Avatar of Zeroth


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5 days ago
Current Just finished the last 5 episodes of Cobra Kai. MAN. Every time Mr. Miyagi gets brought up I start thinking about my own sensei and martial arts journey. To me, Karate's always been the HYPEST shit!
12 days ago
Another new guy at work asked me "What year did you graduate high school?" I looked at him for a moment and said, "Son, I graduated college about 10 years ago." Apparently I am very well preserved. XD
14 days ago
@Cleveraptor: If you did the best you could with what you had, then you did well today. If you look back on the past and wish you'd done it better, it means you learned. Celebrate small wins!
22 days ago
TFW a "training session" turns into an 8 hour shift and the assistant manager quits so you automatically are now training for that position. This feels a little like being a Sith.
1 mo ago
Write for 1 hour every single day. If you miss, just add it to the next day! It's incredible! Tomorrow I'm writing for 7 years.
1 like


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

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You should probably discuss these things more with your parents or a licensed professional, not an internet forum full of strangers.

If this friend of yours is someone older/more sexually active than you, your parent's disapproval of them may come from a place of fear more than it does their stance on your identity-issues. For a variety of reasons, young people today are vastly more vulnerable to grooming, and that may be why they want you to cut off contact with that person. If that's the case, you're better off listening to your parents.

As someone in his 30s, I'm of the opinion that if you have chaos in your life right now as a middle schooler, it's likely due to lacking a perspective on life that will come with time and experience. Try not to stress out too badly about schoolhouse drama, arguments with your parents (provided there's no violence or deeper abuse, of course) and other such things; as you get older, you'll realize a lot of things that seemed like the end of the world at the time were the furthest thing from it. It's not your fault, because for you right now, that place where you're forced to spend 8+ hours of your day and forced to interact with kids you'll probably never see again after graduation is all the "world" you know. But most of what happens there really isn't going to matter or even be remembered, by you or the other kids, in 10 years.

I doubt this was what you wanted to hear, but I wish you the best regardless.
And thus drama is diverted! Alas, there shall be no battle this day! Away with ye, O knight of Cerberus!
--- The Village Center > Northwestern Village (Smithy) ---
Early Afternoon

Miyusahime's voice froze Akitsugu the moment before he was about to draw--the expression that flashed across his face was one of both disbelief and what seemed to be...fear? Shock? It was the kind of expression someone makes when they have, without realizing it, exposed a secret about themselves.

But at that moment Myrr stepped up between them, and though her voice was soft, she vindicated Akitsugu's belief that the tools would be put to much better use in his possession. That validation gave the young man what he needed to take another deep breath---though his nostrils still flared angrily---and push his blade back into the sheath.

"Yes," he replied to Myrr, "and that way is for her to give them back---and then explain what she's done to my workshop." His eyes still glared hard at MacKinnon, and he had not yet removed his hand from the hilt.

Others were gathering now, and for the first time Akitsugu noticed the little girl behind MacKinnon. Their argument had, understandably, scared the child, and for a moment the blacksmith looked regretful. But as he sensed the large man---Daryl, right?---behind him, and the carpenter took a stern hold on his shoulder, once more Akitsugu set his jawline in a neutral expression. With a sigh, he let go of the sword's grip.

"Leftovers they may be, sir, they're all I've got until I can make new ones. And her thievery, much as I detest it, isn't what provoked me so." He crossed his arms and once again glared at MacKinnon. "She implied, just now, that all her rooting around has done something destructive to the smithy." He turned to look side-eye at the large man. "Would you tolerate someone who stole your tools, destroyed your shop, and then had the gall to taunt you about it?"

The merchant, whose name Akitsugu wasn't sure he'd learned yet, took the fence-sitting position and pointed out what he felt were the flaws in both parties' reasoning. The blacksmith sniffed, and held up one palm to show Daryl he had no more hostile intentions before slipping out from under the man's grip.

"Again, I had assumed that by stating my profession and intentions, anyone who came across the smithy would leave it be for my use. Just as I would have left a carpenter's shop to Sir Daryl, or a tavern of any sort to Sir Brom. I suppose I should beg your forgiveness," he spat the next words with more venom as he looked back at the quote-unquote treasure hunter, "for assuming the same decency of certain others in the group."

