Avatar of Lemons


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9 mos ago
Current I've been on this stupid site for an entire decade now and it's been fantastic, thank you all so much
2 yrs ago
Nine years seems a lot longer than it feels.
3 yrs ago
Ninety-nine bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles on the wall
5 yrs ago
Biting Spider Writing
7 yrs ago
They will look for him from the white tower...but he will not return, from mountains or from sea...


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Ay, sorry for the delay and the brevity of the post. Been traveling and all, hard to find time to write.
Late Afternoon
Building 1 Cafeteria
Interacting with: @Massasauga Rebecca @Xaltwind Miyuki @CitrusArms Yumeiko

Velvet eyed Miyuki carefully as she flounced back to her room, armed now with the terrible knowledge of Floor 4, Room 7. Ten minutes ago, she probably would've planned some variety of prank; but not only were pranks harder to do when you were metaphysically disallowed from entering, she kinda...didn't want make the kyuubi any angrier right now. That shit was frightening. She was mulling the information over in her head when her thoughts were interrupted by Wolverine Girl:

"Yeah sure thing, kid."

A sharp breath, and her voice snapped out hotter than she'd meant for it to. "I--you--I'm not a child! Everyone was this tall when I was born except nobility! It was normal! I'm not short!"

There was little that got a rise out of Velvet like comments her height. Back before her long sleep, she was a feared queen of the night, terrifying children all over Europe and Asia. She took what she wanted, when she wanted it; a looming threat that lurked just beyond the light.

Now I can't even reach the highest shelf!

Crossing her arms with a sullen look on her face, she gave a loud hmph! A moment later, she exhaled slowly to reclaim her calm, then glanced over at Yumeiko. "I think I remember someone talking about a sushi joint not too far away. Not weird modern sushi but like, pretty nice sashimi and junk. I never tried it myself, it usually closes before sunset and sushi's not my favorite food, but if you're in the mood, it's probably still open at this time of day."

An almighty shrug followed. "Or, I dunno. You mentioned Japanese, but I don't know how much we've got around here." She didn't care too much where she was called on to go; mostly she just wanted to go. It was started to get less and less bearable being around Wolverine Girl in the enclosed space. Eugh. Seriously, what was that?
Oh boy Velvet is going to feel all kind of ways about being called 'kid' and none of them are great lmao

A pinch of the bridge of the nose, a rub of sore, tired eyes as she leaned back against a clean spot on the wall. Both things that were almost universal gestures for Dezzie. Frustration and confusion.

The triple-shot cappuccino lay untouched by the entrance where she'd placed it carefully down after she realized that the brand-new red stains were the remnants of people, so add exhaustion to the roster too. The damn thing was cold by now anyway. She'd never worked with Section 7 before, and seeing some of the characters that they had on staff now and then, she wasn't sure she wanted to be if this was the kind of thing they dealt with on a regular basis.

And, of course, there was some horror there too, and no small amount. If the audit hadn't been at 9 o'clock in the morning--if she hadn't gone to get coffee after a long night spent poring over what the database said on the Saniwas and grousing about having to go to an audit--then she'd probably be a splatter of paint right now too. And in her particular line of work, she wasn't exactly used to seeing this level of carnage. She was just...really good at ignoring it.

Man. Lantanas were her favorite flower, too.

She'd given a brief statement to the one who was in charge of the whole operation; Armand something-or-other. But it wasn't much to go on. Now the vaunted and mysterious Section 7 were having a little powwow. She opened her eyes again, ceased rubbing her nose, and walked in to join the circle. Was she specifically invited? No, no she was not, and the question the boss-man was asking was almost certainly not directed at her. But she was the closest they had to a witness, so she had just as much right to talk as any of 'em.

A fly guy--rather, a guy that was in fact a fly--was speaking (buzzing?) now. What he was saying was interesting and relevant, certainly. The lack of any other forms of life, any scavengers, was certainly an important puzzle piece, even if she didn't understand it right now. Still. She turned her white-pupiled eyes on him, fixing him with a flat stare.

"Head cheese," she said tonelessly. "'Got the big idea.' All you can eat sausage buffet." Her lip curled up with a hint of mild contempt. "Show some respect to the dead."

With that, she looked over to the gray-skinned...human? She felt like a human, but also not like a human, and not just because she had concrete-colored skin...who was now approaching as she said her piece. She hmmed, glancing up to the ceiling as she thought.

"Okay, sure, I'd buy that a demon who could do this would be slapped with every kind of curse, and we've had a few cases in cybersec about unlicensed use of contracts." She crossed her arms, cocked her head to the side.

"But even disregarding the license, when one is established with a powerful demon they need to curse them to restrict their magic anyway, and I don't think I've ever heard of an artifact that can do something like this. They're far too specific, and they don't have anywhere near this kind of power regardless."

Then, finally, she turned to the group at large, flashing her ID card and, with a quick application of magic, making sure her uniform fell on her perfectly. "Dezzie Smirnova, Section 6, cybersec." She yawned heavily. "Whatever caused this worked fast. I stepped out for coffee. Ten minutes, fifteen tops. When I got back it was already done. I think it's probably a human too since a curse is easier to get around with two points of connection. But I'm not usually one for field work, and a curse has to be circumvented either way, so don't count on it 100%."
Oh Lorelei got recruited first for sure. As it is, Dezzie is still in Section 6. The whole first arc is basically her recruitment arc.
@ERode Oooh, Lorelei spent time in Section 6? Think she knows Dezzie, the Employee Of The Month Every Month?
Oh shit @BurningCold I finally remembered where I've seen you before! VotD, Mortalmo!
Basically all I care about is that Othello exists and is in a prison where visiting is allowed, and Dezzie's mom is dead. Other than that go wild.
Full transparency, I debated putting 9001% instead but it just felt strange to type it because of how neat three zeroes feels.
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