Avatar of Kautalya
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    1. Kautalya 11 yrs ago


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Idette Genevieve Blanc

i n t e r a c t i o n s. @Rithas
l o c a t i o n. Wisteria Cottage ► Main building (MIA until further notice)

Everything happened too fast. Idette could barely process what Fatima was even saying, she felt so lost. The girl tried to interject at one point but the small girl's voice overtook and continued on and on. Idette could only swallow her response and nod rapidly to everything. Sometimes Idette would throw in a, “um,” and put both hands up to slow down Fatima but it was quickly shut down each time with a bubble of excitement.

Then Idette watched her jump to the air and fall back down.


Then there was a long pause (and Idette was about to bend down a little and ask if she was okay) and Fatima rose back up with a wider smile. Subconsciously, Idette gave the girl a wiry and confused smile.

“You’re gonna be a great mentor—no! Partner—no! Friend on my journey. I can already tell roomie!”

Idette observed her for a moment as if to see if she’ll let her reply but to her surprise, instead of words, a hand flew to her forehead.

“Though we both want the first two as well, right?”

Idette’s ears flushed red as she was very, very, very confused where the sudden physical interaction came from. Once Fatima let go and pushed her way into the room, Idette slapped her hand to her forehead and stood there dumbfoundedly. Was it that obvious that she wanted friends? Embarrassment crept up as Idette stared straight ahead.

Should I do the same back? Is that—A new greeting? Like is—is that new nowadays?

Standing there for what felt like hours, Idette let her arm fall to her side and cleared her throat. She turned herself around and walked her way over to Fatima who was speaking about a “laminator.” Idette saw the proud girl stand on the bed, pleased with the way the bubbly words look trailed across the wall; It was colorful and loud. Idette glanced at Fatima who had a huge smile on her face(and admittedly was staring at the girls forehead) before turning her attention back to the words.

“Um,” Idette played with the bandages on her fingers, “Nice decoration?”

Then, as if it were a competition (because Idette kinda got a gist of Fatima’s personality), Idette quickly spoke again.

“Project?” Her voice cracked, “I—You said something about a project so I was just..” She gave up there and then, because really Idette was just trying to run away from starting a certain conversation. She didn’t understand what the point of it was, but she was instructed by Nathaniel to do it even if she disagreed with it; she had to say it one way or another. As embarrassing as it was going to be (or a jut to her pride, Idette had to get it over with as quickly as possible.

“—Okay, um Fatima.” Idette looked up, then down, then at the bubbly words, and then finally back at Fatima before continuing.

“This might seem,” she paused and felt guilty, “strange? But I was hoping you can pick up the new arriving students.”

“They are Amarissa Bardot and Jamie Goldwin. The two will be rooming in Wisteria 3 and I, um. I know it's mean of me to push this on to you so suddenly, and I’ll return the favor I swear, but…” Idette sighed, “I have to come to the school building to help out with the staff about how orientation day will go. I have to, you know, prepare. Or whatever.. and, you know? I can’t do both. So they asked me to find someone to like, I don't know, maybe help?”

She pushed her hands upwards and flung them around. “I know! I know this is so mean. I’m so sorry, and on your first day too, but—it could be, like your chance of getting to know your new, possible? Friends?”

She furrowed her eyebrows in concentration before looking back at the wall of words, guilt washing over her. Her eyes took a deliberate blink and really, she would’ve taken this job as her own responsibility but the staff at Wellington Academy could easily have taken away her stars if she decided to just avoid the meeting and she couldn’t let that just happen. Without meaning to, a groan escaped her lips.

“Alright um,” Idette turned to Fatima, “Sorry—I really—I’ll make it up to you, I swear. I really do promise that this will be a one time thing. You can—ask Eden for help, um. I don’t know if it’ll work, but I think it could, I don't know—sorry. Um. I gotta,” she looked up at the mini clock that was dressed nicely in the center of the wall, “I gotta go. Sorry, and thank you.”

