Avatar of vietmyke


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2 mos ago
Current Holiday hiatus coming to a close, updates for all soon!
4 mos ago
Stop being passive aggressive. Just be aggressive.
2 yrs ago
It is certainly not 'optimal', but it *is* doable, depending on what you want to do with it. You could go swords or valor bard and play them more like a warrior with some magical ability
2 yrs ago
One might say your villain arc has begun. Embrace it.
2 yrs ago
Man do I love watching the circus


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All good, I still had fun
Jack 'Frost' Shkaev

"More goodies for me? You shouldn't have." Frost chuckled quietly, one of the horns on the side of her head lightly tapping at Michi's. Frost frowned as Michiko spoke, finding herself reminiscing about one of the tests Tsuki had put her through when she first joined. A trial of Frost's patience- and she was never particularly good at sitting still, even years later. Ren never struck Frost as particularly patient either, so she wasn't entirely surprised he'd failed. In some ways, being part of Tsuki's gang meant more stringent rules than when she was a part of the Jaegers. "To be fair, the stress tests are... stressful." Frost murmured in quiet agreement.

For someone in a leadership role, Ren was a bit more hotheaded than Frost might've preferred, but she'd learned long before joining the Kurotori that questioning Tsuki's methods didn't typically fare well. A bit like her, Ren trended towards reckless and forward- a bit like a bull in a china shop. To be fair, Frost was not much better, and it wouldn't have been a problem if he was just one of the guys, but he wasn't just one of the guys- he held a position of leadership, which meant Frost expected more of him than Akane or Enrique. Still, Tsuki saw something in him, which meant there probably was- so Frost left well enough alone.

Shoshiku was a strange one, the large woman glancing over at the smaller figure as she- it? sat down next to her. Frost couldn't help but feel uncomfortable around Shoshiku- not because of anything they did themselves, just the thought of the woman sitting next to her not really being the girl, but rather a construct piloting her body. It gave her the shivers more often than not- how someone more human looking than someone like Mumeiki was somehow less at the same time. At least Mumeiki, for all his oddities, was relatively more easy to understand. Mumeki felt closer to human than the other one too- the personified lightning bolt they liked to call Akane. The armored shogun was somehow both more human and less human than the two 0-Percenters combined. Frost was almost certain the woman was actually an alien- and had disclosed such suspicions to Michiko on more than one occasion.

Frost couldn't complain too much- she was hardly the spitting image of a typical herself, the reinforced couch creaking and groaning in pain underneath them as the large woman readjusted her weight. She really had no room to be judging the others as normal or weird. Tsuki seemed to have a taste for bringing into her gang the weird ones of society, which meant Frost, by extension, was also a weirdo. Frost sighed. It was times like this when she missed having Enrique around.

The briefing itself wasn't too out of the ordinary: a pair of targets, smash and grab, torch the operations. This wouldn't have been the first time Frost clashed with the Korobei- either hunting them as a Jaeger, or knocking heads with gangsters in an alley outside a club. Frost never had a particularly high opinion of the Korobei, so she was more than happy to go knocking some heads in.

"Both sites are fairly large, extensive. Do we have enough manpower for two simultaneous hits?" Frost asked aloud as she leaned forward, getting a closer look at the projections. "They're far enough away that if one group gets into trouble, the other won't easily be able to provide backup. A lot of innocents to potentially get caught up in the crossfire as well."

"I don't imagine Korobei will just sit idly by once we start hitting the sites either- probably expect more goons to get in behind us after we start, so we'll want some sort of eyes on the outside once we go in." Frost's eyes flashed as she glanced over at the Losseum again. It was a bit of a guilty pleasure, but she liked watching the gladiator fights from time to time whenever someone managed to acquire a copy of one of the fights. Almost a shame they had to shut it down- Almost.

"How are we splitting?"
Before the Drop

Orbit above Skogsrå_
INS Roanoke, 101st Special Forces Legion. Local Time: 1150_

"Bad news, Brandt." Sabine whined as she skipped into the briefing room- less room, and more an empty space in the hangar. The smaller pilot was seemingly content to use the relatively larger man as a shield to keep between her and Hex. "Looks like Hex's gonna make it, so I couldn't grab you her stuff- so no cigars." Her eyes found Elliot's, though quickly dropped to the sides of his seat- zero cases of beer in sight garnered him a disapproving frown, though Kodos beginning his briefing seemed to silence any reprimands from her for the moment.

