Hidden 21 days ago Post by BrutalBx


Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Timestamp: 9:00am
Location: Oceana House Front Lawn, Florida
Introducing: Captain Bones Runnels @BrutalBx and Grayson Kaplan @Aces Away

“Adventure. By definition, to experience something daring, unusual or exciting.”

Captain Arthur Runnels stood at the forefront of the amassed faces of a brand new crew. He had been doing this for a long time now and he still hadn’t gotten used to the changing visages of those about to set sail with him. Even his own daughter, who stood out amongst the masses with her large curly dark hair which she had inherited from his late beloved, Tia. She had grown so much, yet somehow she had also stayed the same. In her face, he still could see the little chubby cheeked kid who would do handstands on every flat surface she could find. Still, when he gazed upon how beautiful she had grown, he saw her mother, he saw a girl who was ready to inherit the world and make it her own.

Pride, a word here that could not do his love for his little Korinna justice.

“Do not be mistaken, you all are about to embark on a wild and great adventure and you’re going to do it together.” In spite of his years abroad and living all over the world, Captain Bones never lost his thick southern drawl. “These people that you stand with, for this next season, these people are your friends, they’re your family. You have to rely on one another, trust one another. This ain’t no rodeo, this ain’t no stroll in a park. This is hard work, this is graft but the reward is so worth it. Part of that reward is sharing it with people you are bonded with for life.”

For his sins, as he stood addressing the troops, the Captain looked anything but like a General dictating to his army. His Bermuda shorts were bright pink and his white short sleeve shirt was unbuttoned to show a physique that should not look as at home as it did on a fifty five year old man. Bones’ hair was shaggy and his beard unkempt but both were hidden quite well by the brim of his cowboy hat. To any outsider, Arthur would look simply like a tourist, fresh off the beach and going on a bar crawl. Still, those offcomers didn’t know the truth of the matter. They didn’t know that he had served with distinction, they didn’t know the pain and the sacrifice that he had gone through. They didn’t know that deserved his R&R and time in the sun.

“Now the official housekeeping.” By Bones’ side sat a stunning English Bull Terrier, happily smiling as he scratched the top of her head. “For those of you who have forgotten after our interviews, My name is Captain Arthur Runnels. I served with the Coast Guard as an ATC Rescue Swimmer for years and no I will not tell you stories. Most people call me Bones but you can call me Captain. This is Sunny.” He motioned to the happy pooch. “She is my second in command and yes she is your boss.” He could hear the little polite chuckles from the group but neglected to tell them that he was being one hundred percent serious.

Taking off his hat, Arthur continued. “I’m a simple man. I don’t have that many rules and the ones I do have aren’t difficult to follow. Don’t embarrass the program. Don’t embarrass me. Don’t embarrass yourselves.” He ran his free hand through his hair. “When you're on charter, the guest is the priority, leave your personal shit at Oceana House…” He motioned to the building behind him. “…and you can deal with it when you get back and when you’re on your days off. Now I can tell, based on the bar tab you guys racked up last night at Calico’s that you like to party. I’m cool with that, that’s fine, we all like a good time but if your shit impacts the guest or the experience in any way, at the end of that charter you’ll get your pay, your tip and a plane ticket home. We don’t suffer fools here.”

After placing his hat back upon his head, Captain Bones clapped his hands together widely. “Now onto the good stuff!” With a grin from ear to ear, the cowboy descended from the picnic table he was using as a soapbox to continue his ra-ra speech. “You all look very fetching in your uniforms, which must be worn at all times on charter and when working around the compound. You can wear your civvies on your days off.” Slipping his hand into his breast pocket, the Captain fumbled for a moment before taking out his cell phone and presenting it to the gathered crew. “Room assignments have been posted in the CAP-app which you should’ve already downloaded by now. Your stuff has already been dutifully moved by some of our staff. You can have the next hour to settle in, get to know each other, if you didn’t get a chance last night that is, and when we…”

Before he could continue further, the nails on a chalkboard screeching of a breaking performance engine disrupted the calm Florida cool. From around the corner of Oceana house, a young man emerged with a grin akin to a rattlesnake. He, unlike the others congregated in the yard, was not dressed in the green and khaki CAP uniform. Instead he looked like he had just gotten back from a party.

“Yo!” He called out. “Sorry I’m late. I met these mad honeys last night at Clicky Joe’s or wherever the fuck we were and I got so turnt. Woke up in Boca Raton.” He stumbled into the crowd and mockingly saluted towards the Captain.

Tipping his hat slightly backwards, Bones let silence hang in the air whilst he glared with his deep blue gaze at the newcomer. His was not a look of understanding but of indifference. Despite his face never moving or giving away a feeling, his eyes told a different story. They stole a story of pure anger. “Mister Jonas Valmont, I’m assuming?” He didn’t need to assume. The Captain had taken roll call and knew exactly who was missing. Jonas had turned up the day before for orientation and had also gone out with the rest of the crew to Calico Jack’s; obviously since then his path had diverged. Bones didn’t wait for the boy to answer. He turned his gaze to another boy, standing in the front row of CAP enlistees and smiled. “You know what to do Mister Kaplan.”

“Yes sir,” The dark haired man answered, the irritated glare he’d been sending Jonas morphing into an expectant grin as he broke from his position and made his way toward the late comer. He’d already noticed the boy’s absence when he went around Oceana House this morning doing wake up calls, and he hadn’t liked him since he showed up yesterday, so this was a bit of a treat for Gray himself, as well. The negligent boy didn’t seem to notice anything wrong despite the silence and suddenly tense atmosphere, and once Grayson got close enough he dropped a heavy hand onto Jonas’ shoulder and angled him right back toward the corner he came around. “Right back out you go, trainwreck, thanks for stopping by-”

“Do you know who my father is? Get off me you cretin!” Jonas shrugged off Gray’s hand and pushed forward towards the Captain. “I don’t know who you think you are treating me like that but I’ll have your ass for even thinking about touching me.” The nepo baby in waiting exasperatedly lifted his hands up in the air. “What is this? I’m a little late so you’re gonna give me a plane ticket?”

“Yup.” Captain Bones motioned towards the exit. “You come in here, acting the fool, hours late, stinking of booze and now with attitude. Yeah your ass is grass, son. I’ll have a driver take you to the airport. I’m sure your parents will be thrilled that you’ll be joining them in the Hamptons.”

The grip on the scruff of Jonas’ collar was far less forgiving than the one that had previously landed on his shoulder, and Gray’s smile had completely disappeared the moment the arrogant kid made his way toward Bones. Not giving him another chance to shake him off or complain, Gray yanked just enough to send Jonas off balance and then started beelining right to the car around the corner, the rich boy trying desperately not to trip backward over his own suddenly stumbling feet or get choked by his own collar.

“Honestly, man, you got in here on privilege and you couldn’t even hold it together through the ceremony,” Everyone could hear Gray’s heavy, disappointed sigh as they hit the corner and disappeared, the open air doing little to muffle the conversation. “That’s damn sad.”

Jonas squirmed for a few moments longer before he fully realised the inevitability of his situation. He had spent the better part of twenty years, his entire life essentially, using his family name to get out of a jam. Yet he could tell that it wouldn’t be enough, at least in this instance but whatever happened, this wasn’t over. The Corsair’s were not going to get the better of Jonas Valmont. “You think I care what you fucking say, little doggy?” The heir spat. “Kick me out? Kick ME out? Oh I’ll watch this place burn. Mark my fucking works and take them to the bank.”

“Doggy? Jesus, you’ve got absolutely zero chill,” Gray frowned, not surprised but also far from amused. He'd been called worse when acting as the Captain's security man. Jonas wouldn’t be the first rich kid to threaten the program with mommy and daddy’s money, and he certainly wouldn’t be the last, but this is the fastest someone had managed to get on both Bones and Gray’s bad side. “Also, the bank doesn’t accept worthless things, so take your word and trash it along with your attitude. If you wanna be all pissy about it, put some fucking work into yourself and try again next year. Walk in respectfully and prove us all wrong,” He opened the back door of the waiting car and nodded to the regular driver behind the wheel before putting his hand on Jonas’ head and shoving him in like he had just been detained. Pulling out his phone now that his hands were free, he used his body to block the boy’s chance at escape and then commented, “We’ll make sure your bags get to the airport before you take off, safe flights and thank you for attempting the Corsair Adventure Program!”

He slammed the door shut, never happier for the child lock feature than he was right now. Once the information needed had been dealt with, Gray slid his phone back into his pocket and made his way back around the corner as the car drove off behind him. Slipping back in quietly, he made his way back to his spot in the front row and retook his position with a nod to Captain Bones.

