care about those sort of things. Never seemed to matter before. But I mean, therapists aren't a thing and neither is therapy or whatever so I wouldn't really know how things are really handled around that sort of thing."

"Ok so for example, let's say an Asgardian is really upset about something. Super sad, crying, et cetera. How would they typically manage that? Do they manage that at all? Do they talk to someone? Do they go out and hit things? Do they take a break and go for a walk? All of that constitutes mental health, so some extent."

"Soooooooo, typically if people have issues like that they tend to go out and hit something, or someone usually. Start bar brawls that sort of thing. Though my mom always stopped me from doing something like that and instead talked to me about stuff. Then again she may have been born on Earth 257 but she was raised in this reality. So she tends to see things a bit differently then a lot of people there, not to mention she's not Asgardian so that's fun," Zari responded with a bit of a shrug, and Mr. Eyeball started beeping a bit at her, "Oh, and when she helped me build Mr. Eyeball and we were doing the programming she decided to program it a bit so Mr. Eyeball is supposed to keep me out of trouble. And calm to avoid that sort of thing. Which I did not know about the calming part until he just now said something about it."

Maeve smiled warmly hearing Zarina talk about her mother. "Your mother sounds very smart. I am glad she was there to help you. I would argue hitting things doesn't solve the real issue, though it can be therapeuic, in a way, to vent out those frustrations. And I am also happy Mr. Eyeball here is there to help. Sort of like a service pet, though I am positive he is more advanced than that. It sounds like your mother was pretty knowledgeable and understanding to your emotional and mental needs. That's therapy also. So you sort of experienced it before without realizing."

"We are about out of time for our session Zarina. I would love to talk to you more and offer any other additional help you might need, but that is your choice. We can keep it to weekly sessions or an "open door" policy if you want. Did you have any questions for me about all of this?"

"Oh okay, I could have talked for a lot longer cause that's always fun. Open door policy thingy would be fine, as for questions nope none from me now that I actually know what therapy even is."

Maeve smiled. It was nice having someone who actually liked talking. "Well save some of that for next time then. That's what the space is for. It was nice meeting you Zarina and I look forward to talking to you more. And you as well Mr. Eyeball. Continue to keep an eye on this one."

"Ok then, nice meeting you, byyyyyyye!" she said happily waving, sort of skipping a bit out, with the robot beeping a bit after her.

Zelda Flynn

This one was going to be interesting.

Dr. Maeve Whitehall held the file in her hands as she read up on her next client, Zelda Flynn. Empathic Control and Creation like this was not something she often worked with. As someone with Empathic powers she rarely worked with others like her. She hoped it would make things easier, but empaths could hide better than others.


As Zelda entered the office she would see the walks in dark blue with white flowers on one corner wall. The sitting area held a large white couch with two armchairs across from it. In the center was a white wood coffee table with some magazines on it as well as some standard psychology books. There was a pitcher of water and two cups. The window on one of the walls showed outside.

Maeve sat in one of the armchairs and looked up as Zelda entered. "Hello Zelda. My name is Dr. Maeve Whitehall, but you can call me Maeve or Dr. Whitehall. Please, have a seat wherever you like. I hope the room is to your liking but I can change anything if it makes you more comfortable, so please let me know." She stood up and waited for Zelda to take a seat before she sat back down.

Zelda sort of entered the room quietly, though she looked like she was only half there, kind of see through in appearance as she walked into the room. "Um, hi there," she said with a slight wave, though not really moving or anything like that from by the door. She very much didn't like being around too many people or people she didn't know. Hence her not really moving or wanting to move from where she was currently standing.

Maeve didn't need her empathic powers to sense the sheer nervousness coming off of Zelda. "Please Zelda, have a seat and let me know if I can do anything to make it more comfortable for you. I understand I am a new face, but this is nothing bad. If you want to stand there for a bit to get acclimated, that's fine too. This is your space. With that being said, do you mind if I ask if you have been in therapy before?"

She didn't really move from her spot as she looked over at her as she asked the question with regards to being in therapy. "Uh no..." typically for her, playing her video games or reading comic books practically was her own form of therapy. It calmed her and she could get lost in the stories of other places that were not her reality. It was nice and peaceful, better than being here and seemingly having to talk to someone.