Despite still being the busiest section of the ship, at the moment it was surprisingly clean and empty- relatively speaking anyway. Gone were the brigade of engineers and techs, only a skeleton crew left in place. Ammo and gear stocks had been practically cleaned out of the hangar, leaving the open space considerably larger than what the pilots were used to. The only things still in place were their mechs, patched up and reloaded as best they could be, what remained of the crew currently applying heat-treated gel coatings for the burn in. A vast amount of the materials- and crew- the 7th would need to perform their duties were currently already stowed on the Roanoke's transport shuttles: A pair of heavily armored TS-220s. Relatively nimble for their size, but generally ungainly at the best of times, and heavily laden with the addition of the Roanoke's marine platoon and a dozen ultra-light infantry support and loader MAS, the shuttles could take a fair amount of flak, even a SAM or two- but were practically sitting ducks should it get down to a dogfight. Luckily for all of them, the shuttles weren't making the same drop as the 7th, instead they'd be dropping much further out of the area of operations, before converting into a vehicle convoy and hoofing it to the rendezvous.

The briefing went as expected, the 7th of course weren't here to do grunt stuff- even if that's basically what their first sortie had been about, though defense of their carrier was generally considered every pilot's task. Unfortunately, special unit tasking often meant making unsavory choices- or decisions that might go against what they grew up learning. Sabine frowned a bit as Braide spoke up, it was understandable if he felt uncomfortable about it, especially since he was new to the special units, but unfortunately it was just how things panned out. Brass at the top ultimately deemed the nanoforge as more important than any individual life or unit.

"If it makes you feel any better you don't have to like it- you just have to do it." Sabine chimed in, though her voice, while still light lacked its usual mocking or sarcastic quality, "Boss is ordering it because the brass is ordering it. We're all just one big cost-benefit analysis on a spreadsheet as far as they're concerned."

"I won't stop you from playing hero though," Sabine winked at him, her voice hushed to vaguely- if likely unsuccessfully avoid Sagan's ears. The 7th, or at least individuals within the 7th, were never particularly well known for their strict adherence to orders. As long as they got the job done, anyway. "Just don't include it in your after-action report."

As Kilmer chimed in with his own questions, the briefing projection switched over to a tactical battlemap for them to view. The city of Gelcastre was as heavily defended as the briefing suggested, satellite images updating in realtime showing the city as a hub of activity, though the heavy smoke from previously attacked sites didn't give them the clearest picture in some areas. Tanks and vehicles could be seen rolling through the streets and towards defensive points. Flak batteries and SAM sites were nestling themselves throughout the city. The fleet would be able to blast some of the sites from orbit, but the desire to keep the city as intact as possible meant that they wouldn't be dropping any space grade ordinance on the city centers, where a decent amount of the defenses were concentrated.

As far as aerial threats went, the landing forces would be up against a bevy of Fenrir IIs primarily, with a decent number of Sköllrs in the mix. Most were currently on the ground, and Fenrirs were nowhere near as capable as any of their units in an air battle, but a few squadrons of Garmr were making regular patrols across the sky along with what appeared to be a few squadrons of commandeered Naginata aerospace fighters. None of their scans had spotted anything similar to the Fafnir that had jumped them earlier- but of course, that didn't mean the Coalies didn't have another wundersuit hidden somewhere amongst the mess.

As the briefing wrapped to a close, the launch alarm went off, the two shuttles taking off before the squadron did to begin their long voyage. Moments later the pilots were in their suits and preparing to launch.

Their launch this time would be far less hectic than their previous sortie. The space above and around them was clear- and while there were still pockets of Coalition forces in orbit, battles taking place on the far ends of the line, space was relatively clear enough for them to launch without trouble. Their visual sensors would be greeted with a field of twinkling blue lights, thrusters from some untold number of MAS, and aerospace craft prepping their assault on the planet of Skogsrå itself.

Low enough that the black of space had just begun to pick up a tinge of color from the planet itself, the 7th would find their blast shields waiting for them. Round, almost conical plates of alloy for MAS to mount their feet on. It would aid in atmospheric entry before being shed as the MAS entered the combat area- it could presumably soak a few hits from weapons fire in a pinch, but were generally not meant to be a ballistic shield. The first wave was already beginning their descent, flares of red and orange tails already visible on their monitors as mechs streaked through the atmosphere and towards the cloud layer.

"I've never liked these things." Sabine groaned as she set down on hers, her mech's feet maglocking to the drop plate's foot pads. Clamps lifted to wrap around the suit's feet and lock them in place, faint lights on the inside of the plate lighting up to denote the left and right in green and red, along with a set of bisecting lights to denote the plate's split points. "Rabbit, set." The added weight made maneuvering thrusters considerably less effective, and until it was shed, the suit was an easy target- but it beat trying to make planetfall alone.

