Avatar of IcarusRising


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Devastated I missed the drama
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Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves.
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Hello, I'm IcarusRising, or just Icarus. I'm 26 about to start collage soon I have two cats. I'm currently craving an rp with darker themes and I'm open to ideas. I prefer either FxF or FxM and I usually play female characters.

Post Length
I typically try to write about 3-5 paragraphs minimum, but that will fluctuate depending on what's going on in the RP. The biggest thing I request from my RP partner is no one-liners, I will quickly begin to lose interest in an RP if I consistently only get one-liners.

Mature Themes
I love darker themes in my RPs. I love placing my characters in difficult situations. That being said, I will not participate in plats that are entirely smut. If an RP is getting to the part where it is more smut than plot, I will insist that we fade to black. I also only RP in 3rd person and I expect my RP partner to do the same. Aside from that, we can discuss limits in PM.

Post Frequency:
In an ideal world, I would love to have an RP with multiple posts a day, or at least one post a day. However, we do not live in an ideal world. I still have to go to work and have other commitments, so whereas I would love to post daily multiple times a day, that isn't practical for me. I strive to post at least once a week, if not more, and I would like my partner to do the same.

How to Contact me:
Finally, please PM me if you are interested in any pairings/plot ideas. If you respond to this thread, I likely won't notice it. I prefer to do OOC through Discord because it's faster, so just PM me and let me know if you want to do OOC over Discord. You can also just reach out over Discord at icarusrisings

I'll do some fandom rps depending on the setting though I only use and accept OC characters.
The two fandoms I'm craving right now is either Beastars or Cyberpunk 2077

Some rough pairings I have:
Vampire x human
Werewolf x human
(Supernatural pairings in general)
Crime Boss x Someone in the wrong place at the wrong time
Crime Boss x Rival's daughter
Strip club/brothel owner x Employee

I am open to more than just these, they're just starting ideas.
Hello, everyone! Like most, I am looking to take on a couple of new RPs. I'm 21+ and would prefer my partners to be as well, but 18 is the minimum requirement. I primarily RP M/F, but I am also open to F/F. I would also love for us to play more than one character when it's relevant.


Post Length
I typically try to write about 2-3 paragraphs minimum, but that will fluctuate depending on what's going on in the RP. The biggest thing I request from my RP partner is no one-liners, I will quickly begin to lose interest in an RP if I consistently only get one-liners.
Mature Themes
I love darker themes in my RPs. I love placing my characters in difficult situations. That being said, I will not participate in entirely smut plots. If an RP gets to the part where it is more smut than plot, I will insist that we fade to black. I also only RP in 3rd person and I expect my RP partner to do the same. Aside from that, we can discuss limits in PM.
Post Frequency:
In an ideal world, I would love to have an RP with multiple posts a day or at least one post a day. However, we do not live in an ideal world. I still have to go to work and have other commitments, so whereas I would love to post daily multiple times a day, that isn't practical for me. I strive to post at least once a week, if not more, and I would like my partner to do the same.
How to Contact me:
Finally, please PM me here if you are interested in any pairings/plot ideas. If you respond to this thread, I likely won't notice it.

Right now, I'm craving a modern supernatural romance rp between a werewolf and a human where maybe they're mates. We can definitely brainstorm things together and come up with a plot. It also doesn't have to be limited to werewolves.
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