TIMESTAMP: Around game time. But not at the game.
@LovelyComplex & @Hey Im Jordan
Introducing: Dash Day
FT: The Lyons
@LovelyComplex & @Hey Im Jordan
Introducing: Dash Day
FT: The Lyons


For a first day of school, Owen thought he did pretty good. He’d made a friend, he’d got invited to a party (he thought?), and Jamie had even told him he had a cute friend to introduce him to. That was why he was in such a good mood while he was painting the interior wall of the gym. He was pleased with the gray his mother had chosen, but a bit annoyed she hadn’t trusted him with the dark orange color she’d painted the ‘accent wall.’ What the fuck is an accent wall? Owen thought to himself as he bobbed his head along to the music that blared into his ears, completely locked in on painting the wall. Painting was therapeutic. He hadn’t believed his mother when she’d said that initially, but now Owen saw the vision.
He was glad there was so much wall to paint; they’d been working on this particular project since Owen had gotten off from school. The implication, at least the way he saw it, was that this was to be his life outside of schoolwork until his father decided otherwise, and Owen was honestly okay with that. Restoring shit was cool, and Owen was watching the gym breathe life back into his father as much as the other way around. If he had to sacrifice his social life for a bit to help his dad out with this, that was perfectly fine with him.
Owen turned in confusion as he realized his father had pulled the earcup off of his ear and was yelling to get his attention. He reached up and pulled the headphones down and turned to face his dad, holding a still dripping paint brush as the now distant sounds of the guitar solo to Tornado of Souls emanated from his headphones. “What? I’m painting.” He asked and Troy shook his head as he gestured toward the door.
“Your mom says there’s a homeless kid on my porch.”
Owen stared.
“So get rid of him.”
“What!? Why me?! If there’s a homeless kid on the porch, call the cops! What if he bites me!?” Owen demanded and Troy shrugged his shoulders.
“Can’t help you. Your mom would feel unsafe if I left the building. If he bites you, we have excellent health insurance.”
Owen glared at his father for a few seconds, before shoving the paintbrush into his chest without care for the splatters that landed on both of them. “Fine.” He hissed, and then spun to leave the gym. He threw open the door and glared at the person who awaited him in front of the gym. Owen folded his arms over his chest and squinted down the way at the other boy, “hey, don’t I go to school with you? What the fuck are you doing? My mom is wigging out. I think she thinks you have rabies, dude.”
Unashamed and unafraid, Dash A. Day, with his headphones resting around his neck, had Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen blasting. If his green Beats Pro, that his dad gifted him for Christmas, were on his ears he’d go deaf! That’s how loud his music was. He didn’t care. He’d been waiting across the street from the 365 Combat Club for like… four hours. Maybe. He wasn’t counting. And music helped kill time. Once he saw movement inside and a boy he recognized as the new transfer student, who arrived and entered the building, he skated across the street on his T-Rex board and went to the glass door to peer in. Dash couldn’t believe the gym was opening again. This was a BIG deal. His dad used to go when he was younger and he’d say that his mama would watch him punch bags and people, which got her to swoon. One day he’d be just like his dad and maybe one day, he’d find a girl to swoon over him. A girl like Piper Lyon.
That was beside the point. Dash had two dads. His blood dad and his step dad. He didn’t hate his step dad. Mr. Phoenix suited his mother more than his biological father did -- they both were nerds. He was happy for her because she finally found the person that made her happy. He could never hate Mr. Phoenix. Plus, it gave him a pretty cool sister who was named after a mineral. They had a happy family dynamic; he, his mom, his step dad and his step sister. He loved what they had but that didn’t change how much Dash idolized his father, Damon Day. How badly Dash wished he could be as popular as his father. How much Dash wanted to be seen and recognized by his father, who was cool. So cool. He wanted to be cool too. How bad Dash wanted his father to love him. Damon was a rap god, had charisma for days, and muscles to show how much of an Alpha he was. Damon was the shit. Dash was not. The small brunette teen, with clothes too big for him, and hardly any meat on his bones even though HE DID EAT, knew that but he’d continue to pretend he didn’t. It was better that way.
Over the course of time, Damon fell out of love with his family and in love with himself and his career. Why else do you think Dash’s parents were divorced? His mama was too good, too pure to have broken up with his dad. It was Damon who called the shots and it was Damon who chose to do his own thing, travel and send gifts, and sometimes invite his son over to enjoy the vibes. Damon was better than his family and if he had it his way, he would erase them completely from his history, starting anew with just him, his bitches, and his money. Dash didn’t want to believe that. When the door opened fast, and abruptly, the small boy found himself pushed back and losing stability on his skateboard. Yes, he never got off it.
