Avatar of Overlord24
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  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2446 (0.75 / day)
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    1. Overlord24 9 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
Current I'm alive?
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6 yrs ago
To those I rp, my wifi went out recently so I haven't been able to get on at all since today.
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6 yrs ago
I know that this is late, but I started working, so I won't be able to reply a lot, less than normal. So apologies to those I rp with, I will try to reply whenever I can.
6 yrs ago
With the holidays coming up soon, I will not be able to reply as much as I normally do, so apologies to those I roleplay with, I will try and come on as much as possible.
7 yrs ago
Hell hath come on Earth, and by that I mean school has officially started back up, so sorry to those I roleplay with, my schedule is going to be a bit weird.


Hey everyone, I'm Overlord24, I have no idea what else to say except, ALL HAIL THE OVERLORD!

Most Recent Posts

Looks good, but yeah find what legend you want to be.
Absolutely, approved
"The guy we have won't talk, yet," Nuada said to Taz, "I think that we need to find another one of these dealers and hope we find one who will talk."
"The symbol on the bag is all I've been able to find, I think it's related to a Rift, but that's basic knowledge at this point, they wouldn't be able to make Rift drugs if they weren't one themselves," she replied to Taz. She then turned to Rollen, "The reason this is such an issue is what can happen to them. This man on this picture, he could survive a bomb with his Mythos, his body would adapt to it to save his life. Now, he can be injured by scraping his knee. Another person, I think she did the equivalent of OD'ing on these, she forgot everything about Mythos, Rifts, what have you. The two of you, and myself, are three extremely powerful individuals, especially being Borderline. We need to find the root cause of this and end it."
"My endgame is to tear this weed out at the roots. I've seen what this drug does in the short run, a high like you've never seen. You haven't seen the long term yet." She pulled out two pictures, one of a large hulking beast with bone plating covering his skin, the other of a regular looking man wearing gym clothes. "An acquaintance of mine, Mitosis. His mythos allowed him to constantly adapt, causing him to look like this. After a few pills and a bit of time, it went away. Whoever is making these is suppressing Rift powers, possibly as a means to capture them."
She nodded at him. "Yes, let's just say that there is someone in this town that has been very bad as of late." She placed a small baggy on the counter, on the bag itself was a symbol of three interlocked circles. Inside of the bag was a few greenish-blue pills. "I found a man in my casino attempting to sell these, and even after a week he refuses to say where he got them. I've heard from some of my contacts that pills like this have been popping up all over the city, as well as multiple Rifts disappearing. I'm uncertain if the group making this pills are also abducting people, but my gut says yes."
@rush99999@Dark Cloud
She smiled. "In a moment, Taz, meet Beowulf, dragon slayer and high king." She said referring to the drunk man. "The two of you hold a specific skill set I need for a, quest, for lack of a better term."
The woman looked over at the scruffy, tattooed man that had walked over to her. "Ah Taz, so happy you were able to come. Care for a drink to warm that little tornado heart?" She said this as she began to walk towards the bar where the bartender had just filled up yet another glass for the extremely inebriated man sitting on a stool. "I have a bit of a, business proposition for you. I believe your destructive talents may come in handy."
I know you already edited, but this is basically just a jump off point. Go from here how you wish.
@Dark Cloud
Yeah and by soon, I mean I have just posted the 0th. So you and @rush99999 can start posting.
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