"Well therapy can be scary, especially if you do not know what to expect from it. I like to think of therapy as your own private space. A little odd since I am in that space, but therapy looks different for everyone. Some people like talking about things, some people like doing different activities. Whatever suits them best is what I try to provide. This space is confidential too, meaning what we do here stays here. So I won't tell anyone what we talk about or do unless you tell me to. Is there maybe something I can get for us to do to make things a bit more comfortable in here? Outside of things beyond my control like ending world hunger or a million dollars, I can tap into some resources I have."

"I typically stick to reading comics or playing video games... Or sewing things... Not sure if any of those would be helpful here. I don't typically like talking to people about anything... This kind of seems pointless to me honestly... I don't even care about the Contest or whatever is going on there."

"Well I am not here because of the Contest, or rather that is not the main reason. What happened with Arcade was a lot to deal with and while I do not doubt you and your classmates are tough and capable, we often do not see how events like that impact us until late. While I conjure up something to make it nice in here, why don't you tell me more about your experience with what happened."

Maeve pulled out her phone and sent a quick text. As she waited for one of her collegues to come and for Zelda to speak more (hopefully), she noted that Zelda started using more sentences. Gradual progress was still progress. She had worked with many clients who were quiet initially and some that still were, but work could still be done. Listening was just as important as speaking.

"Not even sure what you want to talk about. I don't know... I get why it's required to be here... But also it wasn't really handled well the conversation about it this being a requirement, since so many people had emotions running high and were all going crazy with it."

"Yes, I wished Coulson handled it better, but too late on that. Those emotions running high though are part of the reason, I imagine. You all went through something one might consider traumatic and I wish it was taken care of with more grace."

Maeve's door open and a young man walked in holding a gaming system and a few games. He walked over and set it down as Maeve spoke. "There we go. Maybe we can play a game while we talk." The young man left and entered again, rolling in a TV. "Thank you Freddie." The young man smiled and left. "I don't know the first thing about setting it up so I leave it to you, if you want. And while we do that you can talk about...whatever really. Maybe we can start with your feelings on how the whole ordeal with Arcade was addressed?"

Zelda didn't say much of anything as she setup the gaming console, before thinking for a moment what Maeve had asked her. "I mean, I don't really get what you mean by how it was addressed. Doesn't really seem like that sort of thing was really addressed at all if you ask me... Kind of seems like it was sort of just shoved under the rug and ignored."

"Well, that's exactly what I mean. If it wasn't addressed at all, how does that make you feel? What you and the others went through can be categorized as trauma and that isn't an easy subject to discuss. What are your thoughts on that?"

"I mean it doesn't really matter now does it? The whole situation is over, we're all still around. There isn't anything to really have thoughts about. Arcade is dealt with, no one is dead. Everything is fine. The only thing is that the adults around didn't even really end up doing anything," she still didn't very much like talking about her emotions or feelings. Sure she could technically feel the emotions of others, channel them into solid matter or make others feel her emotions, but when she lost it or got upset or something, that power can easily cause a lot of chaos. Hell on the first training session for their team she had sort of done something like that when she panicked. Better to not have to overly worry about that sort of thing right? So why sit there and talk about those sort of things.

Maeve had to take a deep breath, feeling slightly frustrated. "That's not exactly true, is it. The 'no ine is dead' bit. Most of you died. You're here now and are fine, but people did die. There's trauma there. Some handle it better than others. So to answer your question, it does matter. Everything that happens that you are a part of matters, because the cumulation of it make up who you are."

"You use emotions, right? You are aware of the power they have. Maybe you can speculate why it's hard to talk about them sometimes. I have theories, of course. I can read emotions, both obvious and not, but even that doesn't explain the nuances of it. Someone feeling sad could have a multitude of reasons why, as an example. What do you think?"