With no time to react, he found himself falling ass backwards off his board and to the ground, his backside slamming into the asphalt. Momentarily, he scrunched his face, in visible pain, before looking up at the other boy, wide eyed and excited. “You remember me?!” His ribs hurt from the day before but he was too hyped to think of the sting. Dash scrambled quickly onto his feet and kicked his board up. “Me? Rabies? I wouldn’t even know it if I did! Don’t I need to foam from the mouth?” Dash, focus. This was your opportunity to get DEETZ. Rather clumsily, he offered his hand and gave a toothy grin, “The names Dash and we totally do go to school! ... Together! Are you… wait, you said mom? DO YOU OWN THIS PLACE? OH-MY-GOD-THAT’S-SO-COOL. Tell me you own this place. Do you own this place?” Dash’s grip tightened on Owen’s and he began to jump in place, with his board under his arm.
Owen couldn’t help but frown. Owen Lyon didn’t vibe very well with people he considered bouncy, and it only took all of five seconds for him to realize that he was face-to-face with the bounciest person in the Beverly Hills High student body. Owen thought about telling him to fuck off after he was bombarded with… energy, but he was trying to be a better person. “I don’t own this place. My dad does.” He explained, letting the door swing closed behind him as he stood in front of Dash with his arms folded over his chest. Owen wasn’t trying to glare, but he unfortunately had a case of resting bitch face that he’d inherited from his father. Not his mother. Owen’s mother couldn’t do anything other than smile.
“It looked like you ate shit pretty hard, dude. Are you all good? What are you even doing here, dude? How long have you been here?” Owen was asking the questions he figured his dad would have been asking if he were in the same position. Owen wasn’t sure if he was supposed to try and get the kid to leave, or what. For now, there was no harm in simply having a conversation. “You wanna come inside? If you do, they might put you to work. Just sayin’.”
“I can work! That’s fine. I’ve been waiting like forever for this place to re-open. Are you related to the previous owner?” Dash asked, unable to focus on anything but the hype of the gym opening up again. He was used to busting his ass and getting beat up so the fall was nothing and he was glad Owen noticed. That meant he cared. They were off to a wonderful start. Grumpy faces didn’t faze the smaller teen because he was used to Toury being a straight up bitch to most people. Also once you have an in with Malcolm, there is no point in reading into someone’s facial expressions. “So,” Dash started, as he trailed behind the other boy. “I remember passing by this place earlier today and I saw you hanging up a sign. And I was like oh-my-god-no-way. So right after school I decided to skate here, and chill, until I saw an in. This being my in right now.”
The two boys trailed in and mama Lyon glanced over only for her eyes to sparkle in excitement. Owen had a friend. This was already a wonderful start to his transfer. Putting the roller down, she rubbed the paint off her hands on and on overalls before waving at the two boys, “Hellooooo there! Owen, is this a friend of yours? He doesn’t look like a rabid dog, Troy!”
“No rabies here, ma’am! I don’t think!”
Owen looked at his mother and shook his head, “I mean, I saw him at school. But I’ve never heard him talk before now. I told you! I’m keeping my head down! I’m just gonna hang out with Jamie. He seems alright.” He explained to his mother, but he knew the damage was already done; his mother’s mind was made up. Owen was going to hang out with Dash for the early evening, whether he wanted to or not.
“WHAT? I’M PAINTING WITH THE STUPID FUCKIN’ ORANGE. BECAUSE YOU WON’T LET THE KID DO IT!” A voice called back, Troy having just registered that his wife had called for him. But, like an obedient (if gruff) dog, Troy showed up onto the scene seconds later. He looked at Kylie, exasperated, and asked. “What? I had the boy go take care of the kid on the porch.” He turned to look at Owen, almost as if he wanted confirmation that the task had been taken care of… and then his glare landed on Dash.
“You’re the kid who was standing out front of the gym. What are you doing? You work out here?” Troy frowned. The kid looked like he weighed one hundred pounds, soaking wet.
“I could! If you let me! My dad used to. He would talk about this place a lot and then it closed and I was like awwww man, just when I got old enough to join. But now it’s open again!” Dash speedily explained, only to turn his attention to the redhead woman who gestured for him to grab a brush.
“Multitasking, boys! These walls aren’t going to paint themselves. Talk and roll. Talk and roll,” Kylie instructed, clapping her hands to emphasize her gentle commands. “If we can finish this room, maybe we can treat ourselves to pizza later! And by that, I mean, baby, I already ordered pizza with your card. It’ll be here in forty.”