With a tip of the hat to appreciate the Bosun's hard work, Arthur looked to his daughter in the crowd. “When we’re done here, remind me to comb through the applications and find another Culture Guide, ok PeaPod?” Returning his attention to the crowd, which had remained all but silent during the Jonas debacle, the Captain continued. “Now that that’s over with. You can see my tolerance for stupid… I don’t have any. Now, relax, enjoy yourselves. In an hour we’re going to do a preference meeting for our first guests of the season. And wouldn’t you know it, we got a celebrity in our midst.”

Arthur jumped down from his soapbox and gestured towards the sea, which sat shimmering in the morning sunlight just off to the side of Oceana House. “We here are the black flag raisers, the rebels, the outlaws and we’re on the run. Our destination, our goal, the glory and the booty in which we seek, it’s out there, just waiting for us, waiting for you. Let’s go find the magic beyond the horizon. Dismissed.”
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Hidden 17 days ago Post by Melissa
Avatar of Melissa

Melissa Melly Bean the Jelly Bean

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Timestamp: 7:45am
Location: Oceana House
Introducing: Morgan Simmons, Doug Gillespie, and Kori Runnels
@BrutalBx & @Melissa

This was not how things were supposed to go.

No, waking up with a pounding headache and nausea that came in tidal waves on her very first day of work was not how Morgan Simmons intended to start off this adventure. In fact, she was almost certain that this was the exact opposite of making a good first impression. But then again, it wasn’t her fault that Calico Jack’s version of a Vodka Cranberry was a cup of liquor with a few drops of juice. Was it even possible for a bar to sustain itself off of pours like that?

She squeezed her eyes shut to combat the intruding sunlight, and when she rolled over to avoid it further, she found herself pressed up against something solid. No - someone.

Oh no.

It all came rushing back.

Karaoke. Shots. Laughter. His hand on the small of her back as they leaned into each other at the bar. The way he looked at her like she was the only person in the room. A whispered suggestion. A shared cab ride back to the house. And then…

As the scent of cologne mixed with whiskey and something distinctly male filled her senses, she warily peeled her eyes open and took in the broad chest in front of her. It rose and fell in steady, peaceful breaths, the kind that suggested no existential crises or creeping regrets lurking beneath the surface. Very much unlike her at that moment.

The brunette stifled a groan and propped herself up on her elbow, the throbbing in her head punishing her for the movement. Her gaze trailed upward to a strong jawline dusted with the beginnings of morning stubble, lips slightly parted, and thick lashes fanned across his cheekbones.

Unfortunately, he was gorgeous.

Even more unfortunately, she had absolutely no recollection of his name.

She closed her eyes again, sifting through the fog of last night’s events and recalling the thick accent that had curled around her with such ease. He had been smooth, confident - dangerously charming. The kind of charm that really should have come with a warning label. Was it something with a D? Danny? Darren?

God, she was screwed.

Maybe she could just… slip out before he woke up and pretend this never happened. A first-day disaster narrowly avoided. Morgan swallowed hard and carefully untangled herself from the sheets, moving inch by painstaking inch toward the edge of the bed. One foot touched the cool hardwood, then the other, the girl holding her breath as she attempted her escape.

“I’m pretty confident this is your room, so I think it’s me that should be making that daring escape, petal.”

Dougie Gillespie sat up swiftly like a monster from a horror movie, albeit a beautiful one. He pressed a palm to each of his pale blue eyes to hide from the morning lights glare of judgement. This wouldn't be his first or his last hangover, the guys and gals in his band back in Tyneside, No Future, they knew how to party but the crew he was with last night, God Almighty in heaven above, they went fucking hard.

Moving his hands away from his face and resting them down to lean against, Doug looked at the girl that had tried to Steve McQueen out of the room which he was pretty sure was hers anyway. As soon as he caught a side glance from her deep chestnut gaze, he was instantly transported to the previous evening.

After sinking a few pints (American ones, so they weren’t the proper job but they would do) and a decent amount of Scottish whiskey, Calico Jack had convinced Doug to get up and sing. He wasn’t against singing in public but after a skinful of booze, he didn’t want to tarnish his reputation. Still, the man’s moustache was hypnotic and even Dougie couldn’t say no. When he got up and began to work the room, he couldn’t help but be drawn in by the stare of a brunette. The way she was looking at him, it was like she was the only person in the audience.

“I imagine you’re pretty freaked out right now? Don’t be.” The Geordie boy climbed out of the bed on his side, slipping perfectly into the waiting crumpled jeans on the floor. “This doesn’t have to be anything you don’t need or want it to be.”

Morgan froze, her pulse pounding in her ears almost as loudly as her headache. He was entirely too smooth for someone who had just woken up, and she couldn’t decide if that was a relief or an additional layer of mortification. The worst part? He was right. Her gaze darted to the corner where her barely unpacked suitcases sat neatly, an undeniable reminder that this was, indeed, her room.

She turned slowly, hugging the sheet to her chest like some flimsy shield against the reality of the situation.

“I’m not… freaked out,” She answered, her voice raspier than she would have liked. She watched him as he pulled on his jeans, the muscles in his back flexing as he stretched. He really was unfairly attractive. If only she could remember his name.

Realizing a little too late that she was barely clothed herself, her brown eyes searched the vicinity for something else to cover her body with other than the thin fabric between her fingers. Thankfully, a flash of burnt orange came into view and she quickly reached for the University of Texas shirt poking out of her suitcase, practically yanking it over her head. “You say that as if this isn’t your first rodeo.”

“Well…it’s not.” Dougie did the utmost he possibly could to remember all the respect that his Nan taught him to have for a woman, especially those that were feeling particularly vulnerable but damn, it was hard not to allow eyes to wander when they were looking upon something as beautiful as the girl now wrapped up in a college shirt. “Based on what I do remember from last night, not yours either.”

He narrowly avoided some other garments that had scarred across the floor to make his way to his shirt which hung over a lampshade. As he began to dress himself, the mountaineer once again looked at his previous evening's dance partner. “I’m pretty sure this was Diego’s room last year. He was a fun guy, awful bloody hair though.” He spoke quite nonchalantly before turning his large frame around and facing the pretty southern girl with folded arms. “This your first season?”

Fort Lauderdale was a Mecca for anyone in the travel industry. Cabin crew for planes, yachtees working on boats, those like the CAP enlistees, everyone congregated here. After a while it became easy to recognise those that had served their time and those that were fresh greenhorns looking for a slice of adventure. Doug himself had only done one season with CAP but it was one of the funnest and most exhilarating times in his life. He couldn’t help but openly ponder if this girl was in the same boat as he once was.

Heat crept up Morgan’s neck, his comment sending her back to hours earlier - the haze of alcohol, fragments of flirtatious banter, his touch against her skin. She remembered the chemistry between them, undeniable and magnetic, but somewhere along the way the lines had blurred and she’d completely forgotten about the implications. She hadn’t been thinking straight, hadn’t meant for things to go as far as they had, but there they were.

“You’ve got me there,” Exhaling, she ran a hand through her chocolate colored hair, touseling it almost in silent hope that it might lessen her headache or bring forth the key detail she was missing from the night prior. Dean? Derek? She found herself practically going through the letters of the alphabet as she not-so subtly watched him get dressed while his back was turned.

“Yeah, first season,” And starting out quite interestingly, she wanted to add, but she bit her lip to avoid finishing her train of thought. The job at CAP was a stepping stone for Morgan, she was here because it would afford her the opportunity to set off on her own journey one day, and her grand plan included the freedom she craved. But now, facing this stranger who seemed to be remarkably comfortable in the aftermath of their chaotic night, Morgan wasn’t sure she’d prepared adequately for this side of the gig. “I take it you’re not new around here?”

“Nah.” Dougie shook his head. “This is my second tour.” He answered. “Lot of new faces floating around Calico Jack’s last night, yours included. Never forget a face, me; yours included, again.” He tilted his head, breathing in her stare and analysing the look upon her visage. It didn’t take a body language expert to see how uncomfortable she was feeling. “By that way you're staring at me, as much as I would like to think it’s because I’m a gorgeous piece of steak, I imagine it’s more likely that you're trying to place me, remember my name?”

At least in his mind if Doug addressed the girl playfully, it might put her at ease. Their current situation could be addressed in various ways, not all positive and he didn’t want the poor thing to stress herself at something as natural as hooking up at a bar. “It’s Doug, by the way, most call me Dougie.” The boy offered her a gentle, reassuring smile. “Why don’t I go to the bathroom, let you get dressed? It’s early still, we don’t have a roll call for another hour.” His grin was boyish, effortless. “We could go get breakfast and talk about supper last night.”

