M I H U - L Y N U S T R E

"Sit! Sit still! For though you listen long, this is a tale best told with a song"
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h u m a n ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
b a r d 
"Sit! Sit still! For though you listen long, this is a tale best told with a song"
Golden-brown eyes that reflects her every emotion; Mihu is the type of person that wears her heart in her sleeve. She's the poster definition of a "free soul" that wanders wherever life takes her; her name's synonym is the saying "go with the flow." Standing at a measly 5 foot 3 does not take away from Mihu's charisma. For while she may be shorter than most, the space that her personality takes makes her seem much bigger than life. Mihu's long, long hair—a creature all on its own—wafts and frames her angular face like a brown smoke, its long, long tendrils curling and moving on their own. She almost always wears a mismatched robe with different patches of green, a gift she had received from her mother before she had passed away. Needless to say, it is her most prized possession next to her guitar. Those are her only companions and have been with her through thick and thin.
Mihu came from an indescribable town, an ordinary family, and had an normal future ahead of her taking on the family farm. Mihu had always felt out of place in her picture-esque life she had been leading but she felt like that was the sort of life she had to lead. Mihu had always found solace in music; when she wasn't singing, she was talking. Her father, having known his daughter's love for music, saved up to get her the guitar she now carries with her everywhere. Her mother, fully knowing eventually Mihu would be unsatisfied with her quaint life, wove the cloak Mihu has become inseparable with. She would paint colorful adventures and tell the woes of others with her words and her tunes; her parents were forever amazed by her ability to carry stories with her.
Her father had been the first to fall ill—it was a small town and they weren't the best equipped with resources that could help her father or the other sick-stricken villagers. Slowly, one by one, the more vulnerable to the disease succumbed. Mihu's parents were of that group. Heartbroken and feeling like stale bread, Mihu aimlessly wandered from place to place. Until one day, while she was cleaning out her robe, she noticed a hidden pocket: a hidden note. It had been a letter written by her parents addressed to her. In this letter they essentially encouraged Mihu's wandering spirit, giving birth to a newfound ambition inside Mihu.
Now Mihu became a traveling bard, carrying the stories or her parents, her village and any other stranger she comes across. For humans can always live on through stories.
☼ Mihu has a knack for storytelling. She can make you believe the words she spews and before you know it you'll be swearing up and down that the sun doesn't exist.
☼ Mihu's musical talent is unique; her singing tone being one that one doesn't necessarily always come across.
☼ Mihu is flexible which makes it very easy for her to hide in odd spots when in danger.
☽ Patchy, green cloak
☽ Battered guitar, still works perfectly
☽ Rapier she barely uses but has in case of emergencies
☽ Snacks for the road, can never catch her without some of that