Dash found a home for his board and then sped walked to the woman’s side, not wanting to disobey the maternal figure. “Pizza sounds great, Mrs…”
Kylie immediately answered,“You can call me Mama Kylie.”
“Mama Kylie!”
Troy watched the situation unfold before him, and ultimately shrugged. Even if Owen didn’t know this kid before right now, free labor was free labor. Even if the free labor wasn’t exactly free - his fucking wife had already bought the pizza… and Troy didn’t even really like pizza. He folded his arms over his chest and looked between the two teenagers before him.
“Fine. You work out here now. Paint.” Troy said, and shoved out the paintbrush he was holding into Dash’s hands. He saw nothing else worth saying, and turned around from the group to head back into his domain. At least, it was his domain until Kylie pushed her way in and decided what colors were on the wall. Picking his battles was the most important lesson Troy ever learned.
Owen looked down at Dash and held out his hand to shake after Troy had made his decision. “I’m Owen. Owen Lyon. My dad says we’re best friends now. Let’s go paint the walls before he starts bitching.”
With a paintbrush in one hand, Dash gave a childish and genuine grin, grabbing ahold of Owen’s firm grip with his free hand, which was smaller by a lot. He was happy that he now had a best friend, even if they just met. He noticed the pure power in Owen’s hold and found himself even more impressed. As he shaked, he gritted his teeth, wincing a little from his own movements, before complimenting, “You’re hella’ strong, brother. Are you going to teach me how to backhand strike, double fist punch, tiger claw, leglock, powerbomb, sleeper hold, and SUPLEX?!” To have a strong best friend meant Dash was one step closer to being a muscle man, taking down all the baddies and being a superhero that saves the day. Looking up at Owen, he could totally see that this boy was superhero material. Kicking bad guys to the curb wasn’t the job he wanted but the job destined for him and Dash wanted to make sure he was there for the ride. Every hero needs a sidekick, after all, and he was perfect for the job. Owen & Dash like… Batman & Robin! Captain America & Bucky! Iron Man & War Machine! The Punisher & Microchip! The possibilities were endless and he was stoked that he found his duo.
Owen gave Dash a side glance. What did this kid think this was? Some kind of movie, like they were going to get into hijinks and wacky adventures? Like they’d get drafted into some kind of underground fighting ring and Owen would have to fight his way to the top to survive? He shook his head as he led the smaller boy inside the gym, and toward the half painted wall they’d be finishing up together. “Sure dude, I’ll teach you everything. Just call me Jedi Master Owen Wan Kenobi.” Owen looked down and grinned. “Yeah, man. You seem new, so you’ll be in the beginner’s class. That is with me. I’ll teach you the first rule now: We don’t want any trouble. Seriously, my dad’ll beat our asses if we’re swinging hands outside of the gym.” Owen explained, before he took the paintbrush and lifted it up, pressing it against the wall in a part that hadn’t yet been covered.
“We have to do another coat, and then we can have ice cream. My mom got this sea salt ice cream ice cream. It’s pretty good!”
Dash was excited but he shouldn’t get too excited or he’d forget to give his mother a status update. He had another hour or so before he needed to text her that he was okay. He had time. “We don’t want any trouble,” the shorter boy repeated, mimicking Owen’s paint strokes beside him but going much, much slower to avoid any sudden movements. His sides were still sore from his training session. He did like Owen’s motto though. It was good! Dash wasn’t one to look for trouble but somehow trouble always found him. He didn’t know why. Something about him was just a magnet for bad luck. Owen was right, though. If he could actively avoid trouble, he would.
From one topic to the next, Dash’s ADHD brain got the best of him (the only reason he could focus on this task was because he had a body double in Owen), he began rambling, leaving little room for silence, “So I see you’re cool with Jamie, that means soon enough you’ll get to meet Trixie. Wherever he is, she usually is with him. They’re kind of this feracious bestie duo that is really good at finding out things about people. They run the newspaper club! But I think they have a bigger fanbase on their podcast, Salt & Truth, you should give it a listen sometime.” Dash nodded to himself, bringing the roller up and down, up and down, up and down. He unfortunately couldn’t reach the top part so he crouched, regardless of the pain, and began to get the lower half of the wall. If he focused on the job at hand, the bruise practically didn’t exist. “You’d think those two are dating since they’re practically inseparable but Jamie has this on again, off again relationship with AJ, he’s a gearhead, and Trixie… iunno. She used to date this jock, his name is Theo, but that ended abruptly before sophomore year. Since then, it’s hard to tell what’s been going on in her love life. She keeps all that private. Some people think she has a side piece from another school but I think she just hasn’t found someone good enough for her. It’s wild how invested people get in other’s lives at this school. I’m only telling you because you should know! Since you said you’re not looking for trouble.” He looked up at the other boy and explained, “If you’re not looking for trouble… those two might bring in the trouble, by accident! They’re just part of the populars, the peps that care too much. It comes with the territory. The higher you are in the social ladder, the more trouble you get.”
