Avatar of Yankee


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7 days ago
Current Just started a new job, so my energy level (already rough) will probably decrease and have an effect on my writing. Will still do my best to keep up though.
2 mos ago
If you're having a bad day, just remember tomorrow could be a good day. It's a gamble. when you realize you're gambling you'll be happy again. because gambling is awesome.
3 mos ago
Are you literally beefing with an 8 year old or is this a bit
5 mos ago
Back home! Now for the catching up on everything.
6 mos ago
I'm back, I got a new Halloween-ish avatar, and I'm ready to catch up on writing~


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me if you like,
however I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

If I suddenly drop off the face of the earth without saying anything, just assume the worst.

Most Recent Posts

I definitely would love some love triangles (perhaps at first before things settle) and fun misunderstandings, stuff like that. Spices things up a little but not too crazy. I don't mind seeing if pairs form organically btw but I'm also fine with pre-pairs, as I applied figuring being the last one then my guy would be paired with the "spare" (in this case Koharu which I do think is super cute).

Oh, but imagine. Imagine if his parents told him that he should strive to make better connections in high school. That he should focus on earning the favor of the Arashiyama ojou-sama rather than waste his time with the mediocres in his class. Huhuhu…

I love that though haha especially it being Junko's third and final year, it's the last and probably best chance to make a real high class connection in this school. Have to fight through the fan club to even try (or go through Junko's friends... Which could then lead to above misunderstandings?) But, yeah, agreed with everything else too.
The survey has been taken, co-captain (salutes)

@The Savant@SporkoBug responded to you both ^^
I have finished my own relationship quotes and posted nerd ass to the chara tab. Please let me know if anything seems off with regards to relationships!

Edit: @Vertigo forgot to mention but yes, Takaya definitely DPS haha. I'm sure he's learned all kinds of roles and play styles, but defaults to DPS more often than not.
Ace Cadet, Pit,
& Therion

Level: 9 - Total EXP: 309/90 --------- Level: 8 - Total EXP: 225/80
Level: 10 - Total EXP: 274/100
𝙱𝙿 ●●●●
Tuesday Afternoon.
Location: The Avenger ➜ Hammerhead
Word Count: 1380 (+3 exp)

Though he wasn't excited for anything in particular, Therion was one of the earlier people to disembark from the Avenger once it touched down. He was, maybe, a little eager to see a new environment - the desert had been fine, but it was... well, a desert. Plus it had that cold mountain. The Under had not been pleasant, and needless to say the Dead Zone hadn't been either. The week spent in Mafia Town was alright, but it had been small and surrounded by water. He probably shouldn't count the Avenger, but its metal hallways were just that.

The Paved Wilderness looked like if someone had taken the Clifflands and flattened it down before drawing roads through it. There were some notable landmarks, like the one they were parked relatively close to, but otherwise it seemed a fairly normal place. That was just fine with Therion. He scanned the landscape and then made his way into one of the transport vehicles, claiming a spot. Primrose was staying behind, but that didn't mean he had to. A little excursion sounded good.

As for the others that were coming along, it seemed most of the Seekers were planning on getting out of the Avenger in one way or another. The Ace Cadet -suited up again, and this time with his deceptively spacious backpack included- was of course among those up for a little adventure. He took in the landing area and what was around it with interest, studying the scaly herbivore herds for a moment before a pear-like object (in both color, shape, and size) floated in front of him, blocking his view as it lazily passed and then hovered in his general vicinity.

His curious expression flickered with annoyance. The hunter had gone ahead and itemized the spirits of the three Neopteron demons after splitting up from Edward, and while one gave him a simple but handy herb, and another turned into a very interesting looking bow, the last had resulted in... this thing. This orb with an aghast expression that just floated around him ever since he'd touched it. It definitely wasn't anything normal, and so far it seemed attached as throwing it or stowing it didn't seem to stop it from finding its way back into his orbit. He'd gone to see if anyone could get rid of it, but Primrose had taken one look at the orb and deemed it "helpful" rather than harmful. For now it was just more exposure therapy, he guessed.

The herb he'd put into his gathering pouch, the bow folded into his backpack. With all the wide open areas he hoped he would get a chance to test it out soon.

