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1 day ago
Current A set up where a Bard lures people in and has their way with them, then lets the Assassin kill them in their sleep, and gives the bodies over to a Necromancer to make an army with...
1 day ago
can't wait for my friday beers 😩
4 days ago
@Donut Look Now I also did some work in Closed Captioning, and this is how companies shaft us now - they use AI to machine translate, then throw it at us for "proofreading" so they can pay us less.
8 days ago
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10 days ago
Curious to finally know what Krabby Patties taste like.


Welcome, stranger.

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In Regalia 22 hrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Are you kidding, an actual homebrew combat system? Lmao here to stay.
Happy Thursday from the future
Welcome to RPG! Curious to know what that older fandom is. Anyway, hope you enjoy your stay here!

Ditto, also curious. Welcome!
No worries, do enjoy your vacation! Thank you for updating me.
@Herald My concept for Mercy was that he is kind of like an insatiable void / dinosaur in the sense that he keeps getting bigger and bigger, and thus, he needs more and more to sustain himself, but finds it harder to hunt due to his size and increasing need. Which is why he needs Val as much as Val needs him. I'll say that he can't turn smaller, but he can help in situations where he can't materialize by obnoxiously coaching / bickering with Val internally (kinda like Venom lmao). I have, like, a small hope that he eventually becomes some weird mentor figure who inadvertently helps your guy grow and heal, despite all his murderous energy and evil tendencies haha!

Kaiju battle sounds like a blast! I'm also curious to know the serpent's motivations.
Eldwic to the rescue?

That escalated very quickly 😨
@rabidbacon Your turnnnnn!

Gotcha, boss! ;D

So I'm thinking maybe like two more posts in the tavern then chaos?

Sounds good. We can have it happen to them on the road, or as they approach Eldwic's house / village area?
As usual, she was right. Eldwic knew she meant well, and he gave her a thankful smile for being brave enough to fight for their seat. He resolved to do the same for her, next time, even if it meant turning into a beet-red, stuttering mess in front of a few toughs. The request for mead was met with an enthusiastic nod, and soon enough, the meals would arrive for them both, the stews piping hot, served with old bread, and the mead, cool and crisp in a wooden tankard.

"We could learn how to make our own mead," he said, his voice louder than he thought, amidst the constant din of conversation around them both. "Running off? That would be difficult, though... what with my pay as a ratter," Eldwic said, with a sigh. Ever the realist, already, his mind was churning through the terrible things such a reality would entail. "You might end up selling your hair. That would be a shame. It's long, and beautiful. Reminds me of the sun," he said, as he looked at her with a calm smile. Eldwic wasn't bashful about telling the truth, at least. "I'd sell my teeth first."

As a faster song started up, some people got up to dance. He stayed rooted to his chair, shrinking a little, while sending a small glare towards the bard. It was a lively, invigorating tune, but no doubt one that someone with two left feet would find difficult to move to. Some struggled, though even in their struggle, they still seemed to have quite the fun - no doubt helped along by liquid courage and a playful spirit.

"No, I'm not going to," he said, his lips straightening into a thin, tense line, in anticipation of what his friend might suggest. "You can go on though. Larder and I will keep your seat warm." Eldwic was certain Evalynn would find a partner right away. He wasn't going to stand in between whatever fun she had, but he resolved to keep close watch. "But just one song. We have to finish up and get out of here soon, before it gets too dark. Your father will have my hide, if you get home too late."
(will give thoughts tomorrow!)
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