“This school sounds like shit.” Owen said in observation as he and Dash worked on painting the wall. He didn’t sound upset about it, it was almost as casual an observation as an observation like that could be. Two things were obvious about BHHS that Owen could not deny. Firstly, everyone in the school seemed to be a drama king or queen. Secondly, everyone seemed to be up in everybody’s business. Owen looked down at Dash and raised an eyebrow. “I don’t even know what a gearhead is.” He said at the end of Dash’s ramblings. It was valuable information, Owen supposed, but he would have figured it out eventually. “I appreciate the lore dump, but it’ll be fine. If trouble finds me, I’ll figure it out.” Owen shrugged and went back to focusing on the painting.
“Besides, Trixie might like me. I’m pretty cool.” Owen was careful not to speak too highly of himself. He knew he had a short temper, and that before long it was likely to bite him in the ass. It was important to keep himself under control, and that meant focusing on what mattered: watching the paint dry. “Trouble’s not gonna find me, cuz I live here. In my sanctuary. My domain.” Owen explained his scheme to stay inside the gym until long after high school like it was the smartest plan anyone had ever come up with. “I’ll go to the school, and then I’ll come back here. I got everything I need here. See? Don’t want any trouble.”
“Too bad you’re a fuckin’ trouble magnet.”
“Shut UP, Dad!”
“This kid’s small. If he’s gonna get involved with Owen ‘Can’t Go Two Weeks Without Getting in a Fight’ Lyon, he should know ahead of time. And I hear you talkin’ too. Don’t bring no fuckin’ women here.”
“Owen can bring in any woman he wants!” Mama Kylie interjected, coming out of her husband’s office to give her son’s new friend Mountain Dew (assuming that was what the twink preferred). “We have healthier options, like water, but you look like you love the Dew. You know it took my husband years to get me on a healthy diet. Did you know I used to be a gamer girl?”
Graciously and excitedly, Dash grabbed the soda can and shook his head, “No, Mama Kylie, I did not know you gamed. We just met! But that’s really cool. I overheard in the halls that Michael O’Connor is bad at Fortnite.”
“O’Connor,” Kylie smiled to herself, knowing the surname well from her own time at BHHS. From one distraction to the next, she went back to the main topic at hand, “Troy, my baby is going to LIVE. We aren’t going to police him too much. If he finds a girl…” The maternal figure turned from her man to her son with a giddy grin on, “She is welcomed here. Mama is law.”
Troy frowned as he looked between his wife and the two boys, “fine. But we’re NOT ‘reconnecting’ with people we went to school with, Kylie. I don’t care how badly you want to or how many spawn of our classmates walk through that door. I hated high school.” With that, Troy turned and walked off toward the office. There was no denying it, he was clearly dejected and pouting.
“Thanks, mom. I really am staying here tonight. I figure I can work on shit late into the night so we can start really plucking away at dad’s list. Is that cool? He’ll stay with me.” He pointed at Dash.
“Of course that’s cool! Less work for me tomorrow and also,” Kylie took out her phone and waved it to all three of the boys in the room, “I might’ve already reconnected with one person. Did you know there’s a big party tomorrow?! You both must go! The Greens are so over the top, I’m sure it’ll be the party of the century. Right, Troy?” Mischievous and impish, Kylie put her husband on the spot and if he didn’t answer her the way she wanted him to, she’d tell the two boys embarrassing stories of him from highschool. This is what Kylie did. She was a petty girl. Troy knew her well.
“I guess I could ask my sister for a ride or maybe one of my friends is going and I can carpool with them. Oh snap! I need to call my mommy and tell her where I’m at. I totally forgot,” Dash gasped, putting the roller down in its tray before standing up, grimacing as he did so trying to hide the mild flinch. He walked to his own corner to make a call.
Tilting her head, she asked, “Owen, you know that kid has an injury right?” Not only did Kylie notice Dash avoiding running, but even as she watched him put the roller down, he saw him purse his lips and slow down.
“He fell, dude. He ain’t hurt that bad, but I’ll keep it in mind. DASH! You’re good right?!”
“How can I NOT be good?! I got a new best friend!” Dash roared, knowing this news would make his mom so happy. Dash never had a best friend! Friends sure but never a BEST friend.
