It didn't take long for the returning smith to get spotted and approached by the burly carpenter who'd come looking for him. Approaching with swift, long strides and his towering, unmistakable frame, Daryl quickly closed the gap with the younger man.
"There you are, boy! Was looking for ya. The dwarf with the pot said he'd be amking us all some dinner, so c'mon. Bet you'll feel better once you get some grub in your guy, am I right? hah!"
The boisterous man laughed at his own comment, giving Akitsugu a firm clap on the back. It seemed the carpenter had no msigvings or hesitation about treating the young blacksmith any different, even after his little spat with the yuong girl just a while back. Well, either that or he was really good at hiding it - but Daryl didn't really seem like the kind of man who was giid at the whole not-saying-what-he's-thinking thing... He seemed much more the type to wear his haeart on his sleeve.
On their way back to the others, the large fellow spoke about how he was planning to try and go over some of the houses closest to the town square tomorrow, and see how bad the damage was. With any luck, he figured he could patch up any smaller or lesser damage and make more buildings livable, so they wouldn't all have to share that one longhouse for too long. Yes. He used that exact phrasing. Yes. He also laughed at his own stupid pun.
Victor scratched his beard as he looked at the curious bird in the young farmer girl's arms. He then rose back up to his full stature, shook his head and smiled.
"Far as I know, they don't need anything special. Just the same things any normal clucker needs. Food, water and shelter. And, well, protection from wild animals and thieves, but that's true for all critters, ain't it?" The man said. He wasn't a husbandry-expert after all.
At the young woman's words about Wilma and letting the little girl play with the newly acquired feathered friend, the old man gave her a warm, genuine smile - like a caring grandfather just hearing his teenage ward say something really selfless and kind forthe first time.
"I think she'd like that very much, miss. Thankj you."
Meanwhile, over in the cart, Wilma looked up at big sis Macky, the little one doing her absolute best to hold back tears and sniffles to not seem scared or bothersome. Which was perhaps a bit surprising, given how up until now Victor had seemed like the doting kind of man who'd spoil her rotten, but perhaps he was strict about certain, particular things? Or maybe she was just trying to be tough and brave for reasons only a child could understand? It didn't really matter. At MacKinnon's praise of her courage, the young child blushed slightly and rubbed her eyes with her sleeve, wiping away some drops.
"I-I didn't pee...! I wasn't sacred...!" A bold-faced lie, made all the more obvious by her trembly, shaky voice and follow-up sniffles, but at least she hadn't soiled herself - which was good news for everyone involved. At the mention of food though, the girl's head sank a little. "I-is the... Is the angry man eating with us too?" She asked, obvious concern and apprhension on her face.
While Niera and Myrr were busying themselves with talking to Brom about ingredients and the potential future of culinary prospects, as well as what they could and would use for the meal that the dwarf had in mind for them all, Sheryl made her way over to the golden-haired, dark skinned dwarven lass with the big horns. The latter had taken up a spot in the town center, staring at the big, four-pointed star-shaped statue near the well. With a wave, the red-haired, red-eyed woman approached, offering a friendly-enough greeting.
"Hey there,s tranger. Didn't see you here when we all met up during the morning." "Because I wasn't here." "Oh...? But, didn't you say you came to this place before ethe rest of us?" "I did." "... But, you didn't join up and introduce yourself along with everyone else?" "Was I supposed to?"
The young dwarfess tilted her head, looking over at Sheryl - who looked, to put it mildly, more than a bit baffled. Again, the strange little woman didn't have any malice or sting to her words, rather just genuine confusion at the thoughtor prospect that she was expected to have attended the little meet'n greet from earlier.
"W-well... I... I suppose you weren't obligated to... Are... Are you going to stay in this place to?" "Yup. That's the plan." "Ah... I see, I guess we'll be neighbors then. My name's Sheryl, by the way." "Good to meet ya." "... And, you are...?" "Milni." "Ah, alright. Well, likewise. So, Milni... You've been staring at this ... Thing... For a while. Any idea what it is?"
At the question, Milni turned her entire body over to face Sheryl, blinking a few times and then again tilting her head.
@Remram Hooray! Hope your trip to the land down under was enjoyable and free of venomous, poisonous, toxic... Well... EVERYTHING, really. It is Australia after all.
Hey, that sounds fun! Count me in, if you'll have me!
Of course. You'll get a parade, dental plan, bar mitzvah, a super bowl, the whole sha-bang~! ... Well.... Maybe not the whole sha-bang... In fact, probably none of those things... I do be the poor.