But the old man went on to lecture Akitsugu for his response. When he gave the blacksmith a stern, clearly unamused look, he would find that the red-head met it with the same intensity he'd conserved so far for MacKinnon alone. Clearly, the young swordsman felt completely justified in what he'd done. But, as the grandfather turned to lecture MacKinnon next, the smith felt there wasn't any need to keep defending himself.

"If you'll excuse me, Sir Daryl." Akitsugu made a curt bow, "I must go check on the smithy---"

At that moment, a newcomer arrived. At first, Akitsugu thought "What now!?" as he turned towards the voice, but then his eyes blinked very rapidly.

By the great kami, THERE'S SO MUCH SKIN!?!? For a moment the expression on his face went beyond "neutral" to simply, profoundly, "blank." The only indicator of a single activated brain cell was that of a blush that began to redden his cheeks---then, Akitsugu whirled with a sudden energy and pointed at MacKinnon.

"You will return my tools post-haste! Do NOT put water on them! Sir Daryl, I'm going to check my shop!"

Compared to his earlier attitude, this sudden urgency seemed almost panicked. But the red-head's coat and robes swished in the air as he hurried to the north western edge of the village, practically jogging with one hand steadying the sheathe of his blade---which, once again, produced a sound very much like human speech.

"Oi! Aren't you going to thank me for..."
To polish this idea, the first thing I'd suggest is double checking your grammar and spelling. There are a couple of rough places in your descriptions where the sentences seem kind of jumbled, in addition to the usual typos.

As I understand it thus far, your magic system could be summed up like this:

  • Rare humans are born with the ability to perceive and manipulate Mana. In addition to being able to sense Mana, a structure within them called the Mana Valve determines how much Mana they can use at a given time.
  • Channeling Mana through the Mana Valve and into one's movements allows them to trace Runes in the air. Runes act as instructions to create the user's desired effect out of Mana, like a piece of code that tells a computer to display a "Hello World!" message.
  • Mana itself is present as a non-tangible property within both organic and inorganic matter, within living things and inanimate objects. Only magic users can draw it out of the environment and into their Mana Valve.

If all that is correct, then my suggestion to create a plot would be to further elaborate, whether privately or with your Players, on the logical conclusions of this system. @ArcticWasHere's suggestion that "Maybe Mana itself is depleting for some reason?" is a good one. If you want more conflict, then the cause of the Mana Depletion doesn't have to be "natural." It COULD be natural--maybe the Earth goes through phases where Mana depletes and replenishes like it goes through hothouse-ages and ice-ages in terms of climate. The conflict could come from the idea that Magical Society has become so reliant on heavy Mana usage--the way we're reliant on fossil fuels--that this period of depletion is going to cause massive resource shortages or cause some kind of important spellcraft or magi-tech to fail (like say, a barrier that keeps the Non-Magical Humans out).

OR, maybe the Mana Depletion is being caused by a power-hungry magician who's created a Weapon of Mass Destruction--his machine, or ritual array, whatever, is absorbing a huge amount of Mana for some nefarious purpose. Maybe he wants to magically nuke Europe and usher in an age of wizard supremacy.

You could also generate ideas for plots by asking yourself questions like:

  • What Subjects are taught at this Magic School? Easy ones would be things like "Magical History," "Elemental Manipulation," or "Familiar Contracts." There could be more specialized subjects or extra-curriculars, though, like "Wizard Duels" or "Dragon Riding" that you could have Players compete in, either with each other or other magical schools.
  • Are Runes standardized across all magic-users, or can individuals create their own "coded" Runes? Are all previously existing spells recorded in textbooks and libraries, or does each magic user come up with their own personalized methods of casting?
  • How does technology interact with magic? Can Runes be carved or painted onto objects to permanently imbue them with magic?
  • If the magic users are capable of great power, what reasons are there for them to hide from modern society? Are they simply outnumbered? Does a magician's most powerful combat spell still pale in comparison to a .50 BMG? Is an invisibility spell thwarted by thermal scanners?

