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In Primality 12 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Sam was in the cafeteria when he heard the announcement for all students to head to the auditorium. He normally didn't care much for a fancy breakfast, cereal was perfectly acceptable to him. But that was when he had to prepare it himself, being able to just grab eggs and toast and whatever else he wanted made the idea of a full breakfast much more palatable.

Students were leaving the cafeteria but Sam stayed seated, he really didn't want to get caught up in the mass of bodies all heading to the same place. He'd be sure to get there in time, but at the current moment he was going to finish his coffee. He didn't even particularly like coffee, he had just always found the idea of starting the day with a coffee so quaint and fun.

After a few minutes Sam got up and made his way to the auditorium. It was easy enough to find, plenty of students still seemed to be making their way. But now Sam wasn't concerned he might get trampled in the crowd. Inside the building students had seemed to have taken up all the seats close to the front. That was fine with Sam, not like this was a concert or something where he wanted a good seat.

The back of the hall had lots more open seats, though they were filling up fast. He noticed a girl with light blond hair sitting in the aisle seat, bouncing her leg up and down. Same figured the whole auditorium would be filled so there was no point trying not to sit next to someone.

"Sorry, 'scuse me," Sam said as he scooted by her, careful not to step on her feet, as he took the seat next to her. "Hi there," he spoke with a friendly tone and a brief smile before going back to his usual somewhat grumpy expression. The room was hot, even if it was air conditioned having so many people in one place was just going to make the room unbearable. Sam created a tiny ice cube in his hand and rubbed it on his forehead and the back of his neck. It helped, but he was really hoping this assembly wouldn't take too long.

In Primality 15 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I would also like a discord link.

The vtuber is also the webtoon author. That's crazy that you came up with the name and then found him lol
In Primality 15 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Primality 15 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I look forward to playing with everyone. Also, I kept forgetting to mention it, but @Carlyle is the founder of the institute named after the webtoon author Merryweathery? Because if not that's a crazy coincidence lol
In Primality 23 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

That's what I've got so far. If you want some more details I can beef it up a bit.

And no shade at not having Sarah finished, my wife is also a manager so I hear about how stressful it can be
In Primality 24 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I saw the int check and thought this looked fun, I could use something a bit more casual to get me back into writing. I'm whipping up a character now, how detailed should the sheet be? Making the character sheet is always my least favourite part of doing an RP because I find myself wanting to discover the character as I write rather than deciding everything up front.

@Carlyle I see that Sarah doesn't have a whole lot on her sheet but you're the GM and obviously get special privileges lol

Also hi @IAmTheIsland, I promise I didn't search for you after our chat yesterday, I really did just find this RP by chance and you happen to be here lol
Druuk was more than happy to let Caleb inquire about speaking with Zaretha, Druuk was more interested in sizing up the bouncer, Ozza. He seemed like he'd be a good fight. Unfortunately now was not the time nor the place, fighting Ozza would just get him and possibly the rest of the group kicked out, and it would lose them their best bet for work.

Druuk decided to take Ozza up on his offer of a free drink and followed Kraseawei and Lucky up to the bar. "Whiskey. Neat. Ozza said it's on the house." Druuk just hoped whatever work they would get would start soon, he didn't like to stay idle for long, another reason the boat trip here was torturous.
Awesome, I got back from the honeymoon at the beginning of the week and figured I'd just wait for the next GM post to get back into it
I think so? Like I said before I got married yesterday and I'm going on my honeymoon tomorrow. I'll be back around the 14, so just assume Druuk is with the group looking vaguely grumpy, that's his standard resting facial expression.
Druuk gave the captain a curt nod before leaving the ship, he was a man of few words on a good day, but having spent the previous night drinking and sparring the the tougher crew members he had found during the journey he was not in a particularly talkative mood this day. Being on solid ground again was nice, though Druuk had similar issues to Harth in that the stillness of the land felt strange. Luckily standing in a long line gave him plenty of time to readjust.

The white noise of the crowd reminded him of cheering crowds in coliseums he had fought in. It was a comforting sound, and by the time Druuk got to the front of the line he was in a slightly better mood. Only slightly. The clerk in front of him went from looking bored to rather anxious as Druuk approached. That was pretty typical, he was used to it now, if anything he was proud he could strike fear into lesser people just from his presence alone.

"Um, name?"


The clerk waited a moment for a family name but Druuk stayed silent. His mother was a wonderful woman, he didn't want her name tarnished by anything he might do. "Okay, Mr. Druuk, are you here for business or pleasure," the clerk continued after a moment.

"Pleasure," out of the two options pleasure made more sense. Druuk was here to find a true fight, he had already conquered all the great fighters of his home, he needed fresh blood.

"Y-yes, of course, erm, anything to declare?"

"No." The clerk took a glance at the sword on Druuk's one side and the flail on the other before looking back at him. Druuk simply glared. "You're free to go," as Druuk left he heard a loud sigh. He simply left to join the others who he thought would make good travel companions. They had proven themselves interesting on the ship, perhaps staying with them would bring him somewhere interesting as well.
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