“Okay, well you two don’t get into too much trouble,” Kylie worriedly pouted, still concerned but deciding it was best to bury it until she had more information. She trusted her son. He was a protector, just like his father.
“Don’t you worry, Mama Kylie, we’re not looking for trouble,” Dash nodded to himself as he focused on the task at hand. Painting. “No ma’am, no ma’am. No trouble at all.”
He was glad there was so much wall to paint; they’d been working on this particular project since Owen had gotten off from school. The implication, at least the way he saw it, was that this was to be his life outside of schoolwork until his father decided otherwise, and Owen was honestly okay with that. Restoring shit was cool, and Owen was watching the gym breathe life back into his father as much as the other way around. If he had to sacrifice his social life for a bit to help his dad out with this, that was perfectly fine with him.
Owen turned in confusion as he realized his father had pulled the earcup off of his ear and was yelling to get his attention. He reached up and pulled the headphones down and turned to face his dad, holding a still dripping paint brush as the now distant sounds of the guitar solo to Tornado of Souls emanated from his headphones. “What? I’m painting.” He asked and Troy shook his head as he gestured toward the door.
“Your mom says there’s a homeless kid on my porch.”
Owen stared.
“So get rid of him.”
“What!? Why me?! If there’s a homeless kid on the porch, call the cops! What if he bites me!?” Owen demanded and Troy shrugged his shoulders.
“Can’t help you. Your mom would feel unsafe if I left the building. If he bites you, we have excellent health insurance.”
Owen glared at his father for a few seconds, before shoving the paintbrush into his chest without care for the splatters that landed on both of them. “Fine.” He hissed, and then spun to leave the gym. He threw open the door and glared at the person who awaited him in front of the gym. Owen folded his arms over his chest and squinted down the way at the other boy, “hey, don’t I go to school with you? What the fuck are you doing? My mom is wigging out. I think she thinks you have rabies, dude.”
Unashamed and unafraid, Dash A. Day, with his headphones resting around his neck, had Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen blasting. If his green Beats Pro, that his dad gifted him for Christmas, were on his ears he’d go deaf! That’s how loud his music was. He didn’t care. He’d been waiting across the street from the 365 Combat Club for like… four hours. Maybe. He wasn’t counting. And music helped kill time. Once he saw movement inside and a boy he recognized as the new transfer student, who arrived and entered the building, he skated across the street on his T-Rex board and went to the glass door to peer in. Dash couldn’t believe the gym was opening again. This was a BIG deal. His dad used to go when he was younger and he’d say that his mama would watch him punch bags and people, which got her to swoon. One day he’d be just like his dad and maybe one day, he’d find a girl to swoon over him. A girl like Piper Lyon.
That was beside the point. Dash had two dads. His blood dad and his step dad. He didn’t hate his step dad. Mr. Phoenix suited his mother more than his biological father did -- they both were nerds. He was happy for her because she finally found the person that made her happy. He could never hate Mr. Phoenix. Plus, it gave him a pretty cool sister who was named after a mineral. They had a happy family dynamic; he, his mom, his step dad and his step sister. He loved what they had but that didn’t change how much Dash idolized his father, Damon Day. How badly Dash wished he could be as popular as his father. How much Dash wanted to be seen and recognized by his father, who was cool. So cool. He wanted to be cool too. How bad Dash wanted his father to love him. Damon was a rap god, had charisma for days, and muscles to show how much of an Alpha he was. Damon was the shit. Dash was not. The small brunette teen, with clothes too big for him, and hardly any meat on his bones even though HE DID EAT, knew that but he’d continue to pretend he didn’t. It was better that way.
Over the course of time, Damon fell out of love with his family and in love with himself and his career. Why else do you think Dash’s parents were divorced? His mama was too good, too pure to have broken up with his dad. It was Damon who called the shots and it was Damon who chose to do his own thing, travel and send gifts, and sometimes invite his son over to enjoy the vibes. Damon was better than his family and if he had it his way, he would erase them completely from his history, starting anew with just him, his bitches, and his money. Dash didn’t want to believe that. When the door opened fast, and abruptly, the small boy found himself pushed back and losing stability on his skateboard. Yes, he never got off it.