"Hey Rhino, remember Targovo? Vulture made us drop planetside without plates to go swoop up some VIP. That was fun." The pink haired pilot's lilted voice dripping with sarcasm. "Think Skogsrå's got giant lizards too?"
Galahad Caradoc

Had it been a close fight? Galahad couldn't say for sure. Miina had dispelled enough of Isolde's protections for him to get a solid strike in. Of course, Isolde was quick to reapply her protections and the knights at her service were quick to rush to their defense. However, any question of whether they could win the fight or even escape to safety was literally washed away as Leviathan attempted to take its revenge on the traitorous Grovemaster. Well, at the very least they know whose side the primordial fell on- kinda.

Falls generally didn't threaten the Dragoon, but it was a miracle they didn't drown- or get separated after the fact- for the most part, anyhow. A small mercy to be sure, but Galahad wasn't ready to thank the fates just yet, they'd certainly done their damned best to screw them, so it was about time something went their way. In a more peaceful time, Galahad might've enjoyed a few days of break at a beach, fishing and hunting, but recent events had left him in an undoubtedly sour mood. His legs ached like hell, jumping as much as he had that fight- especially after hitting his limit would do such a thing. As antsy as he was, Galahad had to keep his movement to a minimum to let them rest and heal. A pile of recently cleaned armor laid in a bundle by the open flame, wrapped in cloth to prevent more sand and grit from getting into it, and the dragoon sat by the campfire with the rest, rotating a large fish on a stick on a makeshift stand over the fire.

Goug was a welcome sight- especially with their birds in tow. How the moogle managed to find them, Galahad had no clue- but unfortunately it meant that if the Grovemaster and her lackies wanted to, they'd be able to find them again soon as well. They had to start moving sooner rather than later. Galahad was particularly happy to see Korin again, the silver chocobo quickly warbling a chipper tune as it returned to its master. Galahad glanced over as Izayoi asked Miina about her tribe, idly patting the chocobo's feathered head and leaned back against the bird as it settled in behind him. "Safer than this cove." Galahad agreed, "We'll have to move out soon. If Goug can find us, I have no doubt that conniving Grovemaster and her knights can too. Will your people mind?"

Back towards Osprey was not exactly the right direction, but they could hardly be picky at this point. A plan to force their way to the Crystal would have to wait, for now they had to recoup after Isolde's treachery. What to do about the Grovemasters and the Crystals was, unfortunately, a headache for another time. Right now, they needed to find relative safety.
In SPIRITUM 6 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Gerard Biserus

The spooks and their goons may have had the drop on them, but the WARDENs' reaction time was hard to beat- it helped that they had Justice's razor edged reactions, not to mention that most of them already felt something off coming in. The flashbang exploded with a deafening crack, or what would've been a deafening crack had a man not been flung over it. The body, held down by the weight of Morden's foot absorbed the light and blast, and the large WARDEN could feel the sickening crack of the man's ribs caving in from the concussive force of the explosive.

But now was hardly the time to mention that. Pistols and SMGs cracked and barked as the WARDENs defended and armed themselves, Gerard bending down to relieve a body of its holstered sidearm. A support and battle mage, Gerard felt naked without his magic, but as WARDENs, they were far from defenseless. Even as they cleared the room and began to prep a hasty exit, Gerard could feel the Astral Mist slowly starting to filter back into their immediate surroundings. Not enough for big flashy spells, but enough for Gerard to catch another flashbang in the air as it was thrown through the door Morden had kicked down and back from whence it came.


The flashbang exploded in the landing outside the office, and Gerard quickly swatted Morden's back to signal the big man forward. Gerard leaped out from behind him, commandeered pistol emptying half of its magazine into the landing as they came upon a pair of dazed Rassvet troopers. Dead, down, didn't matter, as long as they were out of the fight. A flurry of gunfire was fired blindly up the stairs from down below in an attempt to keep the WARDENs trapped upstairs, Gerard barely registered the sound of breaking glass from the room next to them.

The upstairs of this townhouse didn't give them much to work with, the landing with the stairs held only a few rooms, the office that they were just in and the connecting room that Dirk had pulled Collette into, on the other side was a bathroom and a bedroom.

"These two aren't spooks." Gerard commented as he relieved the two downed soldiers of their weapons and ammo, tossing short carbine rifles and spare magazines towards the squad. "Unit insignia looks like regular infantry."

