You should probably discuss these things more with your parents or a licensed professional, not an internet forum full of strangers.
If this friend of yours is someone older/more sexually active than you, your parent's disapproval of them may come from a place of fear more than it does their stance on your identity-issues. For a variety of reasons, young people today are vastly more vulnerable to grooming, and that may be why they want you to cut off contact with that person. If that's the case, you're better off listening to your parents.
As someone in his 30s, I'm of the opinion that if you have chaos in your life right now as a middle schooler, it's likely due to lacking a perspective on life that will come with time and experience. Try not to stress out too badly about schoolhouse drama, arguments with your parents (provided there's no violence or deeper abuse, of course) and other such things; as you get older, you'll realize a lot of things that seemed like the end of the world at the time were the furthest thing from it. It's not your fault, because for you right now, that place where you're forced to spend 8+ hours of your day and forced to interact with kids you'll probably never see again after graduation is all the "world" you know. But most of what happens there really isn't going to matter or even be remembered, by you or the other kids, in 10 years.
I doubt this was what you wanted to hear, but I wish you the best regardless.
If this friend of yours is someone older/more sexually active than you, your parent's disapproval of them may come from a place of fear more than it does their stance on your identity-issues. For a variety of reasons, young people today are vastly more vulnerable to grooming, and that may be why they want you to cut off contact with that person. If that's the case, you're better off listening to your parents.
As someone in his 30s, I'm of the opinion that if you have chaos in your life right now as a middle schooler, it's likely due to lacking a perspective on life that will come with time and experience. Try not to stress out too badly about schoolhouse drama, arguments with your parents (provided there's no violence or deeper abuse, of course) and other such things; as you get older, you'll realize a lot of things that seemed like the end of the world at the time were the furthest thing from it. It's not your fault, because for you right now, that place where you're forced to spend 8+ hours of your day and forced to interact with kids you'll probably never see again after graduation is all the "world" you know. But most of what happens there really isn't going to matter or even be remembered, by you or the other kids, in 10 years.
I doubt this was what you wanted to hear, but I wish you the best regardless.