Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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4 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Location: Bruma

Ah, what better could someone want? A warm hearth, pleasant company, hot meal and plentiful ale. Meen-La took her seat at the table, making herself right at home as they'd meet their contacts. A rather open and public place, but it provided cover enough for them all things considered. No one should be looking too terribly hard at them for the time being at least, and looking just like a group of travelers would make them less suspicious too.

Not that man made mead was enough to get her drunk that well considering argonians natural resistance to such things.

So she'd drink, eat and listen to this captain Owen. She did think they did stand out a little too much considering the clandestine nature of their job, but it was what it was as long as the mission wasn't interrupted.

"Departure time could depend." She'd say, snapping down some venison. "Entirely on our...companions abilities. I would vote for either leaving at night when nobody is watching, using a route no-one would expect...or during the day, and we blend in with the merchants or other travelers leaving."

Well, this seems simple enough.

"Understood, Dame Tannida." Colcette looked over the papers. It wouldn't be her first time traveling through the desert, so she was somewhat well aware of the dangers of wearing metal in the blazing sun. Though...she didn't exactly have a lot of other options for armor, either. Perhaps something lighter? "I suppose I need a suit of armor more suited for a desert climate anyways...now as good of time as any to try and find something. Don't suppose you could make something, Brulhaus?"

She was overall eager to get underway, despite the seeming lack of time to prepare. Not that there was much anyways. Just enough food and water for all of them as well as some other basic supplies would be all they'd need...depending on how far away this Dwemer ruin was, exactly.
The smartest and cutest doll - Lena
@FujiwaraPhoenix@VitaVitaAR@Crimson Paladin

Lena didn't reply to Javal, she was too focused on what she was currently doing. It was taking most of her attention and concentration, and not exactly taking a short amount of time either. It was a bit like a puzzle of some sort? Or more like sculpting with clay, with just her mind? She had to take parts from the armor and move them to the outline of the 'mace'. All the good, mostly usable not too badly rusted parts and mold it into what she wanted.

Honestly, it was rather tiring, too. Like working for far too long using CAD or a modeling when one shout eat or rest instead, it was giving her a minor headache, but soon enough the weapon, if it could be called one was done.

The armor would slowly start to disintegrate, motes of triangular shaped lights flowing from it to her hand where they would merge and fuse into what objectively could be called a mace, filling out from the end of the haft until it would reach the head. A small flash of light followed as it was finished, the sudden weight in her hand catching her off guard just slightly. It was nothing fancy, just along metal stick with a bulbous diamond shaped head with ridges on it. It didn't look very sturdy, and the quality was obviously not the best, but it would have to do.

"Javal!" Lena got back to her feet, hurrying over to the knight and presenting the handle of the mace to him. "Freshly made, hot off the forge! break that things face with it for me, ahaha."
*Yingmei Okudaira*


"It'd need to be some more...mountainous area? At least, most of the rice fields back home were on hilly terraces called paddy's. Rice likes a lot of water in the initial stages, but can't thrive if submerged all the time so you need to either drain the field or replant the seeds elsewhere. Its a loooot of work normally." Yingmei seemed happy enough to talk about the plants and her home as she'd walk back to the village square, holding Miss Clucky in her arms. "Its one of the reasons we relied on the Priestess...she'd pray and dance for the blessing of the divine and they'd cause the crops to grow with no issue. At least, thats how its supposed to be..." She'd fall silent, though If niara wanted to continue she'd probably be cut off.

As they neared the village center, she could hear something of a commotion?


Akitsugu was angry about something, it looked like? Come to think of it he looked pretty...intimidating like that.

"Erm...h-hello...? Did something...happen...?" She wasn't confident her voice would be heard, but she'd try anyways.
gonna be posting here today or tomorrow
The smartest and cutest doll - Lena
@FujiwaraPhoenix@VitaVitaAR@Crimson Paladin

"Eeeeh, people love getting hugs from me. They say I'm incredibly soft." It was a good thing Sephily mentioned something about the noise, as she was not really asking permission to actually hug the elf. Lena turned her head towards the door in question as Javal started his descent towards it. Wait, were they actually going towards the source of the noise? "Wait? Ser'yezno? Really? Isn't this the part we go away from the spooky noise thats obviously trapped in the basement?"

Well, she supposed nothing ventured nothing gained and all that, but if it was something dangerous, she was probably one of the most defenseless ones here, right? She didn't have armor or any kind of fancy magical staff. Just her little dagger.

Unsurprisingly, it was indeed something monstrous down there. At least it looked less like a human. That made it easier to look at and deal with.

"Sephily likely has the right of it! Break its legs first if you can!" Even if she couldn't do much, she could at least try to find something that helped. She wasn't much of a fighter, and she didn't know how to deal with a zombie really, but she did know one thing. Human bodies were fragile, especially against good old fashioned blunt force trauma.

In the mean time, Lena started heading back towards the rest of the first floor looking for anything that might be of use. Maybe the knight had something else on him? Damn it if only there was a weapon or something like a mace or something she could give Javal. Her hand brushed over the fallen knights armor again as she searched him.

"Bah, you stupid rust bucket if I could throw you at that zombie..."

Caught up in her thoughts as she was and muttering to herself about the situation, she barely noticed little outlines of things appearing both on the armor and at the center of her vision, much like one might see when working up a model on a 3D printer or CAD software.

"...hn?" What...was this? She felt something kind of...pulling her attention to both of the outlines. The armor was obvious, but the one sort of floating in front of her was a little harder to make out. It looked...vaguely like a long metal rod with a bulbous head of some sort...? Like...a mace...
I'm not sure if our imaginations are agreeing on the size of Niara's suggested "sampler crop" xD


Well, perhaps but also Niara's basically done what Yingmei trained her entire formative years doing back home and completely failed at.

Small post

Didn't quite feel right writing them arriving back in town here, so I'll let citrus do it.

Also gg on giving Yingmei a minor existential crisis, lol.
*Yingmei Okudaira*


"Weh?" Whatever Yingmei had been expected from Niara, it was not suddenly having an entire field full of freshly made crops. "A-are you a priestess or something?! D-did the divine actually bless the harvest?" There were so many thoughts going around in her head. Back home, any magical feats were reserved for high ranking people of the temples or those secretive few who didn't wish to be a part of society. As far as Yingmei was concerned, this was exactly what she needed in order to actually be a good priestess!

On the other hand, though, a rather unsettling feeling and thought wormed its way into her head.

"W-wow...this is...uhm, that was really cool Niara!" If the other girl could just make plants grow like that then...well...what was she doing here? She offered the mage an uneasy, slightly nervous smile. "Back home you'd be really popular. Usually only people that can do this are the priests or people that studied under the divine." Right, she couldn't let that thought get to her. She could still be useful! Her knowledge of crops and such would be good, too!

Miss Clucky lightly poked at her foot.

"Weh. Oh. Right, its gotten pretty late, we erm, should probably head back." Assuming Niara followed her, Yingmei would scoop up her new bird friend and head back towards the center of town.
ah, sorry boss man. this will be the 7th night in a row Ive worked. Got one more shift tomorrow too, but I'll be trying to post tomorrow morning when I get home.
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