The Previous Evening - Calico Jack’s
When you know that tomorrow is going to be a broken day no matter what you do sleepwise, it tends to give you a cavalier attitude towards what happens in the evening hours. You risk the payment for your crimes the next day in order to enjoy the sweet rewards of whatever the night brings. It was part of that perpetual excitement, of not really knowing what would happen after the next sunrise broke that drove the bleach-blonde girl on the stage. It was part of why she was so willing to indulge in Calico Jack’s notorious vodka crans, the ones that lean so much more on the Russian Prince than the Ocean Spray, but did exactly what the veterans and recruits of the Corsair crew desired from them. It’s why she was willing to embrace her new role as one of the elder stateswomen of the ensemble that was gathered in the Fort Lauderdale institution. And it’s why even though the usually laid-back woman was known for more relaxed songs during her forays into Jack’s karaoke shenanigans, she dialed it up on this effort, fueled by the alcohol and the wish to set a tone for this season, and was polishing off an East of Eden classic with vocals that would have made Eve Harding take notice on what she was able to do.
So you made your bed, and you lie in it, with thoughts killing your sleep
But you know no help will come for you, cause I own all the sheep
Should have left me as a figment in your dark misguided dream
But you couldn’t help it, and you found out I’m nothing like I seem
Now as we go on our separate ways, I’m fine leaving you in pain
I thought you might be something different, but you’re fucking plain as Jane
So keep on crying in that pillowcase, hope you’re reading while you weep
Cause I’m not losing any rest on you, so I’m winning when we sleep
The perpetually-tanned woman finally opened her stone-blue eyes to deliver the punchline to the song that had stuck in her head since she heard the Crosby/Harding-penned ballad about the man who fucked around and found out. While she hadn’t had an experience like the one that probably inspired the vicious lyrics she sang, it still spoke to her in a way that a lot of harder rock songs weren’t able to do, allowing her to drip a little bit of venom into that final line.
When Iiiiiiii sleeeeeep….
As the rest of the bar clapped, Callista Emery returned to almost her default state, the calm, collected woman who served as something of a steadying presence in her previous two campaigns with the Corsairs.
“Yoooooo, thank you Jack’s! There probably won’t be an encore…” Callie wasn’t kidding, she needed something less burning to let her throat heal from going as hard as she did on When We Sleep. Ambling off the stage, she headed to the bar and gave a notion to Jack behind the bar.“Water, please.”
”I got you.” The dashing bartender drawled as he grabbed a glass for the blonde. The owner and proprietor of Fort Lauderdale's home for wayward travellers was a man out of time. With his low buttoned shirt and deep resonate tone, Jack looked like he’d just stepped out of a Golden Era adventure film. A swashbuckler, a cowboy, a pirate and an explorer all rolled into a slightly unkempt bartender's package.
It was well documented, on the few documents that his name appeared on, that Calico Jack almost had a sixth sense to know what people wanted or needed to drink. It was like he could smell it on the sea breeze. After running the cold tap over the freshly iced glass, he handed it to Callie, a smile hidden beneath his moustache. ”She one of yours? You might want to check in on that.” He motioned to a girl sitting at the end of the bar before disappearing into the back to grab some more bottles for the fridge.
Viktoriya Illyana Belova was unbelievably unsure as to why she was even there and in some ways, she wasn’t even sure where she really was. For the first portion of her life, Viki had spent most of it in a silent, seemingly everlasting winter. Passed from pillar to post in the frozen tundras and around the borders of Moscow. No home. No family. Just the gentle kiss of a Russian nightwind caressing her cheek to soothe her feelings. Now, she found herself surrounded on all sides by suntanned supermen, glamorous models of the highest calibre, sandy beaches and a vast ocean of the bluest blue even her dreams couldn’t conjure up.
Applying for the CAP was not Viki’s idea. Her roommate at the Culinary Institute was applying and decided that Vik should too, essentially filling out her application for her without much say in the matter from Viktoriya herself. To colour her shocked when she was accepted would be so much more than an understatement. The last few days had been a whirlwind for Viki. The turnaround from flying from school in New York up to see her folks in Vancouver and then straight outta there and down to Florida to join the Corsairs left her dizzy with excitement and nervous energy. Arriving in Fort Lauderdale and being told to go to a bar didn’t seem professional, it seemed like the start of spring break but who was she to question?
