Murphwintos (Jack Manford)
Tales of Enderoth isn’t Jack’s first rodeo, though that’s not far off; in fact, it’s his second. Having starting playing MMO’s in earnest only two months earlier (on his 30th birthday), he is not the most versed in them. But he has nearly boundless optimism and a desire to learn, so he has thrown himself wholly into learning. Seeing the monk class (and always having been a fan of martial arts movies), there was no other choice for him.
In the game, he’s a martial artist with an uncharacteristically sharp and angled nose, an equally sharp chin, brown hair, blue eyes, and small lips (sporting a green tunic, brown pants, and fighter’s open-finger gauntlets.) But in real life, he is an unassuming man with blonde hair, green eyes, a soft face and a bit of a belly. He could never dream of moving or fighting like Murphwintos could, but that was the beauty of full-dive VR technology.
While he’s endlessly optimistic, it can be to an extreme and to the annoyance of others, as he deftly dodges negative emotions as well as a punch. This makes serious topics a difficult thing for him to manage, as it flies in the face of his entire personality; this usually means that he fumbles any attempt to comfort someone in their time of need or show that he cares. He has been slowly working to solve this, and allow negative emotions the proper space to breathe.
Green Tunic: A starting tunic, which is made of a cheaper cotton and features loose short-sleeves and a chest-height collar with two buttons.
Brown Pants: A starting pair of pants, made of a smooth canvas.
Shoes: A starting pair of shoes.
Fighter’s Gauntlets: A beginner pair of open-finger gauntlets, bought from a starting shop. They provide a small bonus to punching damage.
Weak Healing Potion (2): Heals a small amount of health.
Gold Pieces (40): Self-explanatory.
Athlete: A melee-class starting ability, this increases a player’s stamina by a small percentage.
Magic Initiate: A monk starting ability, this allows the class to use lower-level magic, at the cost of a middling damage penalty.