Avatar of Tlstiffl


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
To my partners - sorry for the delays. I was on vacation and got sick on said vacation, and I am still recovering.
1 like
3 mos ago
Testing positive for covid on the first day of the new year, which also happens to be my birthday.... Greatttttt
6 mos ago
No, this is Patrick.
12 mos ago
snow... earthquake... solar eclipse. what's next mother nature?
1 yr ago
Funny how quickly shit can turn on a dime and you are right back where you were a year ago mentally... And it's not a good thing.


Hi, call me Tee. I am a 35 year old neurospicy dork (she/her). I am so old. I've got a hubby and two corgis that get majority of my attention.

RP Status: Closed

Check out my various interest checks below. Even if they haven't been bumped in awhile on the thread, I am still interested in them if listed here.

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General IC- LGBTQ+

FxF Smut

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@BrokenPromise I definitely agree with everything you said, which I think is why no one does it.

Your idea of using an old RP as a world builder is pretty cool!
Has anyone ever tried, or thought to try, starting up an old RP but with a new partner? I don't mean like using the same sort of plot/characters... but I mean having a new partner essentially read through an old RP you did and then have them attempt to take on the role of your old partner?

I have so many old RPs that ended abruptly for one reason or another, and I find myself constantly going back and rereading them and wishing desperately to continue them. But a lot of times, the person I wrote with is no longer active on this site (In some cases, it's been years)

So do you think it would be ok to have someone else read through the old RP and join if they felt they could? Or would that somehow be a sort of invasion of the other person's work? Obviously identities can be kept hidden, but I just don't know? It feels like a moral grey area...

Please don't bash or hate on me for posting this. It was just one of my many ADHD/shower thoughts of the day, and I honestly am just curious what people think.
@BunniesOfDoom so sorry, just saw this! send me a PM when you get a chance and we can chat further!
I probably shouldn't be writing an interest check as I'm falling asleep, but I need to put my request out there. Just going to keep this short and sweet.

I am looking to do a FxF RP- plot can be discussed. We can do modern SOL, we can do fantasy/medieval, something historical. A fandom? (Maybe, I don't RP in many fandoms). But basically all I'm looking for is someone to play a masc, buff (physically larger) woman against my my standard typical, feminine woman. I just love playing against butch women.

I know not many people enjoy playing that type of character, so I doubt this still garner much attention, but I just want to put it out there. Quick few things.

-18+ (21+ preferred) regardless if we include NSFW content and this will not be a super smut heavy RP.
-Casual-advancd levels, quality over quantity though
-I don't expect daily replies since I myself don't know if I will reply daily.

Ok I think that's it. Let's see what happens 🙃
@Ruki Eshrasend me a PM!
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