I could probably sit here and ask more questions all day long, but you don't need to know every little minutia about your setting at this point. The point is that by asking these questions, you create reasons for organizations, factions, ambitious individuals, etc to exist. Maybe a government Black Ops program wants to force magic users to become super soldiers, or they've created Artificial Mages of their own who infiltrate the Magic School as spies. Maybe a powerful seal on an ancient demon beneath the school is getting weaker, and it's exerting its influence to create a cult within the school. So on and so forth.

I hope this helps, and wish you luck with the idea!
--- The Village Center ---
Early Afternoon

When MacKinnon suddenly got up in his face, Akitsugu didn't flinch. His jawline remained tight, and his eyes were fixed firmly on the mischievous, glittering green gaze of the first person he'd met among all these settlers who had earned his ire.

"It IS mine," he shot back at her, every ounce of him convinced of the matter, "and I believed it was obvious it would be mine when I stated, before: I. Am. A. Blacksmith." He swept an accusatory hand at the tools in the barrel. "What use do YOU have for them, then? Do YOU know how to use them? Can YOU make nails, or axe blades, or ploughshares, or ANY of the other things the rest of these people will need, using MY tools? Clearly you've no idea how to maintain them!"

With a jerk of his head, he indicated the others of the group around them---though whether anyone else had something to weigh in on this building argument, he wasn't of a mind to wait for their opinion. "Those of us who've gathered here, from who knows where, after going through who knows what, have all---unanimously, to my knowledge---agreed to work together for the good of the whole group! Thus I, as the blacksmith, am entitled to the smithy and its contents! Thus Master Brom, as a chef, is entitled to any cookware he may need! And so on for any other professionals among us and whatsoever we may find among these homes! So what is it that YOU do---besides loot your surroundings like a baser, no-good bandit!?"

Akitsugu, coming from a foreign culture that more often placed the good of a family or community over that of an individual, couldn't believe the sheer audacity of the excitable treasure hunter. It also seemed he wasn't taking her jests in good humor, either. True enough, he hadn't made any bombastic announcements or planted any kind of flag on "his" properties, but, true to his word, at the time the man simply hadn't thought it necessary. If someone had told him "by the way, if you don't stake your claim, someone else is going to rob the place," he would've been just as incredulous to that statement as he was in this moment. Why would they take things they couldn't use? Who would they sell them to, among the other poor-as-dirt wanderers too busy fixing up their own claims? Such ideas would've never taken root in Akitsugu's own mind, thus he could not see why they might be relevant to another's point of view.

But, after he'd said his piece, he realized just how angry he'd become. He sucked air through his nose and let out a low sigh, not quite a growl, and tried to compose himself---

"I heard a pretty big crash when I was leaving the area. Might wanna check if your smithy still there, y'know?"

Akitsugu's pupils dilated. In the same instant it took his body to trigger that involuntary reaction, the micro-expression of emotion, the left side of his coat-like robe flared outward. His thumb pressed against the tsuba. His right hand locked onto the hilt. An inch of the blade gleamed and the ball of one foot dug into the earth.

"Aki-tan, don't do it!" screamed the sword, in a voice like a young woman.
Akitsugu RN:

Everything is NOT daijobu.
--- The Village Center ---
Early Afternoon

Brom and Myrr both had interesting thoughts on how to make the best use of their new slimy acquisition, but it was starting to look like the idea of domestication might have to wait for the next Slime they trapped inside a cold, unfeeling pot. The Dwarven man seemed intent on having this one for dinner. Akitsugu couldn't say he wasn't intrigued by the idea, but to be honest he couldn't imagine it tasting very good.

Then again, maybe it would be like...a bitter mochi? Akitsugu had eaten red bean flavored mochi, and matcha flavored, and a few others, but didn't think he'd ever had one he could describe as "acidic."

As they arrived back in the town center, the blacksmith noted the position of the sun. They might end up cutting it close, but he could probably make one more trip for firewood before it got too dark. Right now, though, his arms and hands ached from carrying the two loads he had currently shouldered. With a heaving sigh of relief, he dumped both piles to one side of the longhouse's door, within easy reach for anyone who might want to fuel a fireplace or stove inside, but far enough under the lip of the roof that an unexpected rain shower wouldn't ruin the wood. He began unwinding the vine braces he'd tied around each pile as he listened to the ongoing conversation. The three from the forest hadn't been there for the whole thing, but picked up the last half at the least.