Morgan opened her mouth, ready to salvage whatever scraps of dignity she had left, but no words came. Instead, she promptly shut it again, a pinkish hue gracing her fair cheeks. Doug, that was his name. At least she’d been on the money with the first letter. The memory finally surfaced of him approaching her at the bar and introducing himself after his performance, accent and all that made her nearly swoon. It wasn’t that she hadn’t been in a situation like this before- because she had on more than a few occasions- but waking up next to someone she was supposed to be working with? That was a whole new level of ‘what the hell have I done’.

“Look Dougie,” She emphasized his name but her voice came out softer than intended, her throat dry. She swallowed and pushed forward, offering the blonde a small, sheepish smile. “Last night was fun, believe me, I had a really great time with you,” Dougie, of course, only looked more amused. His smile was easy, like he had all the time in the world to let her flounder through this awkward speech.

Why did he have to be so attractive? And charming - suggesting breakfast like this was no more than a rom-com. He was making this exceptionally difficult.

“But we both know this is… probably not the best idea.” She gestured vaguely between them, hoping he’d take the hint without making her say it outright.

“Alas, my poor heart.” Doug feigned heartbreak with a dramatic clutch of his chest. He almost dropped to one knee but even he thought that maybe that move was a bit too much. He straightened himself up and the damndest smile returned to his handsome face. “Don’t worry, I’m not about to make your first day even more awkward.”

In hindsight, Doug really should’ve thought about what he was doing the previous night. He knew how wild the orientation party at Jack’s could get, he suffered for it the previous year when he woke up naked on the roof of Oceana house except for a traffic cone he wore as a hat. This girl, Morgan, was out there, trying something special, exciting and he may have helped her do something she regretted, or at the very least didn’t want to do straight away. Dougie, as a rule, tried not to have any regrets, tried not to overthink things but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t stop others from doing as such.

“We had fun, it was a good night, let’s just leave it there and get on with having a great season. You’re gonna love this, Morgan.” He winked at the girl knowingly, a little soft jab for not remembering his name. “Let me just wash my face and I’ll get out of your hair.” Doug already knew where the bathroom was and made his way inside to tidy himself up before the assembly.

Morgan let out a breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding as the blonde disappeared into the bathroom. She hadn't expected him to be so... cool about this. No awkward insistence, no attempts to change her mind. Just an easy smile and a wink that made her stomach twist and body warm in ways she didn’t even want to acknowledge.

Oh, she was so screwed.

“Get it together, Simmons,” The brunette muttered under her breath as she rubbed her temples, the remnants of last night’s drinks still humming at the edges of her mind. The last thing she needed was to get tangled up in something complicated before the season even started. She was here to work, after all, it was part of her job to be professional, and what had transpired between her and Dougie last night was anything but.

Hopefully, everything only went up from here.

Korinna took her job as serious as a heart attack, she had to. CAP was her parents' baby, their beloved. It was something that she knew, no matter how many times he denied it, that her father used to remember her late mother. Kori felt the all too familiar pang of a daughter's guilt in her heart; as time passed, the memory of her mother continued to slip away with the passage of her aging. If not for pictures, she would have forgotten her face by now. If not for videos, she would have forgotten her voice. The curly haired woman hated every iota of that with a passion. She didn’t want to forget the woman that gave her life.

The accusation of nepotism was not lost on Kori, she knew what people thought when they saw her. Yet this industry, it was in her blood. From her parents to her grandfather, her love for the islands and nature herself; she cared so deeply that the iron brand of Nepo-baby she wore, she wore it proudly. Kori lived for this and she worked hard for this and she would be damned to the depths if she let anyone mess it up for her, or her family.

Which was the main reason she asked to room with Morgan Simmons. She told her Dad not to hire the girl, nothing on her application screamed Corsair. Yet for all his faults, her dad was nostalgic and seeing that the Simmons girl was from the same area he was born and raised, pulled on his heartstrings. Then the previous evening, she watched the girl kick the hornets nest, shake up the status quo and stand out in a crowd, craving attention. Kori knew she would need to keep an eye on this one, straighten her out if she needed to, no one was going to jeopardise everything her father had built.

She opened the door to the room, greeted by the sight of Morgan in nothing but a t-shirt and a distinct smell of something she knew but could not place. “Really? You’re just getting up now?” Kori wheeled her suitcase into the dorm and parked it next to the writing desk. “We’ve got to be downstairs in like an hour. Have you even bothered to press your uniform yet?”

“Oh my god,” Morgan’s eyes went wide as the door swung open and she was immediately faced with the sharp, scrutinizing gaze of the captain’s daughter. She’d only learned last night that this was very much a family business, and if there was one thing that was immediately clear, it was that Kori took that fact incredibly seriously.

She moved like a storm front rolling in, her dark curls bouncing with the force of her entrance. There was no hesitation, no pause - just pure, unshaken authority as she strode inside. One could just feel the judgment radiating off of Kori, the kind of intensity that suggested she had impossibly high standards and no patience for anyone who didn’t meet them. And now, here she was, standing in the middle of the room like a drill sergeant who’d just laid eyes on the weakest link.

“Have you heard of this thing called knocking?” The brunette scrambled immediately, throwing open her bag and grabbing the first pair of pants she could find, nearly tripping over herself as she yanked them on. She was caught somewhere between last night’s decisions and the creeping reality of the morning, her brain still playing catch-up.

Which was probably why it took her a second to register the suitcase Kori had wheeled in behind her.

“Please tell me that’s not yours.”

“No, it’s Lance’s.” Kori couldn’t help but roll her dark eyes at the newcomers' stupidity or naivety, she wasn’t sure which more accurately portrayed Morgan yet. “Of course it’s mine, didn’t you read the CAP App? I mean you must’ve since you found your way here last night.” The Captain’s daughter was not against a good time by any means, if you asked some of the old hands of the crew they’d tell you that Korinna could be as wild as the best of them but she never made a show of herself and she always put the job first.

Kori liked to think she was a good judge of character and she was sure as soon as she saw Morgan that she was hiding something. Something was just a little off about the girl and she couldn’t figure it out yet, but she would. Korinna always got the job done. That was why she asked for this room assignment. She wasn’t going to let this be a puzzle left unsolved.

“Your uniform should already be hanging up in the closet. Skort and polo. That’s what we wear unless you are on adventure. Chop chop.” Kori did not have time to play around with Morgan and watch her squirm, as satisfying as she might find it; the Captain, Dad, was waiting. She took off her own shirt without provocation and made her way to the closet, opening up to look at the multitude of uniforms already there. “Larger set is mine, obviously.” Morgan was skinnier and looked to be a bit smaller than Kori; she actually looked amazing. What a bitch.

She was rooming with Kori?

Morgan’s stomach dropped. She clearly hadn’t read the app closely enough, or she had and simply chose to ignore it. Of all the people she could’ve been stuck with for the season, it had to be her. The captain’s daughter. The human embodiment of a performance review. She could feel Kori’s eyes dissecting her every move, and it made her skin prickle with irritation.

“Skort?” She echoed, wrinkling her nose as she turned toward the closet. Sure enough, there it was- a neatly pressed uniform, a skort and top. It looked deceptively innocent, like it wasn’t about to become the bane of her existence.

Fucking hell.

And as Kori made herself right at home and began to change, Morgan came to the incredibly unfortunate realization that Dougie hadn’t left yet. He was still here.

Of course, somehow it gets worse!

She needed to get Kori out of here - just for a few minutes - long enough to deal with the blonde boy in the bathroom who was completely unaware that she had barged in like she owned the place. Because she did own the place. Morgan couldn’t let Kori see him - no way in hell was she giving her more ammunition to doubt her judgement - so she needed to come up with something, and fast.

“Say, Kori, you wouldn’t mind just giving me a little bit of time to freshen up? Alone?” Morgan forced a tight-lipped smile, tilting her head just enough to feign innocence, layering on her best southern charm. “You know, shake off the morning fog, get myself looking presentable. First impressions and all.”

Kori narrowed her eyes slightly. The soft southern belle wouldn’t work on her, not by a long shot. She had tried and failed to master it herself, too much of her mother in her, she always thought. The cowgirl roots weren’t overly strong in her, in spite of her father’s family. Morgan was just lucky that Kori needed to freshen her make up. At all hazards, one must keep up appearances; Grandma Martha taught her that and she was the most glamorous rancher's wife in all of Texas.

“That’s fine.” Korinna spoke rather bluntly as she began to rummage through a small black bag she had removed from her case in search of some lipstick. Maybe she was being too hard on the brunette? Maybe Morgan needed to be given more of a chance? After all, they were going to be rooming together all season and this would likely be Kori’s last. She didn’t want to make it a miserable one. “You know, my Dad doesn’t tend to waffle for too long, he’s not a talker. Maybe once he’s done, you and I can head to Eden, get some breakfast and..”

