... and that same wizard preaches something like "seize the means of production"
1 yr ago
"The last time I sent my picture to someone, it became an NFT"; this starter has aged like bread.
1 yr ago
someone might want to initiate an RP simulating the urban life of white-collar workers as a tutorial of getting an employment
1 yr ago
well, yea, flood your google and youtube search bar with "youtube alternative allow adblock" keywords, put a mess into their database
2 yrs ago
some tabletop frameworks should include "Isekai'd NEET" as one of the classes, ridiculous level progression included
Hi I'm Vey, love to write and do casual to advanced RP. Mature enough for adult topics and also a bilingual of Indonesian and English.
I live around UTC+7 with no DST zone, that would be around 10-14 hours difference with y'all folks around the US. I'll be spending my time for creative writing and immediate responses around 8-11 PM local time, except for weekends in which I would likely press the refresh button expecting replies in real time, lol.
I do RPs for my escapism, so if there's any indication of your RP being an allusion to the currently debated real world issues, I'll be off immediately without even bother to tell you.
Also, I've dealt with toxic people in real life, so if you want to express your toxicity toward my character despite being supposed to be a partner in a group RP, I'll immediately assume that you are another toxic person IRL cowardly hiding in the mask of fictional character, even when it's supposed to be an in-character expression. Please get help, and get functional.
Also, if you godmode my character, I'll godmode your worldbuilding
Name: Kitra Race/Gender: female human Appearance: shoulder-length black hair, fair skin, tall and slim figure, attractive enough to fit beauty standard of some human culture Background: a songstress and dancer (cha + dex as main stats in dnd term) traveling to look for ideas in working on her opus, to explore strange new places, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before (cue the fanfare) Personality: contemplative, sympathetic, sometimes rather out-of-the-box --imagine Luna Lovegood Inventory: Basic adventuring gear and rations, weapons: fanblade and throwing knive(s), clothing: loose long-sleeved shirt and long pleated skirt with pair of traveling boots, accessories: tambourine and whatever she'd like to put on her when she performs her dancing in taverns
1. This information is relevant only for datamined renditions from speech-to-text entries 2. This name uses East Asian convention, her personal name is "Yinmei"
Mandarin: Líng Yǐn Měi Cantonese: Ling4 Jan2 Mei5 Teochew: Lang5 Eng2 Mui2 Japanese: Ryou On'mi (りょうおんみ) / Rei In'bi (れいいんび) , can also be read as Rei Oharu (れいおはる) Korean: Ryeong Eunmi (령은미) Vietnamese: Linh Â̄nmẻ
Current Age: 25 --Digitally fetched from the current record of the database, validity may vary when printed--
---- Biometrics: Height*: 170 cm Weight*: 53 kg Hair features*: Black, Straight Eye color*: Hazel Skin color: Fair Cranial features: Mongoloid, Identifiable Chinese-type Body features: Mesomorphic, "Hourglass"
* --Digitally fetched from the current record of the database, validity may vary when printed due to operational circumstances--
Other descriptions: - Identifiable alphanumerical figures branded on her back along the thoracic spine with finger-length dimension, microscopically legible as: "217-108-4.ATG-GE00 Genetically Engineered Model-00, Regenesis Project". --Possible liability for secrecy-- - Identifiable abdominal scar surrounding umbilical area, possibly caused by a previous invasive surgical procedure for a control implant. --Possible liability for secrecy-- - Facial features have very small deviation from averaged measurements from datamined photographs of "attractive" personas. --Possible asset for missions involving civilians--
---- Nationality: Not Applicable, see History
Big Five --Openness: Inventive --Conscientiousness: Organized --Extraversion: Solitary --Agreeableness: Critical --Neuroticism: Confident MBTI: INTJ Identifiable Dark Triad(s): Psychopathy (mild)
Personality Description: The subject functions well in managing scheduled life in systematic situation when understanding a complex topic is expected from nearly non-existent prior knowledge while also keeping her abilities in high performance. Subject also shows excellent ability in managing emotion during stressful situation. Subject retains high mental focus and analytical capabilities both in isolated environment and in conditions with a high-rate of interruptive communications. Manners of speech may vary with conscious intention for controlling the situation either through persuasion or intimidation, although the subject is having a tendency of being introverted.
Hobbies: Gymnastics, Swimming, Target shooting, Journaling, Dancing in private, Solving mathematical problems, Collecting digital clippings, Cooking
Likes: Rural sky, Empty chamber, Personal token, Culinary arts
History: --Dates mentioned are fetched from database records, validity varies if printed--
Encrypted transmissions from a secure line about Project Regenesis conducted by multinational agencies.
