Timestamp: 6:30am
Location: Oceana House
Introducing: Adelaide Duboise and Koa Chen
Location: Oceana House
Introducing: Adelaide Duboise and Koa Chen

Light from the slowly rising sun began to illuminate the room, relieving the interior from darkness. It made everything seem brighter, as if promising hope for the day ahead. And yet it did little to ease the tightness in her chest. The ache was one she hadn't suspected and something she was entirely too unfamiliar with. Thankfully the throbbing at either temple was enough to rid her mind of any thoughts that she could possibly have of this situation. How was she going to handle this? Should she have even come back for her final year?
The sound of her phone's alarm going off caused a hiss of pain to pull from her throat. Quickly scrambling towards the side table, Adi grabbed her phone and quickly quieted the menace. She squeezed her eyes shut and let out a slow breath as a jab of nausea hit her stomach. She was really regretting that fifth glass of wine. Or was it six? Everything had started to become a bit hazy after the third one, so how was she to keep an accurate count? Normally she wouldn't have over-indulged, but last night had been a particularly stressful event for her. Surprisingly.
Coffee. She desperately needed coffee. And several hundred aspirin.
Pulling herself out of the small twin sized bed, she took just a moment to straighten out the covers. It wasn't like she got much sleep last night anyway. She let out a breath before straightening. It took her only a mere ten seconds to determine that she was definitely skipping out on pilates this morning. No use making herself even more dehydrated. Though, she definitely could use some yoga. The slight endorphins from the exercise would help to ease her worries some.
Adelaide looked towards the door and realized her roommate was more than likely not going to show up any time soon. If he had been gone all night, then he was more than likely in some other woman's bed. Hell, him and that new girl had been all over each other last night. She rolled her eyes and huffed out a breath before moving to the center of the room. Centering herself, she closed her eyes and started to focus as she eased into a few different poses.
It didn't take long for the throbbing in her head to finally quiet down some. Letting out a breath of relief, Adi moved to her closet and grabbed her outfit, along with her shower supplies, and headed to the bathroom. Hopefully she could flush out the remaining alcohol from her system with a nice hot shower.
Timestamp: 8:15am
What in the hell was that noise? Groaning, his eyes slowly fluttered open. The beige ceiling above him slowly came into view and it confused him for a moment. Where was he? Where was the poster of Margot Robbie above his- Oh. His eyes widened before Koa quickly sprang up to a sitting position in bed. He wasn't home. Today was his first day at his new job. What time was it? Looking at the table near his bed, he swore under his breath when he realized his phone wasn't where it should have been. It finally clicked what that sound was. His alarm. But- where was it coming from?
Scrambling his hands through the sheets, he searched for the singing device before realizing it wasn't there. He raised a brow and leaned over the side of the bed before looking underneath it. There. Sitting just askew to the center of the bed laid his lifeline. Huffing out a breath, he reached for it, clasping his fingers around it. He quickly shut off the alarm once in hand before laying back down onto the twin bed.
Everything was going to be great. Not only was he going to be working under the legendary Grayson Kaplan, but he had also managed to become his roommate. How lucky was he? With a grin, he looked over at the other twin bed in the room and found it empty. His brows creased in question before remembering he hadn't checked the time. Looking down at his phone, he swore and shot up out of the bed. He only had thirty minutes before he had to get to the meeting area. There was no way in hell he was going to squander this opportunity.
The man hurried over to his closet and grabbed the required uniform before darting to the bathroom. First impressions were incredibly important when it came to finally meeting the captain. Besides, Koa had been one of the only people that didn't drink last night. Sure, he wasn't quite of age yet, but that gave him the chance to really have a clear head with all the events of today. He wondered how many people were waking up with hangovers today.
With a quick chuckle and a shake of his head, he hurried off to get ready.
Timestamp: 9:10am
Yoga this morning had absolutely been a lifesaver. Well, that and the water and aspirin she had found once heading down to the common areas. The shower had helped release the smell of alcohol and poor decisions from her pores and she felt like a new woman. She couldn't start this tour off with the mindset she had awoken with. The decisions that others made shouldn't affect her. She wouldn't let them affect her. This was her last year in the program and she was going to go out with a bang. Life was too short to be living through old memories.
At least they had quite the show this morning during the meeting. And, captain was looking just as delectable as ever. Running a hand through her red hair, she looked around the group and noticed a few new faces. Adi hadn't paid particularly close attention to anyone she didn't know directly last night. Well. Except for her. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she recognized the woman from last night. Shaking her head, she pushed herself up and decided to just put the whole night behind her. She was better than these silly emotions. She was French damnit. She was a classy lady.
With another shake of her head, she found herself making her way back to her room. The first guest of the tour would arrive soon, and she needed to make sure everything was in order. She was the head chef, after all. Adi needed to change into her chef whites and check on the prep work in the kitchen. At least that would help keep her mind off of everything.
He was downright traumatized. The whole thing with that Jonas kid was terrifying. Could they really be kicked out that easily? One mistake and everything gone? Koa cleared his throat and glanced around at everyone. Not many people seemed phased by the captain's orders, so he knew this was all really happening. This was actually reality. Raking a hand along the back of his head, his other hand pulled at the green uniform shirt he was wearing. Was he truly up for this?
He had to be. This was his chance to learn from the best. He wasn't going to squander it. With a nod of his head, he followed the rest of the crew back into the living area. It looked as though nobody was really in a hurry to do much, even though the captain had said they were expecting guests soon. What would he even do if he was face to face with a guest? He worked on cars, not with people. Blowing out a breath, he looked around for the one person he knew he could ask. Grayson.
Where was the guy? Hadn't he come back into the house with the others? Would it look weird if he was trying to single the guy out? No. Everyone had said last night that Gray was practically the mentor for all the new people. He was the one to go to. But where the hell was he? Sighing, he shook his head and went off in search of the guy.