She was interrupted by the sudden opening of the bathroom door. “DOUGIE WHAT THE FUCK?!”

“I was gonna climb out of the window…but there’s no window.” Doug confidently strode out of the wash room with that damn grin across his face. “Lovely to see you Kori, hair looks lush, lot of volume and hey, did you gain an ab?” He turned to look at Morgan. If telepathy was a thing, he would be trying to tell her that he was attempting to create a distraction so that she didn’t worry but something told him that he didn’t possess that particular superpower. “We roomed together last year. She’s a snorer, she loves the weed, loves all animals and Buffy the Vampire Slayer but I mean, same, Sarah Michelle Gellar is lush.”

Morgan pinched the bridge of her nose and inhaled deeply, attempting to remain composed even as disaster unfolded before her. Just when she thought she had the chance to get out of this situation unscathed, her golden opportunity gloriously backfired. The brunette exhaled slowly, eyes darting from Dougie back to Kori, already bracing for whatever fresh judgment was coming her way from the latter of the pair. She doubted that her breakfast invitation would still stand after this.

“Solid attempt, but not helping, Dougie.” The brunette muttered, shaking her head and folding her arms across her chest as if that could shield her from the absolute trainwreck of a morning she was having. Next time she went to Calico Jack’s - if there was a next time - she was sticking to water. Ice cold, non-alcoholic, water. Her gaze pinned on Kori, who looked about five seconds away from writing up a full report on her moral failings and leaving it on the captain’s desk for him to peruse at his leisure.

“All I’m saying is that if you had knocked, we could have avoided this entirely.”

“Why would I knock when it’s my room?” Kori said in retort. “It’s not my fault you didn’t read the app and it isn’t my fault you brought a stray dog home with you last night…no offence Dougie…no actually yes some offence intended. You’re an asshole. What are you still doing here? Go get ready!”

Doug learned much after his first season last year, one such thing he learned was that one did not cross a pissed off Kori Runnels lest they and the world suffer the wrath of the Goddess Calypso. Picking up his shoes from the ground, the British boy offered the ladies a gentlemanly bow. “I always wanted to do the walk of shame with me heels in hand. Really makes a boy feel special…” The red glare from the Captain’s little girl was enough to send a shiver down the spine of even the most grizzled of veterans. Clambering over a suitcase, Dougie popped a peck of a kiss on Kori’s cheek. “Love ya.”

Rolling her eyes with a sigh in her lips, Korinna placed her hands on her hips. She tried to stifle a smile. Doug was very much like an annoying friend who couldn’t stay out of trouble but who you couldn’t help but love because beneath the nonsense sat a heart of gold. He was always effortlessly comfortable in her presence and he never tried to be anything less other than what he was, she appreciated that. “Love you too, now get out of here before I slap the shit out of your ass.”

“That a promise? I’ve been a bit bunged up for like three days.” Taking the win, Doug moved past the dark skinned girl and to the previous evening's paramour. He settled his hand on her shoulder reassuringly. “You’re gonna love it here. I guarantee it.” His words were genuine, he really wanted Morgan to relax and not stress but then, of course his sweet sayings were swiftly followed by a Dougism. “Right, I’m gonna go see a man about a dog. See you lasses at the big kahuna’s speech. Auf Wiedersehen!” He kissed the top of Morgan’s chocolate head before darting out of the room at breakneck speed.

With her hands still on her hips, Kori let out another sigh before cocking a single eyebrow and staring a hole through her new roommate. “Speaking of dogs…” She let that hang in the air for a moment. “Guess whose turn it is to walk Sunny this morning?”

Morgan exhaled sharply, dragging a hand down her face before shaking her head.

“You know what? Fine. At least she won’t be giving me the third degree before breakfast.” She ran a hand through her tangled hair. “Sunny and I are gonna get along just fine.”

She mulled over Dougie’s parting remark as she looked around for her sneakers. It was hard to imagine loving anything about this situation right now- not with Kori already watching her like a hawk, not with the looming threat of the captain’s inevitable disappointment, and certainly not with the hangover she’d acquired at Calico Jack’s. Man, she really needed to have a word with that guy later.

But she was here, wasn’t she? She’d made it through the application process and the interview, and somehow landed a spot on this season’s crew. Whether Kori liked it or not, Morgan had just as much of a right to be here as anyone else. And despite the rocky start, there was still time to prove that she could handle it. Morgan met the curly haired girl’s gaze, something steely settling in her chest. She didn’t like being doubted, especially not by someone who barely knew her.

Challenge accepted.
Timestamp: 9:10am
Location: Oceana House, Front Lawn

Watching Jonas be booted out by Gray left Kori with a deep satisfaction. She didn’t want anyone to put her family’s legacy at risk and piss-ant Nepo babies were very high on that list. Amongst the sea of crewmen, lined up like soldiers in front of her father, Korinna watched Morgan with a sniper's eyes. She stood next to the new chef, Viktoriya and a few rows in front of that damn Doug. The girl was deep in her crosshairs and she would just wait for the perfect moment to pull the trigger.

Still there was plenty of time for that. For now, as her father had asked, Kori needed to think back through the applications and see if there was anyone in there that would be a suitable replacement for Jonas as Culture Guide. Perhaps that could be a perfect challenge for her little roommate to prove her mettle? Comb through hundreds of resumes to find a new crew member. Then again could she trust Morgan’s judgement? Based on the day's events, that was doubtful.

On the complete opposite end of the spectrum, watching Jonas get swiftly removed left Morgan feeling like her stomach had just bottomed out. They really weren’t kidding in the manual when they mentioned the plane ticket home. While she couldn’t see her, Morgan could feel Kori’s stare burning into her back from a few rows behind, almost as if she was warning her, ‘you’re next’.

The brunette swallowed hard, forcing herself to keep her posture tall and her expression schooled and unreadable. She knew better than to give anyone the satisfaction of seeing her squirm. Still, the weight of the captain’s words coiled tight in her chest. One wrong move, one misstep, and she’d be following Jonas out the door. Last night and this morning had been a lapse - she had to be better, she needed to take this seriously.

The murmurs of the crew were a low hum in Morgan’s ears as the meeting wrapped up, and she felt her gaze lingering on Captain Bones a second too long, studying his kind looking eyes and the way he commanded the room with little more than a glance.

Failure wasn’t an option. Not when she had so much more to lose than anyone realized.

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Hidden 15 days ago Post by Aces Away
Avatar of Aces Away

Aces Away Phantom by Circumstance

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Timestamp: 6:15am
Location: Oceana House, top balcony
Introducing: Zenith Arison
Featuring: Grayson Kaplan and Piper Vanderbilt

Zenith had snuck out of his room so as not to wake his new roommates about fifteen minutes before sunrise, creeping gently down the foot of the bunk beds and being respectful enough to not jump down childishly like he usually does. He’s sure Gray would be proud of his thoughtfulness. What Gray would not be proud of was the empty bunk beds across the darkened room. Piper was fine, probably asleep somewhere else in the house as she is wont to do. That other guy though, the loudmouth with more privilege than sense, Jonas, never came home last night. Last year, Calico Jack’s heavy handed pours almost had Zenith be the person that didn’t make it home, but Gray had hauled him over his shoulder and put him to bed like he was used to such routine, saving him his spot in the program. It looks like whatever the Valmont heir had said to Grayson pissed him off as much as Zen’s own conversation with the privileged prick, because Gray didn’t help him like he’d helped Zen.

Good riddance. Zen came from money too, so did Piper and a few other CAPpers, and neither of them were senseless enough to act the way Jonas had last night, it was downright embarrassing.

Padding barefoot down the hall to the common balcony that faced the eastern horizon, and mindful of his previously inebriated state from the night before, the second season Air Activities Guide leaned heavily against the sturdy metal railing that proudly surrounded the open space. Typically, he’d be sitting on this railing, but this morning? Maybe once his balance had been fully regained. He rested his forehead against the cool surface for a moment, doing a few small stretches to limber up while he waited for the beautiful mass of flaring plasma that greeted him to create each new day.

It always seemed to be a contest between him and Gray on who could get up earliest, which was incredibly fun last year when they were roomed together because Zen made it a part of his morning routine to get a prank in before Gray woke up if the younger was lucky enough to be up before him. It was surprisingly rare, as apparently Gray has been getting up before dawn for most of his life, between training from his brother and the Captain himself and living with some old bubbe with a morning routine of playing swing records as high as the speakers would allow, the older man woke up before the sun on instinct. Zen still needs his phone to vibrate his alarm to wake him, even after getting up this early his whole life.

