Idette Genevieve Blanc
i n t e r a c t i o n s. @Rithas
l o c a t i o n. Wisteria Cottage ► Main building (MIA until further notice)
l o c a t i o n. Wisteria Cottage ► Main building (MIA until further notice)
Everything happened too fast. Idette could barely process what Fatima was even saying, she felt so lost. The girl tried to interject at one point but the small girl's voice overtook and continued on and on. Idette could only swallow her response and nod rapidly to everything. Sometimes Idette would throw in a, “um,” and put both hands up to slow down Fatima but it was quickly shut down each time with a bubble of excitement.
Then Idette watched her jump to the air and fall back down.
Then there was a long pause (and Idette was about to bend down a little and ask if she was okay) and Fatima rose back up with a wider smile. Subconsciously, Idette gave the girl a wiry and confused smile.
“You’re gonna be a great mentor—no! Partner—no! Friend on my journey. I can already tell roomie!”
Idette observed her for a moment as if to see if she’ll let her reply but to her surprise, instead of words, a hand flew to her forehead.
“Though we both want the first two as well, right?”
Idette’s ears flushed red as she was very, very, very confused where the sudden physical interaction came from. Once Fatima let go and pushed her way into the room, Idette slapped her hand to her forehead and stood there dumbfoundedly. Was it that obvious that she wanted friends? Embarrassment crept up as Idette stared straight ahead.
Should I do the same back? Is that—A new greeting? Like is—is that new nowadays?
Standing there for what felt like hours, Idette let her arm fall to her side and cleared her throat. She turned herself around and walked her way over to Fatima who was speaking about a “laminator.” Idette saw the proud girl stand on the bed, pleased with the way the bubbly words look trailed across the wall; It was colorful and loud. Idette glanced at Fatima who had a huge smile on her face(and admittedly was staring at the girls forehead) before turning her attention back to the words.
“Um,” Idette played with the bandages on her fingers, “Nice decoration?”
Then, as if it were a competition (because Idette kinda got a gist of Fatima’s personality), Idette quickly spoke again.
“Project?” Her voice cracked, “I—You said something about a project so I was just..” She gave up there and then, because really Idette was just trying to run away from starting a certain conversation. She didn’t understand what the point of it was, but she was instructed by Nathaniel to do it even if she disagreed with it; she had to say it one way or another. As embarrassing as it was going to be (or a jut to her pride, Idette had to get it over with as quickly as possible.
“—Okay, um Fatima.” Idette looked up, then down, then at the bubbly words, and then finally back at Fatima before continuing.
“This might seem,” she paused and felt guilty, “strange? But I was hoping you can pick up the new arriving students.”
“They are Amarissa Bardot and Jamie Goldwin. The two will be rooming in Wisteria 3 and I, um. I know it's mean of me to push this on to you so suddenly, and I’ll return the favor I swear, but…” Idette sighed, “I have to come to the school building to help out with the staff about how orientation day will go. I have to, you know, prepare. Or whatever.. and, you know? I can’t do both. So they asked me to find someone to like, I don't know, maybe help?”
She pushed her hands upwards and flung them around. “I know! I know this is so mean. I’m so sorry, and on your first day too, but—it could be, like your chance of getting to know your new, possible? Friends?”
She furrowed her eyebrows in concentration before looking back at the wall of words, guilt washing over her. Her eyes took a deliberate blink and really, she would’ve taken this job as her own responsibility but the staff at Wellington Academy could easily have taken away her stars if she decided to just avoid the meeting and she couldn’t let that just happen. Without meaning to, a groan escaped her lips.
“Alright um,” Idette turned to Fatima, “Sorry—I really—I’ll make it up to you, I swear. I really do promise that this will be a one time thing. You can—ask Eden for help, um. I don’t know if it’ll work, but I think it could, I don't know—sorry. Um. I gotta,” she looked up at the mini clock that was dressed nicely in the center of the wall, “I gotta go. Sorry, and thank you.”
And with that, Idette left.