With no time to react, he found himself falling ass backwards off his board and to the ground, his backside slamming into the asphalt. Momentarily, he scrunched his face, in visible pain, before looking up at the other boy, wide eyed and excited. “You remember me?!” His ribs hurt from the day before but he was too hyped to think of the sting. Dash scrambled quickly onto his feet and kicked his board up. “Me? Rabies? I wouldn’t even know it if I did! Don’t I need to foam from the mouth?” Dash, focus. This was your opportunity to get DEETZ. Rather clumsily, he offered his hand and gave a toothy grin, “The names Dash and we totally do go to school! ... Together! Are you… wait, you said mom? DO YOU OWN THIS PLACE? OH-MY-GOD-THAT’S-SO-COOL. Tell me you own this place. Do you own this place?” Dash’s grip tightened on Owen’s and he began to jump in place, with his board under his arm.
Owen couldn’t help but frown. Owen Lyon didn’t vibe very well with people he considered bouncy, and it only took all of five seconds for him to realize that he was face-to-face with the bounciest person in the Beverly Hills High student body. Owen thought about telling him to fuck off after he was bombarded with… energy, but he was trying to be a better person. “I don’t own this place. My dad does.” He explained, letting the door swing closed behind him as he stood in front of Dash with his arms folded over his chest. Owen wasn’t trying to glare, but he unfortunately had a case of resting bitch face that he’d inherited from his father. Not his mother. Owen’s mother couldn’t do anything other than smile.
“It looked like you ate shit pretty hard, dude. Are you all good? What are you even doing here, dude? How long have you been here?” Owen was asking the questions he figured his dad would have been asking if he were in the same position. Owen wasn’t sure if he was supposed to try and get the kid to leave, or what. For now, there was no harm in simply having a conversation. “You wanna come inside? If you do, they might put you to work. Just sayin’.”
“I can work! That’s fine. I’ve been waiting like forever for this place to re-open. Are you related to the previous owner?” Dash asked, unable to focus on anything but the hype of the gym opening up again. He was used to busting his ass and getting beat up so the fall was nothing and he was glad Owen noticed. That meant he cared. They were off to a wonderful start. Grumpy faces didn’t faze the smaller teen because he was used to Toury being a straight up bitch to most people. Also once you have an in with Malcolm, there is no point in reading into someone’s facial expressions. “So,” Dash started, as he trailed behind the other boy. “I remember passing by this place earlier today and I saw you hanging up a sign. And I was like oh-my-god-no-way. So right after school I decided to skate here, and chill, until I saw an in. This being my in right now.”
The two boys trailed in and mama Lyon glanced over only for her eyes to sparkle in excitement. Owen had a friend. This was already a wonderful start to his transfer. Putting the roller down, she rubbed the paint off her hands on and on overalls before waving at the two boys, “Hellooooo there! Owen, is this a friend of yours? He doesn’t look like a rabid dog, Troy!”
“No rabies here, ma’am! I don’t think!”
Owen looked at his mother and shook his head, “I mean, I saw him at school. But I’ve never heard him talk before now. I told you! I’m keeping my head down! I’m just gonna hang out with Jamie. He seems alright.” He explained to his mother, but he knew the damage was already done; his mother’s mind was made up. Owen was going to hang out with Dash for the early evening, whether he wanted to or not.
“WHAT? I’M PAINTING WITH THE STUPID FUCKIN’ ORANGE. BECAUSE YOU WON’T LET THE KID DO IT!” A voice called back, Troy having just registered that his wife had called for him. But, like an obedient (if gruff) dog, Troy showed up onto the scene seconds later. He looked at Kylie, exasperated, and asked. “What? I had the boy go take care of the kid on the porch.” He turned to look at Owen, almost as if he wanted confirmation that the task had been taken care of… and then his glare landed on Dash.
“You’re the kid who was standing out front of the gym. What are you doing? You work out here?” Troy frowned. The kid looked like he weighed one hundred pounds, soaking wet.
“I could! If you let me! My dad used to. He would talk about this place a lot and then it closed and I was like awwww man, just when I got old enough to join. But now it’s open again!” Dash speedily explained, only to turn his attention to the redhead woman who gestured for him to grab a brush.
“Multitasking, boys! These walls aren’t going to paint themselves. Talk and roll. Talk and roll,” Kylie instructed, clapping her hands to emphasize her gentle commands. “If we can finish this room, maybe we can treat ourselves to pizza later! And by that, I mean, baby, I already ordered pizza with your card. It’ll be here in forty.”
Dash found a home for his board and then sped walked to the woman’s side, not wanting to disobey the maternal figure. “Pizza sounds great, Mrs…”
Kylie immediately answered,“You can call me Mama Kylie.”
“Mama Kylie!”
Troy watched the situation unfold before him, and ultimately shrugged. Even if Owen didn’t know this kid before right now, free labor was free labor. Even if the free labor wasn’t exactly free - his fucking wife had already bought the pizza… and Troy didn’t even really like pizza. He folded his arms over his chest and looked between the two teenagers before him.