Finally, Pit made his way down the Avenger's ramp. He was completely recovered now, from both the morning in the Dead Zone and his encounter with Juri. He turned to wave at Sandalphon as he left, calling back to her, "lemme know if you want a souvenir!" Not that they could probably find much besides bobbleheads or something.

After the archangel had rescued him yet again, and then stuck close by to him after he'd thanked her, Pit had thought he actually might be in trouble. He hadn't exactly meant to pick a fight, but he'd thought that maybe Juri was the kind of person that talked better with her fists. Metaphorically speaking, since she preferred using her legs. A lot of martial artists were like that. However, Sandalphon hadn't mentioned anything like that.

"I admire your determination, Pit, but while Juri clearly needs help of some kind, trying without the necessary qualifications may only make things worse. The average doctor spends ten years studying before being officially qualified to treat patients without magic--and how much harder is it to heal the soul than the body?" was what she'd said.

It had sort of felt like an admonishment, so Pit had folded his arms and just said, "yeah, I guess." He hadn't even been trying to 'help' her really, but... well, whatever, it was done with now.

He loosened up soon after, since he liked Sandalphon and didn't mind her company. Of course he still peeled himself from her watchful gaze as soon as the Avenger landed, hopping onto the top of one of the Armadillos and letting his wings unfurl to feel the wind as they got going towards Hammerhead.

The outpost was busier than Pit remembered it. Of course he'd only stopped there very briefly, but it seemed to have been a sleepier place than it was now. There was a buzz of excitement to Hammerhead now, which energized the young angel. He flitted around the edge of the group until everyone was out of the two Armadillos, and then he went to get a better look at the place. It wasn't huge, so it wouldn't take him long to see most of it.

Ace's attention was drawn to the group of gorgeous girls, but not for the same reasons as some of the other Seekers. They were pretty, yeah, but they also all looked like crafters - and even more impressive was the forge behind them. Though it was putting out all kinds of metal machinery pieces, not just weapons or armor, the sight of it rang pleasantly familiar for the hunter. He definitely wanted a closer look. Maybe he could get some new stuff - Actually I think I'm kind of broke. Maybe I can trade for it though - or some upgrades. Hell, maybe if they asked really nicely they could even convince a blacksmith to join up with the Seekers. The Land of Adventure wasn't that far away, so they could always swing by and ask Rena, Ramona, or Renee in Lumbridge about that too though.

If all else failed it would be nice to just shoot the breeze with them too.

When Nadia brought the news back that there was a massive search in the region for scattered cargo, killing time trying to find someone of it did sound like fun. However, if everyone was splitting up then the hunter figured he'd just leave them to it so he could actually spend time checking out the forge.

"I'm gonna stick around here," he told his companions. "Good luck though! Happy hunting!"

Meanwhile, Therion needed to hitch a ride. Finding valuable junk was kind of his thing, though he normally found it in manors and coin purses rather than out in the wilderness like a real treasure hunter, but this sounded like it could be interesting. Juri had already left, not that he would have even tried asking her. He wasn't about to ask Blazermate for a ride, and though he was tempted to ask Sectonia, the queen bee ended up leaving pretty quickly too. He wasn't sure he wanted to be stuck in close quarters with Ms. Fortune, especially if she was behind the wheel, so that really left only one option.

Therion swung himself up onto the side of Roland's new truck, slipping into the passenger window and plopping himself down onto the seat without so much as a word. He did glance at the Fixer though, wondering if he'd be kicked out (in which case he'd just ride in the bed), but the other man didn't seem to mind the company. So the thief settled back into the seat, resting one arm out of the open window casually.

Which left Pit, who'd since returned from his quick self-guided tour of the new and improved Hammerhead. He had wanted to visit the Rocket League Arena again - one because it had been really cool, and two because last time he was there, he'd seen a couple of people he knew. That was where they'd met Asbestos too, and now she was part of the team, even if not the front-line team. But he also didn't want to miss out on a scavenger hunt!

Luckily, a quick glance at the area map showed that the Arena wasn't actually that far away from the place this thing allegedly crashed. Maybe there were things to find over there? It would be two birds with one stone! As for how to get over there... well, there was always hitchhiking! Surely a few of these entrepreneurial adventurers in Hammerhead would be heading north!