Looking around at the people dancing and having fun around her, all of them standing out and dressed for success in their own different ways, Viki couldn’t help but think that she didn’t belong. When Calico Jack (what kind of name was that?) emerged from the back room, the culinary whiz signed to him for another drink. Although she didn’t understand the man’s name, she was happy to see that he at least knew ASL; Vik had opted to turn her hearing implant down after that Jonas fellow started singing.
Once pointed out to her by the proprietor of the bar, Callie finally took notice of the brunette at the end of the bar who seemed rather reluctant to join in the festivities. She had to be one of theirs. The Corsairs basically shut the place down for the night with the invasion of young 20-somethings taking over for one last night before the hard work of the upcoming tourist season began. If not, she probably needed an apology for what had happened and a warning for what was about to happen. As she took a long sip of the cooling water, she nodded at Jack. “I’ll check on her.”
What Viktoriya would see coming towards her was the natural state of one of the designated beach babes on the roster of Corsair Adventures. Her bronze skin was shown off as much as possible, starting with the Jivanas sandals that were only just starting to show the wear and tear of multiple trips around the world, accompanied by the silvery anklet with the stars on it that replaced the surfboard cuff whenever she was on land. The legs that were usually in perfect balance on said board were given a lot of real estate with the short denim cutoffs riding very high on the thigh, to the point where the pockets could be seen with clarity poking out of the bottom. A thin strip of skin separated the bottoms from the white tank top, a generic touristy one picked up during one of her trips to Tamalindo in the offseason. The sweat from the stage was starting to make it see-through, revealing more of the star-patterned blue bikini top that was underneath. Piercings broke up the pure tan on her face, the septum most prominent with the nostril providing backup, although the melange of pieces in her ears were hidden by the sheer cascade of hair that flowed freely from the top of her head like a golden waterfall. As Callie pulled up to the stool next to Viki, she decided it was time to put her silver-pierced tongue to work breaking this particular ice.
“So, if you’re just passing through, I’m sorry you picked a night when Jack’s gotta deal with, like, all off us blowing off steam,” she offered in apology as the nepo baby started screeching out Sweet Caroline on the stage. “And if you’re a part of this group blowing off steam… then I’m sorry you have to deal with that. Like, hopefully it won’t be long. Dudes like him don’t last long. I hope.”
All of a sudden, Viki’s mouth was dry. Who was this absolute Goddess that was talking to her? Wait, was she talking to her? Did she finally snap from the pressure and create a construct of desirable traits that has manifested as the blonde spirit before her? The Russian’s piercing blue eyes opened aghast as she inhaled this girl's pure beauty. She stood out, my god she stood out. Vik sat there, in her Mom jeans, white tank top and green blazer and felt like the nerd at a high school party; who was she kidding, she was the nerd at a high school party. After a moment further of disbelief, Viktoriya’s substantial intellect finally kicked in and she began to read the other woman’s lips.
“Sorry, one second.” Viki lifted her finger to her ears and turned her implants back up to full volume so she could hear the dulcet tones of her fellow bar stool warrior. “Sorry.” She apologised once more. “As soon as I heard Chef Lance try and sing Bon Jovi I turned my ears off…”
Not really sure what the best thing to do was, Vik looked towards the bartender, who slid a large of glass of something disgustingly brown across the bar, straight past the two women and into the waiting hand of a handsome young man. “Dougie.” Jack began. “Get that asshole off the mic and your next drinks are free.”
“No drama pal.” Doug nodded knowingly at Callie, having known each other the previous season before downing the substance that Jack had given him in less than three seconds. Hell of a party trick. The quick chug got a knowing nod from the Hawaiian. “Go get ‘im.” He saluted to the women before heading off to the stage and simply grabbing the one called Jonas by both legs and hoisting him over his shoulder to carry him out of the front door of Calico Jack’s.