The gunfire from downstairs paused, and they could hear the sounds of firearms racking as some amount of the squad below them reloaded weapons. Sounded like they were getting ready to come up soon.

"What's the call? We mowing down our own guys?" Gerard asked, not that they weren't already doing that. "Other room connects to the balcony I think, Spook might've taken the princess and bailed off." He added, as he ejected the half spent magazine and put it back into his pocket, reindexing it as he inserted a fresh one. His nose wrinkled a bit as he tested the air.

Local Mist back to half capacity, comms are back, pockets too- enough for maybe one, two big spells if we don't have to share.

Hey all, things have been pretty busy on my end, admittedly.

For me, the plot has felt a bit unfocused- that's not meant as a failing on the part of the gm, but a sort of open do whatever sandbox isn't really my jam.

As far as the jester goes, I don't think it was a bad idea, but the stakes given the setting doesn't really add up. If we're playing a group of regular gamers, there isn't much point of searching for/hunting down a cheater that presumably can't be killed- not a whole lot they can do about him really. I wasn't super enthused with the fact that the whole party was defeated without even being able to put up much of a fight, it just kinda cemented the fact that they as regular players were helpless against the jester, and so should just avoid him rather than confront him.

It mightve been more viable if there were serious stakes that required the players to find him- maybe there's a recent virus going around that has been hurting people irl when they die in game, and the jester instead of kidnapping just any child had kidnapped one of the players siblings or something. Or found a way to prevent people from logging out, etc. Idk, just spitballing

I know I've been dragging my feet a bit on posting, but it's been a bit harder than I thought to find some motivation

The warehouse's dim lighting flickered, the shoddy light revealing stray whisps of smoke and dust that never seemed to go away. Open spaces, floor to ceiling shelves with spotty coverage, an overarching catwalk and lack of windows made the place darker than it should've been. In a small clearing, a hulking shade stood over another tied to a chair, a pair of other shadows stood just behind the larger one- all three standing silhouettes sporting rifles of some sort. The two standing seemed to be having idle conversation as the larger shadow appeared to be in the middle of an interrogation.

The sounds of soft footsteps on the other side of the door went unnoticed by all but the sharpest ears, though the silence didn't remain for long.

"Breach! Breach!"

There was a short hiss, followed by an explosion as the doors suddenly flung open. There was a quiet quartet of thumps as suppressed weapons fired, the two smaller gunmen falling immediately, one of their weapons rattling off loudly as the man held the trigger down as he fell, the metallic sounds of richochets bouncing across the open space. The large hulking would-be-interrogator immediately turned to face the incoming threat, picking the victim up out of his chair and using him as a human shield.

"Drop it! Drop the weapon!" one of the breachers barked as four of them quickly poured into the room, spreading out to clear the rest of the room and look for angles.

"Fuck you!" The hulk snarled back at them, body armor and deep green jacket glinting in the light of flashlights. The hulk had a gun pressed to the hostage's temple, pulling the two back towards the wall as he was used as a human shield.

"Gun! Gun!"
"I'm taking the shot!"
"No! Wait!"

One of the breachers fired a burst of shots. The first hit the hostage square in the chest, the second nailed him in the neck, while the third hit the hulk square in the forehead. Both figures collapsed to the ground in the corner of the room as the riflemen glanced at each other and gathered closer to the pair of bodies in the corner.

"Shit... Is it done?"
"Fuck... Check on the VIP."

As the Hulk's body hit the floor, the VIP groaning in pain. The breachers let out a sigh of relief, the VIP was still alive. Two of the gunners grabbed the hostage and pulled him up, wrenching him out of the grip of the big hulk. As the arm holding the hostage fell into view, a metal ball rolling out of the hulk's hand. A metallic spoon flung out of its place and clattered on the ground a short ways away.

"Fuck! Grenade!"
"I got it!"

The shooter dove for the grenade, throwing it under her body as the entry man grabbed and dove over the VIP, the other two taking cover as they ducked.

"Stop." The hulk growled, her eyes flickering open as she gruffly pulled herself to her feet. "Reset."

Bright ceiling lights flickered on and the hologram faded away, replacing the warehouse with wooden boxes and plywood walls, the breachers with their blue training rifles lowering them as Io stood up and wiped the paint off of his neck and chest. Paint or not, he didn't seem too happy about being shot in the throat. Frost looked equally unhappy, though perhaps for different reasons.