And with that, Idette left.

Idette Genevieve Blanc

i n t e r a c t i o n s. @Karisma & @Rithas
l o c a t i o n. Wisteria Cottage ► . . .

Idette was ahead of the two girls, in hopes the two could be friends. She side eyed them a few times, before staring straight ahead again. She took in the scenery and the soft glow of the sun before taking in a deep breath, nice day for the gym.

Before Idette had even known it, she arrived at the front steps of Wisteria cottage. She had blanked out from the whole walk, daydreaming about the gym, that before she knew it, Idette had slightly tripped on the steps; it was a sudden wake-up call back to reality. She turned her body halfway to face the two students and spoke.

“This is Wisteria Cottage.” She turned back around and rested her hand on the knob while turning it, “Nathanial’s room is right there. It’s mandated that all leaders reside on the first floor.” She casually walked behind them and locked it.

“They say it's for safety—” The girl walked back to face the both of them, “But really it’s so they can catch you sneaking out. Or sneaking someone in. The school is smart, just try not to get caught.”

Oh, but I didn’t tell you that.” She walked her way to the stairs, and turned herself around a few times to see whether they were following her or not.

“Upstairs are our rooms.” She began going up, “You each have a roommate. Lavanda, you’re together with Eden Lockhart.”

They were all now in front of the several doors the hallway had. “That’s your room, potato girl.” She pointed to ‘Wisteria 2’ before laughing under her breath. She still hadn’t forgotten to apologize to Lavanda for what had happened previously, but she had to take care of Fatima before doing so. It was too awkward to bring it up right now.

Idette cleared her throat and did a quick nod at Lavanda, in hopes she can do everything right now by herself, and with a swift movement, Idette continued walking to show Fatima her room. Idette took her to ‘Wisteria 4,’ the room where the two will now be residing at.

She opened the door and turned sideways to face Fatima. “I’m your roommate.” She meekly said, perhaps a little embarrassed to kinda just say that.

“Um.” Her slender fingers pointed to the right side of the room, “that’s my side. You can kinda tell...maybe? It's not really..Finished.” She lied. She never had to do anything with the room, it has been hers for 2 years now. Idette always kept her side clean and proper; during the summer, Idette kept it exactly as it had been the past school year. Her side is bland—there’s nothing to it but just her necessities.

She side stepped in case Fatima wanted to enter the room before her.

Oceanus Argus Odalys

i n t e r a c t i o n s. @Rithas & @Aces Away
l o c a t i o n. Begonia Cottage ► . . .

His eyes trailed upwards to stare at the figure who stood in front of him, looking down at him in a condescending manner. Did he like it? No. Did he like what he said? No. Did he like him? No. Not really.

Ocean glared up at Matthew.

Stupid creepy neighbor.

“Is that your gift? The wannabe detective asked Ocean without giving him a chance to respond and continued, “I think I know your partners. Pondi and Lakethey, right? Shame they're not in the same cottage as you. Such is the path of independence.”

Then, Ocean watched as Matthew walked his way downstairs. He kinda couldn’t believe his ears and eyes, this dude really came and attacked his entire existence and then left like that.

“Whatever. His pjs weren’t the coolest anyways.” He whispered to himself, finding comfort in the fact that he bought his blue pjs that had the joke: “My friend went to a shellfish disco and pulled a mussel.” It’s his prized possession and he’s extremely proud of owning something like that. It has flavour and taste. Nonetheless, Ocean noted that if he were to see Matthew again, he’ll throw in any snide comments he can. If he can think of them on the spot. He hated staying up late at nights regretting not saying something in a conversation. Or replaying certain conversations over in his head wishing he was witty.

Ocean sighed and looked down at his brown loafers.

Maybe I should practice my socializing or something like that cause that really tired me out. I haven’t been this tired since mother’s wine parties or whatever they were. Geez, the amount of talking I had to do that night was just NOT fun. Who even decided that parties were a good idea anyways? Why would I want to mingle and be—

He then realized his roommate was still there. Probably just staring at Ocean blanking out and being awkward.