“Fine. You work out here now. Paint.” Troy said, and shoved out the paintbrush he was holding into Dash’s hands. He saw nothing else worth saying, and turned around from the group to head back into his domain. At least, it was his domain until Kylie pushed her way in and decided what colors were on the wall. Picking his battles was the most important lesson Troy ever learned.
Owen looked down at Dash and held out his hand to shake after Troy had made his decision. “I’m Owen. Owen Lyon. My dad says we’re best friends now. Let’s go paint the walls before he starts bitching.”
With a paintbrush in one hand, Dash gave a childish and genuine grin, grabbing ahold of Owen’s firm grip with his free hand, which was smaller by a lot. He was happy that he now had a best friend, even if they just met. He noticed the pure power in Owen’s hold and found himself even more impressed. As he shaked, he gritted his teeth, wincing a little from his own movements, before complimenting, “You’re hella’ strong, brother. Are you going to teach me how to backhand strike, double fist punch, tiger claw, leglock, powerbomb, sleeper hold, and SUPLEX?!” To have a strong best friend meant Dash was one step closer to being a muscle man, taking down all the baddies and being a superhero that saves the day. Looking up at Owen, he could totally see that this boy was superhero material. Kicking bad guys to the curb wasn’t the job he wanted but the job destined for him and Dash wanted to make sure he was there for the ride. Every hero needs a sidekick, after all, and he was perfect for the job. Owen & Dash like… Batman & Robin! Captain America & Bucky! Iron Man & War Machine! The Punisher & Microchip! The possibilities were endless and he was stoked that he found his duo.
Owen gave Dash a side glance. What did this kid think this was? Some kind of movie, like they were going to get into hijinks and wacky adventures? Like they’d get drafted into some kind of underground fighting ring and Owen would have to fight his way to the top to survive? He shook his head as he led the smaller boy inside the gym, and toward the half painted wall they’d be finishing up together. “Sure dude, I’ll teach you everything. Just call me Jedi Master Owen Wan Kenobi.” Owen looked down and grinned. “Yeah, man. You seem new, so you’ll be in the beginner’s class. That is with me. I’ll teach you the first rule now: We don’t want any trouble. Seriously, my dad’ll beat our asses if we’re swinging hands outside of the gym.” Owen explained, before he took the paintbrush and lifted it up, pressing it against the wall in a part that hadn’t yet been covered.
“We have to do another coat, and then we can have ice cream. My mom got this sea salt ice cream ice cream. It’s pretty good!”
Dash was excited but he shouldn’t get too excited or he’d forget to give his mother a status update. He had another hour or so before he needed to text her that he was okay. He had time. “We don’t want any trouble,” the shorter boy repeated, mimicking Owen’s paint strokes beside him but going much, much slower to avoid any sudden movements. His sides were still sore from his training session. He did like Owen’s motto though. It was good! Dash wasn’t one to look for trouble but somehow trouble always found him. He didn’t know why. Something about him was just a magnet for bad luck. Owen was right, though. If he could actively avoid trouble, he would.
From one topic to the next, Dash’s ADHD brain got the best of him (the only reason he could focus on this task was because he had a body double in Owen), he began rambling, leaving little room for silence, “So I see you’re cool with Jamie, that means soon enough you’ll get to meet Trixie. Wherever he is, she usually is with him. They’re kind of this feracious bestie duo that is really good at finding out things about people. They run the newspaper club! But I think they have a bigger fanbase on their podcast, Salt & Truth, you should give it a listen sometime.” Dash nodded to himself, bringing the roller up and down, up and down, up and down. He unfortunately couldn’t reach the top part so he crouched, regardless of the pain, and began to get the lower half of the wall. If he focused on the job at hand, the bruise practically didn’t exist. “You’d think those two are dating since they’re practically inseparable but Jamie has this on again, off again relationship with AJ, he’s a gearhead, and Trixie… iunno. She used to date this jock, his name is Theo, but that ended abruptly before sophomore year. Since then, it’s hard to tell what’s been going on in her love life. She keeps all that private. Some people think she has a side piece from another school but I think she just hasn’t found someone good enough for her. It’s wild how invested people get in other’s lives at this school. I’m only telling you because you should know! Since you said you’re not looking for trouble.” He looked up at the other boy and explained, “If you’re not looking for trouble… those two might bring in the trouble, by accident! They’re just part of the populars, the peps that care too much. It comes with the territory. The higher you are in the social ladder, the more trouble you get.”