"The thing is sometimes for me it tends to be more of a hinderance at times to be honest. Especially since your right, my powers do deal with emotions. Any emotions I feel I can turn into solid objects, which you know is great. One slight problem with the empathy and emotional manipulation sort of thing. There is a big problem. I can also project my own emotions onto others. Which when I lose control of my emotions can cause more issues since I tend to accidentally trigger that and project them when something sort of spirals out of control. So despite controlling emotions and stuff like that, well, I tend to try to not think about them too much if I can't help it."

"I can understand that. Emotions are fickle things. If I could turn it off, sometimes I would. It makes my job easier though and I can help people, even when it is difficult to manage them. However emotions are going to happen, regardless if you want them to or not. That's just how life works. We can work on learning to manage your own emotions more easily so that it doesn't get out of control, if you want."

"Not sure if you can really help out with that, but if you think so then okay, we can try figuring out managing my own emotions or something..."

"All I ask is that you try. And know there will be moments where you stumble, but that's okay too. Baby steps to progress is still progress. On that note, I think we can call it here. I'd love to see you again to begin working on this Zelda, but I can also keep an open-door policy if you'd like where you can come in when I'm available. Up to you. But do you have any questions for me about anything? I do also want to say, I recognized the hesitancy at the beginning, but I am very proud of how open and willing you were despite that. I hope you are proud of yourself too."

"If you say so... I'm fine with trying more of this sort of thing," Zelda responded, before she got up from where she was.

Zelda Flynn

Location: Hallway
Skills: Invisibility (unwillingly)

She hadn't been entirely sure what to really do at this point. Until she heard the alarm blaring from the fire alarm. That was not something she had expected to hear or something. But given the fact that there were a lot of people with superpowers in the building, it also wasn't totally unexpected or heard of. Zelda headed out into the rest of the crowd, though it made it a bit difficult, since a lot of people were running into her since she still wasn't really visible to everyone else around.

It took a little while for her to get over to her floor's meetup area. Given the mob of people, it had been a little bit. Of course, then came the issue of Tigra obviously not noticing that she was there. Which wasn't all too surprising to her. It didn't matter though, Zelda managed to get over to where she was before speaking up. "Sorry, um, I'm Zelda, and I'm here." even though she was still invisible, at least Tigra would be able to hear her.

Zarina Raynordattir

Location: Andy's Dorm Room
Skills: N/A

Zari giggled a bit at the comment about the movies, "I don't even know the movies from this time era, things work very differently back home. Reality hopping is really really weird with that sort of thing and all of the differences. So yaaaaaaay for that," she said, before listening as Andy started telling her about her experience in the Framework while they headed out to the meetup for their own floor and all. Of course she didn't really get the reference to the game that Andy had mentioned dying in, but that just went with what she had said before about the reality stuff.

"I guess I scared him a bit, you should have seen the Framework training session that we actually did. But not sure what "Breath of the Wild" is, but does not sound like fun. Also mind control is no joke and you aren't ever responsible for your own actions with it. So not sure why Vicky is so hung up on that. It'd be way worse if you were actually dead. Then I probably would have dismantled her," she said with a shrug, before hearing Brunnhilde call out their names as they had gotten to the evac area by then. "Over here!" she called out with a slight wave.

New Orleans Botanical Gardens

"Loki? That would not surprise me given what I have been mostly told are the issues he's caused more recently. Including the knocking me off the Bifrost Bridge," Klara commented, following along after the group.

"Wait Max before you heal you should really--" he started to say, before Max went about doing things anyway, and even still it didn't look like it fully healed the right way, at least to him, "...Set the bone..." That was kind of "Using Powers to Heal People 101" otherwise you have a much higher risk of accidentally making everything worse and having the bones mend in the wrong way.

"Damn it I hate Exodus," Pietro muttered, looking at the others around. His legs still really weren't doing the greatest in part to the little mishap, but at least he'd be able to stand and move. Even if it might hurt a bit, as he stood up off the ground. "At least not as bad as the last encounter..."

"If you need that rebroken to heal it correctly later let me know," he looked over at the speedster.

The speedster who immediately looked up and said "CAR!!!!".