Subject: Initiation Date created: 26 years ago Source: PLANT The project got a greenlight from the brass, albeit with some degrees of reluctance from the genetic engineers they are working with. Those engineers never have any intention of building the designer babies as military tools, but this is the only way they can get the funding to continue the research for genetically modified humans. The military is quite generous in supporting the project, one hundred genetically modified babies have been planned to be born around next year. Their surrogate mothers have been selected based on previously conducted physical and aptitude evaluation from the candidates among the athletes, academic prodigies, and even beauty pageant contestants. The engineered genetic material itself has been contained in synthesized sperm cells and will be provided through injection into the surrogate mothers' wombs. -- Subject: Success Rate Date created: 18 years ago Source: PLANT There has been a discussion about the continuation or termination for the Project Regenesis. From 100 candidates bearing the children, only 70 were safely delivered, 38 survived their initial two years and only 12 managed to stay alive when this report is made. From the surviving twelve, only seven has a good chance to possibly survive their puberty and reach adulthood. From the seven, only two showed the physical and mental potentiality beyond average human of their age as the project has promised. We may say that the success rate for this project is only as high as 2%.
Project Regenesis is now assigned under "the Unit" for monitoring and evaluation. -- Subject: Indoctrination Date created: 10 years ago Source: PLANT Against the civilian engineers' rejection, the Unit has been conducting special program for the surviving children. The education process is clearly militaristic in nature. The subjects are prepared for survival, target elimination, tactical procedures, and strategic problem solving. There have also been showcases demonstrated yearly. The subjects, now in teenage years, performed almost on par with Olympic medalists in athletics, swimming, and gymnastics branches. -- Subject: Control Date created: 8 years ago Source: PLANT Due to the low rate of success for this project, the military decided to take the acquisition for every products created from this project; that means including the surviving subject who have now reached 17. They are now given designation, branded on their skin. A mean of control implanted inside them; while I've never seen how the rest of the subject are treated, this particular subject 217-108-4.ATG-GE00 has been under my supervision so I have been given an opportunity to witness the surgical process.
The implant was meant to be embedded in the subject's body, particularly inside her abdominal cavity. The device is connected to her spine and other vital organs. I personally had to witness a horrifying situation when the subject turned out to be resistant against the anesthetic they applied to her. The surgeons had to tighten her strap and wear mufflers on their ears because of the subject's painful reaction in receiving the surgery.
She was the only one surviving the procedure. The control system worked, they are able to monitor her location and her vital signs. They can even induce pain in her when the subject shows any indication of disobedience. The sight was rather traumatizing for me when the unit decided to conduct pain tolerance test against this subject.
Suggestion proposed for the termination of my assignment on this matter. -- Subject: Delivery Date Created: 7 years ago Source: HAVEN No contact can be made with PLANT, nor anyone with the name Yinmei arrived on designated rendezvous point.
Reported sightings of a particular person matching in description with PLANT's "daughter".
1. 6 years ago; suggested presence among one of the combatant factions during Kashmir Border Conflict 2. 4 years ago; leaked intel indicated her presence among the Kurdistan guerillas 3. 3 years ago; identified participation during Black Sea Crisis, unknown affiliation 4. 30 months ago; primary suspect for assassination of US ambassador for Ukraine, targeted for elimination 5. 26 months ago; publicly announced as dead during a raid conducted by joint operation of SAS and Delta 6. 24 months ago; initiated into Raven Program, control implant surgically removed through umbilical laparoscopic procedure.
Callsign: Ghost
Stealth Subject excels in Intermediate Gymnastic and Parkour courses that she is nimble enough to reach normally inaccessible areas. Subject also has exceptional running, swimming, and climbing speed with no supporting equipment. Subject managed to complete Covert Operation assessment by finishing the mission without being discovered in a very short time. Her first attempt was close to break the last record.
Target Elimination Subject has 100% accuracy in Advanced Sniper assessment conducted at outdoor environment with varying wind speed, air pressure, and humidity. Subject also completed Urban Warfare assessment with 0% hostage casualties and 100% hostile elimination using various small arms. Subject shows excellent familiarity with explosive devices and is able to conduct planned demolition with 95% effectiveness in destruction.
Infiltration Subject is knowledgeable in various customs and speeches, being a polyglot with fluency in 7 European languages and other 3. Subject also has wide vocal ranges and is capable to quickly switch her manner of speaking in many forms of impersonation.
Information Retrieval and Knowledge Acquisition Subject shows familiarity in conducting fast research both using agency's database and global network. Intelligence assessment shows the subject's high capability in both analyzing information and synthesizing conclusion from given facts. Subject is also familiar with basic network security and the latest AI-based software of both generative and discriminative models.
Mobility Subject shows familiarity in operating land-based vehicles, both urban and off-road types, and is capable in doing basic field maintenance. Subject also has capability in performing amphibious entry, sub-surface operation, and operating small boats. Subject has limited knowledge in operating aerial vehicles, but is able to conduct both rappelling and parachute drop.
Survival Subject successfully managed to complete Navigation assessment for mountain, desert, and jungle environment. Subject also demonstrated capability in utilizing environmental features to cover her presence.
