Avatar of Three Steps Far


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1 day ago
Current Full of food and tea, snuggled in a blanket... Some nights, life is good.
3 days ago
No matter how many times I rewatch it, Edgerunners always leaves me weepy in the best possible way.
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6 days ago
I finally got a new computer desk! It has LEG ROOM!!! No more sitting like a pretzel for me! :D
6 days ago
Metaphor Re Fantazio is a wonderful game. Not only is the story really enjoyable, it's also helped me improve my own writing!
10 days ago
I finally left a toxic job just one hour ago, and I can't express how much brighter my whole world already feels.


Hello hello! I'm a long-time roleplayer (nearly 20 years of it!) who's ever searching for the next grand tale! I enjoy long-term plays that involve plenty of world building and character development, and I enjoy partners who can both play and build alongside me as equals. Few things excite me quite like pouring my passion into a project and having it matched by others, all coming together to form something truly amazing! My longest campaign was four full years, and it was a glorious tale! Perhaps you and I can form the next grand epic!

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Indeed I am!
The doors are thrown wide again! Come one, come all! Let's do some writing together! :D
I'm opening up for more RP! Anyone interested?
"Very nice to meet you, T.A.!" Melody offered with a bright smile! Contrary to Yurie's cautious - and far wiser - offer of giving info for info, she seemed all too happy to share whatever was asked of her, even allowing the Terriermon to take her hand and poke and prod at each of her fingers individually. "I'm Melody! And these are my new friends!" She motioned to the group as a whole, allowing everyone to introduce themselves as they saw fit.

"Fair warning, T.A.: these guys are weird," Impmon "whispered" loud enough for all the humans to hear. "I mean, you ever seen anything that looks like them before? They don't even have any fur! Or scales! Or fashion sense!"

"Wha- Hey! I do so have fashion sense!" Melody huffed in reply, turning a pout up at Impmon, who responded with a hearty laugh at the humans' expense. With a sigh, Melody turned back to Terriermon. "Anyway, yes! Feel free to ask us whatever you want to know about humans! We're happy to share, and also happy to learn more about all of you!" Certainly, she was speaking for the group here. Whether the group agreed or not... Well, that issue seemed to go quite above Melody's head. She was far too preoccupied admiring how adorable T.A. and all the other Digimon were - even the Gaossmon glaring suspiciously at the group!
Me: "Ah, yes, this post is excellent and I'm very happy with it."
*posts it*
Me: "Oh no, it's actually garbage."
*edit edit edit edit*
The mutual not-quite-animosity between Marauder and Yurie pulled a sigh from Melody's lips, and she quietly stood to her feet to look between the two creatures. Gaossmon and Agumon... Or rather, Marauder and Kuro. She'd never heard of any such creatures in her life! And yet, here they were, talking as though it were the most natural thing in the world that they would be! Come to think of it, Melody had never known any creature to talk before! Other than a rather colorful parrot a friend of hers once showed her, though it wasn't nearly as capable of conversation as these two.

"Yes, by all means, lead us to your village!" Melody answered cheerfully. "I would very much like to meet more of you strange creatures! You're most fascinating!" After a moment's consideration, she squatted down beside Kuro and gently reached out to poke him. Soft, testing touches to his head and shoulders. Not exactly mindful of personal space, granted, but it wasn't painful. "Truly fascinating... Your scales feel as smooth as skin, yet harder than any I've ever felt before!" She giggled and withdrew when Kuro began to swat at her finger to drive her back. She stood to her feet and brushed off her skirt, then looked to the group-


"EEEYYYAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" The face of a flying gremlin suddenly appeared barely an inch from her own! Her scream echoed throughout the entire area, and she stumbled back so quickly that she tripped and fell on her backside.

"AAAAAH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAA! Oh- Oh my- Your FACE!" The gremlin was clutching her sides, laughing hysterically. "I haven't gotten anybody that good in years!"

"Wha- Who- What on earth are you?!" Melody had never seen anything quite like it. The creature looked like she was in a purple jumpsuit, yet her skin was completely white! Little fangs flashed in her mouth as she cackled, floating in the air before her.

"Impmon, obviously!" she answered, as though it were common knowledge. "What do I look like, an Angemon? What, did I scare the sense outta your head or something? ...Actually, now that I think about it..." She turned to look at all of the gathered humans, eyebrow rising higher with every moment. "What the heck are all of you?"
Been a while! I'm back to searching for new RPs!
"Now now, let's not be rude to someone we've just met!" Melody offered, trying to defuse the initial tension between Yurie and... and... uh... What on earth was that thing? Her HUD was sadly not very helpful; it showed BlackAgumon X's name - gosh, that really was a mouthful - but over this odd head-and-feet Digimon, it only showed "???". Did the glasses not know what this creature was either? Hmm... Or could it be that these only display the information that I myself know? That would go a ways in explaining things. Though she had to admit, having a HUD that only showed what she already knew? Just how unhelpful were the forces that brought them all to this world?

She looked down at the Agumon and the odd newcomer. Deciding that Agumon had more than enough attention at present, she instead elected to examine the stranger one arguing with Yurie. Squatting down, she tilted her head this way and that, looking the creature over. Agumon had called them "Digimon", whatever that meant. Perhaps that's what these creatures were known as? "If that's Agumon, who are you?" she asked of the other. "I've never seen anything quite like you before!" She had the urge to poke it in her curiosity, but the angry glare and the gleam of those sharp teeth suggested that poking this creature would be a poor decision indeed.
A short little post, followed by Happy New Year wishes for my fellow authors, roleplayers, and anyone reading along! :D

Following along with the group, Melody listened as Isaac said his piece about the odd collection of leaves in the trees around them. However, rather than the leaves themselves, something else he said caught her attention. "Wait, digital world?" she asked, frowning in clear confusion. "What do you mean by that?" Even as she asked it, however, the cogs in her head began to spin, and she pieced it together herself! "Wait, we're inside a digital world? No one told me that!" Though, in fairness, her "explanation" regarding this world was far from informative. And now that she thought back on it, this all began when she clicked a link in her email... Perhaps that was the connection between her world and this one?

But even if that knowledge answered one question, it raised so many more! For example, how had they been transported to a digital world? How were living human beings inside a digital world? This felt far too real to be a simple VR trick. "Hmm... If this is a digital world, and we're supposed to save it from something, would that mean- GWAGH!" Her question is interrupted by a very unladylike sound torn from her throat as Yui very suddenly grabs her by the back of her dress! She's bent over backwards and balancing on a single leg! "Y-Yui! I'm going to fall again!"
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