Viki’s mouth widened at the sight for only a brief second before her attention returned to the bronzed statuesque vision that had graced her with her presence. ”It’s…wow. Pretty wild here…is it usually like this?” That felt like a stupid question to ask. Of course it was always like this. That’s why her friend wanted to sign up. In a way, Viktoriya felt guilty that she got picked and her roommate didn’t. She did everything she could to shake off the nerves and awkwardness as she conversed with the golden goddess but felt like it just wasn’t working. “Hi.” She waved.
What a geek.
Callie demured a little bit when she realized that everything she had said to this girl before was blocked out, but after the brunette got her ears on, she smiled. “Damn, wish I had the ability to do that sometimes. Probably good that you missed me up there then. I don’t think I did East of Eden justice, but I just love that dynamic they got with the two female lead singers. Hope they were on when I did Pink Pony Club though, I think I do that one well. But like, it’s all subjective, right? That’s the point of karaoke, to like, let go and just embrace the music anyway.”
She finished the liquid portion of her ice water while waiting for the cubes to melt. “But yeah, like, it’s not usually like this. This is just the big blow off party before we all get serious and get to work, you know? Plus, it’s like, a good way for the returning people to assess the newbies and see who is actually gonna be, like, worth knowing. That dude Dougie just escorted out? Nah. No way he makes the first trip. I’m guessing, if you’re, like, a part of this, you’re gonna do a lot better than him.”
Viktoriya sat quiet for a moment. This all seemed very tough. The fact that people seemed to be judged based on this first meeting alone? She never made a good first impression. That Jonas character was a fool but from the little she gathered he was a fool with means. She was most certainly not that. Her parents, the ones that she considered real despite lacking any actual blood ties, they were simple folk. They lived in a small house, in a decent part of town, they had unexciting jobs and right now they were probably having the same dinner they always had whilst they watched their soaps; store bought steak, egg and fries.
Still, she didn’t want to give up. She made it all this way and damn it all she was going to try and make it further. “I am. I am a part of this! I’m going to be the Sous Chef for the program. I study at the CIA!” Vik took room for a pause for a second before editing herself. “Not that CIA. I mean I don’t think I can even do that, I’m not an American. CIA, Culinary Institute of America.” The Russian born Canadian’s mouth ran a mile a minute. “Sorry you must think me some awful kind of rude. I’m Viki! Viktoriya Illyana Belova.” When stating her full name to her new acquaintance, Vik’s natural Russian accent peeked its way out from behind the cheery frozen north one she hid behind. “It’s nice to meet you!”
The blonde gave a slight salute at the formal introduction. “Cool, Viki! Nice to meet you… and I apologize, you’ll probably have to give me like the full name again tomorrow, I… don’t know how much I’m going to remember tonight, you know? Those vodka crans punch here.”
While Jack had already topped off the empty water glass with a bit more liquid to help mitigate tomorrow’s potential disaster, Callie had a chance to take in Viki’s presence while she sipped. She was not ready for Floridian weather with that getup. Jeans and blazer combos only work in the dead of night with the heat here, and if she was… Russian? She probably was going to melt if she kept that up. Plus she was clearly nervous, the way she was stammering. Rookies were gonna do that, but still. Poor girl just probably needed some help getting out from under her shell and into the world. Maybe Callie could do that. That would be a fun project for the term. The way Lia was trying to shepherd Eun-jin last year to help that girl out. She hadn’t seen the Korean in the party group, so it’s possible she didn’t return, but still. Lia had a definite influence on Callie before the Swiss Miss graduated out of the program… although Callie didn't know if she could say the same for Lia… There hadn't been a lot of communication this spring…
“So you’re gonna be part of the new chefing crew? That’s awesome! I swear, part of why I come back is for the food. I know this is Adi’s last year so it’s the last I get of that good French stuff, but I’d be happy to be a taste tester for what you got cooking this year! Also, sorry, Viki. Should give you my name. I’m Callie. I’m the like, main water guide on the roster. Like surfing, kitesurfing, snorkeling, beaching all that kinda ocean stuff, I’m the person they call for that. So yeah, I’ll like trade you surfing lessons for food.” She giggled a little bit. Maybe the vodka was still hitting her more than she thought.
