Emily had somewhat expected the Crow to ask why she was thanking him. She took in a deep breath through her nose, readying herself emotionally, before she began answering him, "For...being there at that time," Knowing that that succinct answer would probably confuse him, she elaborated, "...When we first met, long before this near-death event, I...was not okay. I went through...quite a betrayal," She easily remembered how much that event hurt her, and how she had been ugly crying when the Crow showed up.
She continues, trying to not tear up at the memory and keep her emotions in check, "...I thought I was completely and utterly alone, but then you showed up. Even after I gave you food, you stuck around for a while, and didn't seem to want or ask for anything else. At that time...you were more of a friend than anyone else I knew,"
She finishes, "So, thank you, for being a friend then,"