P R O F I L E I N F O R M A T I O N P R O F I L E I N F O R M A T I O N ________________________________________________________________________________________
NAME: | Morgan Archambeau _______________________________________________________________________ STATUS: | Active _______________________________________________________________________ INDEX DATE: | TBD _______________________________________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH: | 1999/12/21 _______________________________________________________________________ ALIAS(ES): | The Faceless One _______________________________________________________________________ RESIDENCE: | Quebec City, Quebec _______________________________________________________________________ CITIZENSHIP: | Canadian _______________________________________________________________________ CLEARANCE LEVEL: | Special Agent
B A C K G R O U N D B A C K G R O U N D ________________________________________________________________________________________
The early life of one Morgan Archambeau lay woven throughout the fragmented delusions from the age of but eight, for they are the tainted remembrances of a life that left only yearning for something better. A child of squalor lay there in the dirt and grime with so little time before a power that would obfuscate their being would appear. Morgan can not quite remember the day but beneath the midnight sky filled with the shouting screams of a mother, a scream through the agony for the safety of her child. A night but so common in their early life scenes tended to meld together into an amalgamated mess they refused to sort. But on this night, the stars sparked something in their mind, a notion to leave, to run, to escape into the city over yonder for a life free of pain, free of the tyranny of a father who released the anger of their sins unto their spawn. And with nothing but the shoes upon their feet and the worn pajamas upon their body, a young soul took off into the night.
The stress, the adrenalin, the hope; it spurred forth their curse. As they ran throughout the night a child free from their shackles, that now familiar tingling of warmth spreading throughout their body began as they escaped through the streets of Chicago. They wore a face that changed with every passing second, all unfamiliar, all unconsciously. The next day the child, fearing the woes of strangers on the street and the further wrath of a father when they are found, returned home wearing a skin that was not theirs, met only with confusion and rejection when they encountered that of their mother who could recognize her own child within the skin of another. A moment that began their life alone, forgotten by all those they loved; an unrecognizable figure.
For Morgan, their life had held no clear path forward, no light guiding their trek, not a hint of the north star in the night sky. The young child learned through the trials of homelessness and abandonment the art of survival, the path hidden in the grime to make little out of nothing. To scavenge for scraps to feed the ever-growing pit within their stomach was a task often hard to accomplish. As the days passed, the pursuit of more aided Morgan to learn their ability. To shackle the dragon that terrorized their life, and to master its control were endeavors which took years of their life to even begin to start. By the age of fourteen, Morgan, after a stint of several petty robberies using their abilities, was picked up by the likes of H.E.L.P. who had received a tip about a young local hype. After being taken under the wing of the organization, Morgan was enrolled in P.R.C.U. to continue on the rest of their adolescent life under the watchful eye of H.E.L.P. who assisted them gain mastery over their ability. R E C R U I T M E N T R E C R U I T M E N T ________________________________________________________________________________________
Directly following their graduation from P.C.R.U.βs Collegiate program, Morgan continued his education within the institution through the schoolβs H.E.A.T. program. Through extensive training both within and without the hours mandated by the program, Morgan had continued to develop a mastery of the ability that they had marked as a vex upon their life since its inception. Within the years of their enrollment in the program, Morgan has made several strides in their performance and once again by the same people who had rescued him from his life of solitary survival, eventually being recruited as a probationary agent at the end of his time with the program as a probationary agent in H.E.L.P.βs Enforcement and Response Division. C A R E E R W I T H T H E B U R E A U C A R E E R W I T H T H E B U R E A U ________________________________________________________________________________________
Morganβs career within the ranks of H.E.L.P. has been one that was dwarfed compared to the likes of their comrades. Quick on their feet, sharp in the mind, and familiar with the workings of the organization, Morgan quickly moved on from their days as a probationary agent. Since their formal induction to the rank of special agent only two years prior, the brevity of their career does not define the accomplishments they have made in such a short time. The pinnacle of undercover investigation within their division, Morgan has contributed heavily to the case in which they are assigned, for who is better at surveillance than who has no set face, no set voice.
For when a case gets hot there is no better disguise than that of the people searching for you. Morgan is an agent mostly known only by name and the light-hearted tricks they play upon their comrades. A career laden with an often tense relationship with authority and a stubbornness unmoving its will. Despite their problems with those of higher rank, the effectiveness of their ability and performance on the field has been an undeniable factor of their tenure. | P H O T O I D E N T I F I C A T I O N P H O T O I D E N T I F I C A T I O N _________________________________________________________[STANDARD FORM ONE]_________________________________________________________[STANDARD FORM TWO]_________________________________________________________ P H Y S I C A L D E S C R I P T I O N P H Y S I C A L D E S C R I P T I O N _________________________________________________________
RACE: | Caucasian _________________________________________________________________ SEX: | Interchangable _________________________________________________________________ HEIGHT: | Variable [STAN. FORM ONE] 5'11" | [STAN. FORM TWO] 5'7" _________________________________________________________________ WEIGHT: | Variable [STAN. FORM ONE] 164lbs | [STAN. FORM TWO] 142lbs _________________________________________________________________ HAIR COLOUR: | Variable [STAN. FORM] Brown _________________________________________________________________ HAIR LENGTH: | Variable [STAN. FORM ONE] Short | [STAN. FORM TWO] Mid back _________________________________________________________________ EYE COLOUR: | Variable [STAN. FORM] Brown _________________________________________________________________ HANDEDNESS: | Right A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T S, & W E A K N E S S E S A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T S, & W E A K N E S S E S _________________________________________________________
H Y P E R H U M A N A B I L I T Y || S O M A T I C A T O M I C R E C O N F I G U R A T I O N__PRIMARY CLASSIFICATION || Esoteric__SECONDARY CLASSIFICATION || Dynamic__POWER SCALE || TBD__THREAT CLASSIFICATION || TBDSomatic atomic reconfiguration is a Hyperhuman ability that allows the user to consciously rearrange and reform the atoms that compose their body. Dr. Leah Reno has documented from observations of the user, one M. Archambeau, that the ability can influence all factors of the human appearance, including but not limited to through current observation: hair (and its facets), eye color, skin color, body shape, height, weight, and facial features. The process by which Archambeau can reconfigure the atoms that construct their body lies through the use of the stored HZE ions concentrated within. These special particles attach to the body's atoms breaking the chemical bonds that hold them together to move them into different orders as well as being the spark that recreates these bonds to produce different combinations in order to achieve Morgan's desired change. If the body does not possess enough mass to produce the desired changes it will use energy to extend HZE ion to pull the elements which the human body is constructed of out of the environment to compensate for the deficit. L I M I T A T I O N S & W E A K N E S S E S || E T E R N A L V O R A C I T Y & O V E R H E A T I N GThe process of using their ability requires a vast amount of energy from Archambeau to complete any such rearangment. The amount of energy needed is not uniform however, it is based upon the amount of change to the atomic structure which has occured under their direction, scalling exponentially as Archambeau requires atompheseric atoms to add more mass to their body or is removing mass from their body. The concequences of this facet of their power ignites their motabolism into overdrive, requiring copious amounts of substenence in order to complete a transformation successfully. However the amount of food required heavily relies on the amount of changes to their atomic structure performed as mentions prior.
The reconfiguration and build of bonds of the atoms within their body exothermic reactions. Though such a fact, the changing of appereance by Archambeau contiually heats up their body determining how big the changes are. The heat produced is usually negliable for transformations which occur in distant intervals of each other but in situations of which Archambeau manipulates their atom structure multiple times within a short time period this heat will build to levels which become determental spurring symptoms of sickness and in rare occassions even heatstroke. |