Avatar of Silent Showers


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current Bullying will not work on me! I will just post progressively more unhinged and oddly specific desires in the 1x1 section. If I do it long enough SOMEONE is gonna bite.
1 mo ago
Then all of your noodles will turn to worms and your socks will always be crusty.
1 like
1 mo ago
The day we figure out how to bend the rules of reality will be the day I start building my wizard tower. The superstitious midwestern villagers beneath my arcane spire shall be subject to my petty ire
1 mo ago
I am very suddenly open for business. Feel free to creep on my other int chks as well. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
1 mo ago
Slowly working on a GATE-like "stuck in another world" interest check for a Mesoamerican fantasy setting. If you like alternate fantasy meets modern(ish) military style ideas, keep an eye out!


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I'll bump this. At this point I'm willing to just fill in all the blanks and answer a load of questions if you don't want to read through everything.
Bumping, particularly interested in that witch coven thing I got in a hider somewhere.
Please, just a mere crumb of interest, I NEED this. I'll even settle for curious questions.
I'm goofy and forgot to remove a stipulation that doesn't apply here. Apologies for the bump.
I'll just bump this again.
Alright! Yes, hello! Nice to meet you! As per usual, this is the obligatory not so interesting administrative copy-paste stuff to set expectations.

"Requirements" (more a polite request as always)

- I can go anywhere from a few paragraphs to a multi-paragraph megaposts, it just depends on who I'm writing with and how I'm feeling about the story. But I usually hover around a leisurely low advanced and beyond depending on inspiration. As of late I seem to be throwing down longer posts than not so that's something you should take into consideration.

I don't say this to be rude, but if the very best you can do is a small handful of light "paragraphs", we may not be meant for one another. 3-5 good meaty paragraphs is probably going to be the usual minimum here.

- Please be at least 18 years of age, preferably around 21+. This is a thing of comfort (and legality). Considering the themes I enjoy and the overall adult nature of my ideas.

- If you're done or don't wanna continue that's fine, I won't hold it against you if you happen to vanish into the æther.

- Don't ask me to play a Canon character from a fandom. I won't do it and I won't entertain the idea.

-Be prepared for 18+ content, sex, drugs, violence, foul language ect. Fair warning I like to smut as much as a lonely housewife reads trashy romance novels.

-Romantic pairings will be MxF however I'll happily play a platonic MxM pairing though I do typically main male characters but can play female characters just as happily.

-PLEASE contact me via PM, it's the easiest way for me to keep track of people and it's where I write my roleplays as well.

That's about it!

With all that less fun stuff out of the way, we can start digging into why we're here.

So! The premise of this idea is simple enough. A military formation, probably company size (approximately 100-250 men depending on the unit type we agree upon) is either on an active combat mission or training operations somewhere in Mesoamerica before they find themselves inexplicably not where they should be while moving through the deep jungles of the region. Before long, the men begin to notice that things are.. Off. Impossible things are happening around them and the unit finds themselves in a very hostile new world.

Things relegated to fiction and legend just a few days before become their reality while discovering and making contact with exotic new peoples, creatures, and societies. It'll be a story with many elements on top of the forward facing themes of military vs. fantasy Mesoamerican myths and legends.

Instead of getting super deep into the weeds with everything here, I'd like to keep this as something of an open invitation for anyone who finds the setting interesting and enjoys the dynamic presented by things such as "GATE: Thus the JSDF Fought There". There will by mystery, action, adventure, and much more should you perhaps find interest in the idea!

One thing I'd like to mention however is that the perspective will likely be from "the bottom up" if that makes sense. The main character/s won't be the highest ranking people in the unit, although they will be important of course. A good deal of the experience will probably be made from the perspective of a small unit in the larger whole and those of the locals they interact with. From a story perspective the local characters played by whomever may be interested in doing so won't be the "big players" of this world but of common people. So, if you fancy the idea of playing some fantasy Amazonians or Jaguar people this may very well be the idea for you!

As I said, a lot of this is up for negotiation but at the moment I am fully prepared to direct the stranded military unit in this new world and we can both go hog wild with building out this fantasy world based heavily on Mayan, Aztec, and Incan culture, history, and mythology ect. It absolutely does not need to be 1-to-1 with reality so an intimate knowledge of it all is in no way required or expected.

This is just an idea template and I'm ready to create something unique with anyone that might find a spark of inspiration should they happen by. I'd like to think this has a lot of creative potential and if you agree, I hope to see you soon!

That's about it for now, feel free to drop me a PM even if it's only out of curiosity!
Commit to my goofy action adventure slife-of-life harem plot you cowards!
Cadets wanted, pay is good, benefits are better!
Still looking.
Reformatted the interest check. Hopefully this helps foster interest.
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