Quickly turning his attention to Mordechai, Ocean noticed a soft smile on the guy's face. Without meaning to, Oceanus wrinkled his face up in embarrassment.

“It’s great to meet you kiddo, don’t let Matt get you down, he’s just a bit of a sour grape.”

“Yeah. Right.” Ocean said, looking into the small space of their shared room. Wow, it was literally the size of Ocean’s family's pet room. He looked back up to listen in more on what Mordechai was saying. Something about him going to leave to mingle or something. He barely paid attention, too appalled by how small his living space was.

So Ocean, with his luggage by his feet and a bookbag slouching from his back, watched his roommate leave. He pondered for a second and wondered if he scared both of them off with his detective joke.

Ugh. Was it really not that funny…

He stood there for a good minute deep in worry before slapping his cheeks all at once and entering the room. Oceanus dragged his things and casually sat on the empty bed. It all finally dawned on him that he left his family to go to this big school in the middle of nowhere (which screamed horror movie scenario) and was now rooming with strangers. It was a weird uncomfortable feeling but he would just have to deal with it; it was how he solved all his problems, avoiding them.

Oceanus deeply sighed before throwing his full body down on the mattress.

He closed his eyes and fell into a somber.
@ImmortalJaskier Accepted! you can move him on to the character tab :DDD
In shhhh 5 yrs ago Forum: Character Sheets

Dessielle Fenhice
。ₓ ू ₒ ु ˚ Human traveler

Often described as "standoffish" and "unapproachable," Dessielle can be characterized as a palette of neutral colors. If a person were to meet Dessielle, their first impression would note how stoic and empty-shelled the girl is. She portrays herself with a calm demeanor and oftentimes unfazed by events that come her way. With that being said, Dessielle can still keep a conversation going regardless of how interested she is. As uninterested and perhaps bored she may look and sound, Fenhice can keep a person talking for miles because she feels it is common curtsy.

While only 4 foot 10, Dessielle's strong-cold personality builds onto her height. She has bright emerald eyes with shoulder-length dirty-blonde curly hair. She wears a white flowy dress that doesn't restrict her movements along with a black-brown cloak, with its own hood. Her outfit is accessorized with a black long belt wrapping her waist where it holds maps, drinks, small artifacts in a jar and a pocket knife.

Dessielle Fenhice grew up "alone". It's not the sort of trip down memory lane that she entertains, so when others ask about her childhood, she describes it as a chore. She refuses to go back to the days where she had to scrape to survive; each new home she found herself in—while it taught her lessons—brought her a sort of pain she has never recovered from. The only home she could ever find herself dreaming about was of a sweet old man and his fatigued partner. They both had noticed Dessielle when she was only a baby wailing and flailing in a forest with only a hut over her for protection against the elements. With her loud cries, the two could not leave the small baby alone—they took her in. Dessielle's fond memories of her time with them always take her back to the cozy atmosphere the home exuded regardless of the weather. She remembers sitting by a fireplace oftentimes and just spending the time wrapped up in their arms. The next connection she ever makes of her time with them is not as fond or happy; it was of when she came across their still, lifeless (but oddly peaceful) bodies after they had passed away in their sleep. Dessielle was only 8 years old but it did not come as a surprise, they were both very old already. She took it upon herself to leave—it was her only option.

She went from home to home, place to place, person to person—then she grew tired of it and decided to travel by herself. For as long as she can remember, Dessielle has been on the roads traveling. She finds it fascinating how every place she may turn to will be different from the rest. The rich cultures and traditions has always been something that Dessielle herself loved when embarking on a journey.

𐐪𐑂 She knows basic first-aid.
𐐪𐑂 Agile and quick on her feet; fast reflexes.
𐐪𐑂 Uses a pocket knife to threaten others, but is actually really bad when using weapons. She's using her legs to attack, but this doesn't always work all the time.