Primrose ------------------------------- Therion
Level: 11 - Total EXP: 243/110 ------ Level: 10 - Total EXP: 271/100
𝙱𝙿 ●●●● ------------------------------ 𝙱𝙿 ●●●●
Edward Portsmith: Level 4 (12 cells) ///////////////////////////////// (46/40)
Location: The Avenger
Word Count: 2,437 (+3 exp)

As the Avenger prepared to land, its occupants gradually began to congregate in and around the hangar. Even those that did not plan to venture out into the Paved Wilderness gathered, if only to see their comrades off. Such was the case for Primrose, who after a visit to the Spirit Chamber was content to spend more time on the ship acclimating and resting up rather than gallivanting across the dusty landscape.

She stood slightly off to one side so as not to block those more interested in leaving. Though planning to get out of the ship himself, Therion loitered near her. Until the ramp actually opened, he didn't have anything better to do anyway.

"I didn't see you around after we got back. Where did you go off to?"

Therion blinked at her, the corner of his mouth twitching upward. An expression that said wouldn't you like to know? Primrose recognized it quickly and simply looked back at him. While it might have seemed like he'd gotten up to trouble with a look like that, she'd known him long enough that she figured he had probably just kept to himself.

Which was pretty much true. Therion had stopped by his room and ferreted away some things there, as well as collecting others he'd left behind that morning. He'd also roamed the Avenger's halls, going unnoticed for the most part as he eavesdropped -intentionally and unintentionally- on many conversations going on in the rooms he passed.

He had actually stopped by Primrose's room once too, but since the dancer hadn't been there he didn't stay longer than the time it took to flick the lights on, snoop around what would have been Midna's half to see if the woman had stashed anything useful away there rather than in her portals, then leave without a trace. Primrose would probably be upset if she knew that, so he didn't tell her.

"Were you looking for me for something?"

She withdrew something strange looking from her bag and held it out to him - the bundles of bio-knives. Therion looked at them, then looked back up at Primrose with a slightly furrowed brow. There was clearly an unspoken ew on his face, but he still took them. If those tendrils hadn't tried to attach themselves to her in the many seconds she'd held them, then it was unlikely they'd do anything weird to him either. But he did hold the bundles pinched between his fingers, holding them slightly away from him as he inspected them.

"And these are..."

"Knives, I think," Primrose said. She pointed out the sharp end which she knew Therion had already seen, and the fleshy flap that housed the weapons. "If you don't want them, I can take them back."

He just stowed them in his own bag rather than confirm he'd take them verbally. Just from looking at them, he could kind of tell how they worked - some kind of delivery system like a bee's stinger, probably. They could come in handy in the future.

"If you're doing all that spirit stuff anyway, you might as well take back the one you gave me last night. Get the other one too if you do," he offered. It wasn't like he was going to use them. They were keeping them just to keep them at this point, and even stored in a container they wouldn't last forever.

She hummed an agreement. And since she would be staying behind anyway, she offered to the group at large, "if anyone has some leftover chores to take care of… spirit crushing, item sorting… I'll drop things off in the appropriate places."

She had a good grasp on the ship's layout, but it would help to get even more used to it since they were in this together with the Lost Numbers for the long haul.

"And if there are any fusion plans… I have this one left over as well," she said, displaying the demonic spirit she, Grimm, Zenkichi, and Roxas had fought together.

”Someone seems to have gone through the ones we left in the armory from the one encounter that generated them. Hard to say exactly what was left or taken from the results, but there are new items in the armory” Edward approached to say, though of course this was more to Therion than Primrose herself so that he’d be aware of the situation. The thief's ears flicked towards him in acknowledgement. He'd have to go check it out later on, not that he expected much from the scores of crawlers they'd sent back through the magic circle.

Edward did however lean in a little with an inquiring eye to inspect the demon, the eyebrow of which was raised at the sight of it.

”What an unpleasant looking creature. Or creature and rider?” he said, before asking ”what did it do?” to gauge if it would be of any value to him. With his failure in the most recent battle, he was considerably more open to taking edges he’d have been wary of before.

"They seemed of two minds, but were fused together into one being," Primrose told him. Malphas had been a ghastly demon to be sure, although it was because of what it could do that Primrose had had second thoughts about merely crushing its spirit.