Just like always, Gray had gotten up before him, as evident by the cup of coffee that suddenly appeared in Zen’s peripheral when he finally lifted his head up. That means he’s already gone around the compound cleaning up after everyone’s drunken stumbling last night as well. If the way to the balcony hadn’t been so dark, Zen was sure he would have seen pristine common areas and little stacks of personal items stacked outside their owner’s rooms, all ready for the arrival of the Captain or their guests.

“You’re a godsend~!” Zenith groaned, following the cup as it was pulled away and frowning when a small cup of water took its place, Gray switching them out as he turned around. “Noooooooo!” He made grabby hands at the withheld caffeination. How was he to enjoy another radiant rising of the sun without his sugar and cream filled hot bean juice?

“Water first, then coffee,” Gray commanded, face stern as he stared Zenith down. “And drink the water slowly, don’t need you throwin’ up.”

“You’re a devil.

“And a godsend? Man I’m really playing both sides,” Gray rolled his eyes at his former roomie, making sure Zen took the water from him before turning back towards the side table he’d set his drink tray on, intending to grab his own coffee that he’d set there.

Only to blink when it was missing.

“Pipes, seriously? You don’t even like coffee,” The oldest grumbled as he found his mug caged behind perfectly manicured nails. A dark lipped cheshire grin met him in response before she tilted the lip of the mug and took a sip, the smile stretching further when Zen managed to nab his mug out of Gray’s light grip, procuring the only other cup of coffee on the balcony. “You’re both manaces.”

“I like orange juice even less,” The blonde stewardess of the Thunderbird replied, nodding toward the cup of said juice that Gray had brought up for her. Zen smirked at her when she winked at him and without any words they both reached out and clinked their mugs together in cheers, taking a long sip in sync. “And calling me a menace is practically a compliment, you know.”

“Yeah yeah, whatever. And the water? I brought you water too. Two drinks that weren’t mine.”

“I stayed hydrated last night,” The girl responded, reaching down beside the lounger she had slept in last night to reveal an almost empty water bottle. Zenith didn’t even try and stifle the laugh at the look on Gray’s face, just managing to pull away from his mug before he sprayed the liquid everywhere.

“I hate you both.” Gray turned around immediately after that statement, heading back inside to grab himself a new mug, ignoring the laughing and goading behind him.

“I know you love me or I wouldn’t be here!” Zenith whisper-shouted after the closing door, not wanting to wake anyone inside up. Once Gray was gone, Zen released a good natured laugh. “Poor fuck, such a patient Den Mother. Can’t wait for the first time I make him go volcano.”

“His explosions on you are legendary. It’s honestly impressive you can get him to that point.”

Zenith laughed, leaning back over the railing, elbows propped up so he could continue holding his coffee. “Thanks, it’s a gift. Still proud of the time I goaded him into a wrestling match and he suplexed me onto the couch. Glad to this day that the Captain sprung extra for comfortable furniture, too.” Zen grinned out at the horizon as the sky began its change. “I don’t have siblings, but I imagine Gray is like what a brother would be like for me.”

“Awwww, how sweet,” Piper grinned behind him before finally swinging her legs over and planting her feet on the concrete, pushing herself up and joining him at the railing after a quick stretch. They stood there in comfortable silence, sipping their coffees until Gray made his way back up just as the top of the sun crested the horizon, casting gold across the sky and scattering shadows against clouds as the landscape tinted deep purple.

This was Zenith’s favorite part of the day, the livening effect of the sun’s ray’s breaking through the last vestiges of night, alerting wildlife and domestic alike that it’s their time to shine along with it. The only other time he loved as much was dusk, when silence settled for day life and the animals and insects of the night began their calls. Once the sun had fully broken past the horizon and the mourning doves began to coo, Zen broke the silence.

“So…circling back to ‘menaces’...Jonas Valmont, huh?”

“Little prick.”

“Agreed. He hit on me as though it was a gift to me, ick.”

“Ick,” Zenith agreed seriously while Gray’s frown got just a tick deeper. “I noticed he never came back from Jack’s last night.”

“Wasn’t my job to give him directions a fifth time just to be ignored,” Gray tacked on mulishly, taking a sip of his coffee that was definitely still too hot if his sudden grimace was anything to go by. “He called me a peasant last night, you believe that shit?”

“Pfft, you are a peasant, but it’s okay, old man.”

“Bite me, silver spoon.”

“Yeesh, I don’t know, you may not be up on your shots- ahahaoww,” The firm slap upside the back of his head had him laughing and reaching up to protect the spot from more abuse, never losing the shit eating grin he directed Gray’s way.

“Respect your elders you little bastard,” Gray demanded, playfully swatting at his shoulder now that he was protecting the back of his head.

“Now now boys, we were having a conversation,” Piper’s amused voice broke through the swatting match that had begun between the two men. “Do we think Mr. Valmont will be returning for the opening ceremony?”

“God! I hope not.”

“I hope he does. No, really, I do,” Gray promised when he saw the incredulous looks sent his way. “But I hope he’s late, so I can toss him in the car to go home myself.”

“Ah, that makes more sense.” Zenith had really thought for a second that Gray had lost his mind, but it turns out he was just being vindictive. That was territory Zen knew how to traverse. “You guys want to make bets on when he shows?”

“My father told me never to make bets I might lose, and Gray already has him showing up late and getting kicked out,” Piper shrugged, tossing her blonde waves over her shoulder after shaking her head. “I will, however, buy you a drink next time we go to Jack’s if you do end up getting to kick him out, Gray.”

“Ooh, double prize, I’m here for it.”


Timestamp: 9:10am

Zenith looked out at the scenery from the balcony of the Oceana House, sat on the rail with a light grip for support, shoes and socks already tossed off and heels hooked back into the metal railing for extra balance. Leaning forward, the second year CAPper was already missing the sunrise he’d watched this morning despite the beautiful clear skies before him. After Captain Bones had finished his speech, everyone had been released, and Zen watched a smug Gray grin at Piper as the crowd of programees dispersed, knowing he was owed a free drink at Jack’s. The blonde woman had rolled her eyes and nodded good naturedly, and everyone had gone their separate ways to play the waiting game until their first guest of the season was officially announced.

Or at least, he thought they’d all gone their separate ways, but it was a small house for the amount of people living in it.

“If you leave your socks all over the place this year I will literally strangle you with one.”

“Jesus, dude!” Zen nearly jumped out of his skin, his balance only held in place by Gray’s sudden steadying grip on his shoulders. The smirk on Gray’s face when Zen looked over his shoulder at him told him that the older man was satisfied with the reaction to his entrance. “Rude, you’re rude.”

“I don’t leave my dirty socks wherever I drop them. That’s rude,” The den mother countered with a scoff, crossing his arms after helping Zen swing back around and get his feet on the balcony concrete once more.

“I’m putting them back on, ya happy?” Zen snarked at the man, bending down to get his socks and boots back on.

“I’ll be happy when you finally learn what your hamper’s for. If you’re looking for your socks from last night, by the way, I threw them in there this morning from where I found them under the common room couch. When were you even in the common room long enough between Jack’s and your bed for you to have taken them off?”

“Honestly? Couldn’t tell you. It’s kind of fuzzy past you telling me to get home and sleep it off.”

“I told you not to get in a drinking contest with Piper, but no one ever listens to me.”

“Sorry, dad, I’ll be better next time. MMMMmmmmmmmm no, no I won’t, that was a lie. I’ll be worse, just for you.” Zenith promised with a cheeky grin. “That’s for requesting someone else as a roommate this year.”

“Aw, don’t be sour, son,” Gray played along with a long suffering sigh. “I’ve been rooming with a new Greenie each round since my second season here, it was nothing personal. Plus, he may be a General Guide now, but I think this Koa kid is going to be the successor to my guide position, so he needs extra attention.”

“No no, you hate me, I get it.”

“Oh yeah,” Gray rolled his eyes. “Can’t stand you, I threatened to quit if we were roomed together again, that what you wanna hear?”

“Alas, the truth hurts, yet resonates the most.” Zen put the back of his hand to his forehead and feinted a swoon, smirking when Gray instinctively reached out to catch him.

“You are so fucking dramatic,” Gray admonished, trying not to let his own lips quirk upward.

“If anyone was dramatic today, it was Jonas,” Zen denied, smiling as Gray laughed. “If he didn’t irritate me so much, I’d have said it would be better for him to be a part of the program to grow into a better person. All the traveling and new experiences and whatnot.”

“Mm,” Gray agreed with a hum and a nod of his head. ‘Travel is fatal to prejuidce, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts.’ Mark Twain. He definitely could have used it, but unfortunately we are a customer facing program and if he were to act like that in front of guests…well, it’s better to nip it in the bud.”

