Tae'ren Fen'an

| Name |Tae'ren Fen'an
| {Age} |19
| {Species} |Dalish Elf
| {Gender} |Male
| {Class/subclass} |Mage/Shapeshifter
| {Appearance} |A short young man, even by Elven standards, Tae at first glance is the typical Dalish. Handmade yet well cared for and practical leather and cloth armor, a common lack of true footwear and a constant sneer or more commonly in Tae's case, a tired neutral expression. Tae'ren however, as would any individual of any background, has his own intricacies that show on his person. Though constantly giving off the appearance of bored indifference or sheer exhaustion, he is always present and alert... far more-so than would otherwise be implied. Besides his armor, his scraggly long brown hair hangs just below his chin, often hiding at least one of his crimson eyes from view. At first glance unassuming, but the more one looks, the more they get glances at the storm whirling beneath the surface.
As a mage, and a dalish no less, one might assume his staff to be of some intricate make, but is instead a long, smooth thing that becomes slightly more angular the lower you look upon it, that looks as if it just survived a direct lightning strike. Even his specialization hides upon his features. The leather of his coat allowing peeks of fur to appear between the cracks as if the entire thing was half finished and simply turned for the fur to face inward, the leather strips that make it up at a closer glance appear to hide feathers trapped between their woven shapes, every inch of his clothing seeming to carry some small fragment of an animal, be it bones, fur or feathers. A shapeshifter he is, and he carries with him fragments of the knowledge he had to learn about the animals whose shapes he takes.
| {Equipment and Personal Belongings} |Stricken Staff - A simple staff attuned to the element of electricity, and the main source of his magic when not shapeshifted.
Templar Medallion - A surprising trinket to be found on a mage, especially one of Dalish origin. He never elaborates on it, besides that it once belonged to a friend.
Double Flute - A handmade wooden instrument, the two tubes that make it up meet by the mouthpiece at an angle, giving the whole thing a very triangular appearance.
| {Skills} |Tracking - From the hunting taught by the Dalish, to the more specialized training during his short time as his clan's first, and finally the more primal sense that came with his training as a shapeshifter, Tae'ren has become extremely proficient at tracking prey of all kinds, in many environments.
Musician - Though mostly done in his spare time, his takes great joy in his double flute and when not ambling about pretending he isn't keeping an eye on his surroundings, the eerie echo of his playing can often be heard.
Stealth - Often called out on his tendency to casually sneak up on people, Tae'ren has always been a quiet young man. Though this is not an uncommon trait for many people, the fact he is a Dalish, and a shapeshifting mage no less often compiles together to greatly unsettle those around him with the ease that he escapes sight unnoticed.
| {Talents} |Combat Casting - Time spent at the forefront of combat has allowed Tae'ren to cast his spells with little chance of interruption from foes breathing down his neck. While many mages prefer to remain behind their sturdier comrades, Tae'ren plants himself firmly at the head of any scene, where his constant shapeshifting in and out can help sew just that little bit of chaos often needed in the middle of a fight, as well as throw a few more mundane and expected warding spells or bolts of lightning.
Staff Combat - Many people forget the simplest lessons, when facing Tae'ren? Sticks still hurt even though they're just sticks, and in the case of his staff? Being struck by an electrically charged stick is especially unfun. Tae'ren takes full advantage of the fact he carries his staff, and isn't afraid to crack a few skulls if people forget that sticks can still hurt like hell.
| {Spells} |Shapeshift: Direwolf - Taking on the shape of a frighteningly large wolf, the function is fairly self explanatory. Any warrior can claim to be unafraid, but when a beast capable of easily cracking living bone with it's jaws faces them down, few remain laughing.
Shapeshift: Owl - Though less ferocious than his wolf shape, the shape of a bird has it's uses, especially if the moment calls for swift movement across a battle, or terrain not suited to ground travel. Though, in a pinch, the talons of an owl can often be just as frightening as the jaws of any ground-favoring beast.
Chain Lightning - A common enough combat spell, a bolt of lightning that arcs across the battlefield can seldom be called useless.
Barrier - As elementary as it is useful, the ability to cast defensive wards, especially around other people is one of the major reasons allied mages are even tolerated by the average warrior on the battlefield.
| {Home/Family} |Born and raised wandering the forests of Thedas, Tae'ren left behind his clan with no small measure of sadness between them, though none could argue the meaning of his departure. The eldest of his siblings, and at the time, the First to his clan's Keeper... Tae'ren left behind his younger sister to fill his role as First, and though nearly ten years younger than him, he admires the strength she already shows in her studies and magic.
| {Flaws and limits} |Dalish Prejudice - Shemlen... a word once used as a proper term for the human race, now turned to near slur status used as a slang by both Dalish and City elves to remind both eachother as well as the humans of the grudge they still hold for their stolen land and the fallen Dales... it shows in his speech, his face... Tae'ren has a clear dislike of humans that while he does not hide, he at least attempts to keep it from interfering with his work.
| {Personality} |Quiet, often more willing to silently sit among the leaves and allow the world to pass by around him, Tae'ren has a clear love of nature, this love only exaggerated by the frequency of his shapeshifting. Not only limiting it to the combat capability it has, Tae'ren shapeshifts extremely often. At times it is difficult to catch him in his normal shape, but one may notice just how much more expressive he often is while taking on the shape of a beast. Though his dilike of humans and extremely minimal interaction with every other race leaves him more than a bit standoffish, Tae'ren is extremely protective of his comrades and tries surprisingly hard to get to know those around him. He often rubs the Templar Medallion around his neck, the trinket serving as a glorified worry stone that he never parts with. Although his outward appearance makes it difficult to imagine, Tae'ren is still a hopeful young man that wants to see the good in the world around him, even if his own prejudices often get in the way of that.
| {Background} |Even to the Dalish, Tae'ren and his clan took isolationism to the extreme. They haunted the edges of Thedas, and had for many many years. Those who know them claim that many fanciful and unsavory tales of the Dalish stem from survivors of an encounter with the violently xenophobic clan. Their practice of ancient shapeshifting magic, openly hostile treatment of humans and extreme isolationist nature lead to humans spreading many tales, from cannibalism to stealing babies in the night and transforming into monstrous shapes.
Tae'ren was first to his clan, though certainly not the only mage. He was followed by his sister, the clan's second. So rarely did they contact even the other clans that even among other Dalish rumors would spread of the isolated clan of Dalish who practiced shapeshifting magic that was so often associated with witches and the wilder parts of the world.
To Tae however, it was his family, and his magic? A connection to the world around him that few could replicate, even other mages. The avoidance of the events in Thedas was entirely purposeful, they had no interest in the petty religious squabbles of the the Circle of Magi and Templars, and neither did they care for the plight of the mages whom rebelled. All human troubles spanning from years of human action that could not be fixed so simply as through Elven interference and opinion.
They avoided the blights as well, having little real respect for the Wardens save for their martial prowess, seeing them as little more than yet another far reaching arm of Human interference seeking control through such a vile guise as 'cooperation' and 'the better good'. However, as the world calmed after The Rise of The Inquisition and all it accomplished, questions arose among the clan. They questioned all they thought they knew, and now, after decades of near complete separation they argued for intervention.
Tae'ren never fully waited for an answer, he left at the first mildly agreed upon suggestion, following rumor and news of the Grey Wardens until he found himself among them, pledging his aid in any way he could, even so far as to possibly share the magic of shapeshifting he had been taught, if any mages among the wardens showed the potential and willingness. Now Tae'ren waits for a proper assignment, having only been a Grey Warden for what was now almost a month.