"This was a dark sorceress... It conjured ichor to attack with, although most troublesome were its portals. That... bird part of it was particularly strong, and able to strike out from anywhere when combined with them."

”That certainly is a way to have both might and magic in great supply” Edward said, with some distaste, but not so much as to be immediately rejecting the possibility of utilising it.

”A striker would make a great deal of sense, but, hmmm, well, fusion is reversible, so it could be prudent to experiment” he supposed, mostly to himself, before coming to a partial decision as he half-rhetorically asked ”only question is heart or mind I suppose?” and then actually asked ”and, of course, what you’d want in return?”

Primrose raised one delicate brow, amusement playing at her features. At the same time Therion looked between Edward and the spirit of Malphas, a skeptical look clear in his one visible eye.

Leaving aside the triple humanoid body the demon sported, personally the thief wouldn't want to risk being fused with a malformed chicken even temporarily.

"These scholarly types," Therion scoffed lightly, having already pegged Edward as a learned, inquisitive man.

Primrose glanced at Therion, and then simply handed the spirit over to Edward.

"I'd like to see the results," she said, naming her price as only that. So far she had not fused with monsters like these, for a number of reasons, but she liked seeing the changes. If the time came in the future that she chose to fuse with something like this, it would be good to have as much reference information as possible.

”Well then, In that case I won’t chicken out and take the easy path” Edward said, having clearly spent too much time around the Ace Cadet, before accepting and then applying the spirit to his chest.

The results were not pretty, to say the least, and very difficult to ignore as the man towered over them, hunched over from looking down at them. It was a good thing they were in the hangar, because he’d have likely been crushed or destroyed some walls had they been anywhere else on the ship. He blinked in confusion, took a heavy step back, and then with a mere thought opened a pair of portals before him, looking through one to see himself out of the other.

”Well, isn’t that dramatic” the man said, with a tone far closer to a mad scientist than merely an inquisitive academic, as he examined himself. Then he ran a hand across the opposite arm and remarked ”and internal changes as well? I should dissect myself to see what it has done to my bones because they feel very strange” as if this was an entirely reasonable course of action.

Portal flashed open and shut as he took the entirety of himself in quick succession, as he mused ”Fascinating, far more change than Ganondorf in terms of the shape of the physical structure despite the utterly inhuman nature of his fusion. I wonder why that is”

The Orsterrans regarded the changes with about the same mix of surprise and distaste. Therion was much more obvious with it, and he was quick to extract himself from the conversation when Edward brought up dissecting himself - especially as he wasn't entirely sure if it was the spirit making him talk crazy or if it had merely brought out some deeper facet of his personality. You never knew with scholars.

"I'll leave you to figure out," he said, heading for the ramp without a second glance at either the dreadnought or dancer as his tail swished behind him.

Primrose watched him go out of the corner of her eyes, keeping most of her attention on Edward. Malphas had been very powerful, and the demoness' dark magic would certainly have been nice to wield for herself, but... now she was very glad she hadn't tried. Hopefully she would have still wanted to de-fuse afterward. Speaking of...

"You... don't look very comfortable in your own skin," she said. So far her experience had been that most feelings of unease passed after a few moments as the changes blended together and felt natural, but going from what he'd been before to this, well... it wouldn't be a surprise if he didn't settle into it.

She folded her arms, looking up at the changed man. "Although at least you didn't split into three. I don't suppose it gave you the power to change shape?" Malphas hadn't displayed anything like that, and her comment was more teasing than anything. "How does the magic feel? Worth it, or do you want to change back?"

She glanced back at the hallway leading into the hangar, unsure if he could even fit through the corridor. Could he even fit into the Spirit Chamber if he created a portal that led to it?

”Oh it is deeply unpleasant, but I have felt many unpleasant things in my life, from death to far worse, and so i am willing to endure it for knowledge at least” he replied, before adding that ”the impracticality however is certainly a reason to dispose of this. I'd rather not crawl through the halls of the Avenger, so you’ll get them to move the de-fusion device to save me the trouble once I return”

Briefly Primrose wondered if the death he endured was meant in regards to the cycle they lived through in this world, or if he'd died in his original world before ending up here. Primrose herself had almost ended up that way. There was also the option that he'd been resurrected or something like that. She might have asked, if not for the tone he spoke in.

