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Current I'm back! Itching to write again.
5 mos ago
There's never enough time in a day.
5 mos ago
I find it interesting that caffeine supposedly helps peeps with ADHD become more calm / focused.
5 mos ago
A set up where a Bard lures people in and has their way with them, then lets the Assassin kill them in their sleep, and gives the bodies over to a Necromancer to make an army with...
5 mos ago
can't wait for my friday beers 😩


Welcome, stranger.

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Bane couldn't help but scoff as the wizened northerner spoke of the future. What future? The present was bleak enough. He listened to the scholar's tale with subdued interest, equating the mention of ruins with riches material, while she spoke of things that bore little value to those far more concerned with far more urgent necessities, like sustenance, and coin. Perhaps she could be a paying client, if she could survive long enough to pay him. Curses be damned.

Once more, the generous overtures of the now-named stranger, Edrion, filled Bane with anxious suspicion, though he lowered his guard for long enough to decide against leaving then and there. He was in dire straits, and it was highly unlikely that the man had managed to pull together Verđandi, Cora and the silent elf in a plot designed to fool penniless vagrants like himself.

"I can offer work in exchange for the night's lodgings," he said, eager to draw lines between himself and the strange kindnesses that seemed to come all to easy today. "If there is need for firewood, repairs, or some heavy lifting to be done..."

He knew he wouldn't be able to calm his hunger once the sun would rise, and by then, at the very least, he would be able to look the old man in the eyes without feeling like a worthless beggar. Try as he might, even hunger and poverty could not dampen his fierce pride.
<Snipped quote by rabidbacon>
I'm a bit confused on the action economy laid out. I understand the one major and one minor per post, but as far as the points system... do major and minor actions have different point costs? Including between them (like certain major actions cost more than other major actions?). Is 1 time point equivalent to 1 hour or so? What would the benefits of choosing a role that has to sleep for longer be versus one that has a shorter sleep requirement? And how well do you think this system would include collaborating with other players?

I still think it has the potential to be fun. I would also consider maybe expanding the role options or making them more open ended.

Apologies for the late reply, but thank you for the detailed thoughts!

Yes, each action will have point costs which will be stated in the GM post, generally, Major actions would cost more than Minor actions, though characters may have skills, equipment and consumable items that may turn the situation in their favor.

I'll admit, the time system is still something I'm considering, am thinking of using a separate stat instead to indicate fatigue. Generally, the benefit of a character that needs less sleep is the opportunity to do more actions instead of needing to spend time to rest, which makes it more likely for you to influence people or discover clues.

Regarding collaboration, it is, technically a "competition" of sorts, though there is nothing stopping the group from looking for a compromise where the reward can be shared. And there is also more than one way characters can get their goal, as there are NPCs in the gathering they can influence to further their ends (this is me meta-gaming the pay-off as a GM to make sure that all players find a satisfying ending for your contributions to the story without diminishing the main reward).

There can be more role-options, and they can be open-ended, would just need to consider how to make a balanced skillset and one that fits the setting's vibe. Very open to ideas and collaborative worldbuilding, of course!

I'll be posting the revised system within the week if there's still interest in this.
Interested - is there still room to join?
In Regalia 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hi, posting here as well to apologize for the quiet and for holding up the thread. As I've messaged our kind GM @Mirandae, I was swamped with RL demands, and sadly, I only have enough time and mental energy to go around. The whole RP is very interesting, and at no point have I lost interest (just mentioning to bolster the fact that it's a pretty solid premise, with great aesthetics and vibes and the other players are all great, too).

I'll be taking my leave, but I wish everyone all the best!
"Hey!" he called out, a hand rubbing at the spot where she hit him. "I'm fine here. Go on, have your fun."

It wasn't as if she needed to be told how. He watched from a safe distance as everyone seemed to move in tune to the bard's whims. Larder's ears drew back, uncomfortable with the sudden rise in noise and the incessant stomping of prancing, dancing feet. Together, Eldwic and his dog mulled their silence in wary contentment, the former perched at the edge of his seat, ready to shoot out the door. Curious eyes widened as Evelyn quickly found a partner, smiling the right way, saying all the right things, and the man did the same. Sometimes, he wondered there was a day in people's lives where everyone had a gathering to learn all these unwritten rules while he was blissfully asleep. Eldwic gulped down his drink, suddenly all too aware that he was the only one in the room who was sitting alone. Or rather, that was how it felt to him, and he shrunk, slouching into his seat, hoping for the floor to swallow him whole.

But a murmur of disapproval and a rush of unpleasant laughter caught his attention. Once his head turned to catch sight of the trouble, Eldwic felt his ears burn and his chest tighten with pure, raging hate. Teeth bared, he placed Larder on the ground, then rushed at the drunken lout, club at the ready. As far as Eldwic was concerned, the man was worse than the poor rats he crushed day after day - they didn't have a choice. This one, he chose this.

"Let... her... go," he breathed, voice barely above a whisper. But the man wasn't given a chance to answer; with a resounding crack, he brought the thick club's bloody head down upon the man's head. It struck true, and as flesh gave way to wood, blood splattered in all directions, staining even Eldwic's lips. A moment barely passed before he grabbed Evelyn's hand and pulled her towards the door so they could all leave. The veins upon his neck were strained, and his eyes wide with fury, the club pointed at those who might dare to block their way. But the fingers that Evelyn would feel against her own were cold, tightly clenched, and very much afraid.
Sorry for being a bit quiet, work has been heavy lately. Still interested! Can't promise a reply within 48 hours, but I think I can get one in before the week ends. If that's too long, feel free to write around Mercy, and I can pick up where it's left off!
In Regalia 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Are you kidding, an actual homebrew combat system? Lmao here to stay.
Happy Thursday from the future
Welcome to RPG! Curious to know what that older fandom is. Anyway, hope you enjoy your stay here!

Ditto, also curious. Welcome!
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