“This school sounds like shit.” Owen said in observation as he and Dash worked on painting the wall. He didn’t sound upset about it, it was almost as casual an observation as an observation like that could be. Two things were obvious about BHHS that Owen could not deny. Firstly, everyone in the school seemed to be a drama king or queen. Secondly, everyone seemed to be up in everybody’s business. Owen looked down at Dash and raised an eyebrow. “I don’t even know what a gearhead is.” He said at the end of Dash’s ramblings. It was valuable information, Owen supposed, but he would have figured it out eventually. “I appreciate the lore dump, but it’ll be fine. If trouble finds me, I’ll figure it out.” Owen shrugged and went back to focusing on the painting.
“Besides, Trixie might like me. I’m pretty cool.” Owen was careful not to speak too highly of himself. He knew he had a short temper, and that before long it was likely to bite him in the ass. It was important to keep himself under control, and that meant focusing on what mattered: watching the paint dry. “Trouble’s not gonna find me, cuz I live here. In my sanctuary. My domain.” Owen explained his scheme to stay inside the gym until long after high school like it was the smartest plan anyone had ever come up with. “I’ll go to the school, and then I’ll come back here. I got everything I need here. See? Don’t want any trouble.”
“Too bad you’re a fuckin’ trouble magnet.”
“Shut UP, Dad!”
“This kid’s small. If he’s gonna get involved with Owen ‘Can’t Go Two Weeks Without Getting in a Fight’ Lyon, he should know ahead of time. And I hear you talkin’ too. Don’t bring no fuckin’ women here.”
“Owen can bring in any woman he wants!” Mama Kylie interjected, coming out of her husband’s office to give her son’s new friend Mountain Dew (assuming that was what the twink preferred). “We have healthier options, like water, but you look like you love the Dew. You know it took my husband years to get me on a healthy diet. Did you know I used to be a gamer girl?”
Graciously and excitedly, Dash grabbed the soda can and shook his head, “No, Mama Kylie, I did not know you gamed. We just met! But that’s really cool. I overheard in the halls that Michael O’Connor is bad at Fortnite.”
“O’Connor,” Kylie smiled to herself, knowing the surname well from her own time at BHHS. From one distraction to the next, she went back to the main topic at hand, “Troy, my baby is going to LIVE. We aren’t going to police him too much. If he finds a girl…” The maternal figure turned from her man to her son with a giddy grin on, “She is welcomed here. Mama is law.”
Troy frowned as he looked between his wife and the two boys, “fine. But we’re NOT ‘reconnecting’ with people we went to school with, Kylie. I don’t care how badly you want to or how many spawn of our classmates walk through that door. I hated high school.” With that, Troy turned and walked off toward the office. There was no denying it, he was clearly dejected and pouting.
“Thanks, mom. I really am staying here tonight. I figure I can work on shit late into the night so we can start really plucking away at dad’s list. Is that cool? He’ll stay with me.” He pointed at Dash.
“Of course that’s cool! Less work for me tomorrow and also,” Kylie took out her phone and waved it to all three of the boys in the room, “I might’ve already reconnected with one person. Did you know there’s a big party tomorrow?! You both must go! The Greens are so over the top, I’m sure it’ll be the party of the century. Right, Troy?” Mischievous and impish, Kylie put her husband on the spot and if he didn’t answer her the way she wanted him to, she’d tell the two boys embarrassing stories of him from highschool. This is what Kylie did. She was a petty girl. Troy knew her well.
“I guess I could ask my sister for a ride or maybe one of my friends is going and I can carpool with them. Oh snap! I need to call my mommy and tell her where I’m at. I totally forgot,” Dash gasped, putting the roller down in its tray before standing up, grimacing as he did so trying to hide the mild flinch. He walked to his own corner to make a call.
Tilting her head, she asked, “Owen, you know that kid has an injury right?” Not only did Kylie notice Dash avoiding running, but even as she watched him put the roller down, he saw him purse his lips and slow down.
“He fell, dude. He ain’t hurt that bad, but I’ll keep it in mind. DASH! You’re good right?!”
“How can I NOT be good?! I got a new best friend!” Dash roared, knowing this news would make his mom so happy. Dash never had a best friend! Friends sure but never a BEST friend.
“Okay, well you two don’t get into too much trouble,” Kylie worriedly pouted, still concerned but deciding it was best to bury it until she had more information. She trusted her son. He was a protector, just like his father.
“Don’t you worry, Mama Kylie, we’re not looking for trouble,” Dash nodded to himself as he focused on the task at hand. Painting. “No ma’am, no ma’am. No trouble at all.”