Timestamp: 6:15am
Location: Oceana House, top balcony
Introducing: Zenith Arison
Featuring: Grayson Kaplan and Piper Vanderbilt
Location: Oceana House, top balcony
Introducing: Zenith Arison
Featuring: Grayson Kaplan and Piper Vanderbilt

Zenith had snuck out of his room so as not to wake his new roommates about fifteen minutes before sunrise, creeping gently down the foot of the bunk beds and being respectful enough to not jump down childishly like he usually does. He’s sure Gray would be proud of his thoughtfulness. What Gray would not be proud of was the empty bunk beds across the darkened room. Piper was fine, probably asleep somewhere else in the house as she is wont to do. That other guy though, the loudmouth with more privilege than sense, Jonas, never came home last night. Last year, Calico Jack’s heavy handed pours almost had Zenith be the person that didn’t make it home, but Gray had hauled him over his shoulder and put him to bed like he was used to such routine, saving him his spot in the program. It looks like whatever the Valmont heir had said to Grayson pissed him off as much as Zen’s own conversation with the privileged prick, because Gray didn’t help him like he’d helped Zen.
Good riddance. Zen came from money too, so did Piper and a few other CAPpers, and neither of them were senseless enough to act the way Jonas had last night, it was downright embarrassing.
Padding barefoot down the hall to the common balcony that faced the eastern horizon, and mindful of his previously inebriated state from the night before, the second season Air Activities Guide leaned heavily against the sturdy metal railing that proudly surrounded the open space. Typically, he’d be sitting on this railing, but this morning? Maybe once his balance had been fully regained. He rested his forehead against the cool surface for a moment, doing a few small stretches to limber up while he waited for the beautiful mass of flaring plasma that greeted him to create each new day.
It always seemed to be a contest between him and Gray on who could get up earliest, which was incredibly fun last year when they were roomed together because Zen made it a part of his morning routine to get a prank in before Gray woke up if the younger was lucky enough to be up before him. It was surprisingly rare, as apparently Gray has been getting up before dawn for most of his life, between training from his brother and the Captain himself and living with some old bubbe with a morning routine of playing swing records as high as the speakers would allow, the older man woke up before the sun on instinct. Zen still needs his phone to vibrate his alarm to wake him, even after getting up this early his whole life.
Just like always, Gray had gotten up before him, as evident by the cup of coffee that suddenly appeared in Zen’s peripheral when he finally lifted his head up. That means he’s already gone around the compound cleaning up after everyone’s drunken stumbling last night as well. If the way to the balcony hadn’t been so dark, Zen was sure he would have seen pristine common areas and little stacks of personal items stacked outside their owner’s rooms, all ready for the arrival of the Captain or their guests.
“You’re a godsend~!” Zenith groaned, following the cup as it was pulled away and frowning when a small cup of water took its place, Gray switching them out as he turned around. “Noooooooo!” He made grabby hands at the withheld caffeination. How was he to enjoy another radiant rising of the sun without his sugar and cream filled hot bean juice?
“Water first, then coffee,” Gray commanded, face stern as he stared Zenith down. “And drink the water slowly, don’t need you throwin’ up.”
“You’re a devil.”
“And a godsend? Man I’m really playing both sides,” Gray rolled his eyes at his former roomie, making sure Zen took the water from him before turning back towards the side table he’d set his drink tray on, intending to grab his own coffee that he’d set there.
Only to blink when it was missing.
“Pipes, seriously? You don’t even like coffee,” The oldest grumbled as he found his mug caged behind perfectly manicured nails. A dark lipped cheshire grin met him in response before she tilted the lip of the mug and took a sip, the smile stretching further when Zen managed to nab his mug out of Gray’s light grip, procuring the only other cup of coffee on the balcony. “You’re both manaces.”
“I like orange juice even less,” The blonde stewardess of the Thunderbird replied, nodding toward the cup of said juice that Gray had brought up for her. Zen smirked at her when she winked at him and without any words they both reached out and clinked their mugs together in cheers, taking a long sip in sync. “And calling me a menace is practically a compliment, you know.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever. And the water? I brought you water too. Two drinks that weren’t mine.”
“I stayed hydrated last night,” The girl responded, reaching down beside the lounger she had slept in last night to reveal an almost empty water bottle. Zenith didn’t even try and stifle the laugh at the look on Gray’s face, just managing to pull away from his mug before he sprayed the liquid everywhere.
“I hate you both.” Gray turned around immediately after that statement, heading back inside to grab himself a new mug, ignoring the laughing and goading behind him.
“I know you love me or I wouldn’t be here!” Zenith whisper-shouted after the closing door, not wanting to wake anyone inside up. Once Gray was gone, Zen released a good natured laugh. “Poor fuck, such a patient Den Mother. Can’t wait for the first time I make him go volcano.”
“His explosions on you are legendary. It’s honestly impressive you can get him to that point.”
Zenith laughed, leaning back over the railing, elbows propped up so he could continue holding his coffee. “Thanks, it’s a gift. Still proud of the time I goaded him into a wrestling match and he suplexed me onto the couch. Glad to this day that the Captain sprung extra for comfortable furniture, too.” Zen grinned out at the horizon as the sky began its change. “I don’t have siblings, but I imagine Gray is like what a brother would be like for me.”
“Awwww, how sweet,” Piper grinned behind him before finally swinging her legs over and planting her feet on the concrete, pushing herself up and joining him at the railing after a quick stretch. They stood there in comfortable silence, sipping their coffees until Gray made his way back up just as the top of the sun crested the horizon, casting gold across the sky and scattering shadows against clouds as the landscape tinted deep purple.