She raised another brow at him.

"Is that a request or a demand?"

Edward, it seemed, had taken it as a given, as he had begun and did not stop to half turn and then walk into a portal, taking him outside of the Avenger in a single step. He then glanced around, and entered yet another portal, stepping to parts unknown.
I agree, more established relationships (whether friendly or not, honestly) would be best. As for Eikichi and Haru, well @Nani, I'm sure Takaya and Haru are actually friendly with each other for the reasons you mentioned! Takaya would most likely decline a lot of outings, but would agree to a few as its made clear Haru isn't letting up - at least until he starts getting more involved with everyone, in which case he finds it harder and harder to decline in the first place haha. And being on the student council, he would work together with Haru when they need his skills.

This goes for Mikako and Eikichi too, at least while Eikichi was on the council in his first year. It's an easy starting point.

@Lemons Mikako and Takaya are probably those that stick around the latest after council meetings. They might have eventually come to an agreement to swap the little duties after meetings (Mikako handles clean up and everything else on Takaya's cram school days, Takaya does it otherwise so Mikako can head to her other clubs or home to her family). I would say they are probably friendly, though Mikako and Haru would be closer to each other (and Eikichi) than Takaya? At first, at least.

@OliveYou And Eikichi, I think they would be cordial, if not a little friendly due to that familiarity in first year and him being friends with Mikako and Haru. But not very close. I would love if Eikichi knows or has an inkling that Takaya is a huge nerd and teases him with it. Perhaps some very mild black mailing to make sure Takaya agrees to Haru's latest invitations as not to bum Haru out hahaha. I think it also could be sort of interesting to play with Takaya's very traditional, plain look and facade versus Eikichi wanting to avoid being seen as plain and forgettable. Like, I feel like they wouldn't start off as very close friends but could become like that eventually - and then let Eikichi handle pushing Takaya to pursue his love interest haha.

@ERode And for others, with Junko becoming the manager of the judo club I expect that she and Takaya would start to see each other more often, even if only a little, especially if she needs to requisition funds for the club. Reading her quote about him, I can see him looking up to her as a senpai, seeing her as inspiring and intimidating in equal parts for many reasons, but he would certainly never presume to get friendly with the school's most beloved student. Although I think as things go on, the group gets tighter, and they start getting to know each other, I think it would be very cute if they became real friends. Assuming he follows the advice she keeps trying to give him.

@Feyblue Suzuka I actually feel would be the person Takaya might be least closest to, which is fine with me as it leaves her closest relationships to others. If you have any ideas though Fey, please let me know. It might be fun if they talk to each other on message boards about the latest battle shounens though, whether they know who the other is or not.

@Vertigo For Ryuu, perhaps as kids they were actually pretty close, but after Ryuu's trouble started and the separation, and now Ryuu turning back up as a (gasp) delinquent, they probably avoid each other. Or maybe its one sided and Takaya avoids him. So maybe some hurt feelings there, but ultimately they should become friends again. And if you want to go with Ryuu and Suzuka as cat friends but still want someone to know Ryuu through games, well Takaya is 'free' every Saturday for Ryuu's raid static haha. Could be a case where after discovering Ryuu is their crew's healer, he starts trying to mend their relationship through the game first before talking in person. Just a thought, of course.

Would be a similar case with Koharu in that his parents would definitely not approve of having a friend like that, so he'll have to get over it and just be friends with the people he likes.

@Kensai Which leaves Koharu! I think it would be nice if they were also close as kids, as they would have been similar as kids. And then to see her transformation would inspire some mixed feelings in Takaya. He's happy that she seems so happy, but also... not exactly jealous, the word is escaping me at the moment, but seeing how she embraces her true self as she grew up would make him feel some type of way. But yes, assuming they're in the same class (I just arbitrarily picked 2-2) he will be lending her all kinds of things haha. Eventually when he lets his cringe side come out more, he will lend her some manga too. In the mean time, he will be polite to her and probably classmates assume she is taking advantage of his nature before people learn they are just friends hahaha.