“Yeah, that’s fair too, I don’t need him losing me any tips or bringing our ratings down,” Zen relented, patting Gray solidly on the back before stuffing his hands in his pockets and heading back down into the house. “This is a house of professionals, after all.”

“Zenith Shani Arison what the hell did you just put on my back,” Grayson called after the retreating gremlin, huffing out at the responding laugh and trying- and failing- to reach his hand past his shoulder blade to the middle of his back where Zen had left a nice shiny sticker that proclaimed I like big BUCKS and I cannot lie over a picture of a few crumpled dollars. In smaller letters at the bottom it said I just don’t have any of my own. Zen wasn’t worried. Gray will go crying to Kori and she’ll rip it off for him because they have to be presentable and she is extremely stern about the company’s image. Is Zen sick of their will-they/won’t-they bullshit and doing stupid little things to make them get closer? Maybe. Did he think it would work? Not after apparently seven years of the same sexual tension between those two, but he could try, and he got to annoy Gray in the process.

He did love a win/win situation.

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Hidden 6 days ago Post by BrutalBx


Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Timestamp: Last night, the party
Location: Calico Jack’s
Featuring: Korinna Runnels and Grayson Kaplan
@BrutalBx and @Aces Away

Kori loved summer nights like this.

Her dark chocolate eyes lifted to the heavens to stare at a clear black ocean with white glowing speckles of a million stars drifting across it. There was a gentle gust in the air, low enough not to care but strong enough that her black curls and thigh slit floral skirt danced on its breeze. Korinna’s back was against the wall, in more ways than one, at least in her mind, with one hand she adjusted her knitted bralet and with the other she took a drag from her joint.

Kori’s gaze drifted down to her suitably toned and tanned leg which she had bent back to lean against the wall. It was an unwritten rule of CAP that one had to be in decent shape. Some of the Adventures that guests wanted, often required physical participation and those who lacked the fortitude to withstand it frequently did not last the season. In her many years as part of the crew, Korinna had seen it all, done it all, bought the t-shirt and then sold it on Vinted. She was pretty confident in her ability to weed out the weak and support the strong. The new crop of recruits that she could hear on the other side of the wall, were easily one of the rowdiest she had ever seen. Yet more often than not, the loudest crew were the hardest workers.

She pondered, her mind unable to really see an answer; what was going to happen when this season was over? Even Grayson was being asked to prepare a successor during the course of the next few charters. Korinna had never really considered that might happen when the time that she had dreaded since she was a little girl came. The program was all she had ever known but she would soon turn twenty five and her father made it clear that Kori was not an exception to the rule; she would age out and her time would be served and done.

The problem was she didn’t want it to be.

What came next?

Breathing the mellow fire from her lungs, Kori leaned her head back, listening to the music through the stained yellow wall of Calico Jack me with a smile draped across her face. She loved summer nights like this.

Grayson had a love/hate relationship with the tradition of drinking at Jack’s the night before Bones addresses the program members. It was easy to enjoy so long as you yourself were also inebriated, but when you took on the roles that Gray did, it felt more like trying to herd a bunch of caffeinated squirrels. He got a chance to see everyone’s barest personality on full display, and he got to see everyone’s barest personality on full display. With this being his last season as a CAPper, he wanted to enjoy his final entry night, but fate seemed to have other plans.

After Jonas Valmont asked him what it was like to be such a peasant because he just liked a basic beer every now and then, and then the other man doubling down that it was a sign of lack of class… then going on a rant about how, ‘my parents got me this job, what did your parents ever get you?’ Gray had simply deadpanned ’I’ve got my dad’s ashes from him, that count?’ and walked away while the mouthy brat gaped like a fish. Now, now he wanted to relax for a moment in private because he needed at least enough patience to tell the bastard one more time that he should head to the house and sleep it off, not drink more. Only one more time.

Stepping out of Calico Jack’s and smelling the air told him he wasn’t getting his moment of absolute solitude, but spending time with the woman around the corner from the entrance was an even better way to recharge his batteries.

“You feelin’ particularly benevolent at the moment?” He asked while knocking on the side of the building like it was an office door and eyeing the smouldering patience between her fingers. “I just had a wonderful conversation with one of the greenies.”

“Let me guess, Valmont?” Kori didn’t really need her long time friend to confirm the fact, she already knew. Jonas Valmont had been making trouble and rubbing people the wrong way from the moment he got off of his family's helicopter, which he made sure landed near enough to Oceana House that it would draw all of the attention unto himself. He wasn’t the first and probably wouldn’t be the last CAP recruit hired due to his connections.

Bones, for all his faults, put a lot of stock and merit in his relationships. If you were bonded with Korinna’s father, you were bonded for life, no matter the time or the distance. He valued loyalty above all, it was a trait he had inherited from his father, her grandfather, Wade. He was a red state bleeding, old school cowboy. Hard work mattered, a man’s word meant something and he’d sooner put a bullet in his own skull than neglect anyone he cares for. She loved her Grandpa.

When Hiram Valmont, an old service buddy and current internet millionaire, called the Captain’s direct line a few weeks ago, a number very few people had, Kori knew he was either looking for a charter or looking for a job for his kid. Of course it was the latter and of course, her dad being her dad, he said yes and made sure there was space on the program for the price of crypto, despite the fact it was usually Kori and the admin team that chose the applicants.

“It’s a loud group this year.” Holding the roll up vertically, in the tips of her fingers, Korinna watched its embers flicker for a moment, staring into the eye of the sun before she gently blew the top of it, stoking the tiniest of flames. “You and I are going out with a bang, it looks like.” She offered up a coy smile as well as the joint itself. “Want it?”

“Desperately,” Gray admitted, accepting the joint held his way and taking a fortifying drag. Leaning against the wall in a mirror of Korinna, he tilted his head back and released the smoke in a slow wispy trail drifting from his lips. No matter what nepobaby fuckhead he had to deal with in this program, Kori made it all bearable. She’d become part of the program a year after him, but he’d known her since a little after Bones had picked him up from the Brightmoor PD cells and told him it was time to get his ass in gear. Granted, while he’d been grateful in the beginning, he’d also been scared and angry and felt trapped since this was his only choice aside from prison, but Bones and Kori treated him well, and his brother even came to visit when he was able to get his leave approved.

Once he’d grown and trained more and mellowed out, a lot of the cloudiness caused by his anger dissipated, and with that came the clear realization that Kori Runnels was not just another friend like the girls in his booster crew back home. He found his eyes lingering on her smile or her teasing smirk, his own forest brown eyes wandering until they would get lost in her espresso-dark gaze and he’d suddenly be left blinking, dumbfounded and unable to find his words to respond to whatever she’d teased him about. He and Kori had blazed trails through this program together, and Grayson’s plan was to follow the amazing and determined woman all the way to the top, in whatever capacity he could.

He loved her, after all, not that he’d ever told her that in the way that truly mattered.

“I’ll have you know, I’m already missing last year when Zen was the loudest rich kid in the house,” He only half joked, mind returning to the subject of Jonas. “That new kid is gonna get us in trouble, Kor.”

“You and I both know, he won’t last.” Kori tried to reassure her oldest friend as she absentmindedly or possibly subconsciously reached down and took his hand into hers. “We’ve had worse. Remember two years ago? That K-Pop bitch who wanted to try her hand at playing explorer?” A smirk, evil with its intent appeared across the stewardesses lips. “First three days of her, were absolute hell, then she went out with Ashante on a wildlife trip, fell into some bear shit and we never saw her again.” Kori took the joint back from Gray and pursed it between her plump lips. “She literally complained from the moment she got her, tried to sue my dad and wanted to bring a film crew with her. We should’ve let the bear eat her.”

She laughed. Gray always made her laugh, even if he didn’t try. He was an idiot, a worrier and he had this sad little puppy dog energy that just made her want to squeeze him and tell him that everything was ok. He was also the only one she trusted to see who she was behind the epaulette on her uniform shoulders. Kori grew up with Gray in more ways than one, for the lack of any better term they were entwined together. Everyone had an idea of who the captain's daughter was but not many could truly say they had seen her true self. Grayson could.

She breathed in the smoke of creation once more. Her head still leaned back against the old outer walls, she turned to face Gray once again. “If he causes us any real deep problems, we’ll just get Dougie to beat the shit out of him. I’m sure he’d enjoy that.

Grayson laughed along with her, fingers flexing from where they were intertwined with hers and shoulders finally relaxing. Compared to that girl, it was hard to be uncomfortable around much. Even Piper’s occasional tiktoks were only posted with the express permission of any CAPper in them, that film crew would not have had the same courtesy. “Honestly, the more I think of some of our washouts, the more I appreciate Zenith,” He said with a look of horrified realization washing over his face. He’d complained to Kori constantly about the other man last year when they were roomed together, and she’d often roll her eyes and let him kvetch and then tell him to get over it because Zen was an amazing guide. Genuinely, Gray did like the little brat, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t a little brat. Appreciating that he wasn’t as bad as he could be was one thing, but appreciating his mere existence was sending Gray for a loop.