Half of what Callie had said did not even enter Viktoriya’s ears. Instead she was just too enamoured by her new acquaintances' aura and vibe. Everything about the girl screamed Corsair, a definition here which means free spirit, adventurer and explorer. ”I’d be happy to let you, taste…” The sudden stop in her words came at just the right time, Viki did not want to put her foot in anything she didn’t need to. ”Water guide.” She reiterated with flush cheeks. “That’s awesome. I don’t usually see much water where I come from. Everything is frozen.”
To the untrained, that could mean any number of things. Viktoriya, first and foremost identified as a Canuck, a sweet maple syrup-filled Canadian who dressed for the cold blood that ran through her veins. However she was also a child born behind the Iron Curtain; rescued from the gulag she called her childhood.
The Hawaiian was aware that she was… flustering the newbie a little bit. She had a habit of doing that. She knew she was moderately attractive, and then was blatantly informed how “smokin’ hot” she was by Jonas about 30 minutes ago during his seventh gin and tonic. Apparently nine is what gets the rich boy to sing. She wasn’t exactly shy about showing affection either. Her preferences swayed back and forth on the gender spectrum like gentle waves, and Viki… she definitely moved the needle, so to speak. There was a sense of innocence in those eyes that could sparkle with a little more polish, like sea glass.
Maybe that was enough of the vodka crans. Callie was thinking in metaphors way too much.
“Frozen?” Callie said, a little incredulously. “You poor girl. Like, I mean, I haven’t seen a lot of freezing temperatures since I started working here, that trip to Norway was a total eye-opener… and foot freezer… but if you’re on this tour, you have to soak in all the non-frozen water you can!” Callie could only imagine the frozen tundras this girl survived growing up, the polar opposite of her warm beaches and sparkling waters.
As the two girls conversed, Viki’s eyes were drawn to the stage once more. Instead of some horrible drunken screaming, the voice that echoed throughout the single room that was Calico Jack’s was some kind of wonderful. She leaned into a balled up first on the bar as she watched the one Jack called Dougie empty his heart in a haunting, soul snatching tune. Absent-mindedly, Vik let her hand fall into the bartop, grazing Callie’s warm skin as she did. She leaned back, placing both hands back in her lap, just in time for Jack to slide a white wine in front of her. “Everyone here seems really, full on and fun. I must come across like a damp squib.”
When she felt that brush of fingertip on her arm, Callie shivered a little. While it was true she was receptive to the attentions of most people, she had discovered there was a definite female preference. It became more pronounced last year when Lia revealed that while Eun-jin was the project, Callie was the prize she wanted, and the fact that they shared a room together made it easier to indulge when they weren’t gallivanting around the world. However, while Lia seemed to think that it was nothing more than a summer fling, Callie had hopes of something more. They would be in separate halves of the world this summer, and long distance relationships never worked out well, but the Hawaiian was so entranced by what Lia did with her and to her that summer… there had to be more there, right? They brunette's absence did mean Callie potentially had a space open in her room, barring her new roommare showing up, but that was a problem for tomorrow’s orientation. Maybe tonight… maybe she did need one more vodka cran.
Callie made the motion to Jack for one more drink. “Hey, hey, hey…” The blonde scanned for an arm to offer a reassuring touch, but with both the Russian’s hands on the lap, it would be way too forward to make that kind of move. “You don’t come across as… whatever that is… damp… squid? All squid are damp. Like, unless you’re cooking them!” Maybe she didn’t need any more alcohol. “Anyway, whatever, Viki, it’s totally natural to be apprehensive when joining a new group of people, especially when you don’t know anyone. But, take it from me, it’s going to be very easy to make friends in this crew.” As the new glass of red cocktail was placed by Callie, she took a long pull. “Trust, OK? Tell you what, if you want to get an inside look at the place, you can totally sleep in my room tonight.” Without looking, Callie assumed that would continue to fluster the newbie. “There are two beds in there, and I don’t know who my new roommate is yet, so until I know, you can crash there, get better acquainted with Corsair. How’zat?”