All that is more recent relationship stuff though. As for back then... I'm sure they would remember Takaya as a regular kid that hung out with them and eagerly played superheroes and such. After Suzuka, Koharu, and Ryuu left and both Takaya and Mikako's free time started evaporating, I imagine that some that remained behind went to different middle schools too. Maybe that was the case for Takaya, as even though he has lived in the city the whole time he pretty much didn't see the others during the next few years. So them meeting in high school is more like "ah, it's good to see so-and-so still doing well" rather than a more enthusiastic reunion for him? And then as they all start to hang out together again the memories come up, he recalls how fun it used to be, and he gradually gets closer to everyone again.

...er, sorry for the wall of text lol.
Also, I should note that I did get one more person interested in playing as a male chara, so we should have a balanced cast going forward.

@flux for the options you listed before, I also think the second is probably the best for now. And you already know my thoughts on the rule set you've been working on, I think it'll work out fine (though I realize now I forgot to get back to you in a PM...whoops). And I hope you're feeling better!

Also added a small part to the end of your most recent beach day add.

@SporkoBug@The Savant sorry for the wait, also added two beach scenes for you both. They are in section two, right after Glade's entrance and before Herald's part. I added on my phone so they aren't marked out for easy finding yet lol.

@Andre Valias Hello~! Interesting detectives!
As for what Savant said above, I get where they're coming from. Just consider if one may work better as an NPC attached to the other, bit I think it might be okay because they are the same faction? And seeing how they work together (or possibly against) each other would be neat. Although I think Elena should have some secrets of her own too!
If you join in, I'll probably PM you some possible connections if that's alright with you.
Roomies Playing Cards

Pit & Roxas

Level: 10 - Total Exp 1/100
Level: 8 - Total EXP: 217/80
Word Count: 2446
Exp: +3
Rapport: +3

Although Pit had intended to go right to the cafeteria as he was (still very fresh from the fight), the master of the ship's stockpile caught the angel in the hall and ushered him into the infirmary next door. Pit complained that he was fine, and Eleison had yet to return from tending to whomever needed it at the Seekers' arrival point anyway, so instead Sagi basically just hosed the angel down before letting him loose in the Avenger once more. Thankfully, other Seekers that happened to pass her by had already taken the time to at least rinse before they even thought about being around food.

So it was that Pit was still slightly damp when he got to the mess hall, was handed a plate of food that smelled mouthwateringly good, and parked himself at a table to dig in. The timing meant he wasn't one of those that had already come and went, nor was he one of the last to drag themselves into the cafeteria. He was just in time to see a friend join the food line and call him over, though.

"Over here!" he called to Roxas, raising one of his wings since his hands were busy tearing apart a meat patty with a pair of forks. The Nobody lit up a bit and approached to sit with the angel.

”Looks like everyone had the same idea.” Roxas commented as he pulled his plate closer to him. Before he could do anything with the food, he felt a familiar nudge at his shins. ”I know, I know.” He said as he plopped a second plate down on the floor for his Yamper to eat from. ”Don’t worry, Scamp, I didn’t forget about you.” Only then did he finally start digging into his own food.

”Figured it’s easier just to give him his own plate so he doesn’t get tempted to swipe from mine.” Roxas commented as he chewed his bite. ”Things got... pretty rough back there, didn’t they?” He was referring to what happened in the final hollow of the Qliphoth naturally.

Pit had peeked under the table to greet Scamp as well, though as usual the Pokémon was more preoccupied with getting fed.

"Oh. Yeah..." It had definitely been rough. The general mood going into the Dead Zone had been sort of grim from the start, and even after returning victorious there was a solemn air that lingered in the common areas for obvious reasons. Pit glanced at Roxas, wondering how close he'd been to those that had sacrificed themselves. Rather than bring it up though, he went in a slightly different direction. "I can't believe so many Consuls teamed up against us. And all of them played really dirty too."

He huffed, then tried a heartening smile. "But we still won, didn't we?"

”Heh, define ‘winning’.” Roxas replied with a small chuckle, ”I’m no stranger to having the bad guys team up on me, though.” He added, briefly setting his fork down and sipping from the cola he had brought to the table along with his food. ”They tried that a lot in the world I came from. Still… they’re only gonna come at us even harder, though. If every fight against them goes like this one did…” He trailed off, not really wanting to think about that.