"I see a significant problem here. Anyone care to enlighten me on what that problem was?" Frost's voice was a heavily accented growl, like sandpaper on gravel, a deep bass that rumbled the floor. "Lin? Any guess?"

"I... I Shot the hostage in the throat." The man replied sheepishly, even beneath his balaclava and goggles one could sense the nervous sweat in the man.

"Yes. You shot Chief in the throat." Frost sighed expressively, her eyes shrouded by her hand rubbing her temples. "If you don't have a shot, don't take it. Very simple. If you're shooting, stay calm. Otherwise, open up angles for other shooters. Next. Tori, what the fuck was that?" Frost continued as she glanced down at the woman laying on top of the training grenade. "You no longer have an abdomen. Explain."

"What? I was trying to save my team!" The woman shot back indignantly as she stood up, glancing down at her torso covered in blue paint.

"Sure, great heroics you can tell the boys over a drink at the-oh wait, you're dead." Frost rolled her eyes, shooting a practice round into Tori's chest for good measure. "You're not SWAT, you're not Jaeger- hell, even Jaeger doesn't do that. Leave the movie theatrics to the movies. If a body drops a grenade, roll the body onto it. Otherwise, dive and go low. Armor should only have to take a couple bits of frag if you're lucky."

Frost paused as she glanced her phone buzzed and she glanced over at it- footage of Ren at her door banging on it and yelling for a meeting. She sighed. "Run it again. Io, keep changing up the simulations, no complacency."

The others heard Frost approaching the briefing room long before she entered it, ducking down to get beneath the door's threshold as she entered. A few of the others were already there- several more of the 'oddballs' that Tsuki had picked up over the years. Not that Frost was any exception to that. The 2 and a half meter giant stomped over next to where Michiko stood, only pausing long enough to give Mama Tsuki a respectful nod and an "Auntie." as acknowledgement. Stepping over to one of the only sofas in the room rated strong enough to support her weight and frame, Frost casually took a seat, sinking down into it, the durable plastics and metal supports whining as Frost sat.

"Somebody's been busy." Frost noted as she glanced between Tsuki, Ren and Michiko. Pulling a slightly crushed package out of her pocket, Frost tapped the bottom and fished a cigarette out with her lips, leaning over to use the lit end of Michi's like a lighter. Even sitting, she was practically as tall as Michiko was standing. "The new scope you found for the long gun has been working wonders, no more artifacts on higher zoom." Frost commented as she leaned back and took a drag.

"So, what are we looking at?" Frost mused as she glanced over at the displayed images on the projector.
Galahad Caradoc

Unsurprisingly, Isolde did not stand down. Instead, she sent her men forward to take them. Alive even, how quaint. Galahad shifted into a fighting stance, his halberd close and ready to spring forward, when the small Mystral caught his ear. His eyes darted over to Miina, who explained her plan- dispelling Isolde's protections might just give them the edge they needed. Maybe they could kill her, or at least force some of her guards to pull back to protect her, leveling the playing field a bit more. Grove Paladins were no joke after all, especially now that they were both hastened and protected by magic. Galahad nodded as Izayoi stepped in and spoke as well.

"Agreed." Galahad murmured quietly, "Kill the head, make an opening, then push through." There was no more time for planning, the knights were upon them now. Galahad took a quick glance around them, finding the man he sought. "Arton! To the front! Break through their lines!"

"Miina, I'm getting you in close. Hang on!" Galahad told the small mystral as he half helped, half threw her onto his back. As the Kirins and knights surged forward to clash, the armored dragoon leaped into the sky, air whipping around him. The two climbed steadily, Galahad's eyes quickly scanning the battlefield as he sought out both Isolde and took a quick measure of the battle below him. The knights had a decent mix of weapons, from polearms to blades and shields, as well as a few bows. It certainly wasn't some sort of ceremonial unit that was attacking them, no, these guys were ready for a fight. Using the weight of his halberd to guide his fall, Galahad's eyes locked onto Isolde, the Grovemaster white mage responsible for empowering these knights. "Break Isolde's protections, I'll keep the knights off of you." Galahad said to the red mage, "Jump back on when you're ready to leave."

Galahad streaked down towards the ground, his halberd striking before he did, as he aimed to put himself between Isolde and her nearest knights. Earth and stone sundered and cracked as Galahad landed, the dragoon wrenching his halberd out of the ground as he paused long enough for Miina to jump off of him. Galahad's electricity infused Wyrmfang began to make large, broad arcs and long stabs across the field, using his weapon's weight and range to keep the knights away from them while Miina did her work. It felt like he was fighting Ospreans in the war again, leaping into their backlines to sow chaos before leaping away. He'd force them to pay attention to his weapon, a big enough threat to pull at least a few eyes away from the front- a small advantage that the Kirins could take advantage of.