Pietro managed to grab Max and yanked him out of the way, and Lance turned and looked, seeing what looked to be a Tesla car flying right at them. Instead of moving, he shifted and caught the car, preventing any more injuries or whatever from the one car. But then there was the looking over at Exodus, and there he was, flying in the air. With several more Teslas in the air.

"That is not a good sign..." Mira commented, having come over to see about helping out with Exodus.

"I hear not your falsehoods - I hear only the truth, the voice of my Goddess - and she has bade me to strike you down, Judases!" Exodus called out, before he started throwing the Teslas at the group.

"Can he seriously not with the whole thing? Him and his ramblings are getting a bit annoying..."

The cars started flying, and Pietro raced over, managing to get Perry out of the way of one of the falling cars. Seems like whatever had caused him to freeze up before was definitely over with at the moment. Another car flew over at Mira as she got over to the rest of the group, but she let out a powerful shriek that deflected the car away from her and everyone else. Another went straight for Jaclyn, managing to hit the ground right by her and sending her backwards, thankfully not being a direct hit.

Unfortunately Lance wasn't quite fast enough to catch the next car to come at him, and he got hit directly, though thankfully for him since he had shifted, he remained unharmed. Another car attacked Perry, but thankfully she was still next to Pietro who managed to get them out of the way (just barely anyway). Then Mira got hit this time by another car, getting hit directly as she went flying away from the spot and hit the ground.

The remaining cars he had in the air, they managed to not land or hit anyone else, so that was something.

"This certainly is a fun thing," Chrysi said with a smile, as fire started swirling around her. The first blast of fire she sent out didn't seem to hit anyone (likely due to the bad luck that Perry had caused). However that wasn't the end of anything, as a whip of fire slammed right into Max instead, causing some severe burns and sending him flying. Fire was surrounding the entire area, and she just sort of smirked at the group. "When will people ever learn not to cause so many issues. This is starting to get ridiculous." The plant life in the area started catching on fire, and there was getting to be quite a bit of smoke around.

"Oh no you don't," Klara muttered, as she summoned up water, and sent it out, trying to douse the fire that was starting to potentially get out of control. Hoping to at least mildly contain it.

Guin and Annie
They'd see another version of Mary walking into the parlor room, but as she entered her green eyes started shifting to red. And another familiar person also walked into the room, someone who had long since left the mansion. That being Ayita, who had walked in behind her. "Okay, you wanted to talk Ayita, let's talk then." she had somewhat snapped. But before Ayita responded or said anything, the group would see slight movement off to the side. Then the playback of memory seemed to freeze in place suddenly.

"...Wait you weren't in this particular memory," a voice behind them called out, and they'd find Mary standing behind them. "How did you get here..."

"These two sort of go trapped by Chrysi, I decided to try and help them so I came in after."

"I see..."

"If you don't mind me asking, what exactly is this memory of?"

"This? Oh um... Well it's kind of when Chrysi sprang into existence... During the Mesmero incident a while back. Figured it'd be harder for her to find me. That she wouldn't look here. Since you know, I tend to try not to think about that sort of moment... Never told anyone but I blacked out. I remember when we went to go after Mesmero, but afterwards I completely blanked out on it. First moment I really noticed something was wrong..." she responded, not really looking over at the group, thinking about something. "You guys should really get out of here though, fast... Something's coming."

Those last words had barely left her mouth when suddenly there was a swirl of frenzied motion, as several almost shadow like creatures came flying into the room, and started trying to attack all of them. Thankfully though at the moment, none of their attacks seemed to land, so that was nice.

Janelle Gauger

Location: Arena
Skills: N/A

She really needed to focus and get her head somewhat out of the clouds with regards to the sparring match. Sometimes paying attention wasn't really her strong suit, especially when she on occasion would still have her mind wander to other things. So she didn't very much notice when Isaac managed to take a few swings and knocked her down to the ground from his attacks. Was a little disorienting for her to suddenly find herself on the ground, but only for a second.

Hearing Isaac's words, she let out a small laugh, "Yeah, I'm fine, no wahrries," she said with a small smile, as she took his offered hand and stood up off of the ground. "Nice 'it," she added, twirling her staff around in her hands for a moment, but not taking a swing or anything else though with it.
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