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Basically yes but they are still working on the strength serum @Sanity43217
Bell says a pun”so… do you juggle?” that earns a laugh from everyone. He steals a quarter from a desk and starts flipping it because he’s extremely bored even tho it’s only been like four minutes that feel like 4 hours. He grabs his notebook and starts sketching the team members that are here and he figures he’ll do the rest when they get here.
Well in cannon that book was only 8 pages long since the book didn’t have anymore pages-@Rhona W
By the way you said you were going to give us ranks and positions?-@Rhona W
Bell Looks at Aurélie for a brief moment and can see right through her and Aurélie picks up on that. He looks down at the ground and then looks at her with an extremely terrifying look that she didn’t expect from someone like him but he is clearly warning her that if she betrays the team in anyway He will track her down and kill her without hesitation. He is really suspicious of her.
He tilts his head and continues what he was doing before without speaking a word.
Bellgives Sebastian a head tilt and and mutters to himself something that literally no one could understand but it kinda sounds like he said “what is he, the terminator?” he grabs a Dr Pepper from a vending machine and drinks it and continues to sit on the desk. And smokes a cigar. He looks at the clock and raises his eyebrow and grabs a completely random book from a counter and reads it because he’s bored as hell. Halfway through the book the book ends and it’s just empty pages and he says “Who buys a book from wish.com” Jesus” he says comedically
And throws the random persons book in the trash and says “buy better books next time” and everyone’s looking at him and he says “What”and genuinely looks confused.
Are you gonna do your intro rn or later?-Srpv
Pretty sure literally no one actually says stuff like that in the military but whatever.-@Srpv
No idea what that means and I don’t think i wanna know.-@Srpv
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