Lavanda Meri De Los Angeles
| l o c a t i o n | wisteria cottage (wisteria 2)
| i n t e r a c t i o n | @kautalya & @rithas & @Pink Khione
Lavanda had followed through as Idette instructed them on the rules of the cottage and guided them to Lavanda's new room—basically home for now.
“That’s your room, potato girl.” Idette made a sound as if she was clearing the air with her cough (and obviously hiding her laugh) before giving Lavanda a quick nod. Idette was awkward, but anyone who laughed at their own joke was someone worth knowing and Lavanda made a mental note to try and get to know Idette better.
Lavanda, who was now staring at the door Idette had gestured towards, huffed out a short laugh before answering, "Well, if I'm potato girl, then the tiny missus over here should be—"
Lavanda turned as she was talking and immediately realized she was already talking to herself. Idette and Fatima were already deep in conversation on their way to their room. Well, as deep a conversation can be with Idette silently nodding in agreement. Lavanda laughed at herself, shaking her head in the process before staring back at her door. The overwhelming sense of homesickness drenched her and she just stood silently by the door for what felt like hours. In reality, only a matter of seconds—excruciatingly long seconds—had passed but she still hadn't made any motions towards the doorknob.
Lavanda jumped, her eyes darting around the hall in search for the sound.
"Oh, duh." Lavanda reached for the source of the sound—her jean pocket. She took out her phone and read the incoming messages she had just received.
Lulumon (´• ω •`)
i need ur help pls
meet me at the quad in like 20 okk
Lavanda sent a quick emoji as a response and finally gathered up the courage to face her room once more. She's glad no one has passed through this hall in the last few minutes because if not, it would have been an interesting conversation to get into. She rose her fist to knock but stopped short—it was her room, no need to knock. Plus, Idette would've told her if her roommate was there, right? Yes, yes.
Lavanda grabbed the handle and turned, pleased that it gave through and she was easily able to open the door. It gave a small creak as she made her way into her room. She saw the room was symmetrically split in the middle; a bed on both ends of the room, a large window in the middle and pair of dressers to accompany each bed. Lavanda saw that one bed was full of covers and appeared to be lived in so she assumed the other side was hers. She walked towards her bed, throwing her bookbag onto it and setting her luggage to the side (none too gently). Lavanda didn't even stop to verify if her roommate was even on her bed, she just assumed the lump she initially saw were the bed's covers and comforters.
Lavanda began getting comfortable and began humming one of her favorite songs as she began to open up her luggage and take things out of her room. In between her humming, Lavanda asked herself, "I wonder when I'll get to meet Eden? I hope she's nice."

Lucas Martin De Los Angeles
| l o c a t i o n | school grounds (was on his way to Zinnia cottage)
| i n t e r a c t i o n | none at the moment
Lucas had legitimately abandoned his older sister at the front gates with absolutely no remorse. But the guilt was slowly eating up at him. He hoped she arrived at her cottage safely, but he had seen Idette near the fountains so he figured Lali would know to ask for directions. He knew that if he had stayed, much to his dismay, that he would had spent the whole day taking care of Lali and making sure she had everything she needed. Lucas needed to get rid of that bad habit or at least not do any of it at school. He had an enigmatic sort of presence—he was seen as the quiet, cool art kid and he much liked that sort of image. What would that do to his image? The great Lucas taking care of his sister? Guiding her? That would have been damaging.
As he made his way back towards his cottage, Lucas decided to take a small detour through a forest path. He loved the small hidden trails the school had to offer and would try to take them as often as possible. The only downside was the fact that it took almost double the time required to reach the cottage. As he made his way through, he passed by a few teachers he recognized and noted that this was a path that seemed to be popular with them.
"Oh, you!!" Lucas heard a voice from behind him and turned around to meet with a teacher he had only seen once or twice during his freshman year. "Yeah! You're good at art right? that's your thing?"
Lucas did not answer immediately and instead his eyes traveled down towards the teacher's hands. The teacher was carrying a bucket of white paint and some paint brushes. Lucas inwardly cursed himself for deciding on the scenic route.
"I need some help covering some Graffiti over on that building," the teacher continued, seemingly nonplussed by the lack of response coming from Lucas. "Please take care of it, I can see to your luggage, just give me your name."
Wordlessly, Lucas handed over his luggage and was given the bucket of paint and brushes in its stead. The Teacher smiled widely after giving him the name of the building and which part needed to be covered by today and before orientation day. Apparently, it was going to be a more-than-one-day project for Lucas. He sighed, still standing in place as the teacher walked off with his cottage information. Lucas took out his phone, pulled up Lavanda's message thread and angrily typed a series of messages.
i need ur help pls
meet me at the quad in like 20 okk
Having recruited his partner in crime and suffering (when it was convenient for him of course), Lucas made his way towards what he called the quad (a rectangular garden area near the building in need of a makeover). "Okay, then. Let's do this."