One particularly brave knight stepped forward with his sword and shield to put a stop to Galahad and Miina's actions, his bulwark powering through one of Galahad's swings as he attempted to close the distance. He lunged and swung his blade at the dragoon, faster than expected, Galahad managing to bring his halberd in at just the right time to catch part of the swing, absorbing the rest of it onto his armor. Hooking the back of his axe blade against the knight's arm, Galahad sent his weapon to the ground, opening the knight's guard enough for Galahad to step forward and deliver a devastating- leap powered drop kick to the knight's chestplate. Sabatons dented cuirass as Galahad sent the knight flying backwards- his protections would likely prevent any serious injuries, but the point was to make space.

Galahad's attention was spread out a bit more than he'd liked, but that's what he got for being a single dragoon leaping into the back instead of an entire squad. If Miina could peel away Isolde's protections, Galahad could follow up with an overhead cut with his halberd, but staying in the middle of a group of enemies was not a thing he could do for an extended period of time. Galahad glanced over at Miina, ready to get to her and leap her out of trouble when she was ready to go.

<<Good Copy, Vulture. No time for boarding, clear the firing path.>> Sagan's comms crackled, as a pair of firing lines appeared across his HUD. As soon as the Sparrowhawk and Watchdog were clear, the lines were filled with plasma as a pair of beams streaked across space and towards the motionless target. The beams scored direct hits against the ship's bridge, decapitating the ship. The remnants could be picked across by salvage and secure teams later, but the Roanoke itself didn't have the marine complement needed to raid an entire cruiser.

<<Ooh, sage advice from the old man!>> Sabine cackled over their comms, <<Don't you worry boss, I like the rank and file, I'll be sure to leave you plenty of work in the future- would hate to see you idle~>>

The trip back to the Roanoke was clear enough- as clear as a battlespace could get. There was still sporadic fighting, and areas further down the line still seemed to be in the thick of conflict, but the local space where the Roanoke was seemed to have found a lull. Enough so that Sabine could do lazy spins and spirals through space without getting her ass shot off. The Watchdog and Sparrowhawk caught up with the rest of the unit, falling in line as they were slowly welcomed back to the Roanoke. The landing process was a bit slower than usual, especially with the Blackout making a rather rough landing ahead of them, but the group more or less landed in reverse order of launch. The hangar itself was once again a hive of activity as the MAS landed, crews scrambling to rearm and patch up any damaged armor before. The sounds of welding and sparks could be heard across the hangar as the crews made rapid repairs to the Blackout in particular, techs called out and materials were rushed over as necessary. The Roanoke's shuttle bays were currently occupied as well, as a small train of personnel were loading materials and munitions onto a pair of bulk transports.

Surprisingly, it appeared that Captain Sarret herself had arrived in the hangar to personally welcome the 7th back. Despite her smaller physical stature, the woman seemed to stand tall amongst the mass of moving people, the ceramic and silver of extensive prosthetics and cybernetics on her face contrasting against the flat colors of her normal suit.

"Commander." The Captain called as the 7th disembarked from their machines. "The 5th Fleet is adjusting their timeline in response to stiffer resistance across the line. We expect to deploy in 3 hours instead of 1. Perhaps that works to our favor given the some of the damage we've sustained. Sarret frowned, glancing over at the Blackout, a crew already beginning to carve out some of the more damaged portions of the cockpit, a new section being brought over via crane. "We won't have the facilities to make such extensive repairs again, at least not on short notice- so keep that in mind. I'll make sure the rest of the crew is briefed, I'll leave the 7th to you."

"I'll go make sure Hex is still alive and drag her ass to the briefing." Sabine chimed in, conveniently skipping her last 3 pushups as she popped back to her feet and began to quickly make her way towards medical. "Good kill Rook, first one?" Sabine chirped as she pat Elliot's shoulder. "That's a case of beer for the squad. Oh, first sortie too right? That's another case. Make sure you pack a few in your cockpit before we leave." She added with a wink before disappearing down the corridor.

The Captain sighed as she watched Sabine spring away, before turning towards the rest of the squadron. "Anyway. Excellent work as always, 7th. If your all have any specific requests or needs outside of the mission, be sure to get your requisition orders in now. Otherwise, I'll leave you all to it.
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