“Oh.” Viki couldn’t help but stutter. “Ooh.” She repeated, taken aback by her new found friends statement before suddenly the implication set in. “Oooooh.” The chef was extremely unsure how to proceed. Social cues and societal norms were not Viktoriya’s areas of expertise. How to bake a perfectly puff pastry? Easy. The science and the subtlety of seasoning a tomahawk steak? Child’s play. Accepting either a friendly or freaky offer from the living embodiment of the sea herself? Absolutely and utterly spine tinglingly terrifying.
Viktoriya had been out and proud as a gay woman since she was young. Her parents were completely and totally accepting and every day she felt blessed to have been chosen by them to join their family. They were not a family of means, taking stock more in their personal relationships than their professions or salaries. Whenever Vik brought a girl home, they were inquisitive, cordial and inviting. Still, that didn’t stop any one of them from dropping the poor Russian like a bad habit.
She thought for a moment; impulse was telling Viktoriya to follow this girl to her room and join her in the throes of sapphic glory. Logic was telling her to take the offer, go to bed fully dressed and think about the stars going out, the way she was taught to sleep at the orphanage. Callie was just being friendly, that’s all it could’ve been, surely or maybe taking pity? There was no way that the blonde would even consider Viki for anything other than friendship when there were so many better options available. Kori with her curls, Morgan with her vibe, Adi for just being sexy and French. Like hello? Still, she had to make a call. She hadn’t gotten the notification on the app to say her room assignment and staying with Callie, even platonically would be better than sleeping on the beach.
“Sure I’ll stay but just until I get my room assignment!” Viki tried to hide behind her glass of Sauvignon until she realised it was double the measure she ordered. “How is this even legal?”
The smile plastered over the Hawaiian’s face hearing the newbie sputter at the implications couldn’t be dimmed. Callie knew it would happen. She spent too many summers being that object of affection on the beaches of the North Shore. Usually it was some hotshot mainlander who wanted to find a local girl with which to have a mystical fling while he learned the intricacies of surfing. This was relatively rare, but the blonde still enjoyed it more. The time spent with Lia made Callie sure of that, so this kind of interaction was something she could get behind.
Of course, it was too soon to tell if anything would happen. Callie did prefer her partners to show a lot more confidence and it was clear it was not here on Viki. There was no chance these waves would be crashing into each other any time soon, but a calm sea was its own reward on the return to Corsair life.
“Honestly? I don’t know,” she answered Viki’s likely rhetorical question. “I mean, like, I’m not a lawyer or anything, so I don’t question that. So if it is illegal, I’m just gonna ride it until it breaks and try and have as much fun while doing it!” The rest of the vodka cran found its way past Callie’s lips as she slammed the glass down on the table. “C’mon, I’ll show you where my room is, you can drop your stuff off there, or wherever.”
Earlier Today
The alarm on the Samsung S23 blared with those familiar default chimes that no one ever seemed to switch off for one of the more pleasant options. Callie groggily rose from her bed, still on Pacific time, or worse, which meant she was practically waking up in the middle of the night. Still, it was worth it. She rolled out of bed and over to the small sink that was in the corner of the room. The blonde was essentially wearing a bikini, having merely shed her bar outfit before crawling under the light sheets. As she gave herself a once over in the mirror, she resolved to try and make sure that the cream she used to soothe the bags under eyes was not in short supply. Especially if evenings like that were going to be the norm.
Moving back over to her bag to gather her work uniform and various toiletries for the shower, she spotted a loose spool of brown hair in the other bed. Lia? Is she… no, she’s not here. She can’t be here. Who is that then? Did I meet someone last night? …… Ohhhhhh I did! The Russian girl! What was her name… Valerie? Vendredi? Vodka? Why am I thinking V? Vvvvv… vrrrr… viiiiiKI! Viki! There it is! Viki! So… she actually did come along… Bold.
Looking around the room, Callie wondered if the alarm just didn’t trigger for the sleeping girl or what was going on. Given her problems remembering the name, it might be forgiven that she forgot about the girl’s hearing faculties, but she tried to find a suitable alarm clock regardless. After a few fruitless seconds, she gave up and decided to go for the direct approach.