Tactical Suit: Raven Armory LTS-02 (Infiltration-type) Suit Features: - Low heat signature - Low radar profile - Body fitting (can be worn partially under civilian clothes) - Moisture & temperature balancing - Vital Monitoring - Durable low-friction material - Experimental: Non-newtonian fluid shock-absorber layering (bulletproof) - Experimental: Optic camouflage
Weapons: Primary (Mission dependent): 1. Raven Armory MSR-004 (Multicaliber Sniper Rifle) Bolt-action rifle, receiver adapted for full-powered cartridges, switchable caliber (part-switching is field-modifiable). Picatinny rails available for attachments (scope, rangefinder, flashlight, laser pointer, additional handle). Stock, handle, and trigger are modifiable.
2. Raven Armory VWS-013 (Variable Weapon System) Gas-operated rifle, mission-profile adaptive weapon with switchable parts. Available options (part-switching is not field-modifiable): - DMR (Barrel: Rifled Long Range + Receiver: Short-stroke, Closed Bolt, Semi-auto + Cartridge: Full-power) - AR (Barrel: Rifled CQB/Standard + Receiver: Long-stroke, Closed Bolt, Burst/Semi-auto + Cartridge: Half-power) - LMG/SAW (Barrel: Rifled Standard/Long Range + Receiver: Long-stroke, Open Bolt, Full-auto + Cartridge: Half-power) Picatinny rails available for attachments (scope, rangefinder, flashlight, laser pointer, additional handle). Stock, handle, and trigger are modifiable.
Secondary (Mission dependent): 1. Raven Armory CAP (Composite-Alloy Pistol) Undetectable by metal detector, comes with detachable suppressor and caseless non-reactive alloy rounds.
A) I can add that Ghost's 4 years being in the wild was a result of Skye (or someone higher ups for the Raven Program) adjusting last-minute change to the retrieval procedure. Those were missions to test Ghost's potential loyalty while also giving her a chance to have field experience in unconventional warfare. The retriever agent (HAVEN) was ready to pick her up as they have no privilege to know about that sudden assignment. As for PLANT herself, we can consider her being compromised for any attempts of retrieval.
My first IC would have Ghost fulfilling a request to retrospectively reviewing those past missions with additional privilege for further intel as she is now a member of Raven, so not to clutter the CS format, Lol
B) IRL comparison/inspirations - Multi-caliber sniper rifle: Barret MRAD
- Variable Weapon System: --- FN SCAR, not shown below: FN HAMR, a SAW/LMG which is basically a SCAR with open-bolt receiver and larger cartridge
--- Kalashnikov pattern that resulted in products like Saiga (shotgun), Pecheneg (LMG), and the rifle itself (this is rather a stretch as the variation is more like manufacturing diversification rather than field adjustment)
- Composite Alloy Pistol: Oops, I should say that the gun is made of polymer material instead of ceramic, it's a Glock actually
Hi I'm Vey, love to write and do casual to advanced RP.
Mature enough for adult topics and also a bilingual of Indonesian and English.
I live around UTC+7 with no DST zone, that would be around 10-14 hours difference with y'all folks around the US.
I'll be spending my time for creative writing and immediate responses around 8-11 PM [i][u]local time[/u][/i], except for weekends in which I would likely press the refresh button expecting replies in real time, lol.
[hider=Sometimes, something bothers me, so open this only if you care]
I do RPs for my escapism, so if there's any indication of your RP being an allusion to the currently debated real world issues, I'll be off immediately without even bother to tell you.
Also, I've dealt with toxic people in real life, so if you want to express your toxicity toward my character despite being supposed to be a partner in a group RP, I'll immediately assume that you are another toxic person IRL cowardly hiding in the mask of fictional character, even when it's supposed to be an in-character expression. Please get help, and get functional.
Also, if you godmode my character, I'll godmode your worldbuilding
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Hi I'm Vey, love to write and do casual to advanced RP. <br>Mature enough for adult topics and also a bilingual of Indonesian and English.<br><br>I live around UTC+7 with no DST zone, that would be around 10-14 hours difference with y'all folks around the US.<br>I'll be spending my time for creative writing and immediate responses around 8-11 PM <span class="bb-i"><span class="bb-u">local time</span></span>, except for weekends in which I would likely press the refresh button expecting replies in real time, lol. <br><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Sometimes, something bothers me, so open this only if you care">Sometimes, something bothers me, so open this only if you care [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">I do RPs for my escapism, so if there's any indication of your RP being an allusion to the currently debated real world issues, I'll be off immediately without even bother to tell you.<br><br>Also, I've dealt with toxic people in real life, so if you want to express your toxicity toward my character despite being supposed to be a partner in a group RP, I'll immediately assume that you are another toxic person IRL cowardly hiding in the mask of fictional character, even when it's supposed to be an in-character expression. Please get help, and get functional.<br><br>Also, if you godmode my character, I'll godmode your worldbuilding</div></div></div>