@Expendable Apart from my curiosity as to why someone with no alchemy, carpentry, agriculture or other production-based skills would bring items of that nature with them - especially since they wouldn't be able to make much use of them - I don't see any issues with Ned.
Feel free to post him in the Charactrs Tab and start posting in the IC. :)
1. Everybody arrived at the village in the morning, from different surrounding areas.
2. They met in the village and exchanged some pleasantries and discussed what to do about the crumbling town.
3. Some people went on a firewood collecting expidition, some went to investigate the area south of the village and some stayed IN the village to do various things.
4. The firewood group collected firewood and caught a slime. 4a. The south-going people found some fields, a broken mill and a chicken. 4b. The people who stayed in the village moved some luggage to one of the still intact buildings, looted the old abandoned homes and caused a minor incident involving a smithy.
5. The south and firewood-gathering groups returned.
6. Drama ensued when the blacksmith Akitsugu saw that the treasure hunter MacKinnon had looted the smithy.
7. The situation was diffused, with Akitsugu going to check the state of the blacksmith and Brom offering to cook everyone dinner, as time had now passed to evening-time.
That's pretty much it, in a very condensed and glossed-over version.
As you might've guessed from the title, this will be an RP inspired by and taking place in the world of Black Clover. Players will be taking on the role of young, aspiring youths who, for whatever personal reasons, have decided to try out for and hopefully join one of the Magic Knight squads of the CLover Kingdom. Adventure, magical spells, dungeons, monsters, intrigue, politics, chaos and over-the-top fights and more await you in this world.
Below you'll find a simple synopsis of the overall plot and theme of the RP, as well ms some information of what you can expect as a player, as well as what's expected from you. Do keep in mind though that this idea is still being worked on and planned out, not everything is ready just yet. But, hey, if you want to ask about something that hasn't been mentioned, feel free to leave a question or two. >or now, please, do read on and see if this is something that could perhaps interest you.
Haha, see what I did there? Ain't I clever?
... No? Phui...
Black Clover: NEw Knights
Roughly 100 years have passed since the Anti-Magic King was alive. The Clover Kingdom hasn't changed overly much in that time. Granted, commoners have enjoyed somewhat less prejudice and things have improved in certain ways and areas, but there are still plenty of places and people where you could also claim that nothing's reallyy changed. Some tote the Anti-Magic King as proof that the nobility aren't superior to commonfolk, while others point out that the man was a rare, isolated exception that has never appeared before, nor been replicated since.
Still, there have been some things that're different from the years of yore. The most notable being a new addition to the kingdom's fighting force, the Magic Knights. A new squad has appeared in recent years, becoming the nation's tenth order of defenders and the newest and most fledgeling group. Other changes include how the Magic Knight Exams are held. With a growing population and an ever-swelling number of applicants each year, it became unsustainable to maintain the old tradition of allowing everyone to compete in the same place. Thus, the exams are now split into three different locations, with applicants travelling to the place of the Squad, or Squads, they most wish to join. To keep things fair, the group of Squads are also shuffled each year through a lottery.
Interactions, trade and diplomacy with the far-off eastern country of Hino has also become more prevalent, althought still spotty and infrequent. Still, a small town on the eastern coast of the kingdom has been founded and developed, where mostly migrants or visitors from Hino make up the overwhelming majority of the populace. The architecture also reflects the other nation. Alas, while the countries now do things like exchange goods and engage in amiable relations, most Hino-born are still treated as your typical commoner, less they're either an official emissary or hold a prominent position back home.
Apart from this development, some disturbing rumors have recently begun to spread through the realm. Talk of strange people wearing odd hooded cloaks and robes, sneaking about in the twilight hours or dead of night, doing who-knows-what. The number of wild and aggressive magic beasts have also increased and attacks have been on the rise recently. Add onto thi the growing tensions betwen the Clover Kingdom and its neighbours, the ailing and venerable king who hasn't abdicated or or chosen a successor yet, along with the growing unrest in certain parts of the country, and you've got yourself a bubbling pot that's just about ready to boil over.
But that's where you all come in!
Be you fresh-faced youths or late bloomers, you've decided to try out for the Magic Knight Exam this year. Perhaps you need money, perhaps you seek fame and glory, perhaps you've gopt a sense of justice and want to protect the innocent, or perhaps it's something entirely different. Your motivation and goals are yours alone, what matters is that you've decided that the best, or only, way to achieve whatever it is you desire is by joining one of the Clover Kingdom's ten squads of Magic Knights.
This is your tale!
~ Stuff & Things ~
Players will control a character who is 15+ years of age, or slightly older - but by much.