There was seemingly some mystery about the sculpture in the village center, but Akitsugu had nothing to offer on that front. The treasure hunting girl, however, was saying something about collecting furniture to burn?

"Ah!" The redhead suddenly stood up, tossing aside a handful of vines, and turned towards MacKinnon. She was knelt by an empty barrel near the well, washing an assortment of objects. Akitsugu approached her with an upraised hand to get her attention. "Before you start stripping the homes around here for anything that can be burned, you need to check with the others to see if they've laid claims! I told you before that I'm a blacksmith, yes?"

He had come close enough now that the pile of things in the barrel caught his attention. It looked like the girl had made a pretty good haul---there were clay pots that might still be useful, some old rugs that might as least serve for scrap fabric, and lots of other things...including...

"Before we went to the forest, I found the former smithy's house---the furnace, some of the tools, and other things in there were still usable, so I'd appreciate it if the rest of it was left alone until I've had time to sort---"

Wait. Were THOSE the same as---!?

Akitsugu stopped short, and suddenly pointed at MacKinnon's barrel.

"Are those MY tools!? Did you take them from the smithy?!" His voice rose much louder than usual, even compared to when he'd shouted for everyone's attention before. For an instant, his brow furrowed and the corners of lips turned down sharply---but, the next moment, he'd recovered a more neutral expression. Still, there seemed to be a building tension in his jaw.

And then he realized what she was doing.


He waited for MacKinnon's answer before he decided whether or not to be furious.
@Xaltwind Where do I stand on the schedule? I started a new job this week so I haven't been checking in as frequently, I'll try to catch up on what's been posted since my last Akitsugu-update.

--- Springwood Forest > The Village ---
Late Morning

"If the Slime proves inedible," Akitsugu mused as he walked with both armloads of wood perched atop his shoulders, "Do you think it might be possible to... tame it?" He asked not out of any sense of pity for the creature, but simple curiosity. "If it has some form of alchemic uses to Myrr, it might be more sustainable to... well, I don't know, actually. I hesitate to suggest...um... milking it..." He felt himself cringing at his own suggestion, and simply trailed off the thought there. At least, verbally.

But, really. Could you somehow raise a slime, and then... somehow... divest it of the useful properties of its goo?

Maybe not. Surely if that was the case someone in this land would've done it already. Unless perhaps Slime gel just wasn't that useful as an alchemic ingredient, foodstuff, or anything else. But...

"Oh!" he suddenly exclaimed after going a while without speaking. "There are some varieties of acid-treatment used in steel processing! Most of what I've seen in that regard for swords is really just for artistry, to give it a "wootz" pattern, but, maybe if Slimes only eat organic matter, they could be used to remove impurities or process ore..."

If no one else had anything to contribute to his line of thought, he was fine just walking in silence for the rest of the trip. He wouldn't even ask Brom to help carry the wood, since now the dwarf had his own potload of slime to carry. Once again, the forested floor soon turned to open fields, and soon the fields revealed a dark spot on the horizon. It was only a shabby silhouette right now, but soon it would be a place bustling with potential... There would be repaired homes for those who had wandered, many of whom no doubt being called just as the blacksmith had been. Perhaps they could find some resources to trade with other settlements. Maybe... Maybe this could be the place Akitsugu could finally settle down, after traveling for so long...

After all, for the first time in his travels, he had a home all his own now. Sure, there was a hole in the roof and one wall was missing, but as far as repairs went, those weren't the worst. And it wasn't just a house, but a workshop as well---finally, a place where he could hone his own craftsmanship, without a master to bark orders for countless nails and horseshoes.

Yes. He smiled as he thought about it, growing ever more eager to return to the smithy with every step.
Just a friendly reminder for the nexxt round of posting:

If you can, make it back to the town square, unless you're okay with missing out on some exposition and NPC info/conversation dumping.

You're presence is not mandatory, but it is encouraged.

Should our group assume Brom's successfully captured the slime in the Poke-Pot and edit in some "moving on" segments?
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