“HEY! WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!” Callie planted a hand on Viki’s shoulder, giving her a shake to make sure she was roused from sleep.
Viktoriya swung her arm around, stopping short of Callie’s head, her pale blue eyes wide with a fierce look that screamed of a feral energy. With her pause, the chef quickly flipped herself over and leaned back onto her palms. She had often been awoken by the force of a hand on her, days gone she chose not to remember in their entirety. Gazing upon the golden goddess that stood over her bed, Viki’s mind was flooded with the fractured winds of memories re-entering her consciousness.
“Callie!” She exclaimed. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to.” Slightly flustered, she fumbled at her ear to turn her implant back on. The sea of sounds would be intense to start with, they always were. She needed to focus on one sound, something clear and present that would help her weed out the excess vibrations and find the frequency of the day.
Viktoriya closed her eyes and listened and listened hard. It took her a few seconds but soon she found something to settle on: a rhythm. Less than a second apart, steady but slightly quick, a heartbeat, Callie’s heartbeat. It was soothing, gentle yet fierce. Viki opened her eyes again to see the surfer girl staring at her and no doubt thinking her a freak. Yet she couldn’t mask her own look, seeing the blonde in her early morning glory, a more beautiful horizon didn’t await anywhere out there. It was only then that Viktoriya realised that she too was only wearing her underwear and that in all her fuss, the cover had fallen off the bed, somehow, she didn’t mind. “I don’t usually sleep in. Must’ve been the wine.”
Any response to that was going to delayed by the replay of Callie’s life slowly fading from her eyes. When Viktoriya nearly landed that full-fledged slap to her money maker, there was a flashback to the last moment when Callie felt her board come out from under her on a wave. That moment where one knows the hit is coming and one just has to brace for it. Luckily, Viki's hand never delivered the expected blow.
It made Callie wonder just what had happened to this girl that would make her go from zero to smack in a blink. Did Russian boarding schools really go that hard? Did she let an assassin in the bunk house? Who would want to assassinate anyone in here? Besides that rich kid from last night? Questions that didn't have answers. As Viki adjusted her cochlear implant, Callie did feel bad for yelling, especially if the girl wasn't able to hear without the thing. But the brunette was talking again, which was good.
“No, no, its fine,” she lied. “I just… wasn't ready for that. I… I know I'm totally feeling the time shift at the moment. Didn't know if you were feeling the same thing, or… when you got in from, like Moscow? I never did ask where exactly you were from… Anyway, I figured you would want up since the opening meeting is gonna be in, like an hour or so and I know I need a shower so I don't smell like cranberries.”
“I like the smell of cranberries.” Viki uttered before reaching down and grabbing the covers off the floor to protect her modesty. She looked up at Callie once more and a little half smirk appeared across her face. The time shift from Moscow; either Callie was wasted the previous night or her memory was like an elephant. Either way, Vik found it endearing. Maybe she needed to dig out her natural accent once more? Being an exotic Russian empress might endear her more to the crew than just a nice girl from Canada. “Not sure about the time difference in Russia but the flight from Vancouver was murder.” Somewhere in her dreams, Viktoriya had found some confidence or maybe it was just being around the blonde for longer than a minute. Something about Callie was infectious.
“Thanks for waking me.” Vik said with a look of sincerity. ”I need silence to sleep so I turn off my implant. Usually my body block is good at waking me up.” She reached over to her phone, which sat on the bedside table and admired her notifications briefly. Messages from Mom and Dad. Friends from
School and notification from the CAP APP about room assignments. “Huh.” Turning her phone screen to face her new friend, Viki’s half smile turned into a full one. “Looks like I’ll be staying here smelling like cranberries for a little while longer. We’re roommates.” She felt relieved. Viktoriya had connected with Cal, even if just on a surface level that made things easier and lessened her anxiety even more.