𐐪𐑂 Pocket knife.
𐐪𐑂 She has a small jar that consists of artifacts or cool things she found when she'd travel. They aren't anything big, but its her most prized possession.
𐐪𐑂 Dessielle has a necklace that's dressed in two golden rings. She took it from the couple that first housed her.

@OwO thanks!! i keep clicking on the hider in the quoted thing bwahahha love the messages in them

Dessielle Fenhice
。ₓ ू ₒ ु ˚ Human traveler

Often described as "standoffish" and "unapproachable," Dessielle can be characterized as a palette of neutral colors. If a person were to meet Dessielle, their first impression would note how stoic and empty-shelled the girl is. She portrays herself with a calm demeanor and oftentimes unfazed by events that come her way. With that being said, Dessielle can still keep a conversation going regardless of how interested she is. As uninterested and perhaps bored she may look and sound, Fenhice can keep a person talking for miles because she feels it is common curtsy.

While only 4 foot 10, Dessielle's strong-cold personality builds onto her height. She has bright emerald eyes with shoulder-length dirty-blonde curly hair. She wears a white flowy dress that doesn't restrict her movements along with a black-brown cloak, with its own hood. Her outfit is accessorized with a black long belt wrapping her waist where it holds maps, drinks, small artifacts in a jar and a pocket knife.

Dessielle Fenhice grew up "alone". It's not the sort of trip down memory lane that she entertains, so when others ask about her childhood, she describes it as a chore. She refuses to go back to the days where she had to scrape to survive; each new home she found herself in—while it taught her lessons—brought her a sort of pain she has never recovered from. The only home she could ever find herself dreaming about was of a sweet old man and his fatigued partner. They both had noticed Dessielle when she was only a baby wailing and flailing in a forest with only a hut over her for protection against the elements. With her loud cries, the two could not leave the small baby alone—they took her in. Dessielle's fond memories of her time with them always take her back to the cozy atmosphere the home exuded regardless of the weather. She remembers sitting by a fireplace oftentimes and just spending the time wrapped up in their arms. The next connection she ever makes of her time with them is not as fond or happy; it was of when she came across their still, lifeless (but oddly peaceful) bodies after they had passed away in their sleep. Dessielle was only 8 years old but it did not come as a surprise, they were both very old already. She took it upon herself to leave—it was her only option.

She went from home to home, place to place, person to person—then she grew tired of it and decided to travel by herself. For as long as she can remember, Dessielle has been on the roads traveling. She finds it fascinating how every place she may turn to will be different from the rest. The rich cultures and traditions has always been something that Dessielle herself loved when embarking on a journey.

𐐪𐑂 She knows basic first-aid.
𐐪𐑂 Agile and quick on her feet; fast reflexes.
𐐪𐑂 Uses a pocket knife to threaten others, but is actually really bad when using weapons. She's using her legs to attack, but this doesn't always work all the time.

𐐪𐑂 Pocket knife.
𐐪𐑂 She has a small jar that consists of artifacts or cool things she found when she'd travel. They aren't anything big, but its her most prized possession.
𐐪𐑂 Dessielle has a necklace that's dressed in two golden rings. She took it from the couple that first housed her.

@Rithas Accepted!! you can move Clay to the characters tab
if you need me to change anything tell me!
@Fabricant451 Accepted! you can move Chickadee to the characters tab :DD
@princess & @Tae

You both are accepted! You can add them on to the character's tab.

Jessamine will be in Coleus cottage together with Lillie

Amarissa will be in Wisteria cottage

Just to double check, Jamie is an incoming student right? Also before we accept you can you add more on to the gift? How is she able to get straight A's, is her memorization good? like things that correlate to her always passing no matter what. Once you give more info and we look it over then you're accepted and Jamie will be rooming in with Amarissa at Wisteria cottage! :D
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