For a moment Pit didn't say anything, just chewed on his food with his wings slightly droopy. Roxas was right of course, even with a numbers advantage that should have been overwhelming, 'pretty rough' was still an understatement in regards to how the battle had gone. And now, two of their comrades were gone as well. It stunk to say the least, but they had prevailed. Even if celebratory was too much, now that it was over the mood should be a little more cheery, he thought.

Pit lifted his plate up and shoveled the remainder of lunch into his mouth. Then he stood up, placing his palms on the table with a light smack.

"We'll deal with that when it happens," he said, his tone confident. "But right now, let's go do something fun instead! Hurry up Roxas! Scamp's already done eating too!" And he was right. Scamp was looking up from his now empty hand and gave his little ‘bow-wark’ in reply.

”Yeah, sure!” Roxas said as he quickly scarfed down the rest of his plate before grabbing the cola can and taking a long gulp out of it to wash it down. ”So what kind of fun things is there to do on the Avenger, anyway?”

As the boys and Scamp left the cafeteria, Pit's eyebrows pulled together in thought.

"Uh... good question." When he suggested it, he hadn't considered where they were. But the Lost Numbers weren't all serious old people, surely there was something on the ship that could entertain them. "I bet we could find something though!"

He lead them over to one of the many maps of the Avenger. "Maybe there are board games in the common room. Or we could kick something around in the gym - or we could go see what kind of other things they're inventing in the labs?"

”Board games in the common room?” Roxas echoed. That didn’t seem likely. Then again, all the Lost Numbers were kids at one point. And they had to have had some way to entertain themselves, right? ”Guess we won’t know until we look. A game’d probably be a good way to destress after all that chaos in the Qliphoth.”

Pit grinned and nodded. "Game it is, let's go!"

Considering that they were looking to unwind after the battle, they didn't really need to rush around the ship - but even so they had another friendly race to the common room with the Yamper at their heels. Unknowingly Roxas and Pit had ended up trading places with Rika, Blazermate, and Bowser Jr. as the latter all headed for the dining hall after using the space, while the former had arrived after already eating their fill.

The common room was pretty simple, with all of the comforts one might expect from a small recreational space. Although there were actually video games in the room due to its prior occupants, they had been collected and stowed in one section of the room somewhere near the TV, tucked away enough to be overlooked until their owners could return to claim them. The angel didn't seem to notice them as he went over to some shelving, rifling through drawers and cabinets to see what he could find. There were regular playing cards, a chess board, a puzzle in a box, books of riddles and number games... nothing particularly interesting, at least until he spotted something at the back. He pulled the box out and opened it up, finding a board and a deck of simple cards, along with a six sided die that had letters one it instead of pips. There was also a small pamphlet that couldn't have been more than three pages that Pit tossed to Roxas without thinking, momentarily forgetting he could read in his curious drive to get the game set up.

"How about this?"

”Whoa!” Roxas yelped in surprise as he barely managed to react in time to catch the pamphlet. He opened it up and skimmed over the three pages. ”Triple… Triad?” He read aloud. ”It says we deck turns placing cards from our decks onto the board. When opposing cards are placed next to each other, they clash with the numbers that are directly pointed at each other, the higher number determines which card is stronger and wins the clash. The winning card flips the losing card over so that it’s controlled by the winning card’s owner. When all the board’s spaces are filled, the player with the most cards under their control on the board is the winner.”

There were actually more complicated rules than that pertaining to card elements providing certain bonuses that should be applied when cards clash on the board as well as optional styles of play. But those were on a page that Roxas hadn’t fully read yet. ”Sounds easy enough. Are we giving this game a try?”

"Why not?" Pit picked up a card, getting a look at it. There was some kind of person or character on the front (he noted others had monsters and animals) with four numbers arranged in a diamond shape in the top corner. It definitely seemed simple enough for anyone to grasp, which was good for quick play. Pit set the card back down with others in the same color, of which there were only two.

"It sounds kind of like a battle game." But with the flashy cards, less boring than the likes of chess, and with less rules to remember. "You want red or blue?"

”Red, I guess.” Roxas said with a shrug, assuming there wasn’t much difference between the colors. What he didn’t realize was that the red and blue deck utilized completely different characters and monsters for their cards, and the red deck he picked seemed to lean a bit more toward monsters. The first card he noticed in the deck he picked up looked like a big fireball with a scary grin on it. Another one looked like a picture of a humanoid cactus in the middle of running. The cards' names were ‘Bomb’ and ‘Cactuar’ respectively.

