Avatar of Archazen


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10 days ago
Current I am the embodiment of sitting in a desk chair, leaning back, spinning, waiting for more RP. Anyone else?
11 days ago
Depends on the pocket being picked..
14 days ago
Itching for more RP.. Anyone recruiting?
7 mos ago
When you've spent the best part of three days dedicated to creating a new character and then suddenly having nothing to do..
7 mos ago
IN WAAAAAAVES.. You made me miss Trivium..


A R C H A Z E N 32 | M | UK

My name is Archazen but, considering you are on my page, I'm sure you already knew that. Feel free to call me Archie, if you like.
I am a long time role-player of many years, roughly 15 years as of writing this, and I am open to RPing just about anything.
I have experience primarily with fantasy but I have also done Sci-fi, Horror, romance, slice of life, supernatural, etc, etc.

I will be uploading my RP requests as well as Bios of my OCs below please feel free to check them out and to PM if you have any interest in any of them.

I will primarily be roleplaying on my working days, my job has a lot of down time and my home life is hectic enough without trying to find time for roleplay. If I'm silent for a while, I'll let you know in advance if I can so I'd expect the same courtesy.


F L O A T I N G a s J E T K O R R I N

D E S T I N Y R E B O R N ! a s K A E L T H O R N

S H A D O W S O F T H E F O R G O T T E N R E A L M S a s D M

M A G I C O R P: W I Z A R D S G O N E C O R P O R A T E a s A L A R I C D R A K E


S H A D O W S O F T H E F O R G O T T E N R E A L M S - I N T E R E S T C H E C K





T H A N K S F O R S T O P P I N G B Y !

Most Recent Posts

I definitely think it would be better to have one thread with all rolls than have multiple threads for one RP, that seems a bit pointless to me
I've just made a thread in the dice and can see that so I assume that the dice thing is solo rather than group? I suppose you could roll for us and we can see the results by seeing the thread, which we can see? I wouldn't mind doing it that way, at least
@Olive Fontaine

I've just tried to do the roll but can't see any options to.. well.. roll? Do you need to give permission or anything like that?
Sorry but I think I'm going to back out of this one. It's simply not the right vibe for me but I wish you all the best!

Sam rose from his chair with a faint exhale, brushing his hand down the front of his coat in an absent gesture as he tried to settle himself. He glanced briefly toward Joséphine, offering her a respectful nod before speaking.

"Mademoiselle L’Hôte," he began, his voice steady but unpolished, marked by an edge of effort as he worked through his phrasing. "Yer introduction was... well, can’t say I’d match it. But it’s a pleasure to make yer acquaintance all the same." Turning his attention toward Monsieur Herbachet, he nodded again, more curtly this time, though the gesture carried an understated respect. "And Monsieur Herbachet," he added, his words deliberate, "thank you for, uh... bringin’ us all together. Can’t imagine it was a simple task."

Finally, Sam faced the room at large, clasping his hands behind his back in a gesture that felt slightly too formal for him, but fitting for the moment. "Good afternoon to the rest of you," he said, pausing briefly as if collecting his thoughts. "Name’s Samuel Trentwell—or just Sam, that’s what most call me." He shifted on his feet slightly before continuing.

"I’m, uh, what you’d call an... an inventeur—" he hesitated, his brow knitting slightly as though second-guessing himself on the gender before nodding and pressing on—"yes, inventeur. It’s a way of sayin’ I spend me time fixin’ things or thinkin’ up somethin’ new. Whether it works, well, that’s another matter." There was a faint flicker of a smile at his own expense before he cleared his throat lightly and gestured toward the shuttered windows. "Loudon... it’s different from London, but it’s got a certain... caractère, I s’pose. I can’t say I know much about me family’s history here, but, well, maybe there’s somethin’ worth learnin’."

He glanced briefly around the room before giving a small, almost apologetic nod. "Anyway, I’ll not keep on. Lookin’ forward to what’s ahead." With that, Sam returned to his seat, resting his hands lightly on the edges of his notebook. While his words had been cautious and understated, his thoughts continued to spin, not on the past, but on the possibility that this strange gathering might just be the start of something better. The faint heat of embarrassment prickled at his neck as he reflected on speaking French out loud, and to a room of French speakers no less, for what was, essentially, the first time.
Yes, everything being said would be in French in the reality of the game. Honestly, my suggestion would be to have your character know at least enough of the language to get by, or it will be more difficult for you to really interact with the NPCs. There was a long history of using French and Latin in Britain. They were used as international languages, which were more easily accessible to the whole of Europe than things written only in English. So I don't think it's too far outside the realm of possibility for Sam to know some. True, it was more of an upper class behavior, but your character is an inventor and probably would have had plenty of reason to study foreign tractates on science. So you'd be able to communicate, but you'd still be quickly recognizable as a foreigner.

Joséphine's first language is English as well (I think), but she speaks really naturally due to her family, study, and long stay in the country. You could try to rely on her for translations, but I think that this may be a bit more trouble than it's worth for our game.

Actually, having French being a part of his apprenticeship could work for learning new inventions etc so I could just have him stumble a little now and then in speech instead. Alrighty! I'll get started on my post!
Max Carter

It wasn’t that Max wasn’t paying any attention to the meeting, but it certainly would have seemed that way. Relegated to the back, tucked away, with his jumpsuit unzipped and tied around his waist, a loose white-grey t-shirt covered in yesterday's grease stains where his nametag should have been. He watched as Gillmore demonstrated all the equipment, shuddering at the thought of strapping himself to anything with that much electricity ‘contained’ within it. No, his attention was drawn to the trap which flew much like a drone, albeit a clumsy, clunky one. He couldn’t help but wonder when he’d be able to get his hands on it and test it out while the others risked death by anti-matter.

As the demonstration continued, Max took a look at the ‘spirit guide’ given to him. Flicking through a few pages, he couldn't help but realize he sure did have a lot of studying ahead of him. The guide was thick with illustrations, diagrams, and scribbled notes that seemed to speak of a thousand ghostly encounters. As Gillmore and Rochester took their leave, Max threw open his workbook and started tapping his pencil against the desk in a rhythmic pattern, one that someone with any musical inclination might recognize as Scorpions’ ‘Rock You Like a Hurricane.’ He hummed along quietly to himself, the melody a small escape from the daunting task ahead.

As the meeting wrapped up, Max noticed one person moving over to the table of equipment. A pang of resentment flickered through him as they started messing with the trap-drone he had a keen interest in.

“Is anyone gonna be sharing the answers?” he spoke abruptly, breaking the silence, “I thought I was just about done with tests..” letting out a long, exasperated sigh.
I was about to start writing my first post but @enmuni makes a very good point. Is this meeting in English or French as I highly doubt my character would have learnt any French as a working class Londoner @Olive Fontaine
I would love to join this, if it's still being run? lemme know what you think to my slimy one.
Zoan Dewdrop

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