Meanwhile, Callie had a little spike of anxiety hearing the correction. Vancouver?!? I don't know any Russian cities named Vancouver! But that means she… doesn't have an accent right now. Why did I think she was Russian? I mean, clearly Canadian right? They are both frozen tundras so I guess that makes sense? OK Emery, get it together. It's OK. She doesn't care. She… totally brought up murder unannounced. Maybe she means on the dance floor…
The anxiety melted away as Viki spoke more. “Nah, like I said, no problem, and if you need help after the meeting like moving stuff or anything, I…” Callie trailed off as Viki turned her phone around to share the good news. “Or you know, not have to move you at all! Wow, what a lucky turn that is, eh? Life is like, pretty funny sometimes!” Callie put on the big smile she had planned for her new roommate whenever she found out who that was. But… it already felt like it was earned by the Rus-Canadian. “Well then Viki, let me officially welcome you to the best room in the bunkhouse, and congratulations in totally having the best roommate already, cause that's me!” Callie did lean in for a hug, briefly forgetting their current state of dress before pulling back. “And we can totally get one of those cranberry-scented candles or something. I think they are allowed. Anyway, yay! Cool! So I will go grab that shower, we can go to the meeting and get totally set up after!”
“Sounds like a plan!” The hug was unexpected but far from unwelcome. The warmth of Callie’s skin on Viktoriya’s brought a kind of excitement that had best be kept in check. She could already tell that this wasn’t found to be an interesting few months. When her new roomie departed for the bathroom, Viktoriya bundled herself up once more with the blanket and looked towards the open window.
There was lots to do, so much to see, people that she had yet to meet. If she was honest with herself, which she often was and brutally so, Viki wasn’t sure what actually faced her once she dressed herself in her uniform and wandered out of that door. It was a complete and utter unknown to her, that was frightening to say the least. The brunette was a creature of logic, a slave to thought, dedicated to the patterns of her own mind. She didn’t like surprises, she didn’t like the unexpected but that’s all that awaited her on the other side of that clear glass window pane.
There was that anxiety again. Viktoriya needed to get into a kitchen and fast.
That kitchen wasn't available immediately. Between the two of them they had enough time to get dressed and look presentable enough for Bones’ speech… and for the official dismissal of the rich boy prick from last night. Callie couldn't help but stifle some laughter at the temper tantrum the kid threw on the way out the door. Mister Rico Suave trying to look cool and aloof, but instantly turning into the kind of rich brat who demanded they have their feet nailed to the board or something. Mouth of the Rat indeed. She was pleased she wouldn't have to deal with that asshole for the season.
She liked Bones a lot. He reminded her of her own dad. Flexible, but not broken, willing to lay down the law if needed. A big fan of brimmed hats. He was a good boss. Plus seeing Gray as the leader of the crew made her giggle. That boy was getting some shimmer at some point. He just didn't know it yet.
As the two girls and newly crowned roommates returned to their sanctum, Callie let out a little sigh. “So I swear it's not usually that eventful. The past couple of years, it's been a pretty chill first meeting before we learn about the clients. But, hey, when you got a silver spoon lodged in your brain, like, I guess that makes you do stupid things.”
“I don’t know how anyone can behave like that.” Viktoriya was absolutely appalled and shocked by Jonas’ behaviour. Then again, Callie had hit the nail on the head or at least she seemed like she had. Privilege was a word here that meant doing what you wanted, taking what you wanted, saying what you wanted and not giving a single damn about how one was perceived or the consequences that you’re owed. “Well I can unequivocally say that the only silver spoon I have is the one I use to stir batter in the kitchen.”
Viki had no airs or graces; in both her worlds, privilege was a dirty word. She had lived in cardboard boxes in heat-less rooms and watched her parents struggle to make ends meet. She knew the value of hardwork and dedication, hell she was probably obsessed with it; she had been called a perfectionist too many times. Viktoriya knew the satisfaction and the gratification that came after a hard day's work, she knew the rewarding feeling and she craved it. People like Jonas, they could never know that, they could never feel just how intoxicating it could be.
“I’m sorry about last night and this morning.” The chef smiled, having finally found some semblance of confidence. “It takes me a minute to get used to change. My life is…pretty regimented. I’m not always myself until I get comfortable, thanks for making me comfortable, Callie.”