He’d missed the prankster in the off season, when he was helping bubbe Roseman wrangle the wayward youth she was housing, thinking of how the Air Activities guide would have done some wild trick or flip that would have had the youngest kids stopping to stare in awe and the older kids desperate to learn it. He’d wondered how the old woman would treat the younger man and even texted him once or twice when he’d received skydiving pictures at 1am because it was already a new day in New Zealand. The realization that he was more fond of Zen’s pranks and bullshit than annoyed had settled over the off season, but saying it out loud was a different matter entirely. “Oh god, ew, I actually really like that kid,” Gray admitted, face pained. “Like, might kidnap him and take him home next off season so I can get a break from the kids at Bubbe’s house. Kori, help,” He pleaded with only mostly-false desperation. “I’m gonna turn into bubbe and start informally adopting people left and right.”

Kori smiled as she listened to Gray waffle on. She was so glad that throughout this journey it was him by her side through it all. “You’re turning into such a Dad now Gray, maybe there’s a job in a school waiting for you after this.” She adjusted her top once again, pushing up her chest ever so slightly, “You know, you can be that inspiring English teacher who chomps on cigars and has a jaded past.” Her words were playful and teasing, a sure sign that the usually put together Korinna was letting loose.

She finished off the joint before stubbing out what little ember remained on the wall and tossing it into the trash. “Come on, it’s your turn to buy me a drink.” Kori tightened her laced fingers around Grayson’s hand as she led him back into the lively arena that was Calico Jack’s.

The place was bouncing and lively; the CAP crew of the season were up and dancing, some were downing drinks, others were swept up in the kind of deep conversations that would be doubt reverberate across the summer and have far reaching consequences that no doubt Kori and Gray would have to deal with. She parked herself at the end of the bar top, draping the hand and arm of her best friend over her shoulder and using it to rest her cheek. “Jack, baby.” She offered the dashing bartender a bright smile. “Kraken and Ginger Beer for me and the usual for my dog here.” Giggling, Korinna kissed his knuckle.

“Woof,” Gray deadpanned with a fond eye roll, accepting the bottle of local craft beer that Jack slid to him and squeezing Kori a bit into his side. The easy interaction and contact with Kori always recharged his batteries, and her warmth against his side was one of his favorite things, so he’s happy to have it in any capacity. He turned his head to get a good glance at the room, and his gaze narrowed in on Dougie flirting with a new girl that Gray already knew Kori had concerns about, and then Piper goading Zenith and a couple new CAPpers into a drinking contest that would leave them all under the table. He shook his head firmly at Zenith from across the room while Piper gazed over her shoulder to smirk at him and Kori. Zen, in response, flipped him off and then blew him a kiss before throwing back the first shot. Gray just shook his head; the younger man would have to learn on his own eventually.

“Anyway, I don’t think English teacher is for me, maybe in another life,” He added to their previous conversation, taking a sip of his beer. “But hey, crazier things have happened. I’ve stuck around here all these years, haven’t I? Jack bet on me being gone my first season, I’ll never forget it. True betrayal when Jack bets against you,” He glared playfully at the man. “I’ll never forgive you.”

Jack didn’t utter a word as he handed Kori her mixed drink, shooting a glare at Grayson as he did so. Kori rested her chin in her hand before wrapping her lips around the straw that sat in her rum. She knew this would likely be her last one. Jack’s beverages were illegal at the best of times but with it being the night before the start of the season and with her fathers cheeky musings that the first guest of the year was a big one, Korinna didn’t want to push the boat out too much.

As she drank in the revelry around her, the Captain’s daughter felt that same pang in her heart that she had felt when she was outside. This was the end of it all, one last trip, one last adventure. Kori was unsure of what the future held for her, she had options, sure; but she had no idea which fork in the road was the right one to take. In that moment of quiet contemplation, she wondered what her mother would do?

At least she had Gray by her side, well, for one last season…


Timestamp: Next day, after speech, 9:30am

“fuckFuckFUCK!” Kori had all but forgotten about that asshat Valmont as she hissed into her chai latte. “Jack, I’m gonna need another please baby!” Parked on the bar at Calico’s, she poured over all the files on the computer for the umpteenth time.

With her fathers dismissal of Jonas at the opening ceremony, the CAP crew were now down a Culture guide and Korinna had an hour to try and find a replacement before the first guest of the season arrived. This was certainly not the easiest position to fill for a myriad of reasons. First and foremost, whoever the Culture guide needed to have a great knowledge of the world and its civilisations, they needed a mastery of language and custom and most importantly, they needed to be available. The season was already underway and getting someone in this swiftly would be tight.

“Perusing applications,” Gray observed from the entrance of Jack’s, Kori’s back to him as he glanced around warily and stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Is this an active minefield or am I safe to enter?” Kori usually didn’t mind Gray’s company when she was stressed, but that didn’t make it any less like a tornado blowing through if she was wound up enough to snap. Judging by the way her nails were tapping away against the mug of her chai latte, she was pretty damn close.

Gray had finished his conversation with Zenith a few minutes ago and after a brief struggle to remove the sticker placed between his shoulder blades, Gray went with his first actual thought and sought out Kori. Knowing she could probably use a shoulder to lean on or punch at as much as he could use her presence and easy access to the sticker, it was a simple choice to head out to Jack’s on the next block and find her stressing at the bar. Her shoulders were hunched and she looked harried even from the back, her usual composure already cracked, and he’d do whatever she needed to help her rebalance, be it being by her or leaving her alone.

“Active. Very very active but you’re fine, there’s a path for you.”

Kori leaned back in her bar stool, lifting her hands behind her curly head and locking her fingers together. She anxiously looked at the old nautical compass themed clock on the wall and pursed her lips. She didn’t have a lot of time before the announcement came out about the first guest of the year. She knew nothing about who it was other than that it was a celebrity. Her dad liked to play certain cards close to his chest, he enjoyed making the crew sweat a bit. Just like he enjoyed the taste of carrots, the absolute sadist.

With a click of her tongue, Korinna glanced briefly over to her closest confidant and then back to the screen in front of her. “I honestly don’t think we can get anyone in time, Gray.” She leaned forward onto her elbows just in time for Jack to settle down her drink. “Thanks boo.” She smiled at the moustachioed heartthrob. “Anyone even remotely local to Florida is way under qualified and anyone further away is…too far away.”

“Hmm,” Gray hummed while making his way over to where Kori was sitting now that he’d been given the all clear. Leaning over her shoulder and staring at the screens she had opened, all with different applications scrolled to various points of the page, Gray found the words swimming in front of him and huffed out a laugh. “Okay, how about I spend a minute scanning these with fresh eyes and you get whatever monstrosity Zen slapped on my back off, yeah?”

The offer was in good faith, as she well knew, and it wouldn’t be the first time that he’d helped Kori run through resumes. The first thing he was going to do was reorganize the open tabs because jesus, how the hell did someone as organized as Kori when it came to the business read properly with eight different windows of pure text open?

“Fine, but don’t move anything. I know where all my shit is.” Kori got up from her seat to allow Gray to sit. Once she did, she proceeded to remove Zen’s sticker with a little smirk from her face before tossing it onto the table next to her laptop. “Little Zee got you with a school prank like that? You disappoint me once again.” She placed her hands on either side of his shoulders and rested them there as she began to speed read over Gray’s head. “This is where my Dad’s rules backfire on him. We should’ve just dealt with Jonas and got rid of him later in the program. Now we’re less than twenty minutes from our first guest and we’re fucked like a cheerleader on prom night, just not as well.”

“I live to disappoint,” It was said in a monotone, like he was barely registering his own response. “And I don’t know, I enjoyed my part in it,” Grayson grumbled as he focused in on the screen with a glare, annoyed but heeding her warning not to move anything around, instead, he minimized half the screens so he could focus on the resumes, but the sticker Kori placed beside the laptop caught his attention and made him scoff at the design. “That kid is such a dick.” He noticeably did not destroy the sticker, however, choosing instead to slap it on the back of his phonecase so it wouldn't wrinkle in his pocket, the fuzz from his shirt covering the worst of the adhesive. Zen drew those himself, he’d never toss them out, not that the other knew it.

“You said it last night, we knew Jonas wasn’t going to make it, I guess we should have had an understudy ready.” He leaned back into Kori and spent the next couple minutes flipping through the open applications before pulling up the final few she either hadn’t gotten to or thought weren’t worth opening. He was about to go right back to the start with ten minutes left to the guest arrival when the final window he’d opened and let Kori drag to the side caught his eye.