”Guess I’ll start with… this?” Roxas said as he tentatively played the Bomb card in the lowermost left hand corner of the board’s 3x3 grid.

"So I just have to match a higher number against your lower number... Alright, let's see...!"

With the Bomb on the side of the board and its largest value at its right, the only option would be to put something directly above it. With a glance at his own hand Pit put down a Gesper card, which showed a funny looking humanoid. More importantly, its southern number was four, which would beat the Bomb's northern two. Of course that left the Gesper with its own openings of one and five.

”How about… this one!” Roxas said as he placed a Tonberry card directly above the Gesper. It’s southern four was more than a match for the Gesper’s northern one. And now the only way to take either of those cards back was to play something that beat their eastern six and five respectively.

Which unfortunately, Pit did not have in his hand. He could match the five, but... He turned his eyes to the center and right hand lanes.

"Okay, let's go with this!" he said as he rather dramatically put down a card called Belhelmel, a clown-looking totem on its face, into the top right spot on the board, with its western three and southern five open.

”Hmm…” Roxas reread his cards and found one that could work. ”Let’s go with… this.” He placed a card called Grendel to the west of Belhelmel. Its eastern four managed to beat the latter’s western three. Its opening was a southern five. Its weakest side, the western two, was protected by the Tonberry that was still in Roxas’ control.

Suddenly Roxas had an overwhelming advantage, with four cards on the board to Pit's single one. The angel blinked, then squinted at the playing space. And all of the open numbers were five! "What the... that was so quick! But I'm not out yet!"

He still didn't have a card that could beat an eastern five, but what he assumed was one of the strongest cards in his deck could beat the two southern ones. He slapped down a Chicobo in the center space, capturing the Grendel card and evening the playing field. "How about that! Your move, Roxas!"

”Huh?” Roxas said, surprised. ”How am I supposed to top that?” He asked as he frantically re-examined the remaining couple of his cards that he hadn’t played yet, seeing that none of them could capture the Chicobo’s southern or western sides. He decided to mirror Pit’s move and play his strongest card as well, called Cerberus. Ironically, Roxas had no idea that Cerberus’ western A was actually stronger than the Chocobo’s eastern four. So what he did was play the card at the bottom right corner of the grid, thinking it was a defensive move that would keep him from losing any more cards for the remaining two turns.

And with Cerberus’ western A and its northern seven? Roxas’ guess may well have been correct.

Of course, seeing the letter on the card made Pit tilt his head and ask, "what does that stand for? A... eight...?"

He was completely wrong of course, and figured as much because then why would there be two ways to show an eight? Regardless, Pit thought for a moment before putting down an Iron Giant in the space above Cerberus. Its southern six didn't beat the number on Roxas' card, but since Cerberus was already played it didn't flip the Giant. But the Belhelmel that was previously Pit's returned to his control, which just left the last open space on the board on Roxas' turn.

”Wait, what? Aw, I completely forgot about Belhelmel.” The Nobody groaned, realizing he couldn’t win now. Roxas’ remaining card - which was Cockatrice - couldn’t beat the Chicobo. He slapped it down anyway, which ended the game. ”Looks like you won. Not sure what the ‘A’ means, though…” Roxas thumbed through the pamphlet again for answers, and what he found made him groan even more.

”Are you kidding me?” He exclaimed, ”’A’ beats any number? But that means I could have beaten your Chicobo and-”

"Hahahaha! I'm still counting that as my win!" Pit said, pleased with himself even if either of them had taken the time to read all of the rules the game would have ended very differently. He scooped up the cards and went to shuffle both of the decks again so they could draw new hands. "C'mon, let's go another round!"

After both of them actually read through the full rules the boys set up again, carefully choosing their spaces and slapping cards down dramatically. It was simple fun, but fun nonetheless, especially as they traded wins and losses. They kept their commandeered table for a little while, trying out the other play modes in the rule book (finding that some were too confusing to play more than once) until they'd had their fill.

The plan to take their minds off of the serious and solemn events of the morning had more or less worked. While Roxas retired with his Pokémon to their shared room, Pit flitted off to see what else he could get up to.
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