The apology earned a dismissive hand wave from the intended recipient. “Hey, it’s no worries, Viki,” Callie replied. “Part of the job here is to make sure everyone is comfortable. Guests and co-workers alike. And like, I was totally in your shoes before, so I can definitely relate, so I’m happy to help you be more comfortable here and like, be the best chef you can be!”
That last line was meant to be punctuated with a little more certainty, but it did feel a little flat. It was true that Callie was going to be taking on more of a leadership role as one of the older guides on the circuit, but she wasn’t certain she was the type to be a manager. Last year, she was quite content to let Lia call a lot of the shots and just follow her lead since the brunette was the older member of the crew. But Lia wasn’t walking through that door. Now Callie had to not only try and fly on her own, she now had a new girl to take under her wing. Did she learn enough from Lia? Did she want to be Lia? Callie didn’t know. She certainly didn’t get any answers from Lia when trying to contact her over the winter. Maybe Lia ditched Snapchat or something.
“So like, we have a little bit of time before the briefing. Is there anything else I can do to help you, like, get more comfortable? Doesn’t have to be anything major, just, like, I dunno, planning some decorations or something, you know?”
Viki couldn’t and didn’t want to, hide the smile that began to cross her lips the moment they left the orientation meeting. There was no point in trying to deny it any more, after a few hours together in the evening and now in the harsh and clear light of day, she knew that she was crushing on Callie and she was doing so thick and fast.
Physically, Viktoriya could not see any reason for anyone not to be physically attracted to the surfer babe. Indeed, she herself was very much entranced by the blonde's beauty. Yet it was in these moments, the quiet ones where it was just them and Callista’s personality shined that she realised that the more of the girl, the her that was underneath the bronzed, glistening skin, that was what was drawing her in.
“Kitchen should be open now.” The aspiring chef spoke relatively matter of factly. “As much as I’m enjoying our time together, I need a kitchen. I need to feel the heat on my skin and smell something slightly burning. Can you point me towards Eden’s Eatery please?”
Callie hadn't thought about breakfast yet, figuring the residual vodka wouldn't be interested in having company just yet, but food was starting to sound good. “I mean, I can probably guide you there. I am like, starting to get hungry and you know, I think someone totally promised to cook for me and show off some of those breakfast skills? Like I could go for a skillet right now, like eggs, peppers, some other stuff, soak up the last of last night, you know?”
The blonde didn't really know what she was doing. Was she already flirting? Did she mean to be flirting so much? She already complained to Piper nine times up and down the internet about Lia up and leaving her high and dry. Could she really already be taking her place and putting the moves on this new girl? What if Lia did end up returning her messages? It was too early for these kind of problems to be cropping up. Maybe she should try and take it slow?
“But yeah, I can guide the way and get myself a nibble at the same time,” Callie said, before realizing she should have used a different word. Oh well. Surely Viki knew she meant food.
A nibble. A NIBBLE. Something about the way that word escaped Callie’s lips transformed Viki’s blood into a river of fire. The heat flushed into her cheeks and her knees felt weak. She had to ignore those twirly feelings dancing around her gut, it was time for work. The play or at least the hope for play, would have to come later.
“Well, I don’t think I’ll be able to…erm…well…So I need to introduce myself to the team and stuff in the kitchen, so breakfast made by me would have to take a rain check but I would absolutely one hundred and seventy five perfect be down bad…for that.” Viktoriya soon realised the Freudian slip up she had made and quickly pushed down any and all feelings that were brewing. It was time for her logical brain to step in, it had to or she was going to continue making a fool of herself.
“Actually, you know what?” Viki rested a hand on Callie’s shoulder and smiled. “I’ll just find my own way. I need to get my bearings anyway and you should probably check out the water toy situation. Who knows what these guests will actually want to do?!” Removing her hand swiftly, the Russian coughed a little. “But I super appreciate you and everything you’ve done so far for me. Honestly Callie, you are amazing and we’re totally five by five.” She straightened the hem of her chef jacket and began to take a few loose steps backwards. “Definite rain check on the breakfast though!”
Viktoriya scrambled out of the area, trying not to look like she was running away. She didn’t want to, she was enjoying Callie’s company so much, the problem was it was probably too much. After all, there was still work to do.