“Wait wait, what about this one? Traveled the world, polyglot, has some previous experience in high demand customer service roles? Currently living a half hour away from Oceana House. Why were they shoved to the bottom of your folder?”

“Check the declarations, genius.” Kori rolled her eyes for a moment before pressing her body against his back, pushing Gray forward and leaning against him as she pointed out something on the screen. “Much like you dickface, they have a criminal record but we’re not talking minor. Assault and battery. No way we’re having someone like that with us….” Her words trailed off of a cliff as she tilted her head, her brain beginning to do some mental maths.

All of a sudden, a lightbulb went off in Korinna’s mind. She leapt backward and slapped both her hands down on Gray’s shoulders once again and squeezed tight. “I think I’ve got it.” She clapped her palms down again repeatedly. “I think we can solve our culture problem and gain a little bit extra here too. Gray, does Piper still owe you a favour?”

“Yessss,” Gray said slowly, a tinge of fear in his voice as Kori’s excited pats all but rocked him back and forth. He hadn’t even had a chance to bring up the fact that street racing was a misdemeanor, but grand theft auto and running what boiled down to an illegal chop shop were definitely felonies, before she cut herself off in her excitement. Concerning. “She was going to buy me a drink next time we were here,” He offered, not even bothering to ask how she already knew about Piper’s promise when he hasn’t had a chance to talk to Kori since. “Why…?”

“Cos I’m gonna need you to call it in and for more than just a drink.” Kori reached over him and grabbed her chai. With a deep breath she inhaled her spiced drink and gulped the entirety of the mug down in one swig before slamming it back down. “We can’t get anyone here now, it’s just not feasible but with a bit of luck we can get someone to St Kitts that can meet us there. Or should I say someone’s?”

With an evil grin on her face, Korinna pulled out her cellphone and began to furiously type away. “Get Piper to use her ass or something to get a flight to Jamaica. I’ll cover the cost..or at least my dad will when he finds out what we’re doing.” She began to walk away towards the exit of the famed Calico Jack’s as she typed before stopping and spinning to look at Gray once more. She knew that look of confusion on his face, he was a simple boy. That was why he had her to do all the thinking for them. “The twins, Gray. We’re gonna send Piper to go get the twins…if I can convince them to come back that is.”

She smiled at him for a moment before shrugging her shoulders. “Why are you still here? Hop to it pup!”

Gray stood up despite the way his face had drained of color at Kori’s declaration. The twins were…a lot to say the least, but they were amazing at their respective jobs when they were here. Convincing Piper to hop on a plane and head to Jamaica to grab them would be easier if he framed it as a way to get content for her tiktok page, less easy when she realizes she’ll be alone for the flight out, aside from the pilot. Plus, that was a lot bigger favor than a little drink.

So much for an easy going final season at CAP.

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Hidden 5 days ago Post by Sadie
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Sadie Unknown

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Timestamp: 6:30am
Location: Oceana House
Introducing: Adelaide Duboise and Koa Chen

Light from the slowly rising sun began to illuminate the room, relieving the interior from darkness. It made everything seem brighter, as if promising hope for the day ahead. And yet it did little to ease the tightness in her chest. The ache was one she hadn't suspected and something she was entirely too unfamiliar with. Thankfully the throbbing at either temple was enough to rid her mind of any thoughts that she could possibly have of this situation. How was she going to handle this? Should she have even come back for her final year?

The sound of her phone's alarm going off caused a hiss of pain to pull from her throat. Quickly scrambling towards the side table, Adi grabbed her phone and quickly quieted the menace. She squeezed her eyes shut and let out a slow breath as a jab of nausea hit her stomach. She was really regretting that fifth glass of wine. Or was it six? Everything had started to become a bit hazy after the third one, so how was she to keep an accurate count? Normally she wouldn't have over-indulged, but last night had been a particularly stressful event for her. Surprisingly.

Coffee. She desperately needed coffee. And several hundred aspirin.

Pulling herself out of the small twin sized bed, she took just a moment to straighten out the covers. It wasn't like she got much sleep last night anyway. She let out a breath before straightening. It took her only a mere ten seconds to determine that she was definitely skipping out on pilates this morning. No use making herself even more dehydrated. Though, she definitely could use some yoga. The slight endorphins from the exercise would help to ease her worries some.

Adelaide looked towards the door and realized her roommate was more than likely not going to show up any time soon. If he had been gone all night, then he was more than likely in some other woman's bed. Hell, him and that new girl had been all over each other last night. She rolled her eyes and huffed out a breath before moving to the center of the room. Centering herself, she closed her eyes and started to focus as she eased into a few different poses.

It didn't take long for the throbbing in her head to finally quiet down some. Letting out a breath of relief, Adi moved to her closet and grabbed her outfit, along with her shower supplies, and headed to the bathroom. Hopefully she could flush out the remaining alcohol from her system with a nice hot shower.

Timestamp: 8:15am

What in the hell was that noise? Groaning, his eyes slowly fluttered open. The beige ceiling above him slowly came into view and it confused him for a moment. Where was he? Where was the poster of Margot Robbie above his- Oh. His eyes widened before Koa quickly sprang up to a sitting position in bed. He wasn't home. Today was his first day at his new job. What time was it? Looking at the table near his bed, he swore under his breath when he realized his phone wasn't where it should have been. It finally clicked what that sound was. His alarm. But- where was it coming from?

Scrambling his hands through the sheets, he searched for the singing device before realizing it wasn't there. He raised a brow and leaned over the side of the bed before looking underneath it. There. Sitting just askew to the center of the bed laid his lifeline. Huffing out a breath, he reached for it, clasping his fingers around it. He quickly shut off the alarm once in hand before laying back down onto the twin bed.

Everything was going to be great. Not only was he going to be working under the legendary Grayson Kaplan, but he had also managed to become his roommate. How lucky was he? With a grin, he looked over at the other twin bed in the room and found it empty. His brows creased in question before remembering he hadn't checked the time. Looking down at his phone, he swore and shot up out of the bed. He only had thirty minutes before he had to get to the meeting area. There was no way in hell he was going to squander this opportunity.

The man hurried over to his closet and grabbed the required uniform before darting to the bathroom. First impressions were incredibly important when it came to finally meeting the captain. Besides, Koa had been one of the only people that didn't drink last night. Sure, he wasn't quite of age yet, but that gave him the chance to really have a clear head with all the events of today. He wondered how many people were waking up with hangovers today.

With a quick chuckle and a shake of his head, he hurried off to get ready.

Timestamp: 9:10am

Yoga this morning had absolutely been a lifesaver. Well, that and the water and aspirin she had found once heading down to the common areas. The shower had helped release the smell of alcohol and poor decisions from her pores and she felt like a new woman. She couldn't start this tour off with the mindset she had awoken with. The decisions that others made shouldn't affect her. She wouldn't let them affect her. This was her last year in the program and she was going to go out with a bang. Life was too short to be living through old memories.

At least they had quite the show this morning during the meeting. And, captain was looking just as delectable as ever. Running a hand through her red hair, she looked around the group and noticed a few new faces. Adi hadn't paid particularly close attention to anyone she didn't know directly last night. Well. Except for her. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she recognized the woman from last night. Shaking her head, she pushed herself up and decided to just put the whole night behind her. She was better than these silly emotions. She was French damnit. She was a classy lady.

With another shake of her head, she found herself making her way back to her room. The first guest of the tour would arrive soon, and she needed to make sure everything was in order. She was the head chef, after all. Adi needed to change into her chef whites and check on the prep work in the kitchen. At least that would help keep her mind off of everything.

He was downright traumatized. The whole thing with that Jonas kid was terrifying. Could they really be kicked out that easily? One mistake and everything gone? Koa cleared his throat and glanced around at everyone. Not many people seemed phased by the captain's orders, so he knew this was all really happening. This was actually reality. Raking a hand along the back of his head, his other hand pulled at the green uniform shirt he was wearing. Was he truly up for this?

He had to be. This was his chance to learn from the best. He wasn't going to squander it. With a nod of his head, he followed the rest of the crew back into the living area. It looked as though nobody was really in a hurry to do much, even though the captain had said they were expecting guests soon. What would he even do if he was face to face with a guest? He worked on cars, not with people. Blowing out a breath, he looked around for the one person he knew he could ask. Grayson.

Where was the guy? Hadn't he come back into the house with the others? Would it look weird if he was trying to single the guy out? No. Everyone had said last night that Gray was practically the mentor for all the new people. He was the one to go to. But where the hell was he? Sighing, he shook his head and went off in search of the guy.
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