Players start the roleplay with 3x Spells and 3x Skills/Abilities/Passives
Players may not be any other race besides Human (Witches are included), nor hail from any nations besides the Clover Kingdom or Hino.
Players should choose to take their Magic Knight exam where the New Squad of Magic Knights are assigned. For... Plot reasons... Your character doesn't need to aim or hope to join said squad, mind you.
Players will gain new spells and/or skills/abilities/passives by completing missions, quests, clearing dungeons and (successfully) accomplishing plot-relevant objecctives.
PvP is allowed but discouraged.
Collabs are not mandatory but highly encouraged.
Players may only control one character.
~ Other Matters ~
As there are still things that're in the planning phase, I thought I'd let you, the potential players, chime in on and help set some things up. The first, being to choose a name for the NEw Magic Knights you'll be a part of - eventually.
As you might've gussed, the color of the new Magic Knight Squad will be orange. Below is a small collection of potential names and tints that you canc hoose from. Of course, if you've got your own suggestions, feel free to plop those down in a reply as well.
So, who and what kind of players am I looking for for this RP? Well, as luck would have it, I've put together a handy-dandy little list for that too. Take a look in the hider below and see if this RP would be a goood fit for you.
Players should have the time and ability to make an IC post at least once every single week. Obviously delays or situations/circumstances can arise tha'd prevent this, but in general, you should have at least the abiltiy to post this often.
Players should have some knowledge or familiarty with Black Clover as a series. You don't have to be an expert or an expert officionato, but you shouldn't be completely unfamiliar with the setting and world either.
Plaayers should have a grasp on the english language to the extent of being able to write coherent and understandable posts that can be read and followed. English isn't my native language, I'm not asking you to have perfect grammar, never make spelling errors or always obey grammar and rules. But you should be able to write a post that can be read from start to finish without confusiing the reader.
Players should try and interact with not just me as the GM, but other players as well. make use of the OOC, set up a discord link or use PMs/Vms. When people don't talk or engage with one another, a roleplay never lsts long. You don't even need to talk about the RP, just try to communicate and keep the roleplay alive and healthy with activity. Who knows? You might become good friends and go on to do more roleplays in the future together!
Don't be the type of player or person who starts fights or tries to antagonize or passive-aggressively attack others. If you've got an issue with another player, contact me, and I'll discuss it with you and the ohter player. Don't turn the topic into a flame war or personal warzone just becuase someone said or did something you didn't like.
You should be familiar with the common courtesies and common sense of roleplay. No meta-gaming, controlling others actions/speech without their permission, god-moding, auto-hitting/winning without approval, etc, etc. You know, all the stuff that typically ends up in the "rules" section of an RP.
Have fun. This is the most important part of any roleplay. You should never feel like posting is a chore or something you 'have to do', it should be something you want to do and look forward to.
If you got more questions, suggestions, comments or othe thingymuhwhatsits, please leave a reply below, and I'll get back to you~
Thanks for reading all the way to the end. Appreciate the effort. :)
Special Thanks:
I'd also like to take the time to thank @Zeroth, whose Black Clover RP inspired the creation of this one. Although my version has differences and tweaks of my own, personal preference, this RP would likely not exist without the work, effort and passion that went into the RP created by this wonderful roleplayer.
Spots have opened up in this here RP, and you're all next in line on the waitlsit. If you're still interested, please send me a VM, PM or leave a response here.
To the people already in this RP, I'm sad to say but the continued absence of @BunniesOfDoom, @Dragonydas and @Lupusintus - and the fact that none of them have been online for over 10 Days now - has led to me having to consider them inactive and, thus, remove them from the active cast.
If you're interacting with one of them right now, treat their characters as NPCs and just try to mimic their mannerisms and perssonality as best you can until such a time as I can properly deal with them.
[list][*]I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
[*]I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
[*]I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend, annoy and/or infuriate you.
[*]I make dumb jokes, have dark humor and enjoy beating the dead horse with a stick.
[*]I'm a hopeless, unabashed and unapologetic perv. I like my lewd.
[*]I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
[*]I do anime-roleplay and [b]only[/b] anime-roleplay.[/list]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><ul class="bb-list" style="white-space: normal;"><li>I don't use social media, discord or google docs.</li><li>I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.</li><li>I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend, annoy and/or infuriate you.</li><li>I make dumb jokes, have dark humor and enjoy beating the dead horse with a stick.</li><li>I'm a hopeless, unabashed and unapologetic perv. I like my lewd.</li><li>I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.</li><li>I do anime-roleplay and <span class="bb-b">only</span> anime-roleplay.</li></ul></div>