This was Zenith’s favorite part of the day, the livening effect of the sun’s ray’s breaking through the last vestiges of night, alerting wildlife and domestic alike that it’s their time to shine along with it. The only other time he loved as much was dusk, when silence settled for day life and the animals and insects of the night began their calls. Once the sun had fully broken past the horizon and the mourning doves began to coo, Zen broke the silence.
“So…circling back to ‘menaces’...Jonas Valmont, huh?”
“Little prick.”
“Agreed. He hit on me as though it was a gift to me, ick.”
“Ick,” Zenith agreed seriously while Gray’s frown got just a tick deeper. “I noticed he never came back from Jack’s last night.”
“Wasn’t my job to give him directions a fifth time just to be ignored,” Gray tacked on mulishly, taking a sip of his coffee that was definitely still too hot if his sudden grimace was anything to go by. “He called me a peasant last night, you believe that shit?”
“Pfft, you are a peasant, but it’s okay, old man.”
“Bite me, silver spoon.”
“Yeesh, I don’t know, you may not be up on your shots- ahahaoww,” The firm slap upside the back of his head had him laughing and reaching up to protect the spot from more abuse, never losing the shit eating grin he directed Gray’s way.
“Respect your elders you little bastard,” Gray demanded, playfully swatting at his shoulder now that he was protecting the back of his head.
“Now now boys, we were having a conversation,” Piper’s amused voice broke through the swatting match that had begun between the two men. “Do we think Mr. Valmont will be returning for the opening ceremony?”
“God! I hope not.”
“I hope he does. No, really, I do,” Gray promised when he saw the incredulous looks sent his way. “But I hope he’s late, so I can toss him in the car to go home myself.”
“Ah, that makes more sense.” Zenith had really thought for a second that Gray had lost his mind, but it turns out he was just being vindictive. That was territory Zen knew how to traverse. “You guys want to make bets on when he shows?”
“My father told me never to make bets I might lose, and Gray already has him showing up late and getting kicked out,” Piper shrugged, tossing her blonde waves over her shoulder after shaking her head. “I will, however, buy you a drink next time we go to Jack’s if you do end up getting to kick him out, Gray.”
“Ooh, double prize, I’m here for it.”
Zenith looked out at the scenery from the balcony of the Oceana House, sat on the rail with a light grip for support, shoes and socks already tossed off and heels hooked back into the metal railing for extra balance. Leaning forward, the second year CAPper was already missing the sunrise he’d watched this morning despite the beautiful clear skies before him. After Captain Bones had finished his speech, everyone had been released, and Zen watched a smug Gray grin at Piper as the crowd of programees dispersed, knowing he was owed a free drink at Jack’s. The blonde woman had rolled her eyes and nodded good naturedly, and everyone had gone their separate ways to play the waiting game until their first guest of the season was officially announced.
Or at least, he thought they’d all gone their separate ways, but it was a small house for the amount of people living in it.
“If you leave your socks all over the place this year I will literally strangle you with one.”
“Jesus, dude!” Zen nearly jumped out of his skin, his balance only held in place by Gray’s sudden steadying grip on his shoulders. The smirk on Gray’s face when Zen looked over his shoulder at him told him that the older man was satisfied with the reaction to his entrance. “Rude, you’re rude.”
“I don’t leave my dirty socks wherever I drop them. That’s rude,” The den mother countered with a scoff, crossing his arms after helping Zen swing back around and get his feet on the balcony concrete once more.
“I’m putting them back on, ya happy?” Zen snarked at the man, bending down to get his socks and boots back on.
“I’ll be happy when you finally learn what your hamper’s for. If you’re looking for your socks from last night, by the way, I threw them in there this morning from where I found them under the common room couch. When were you even in the common room long enough between Jack’s and your bed for you to have taken them off?”
“Honestly? Couldn’t tell you. It’s kind of fuzzy past you telling me to get home and sleep it off.”
“I told you not to get in a drinking contest with Piper, but no one ever listens to me.”
“Sorry, dad, I’ll be better next time. MMMMmmmmmmmm no, no I won’t, that was a lie. I’ll be worse, just for you.” Zenith promised with a cheeky grin. “That’s for requesting someone else as a roommate this year.”
“Aw, don’t be sour, son,” Gray played along with a long suffering sigh. “I’ve been rooming with a new Greenie each round since my second season here, it was nothing personal. Plus, he may be a General Guide now, but I think this Koa kid is going to be the successor to my guide position, so he needs extra attention.”
“No no, you hate me, I get it.”
“Oh yeah,” Gray rolled his eyes. “Can’t stand you, I threatened to quit if we were roomed together again, that what you wanna hear?”
“Alas, the truth hurts, yet resonates the most.” Zen put the back of his hand to his forehead and feinted a swoon, smirking when Gray instinctively reached out to catch him.
“You are so fucking dramatic,” Gray admonished, trying not to let his own lips quirk upward.
“If anyone was dramatic today, it was Jonas,” Zen denied, smiling as Gray laughed. “If he didn’t irritate me so much, I’d have said it would be better for him to be a part of the program to grow into a better person. All the traveling and new experiences and whatnot.”
“Mm,” Gray agreed with a hum and a nod of his head. “‘Travel is fatal to prejuidce, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts.’ Mark Twain. He definitely could have used it, but unfortunately we are a customer facing program and if he were to act like that in front of guests…well, it’s better to nip it in the bud.”
“Yeah, that’s fair too, I don’t need him losing me any tips or bringing our ratings down,” Zen relented, patting Gray solidly on the back before stuffing his hands in his pockets and heading back down into the house. “This is a house of professionals, after all.”
“Zenith Shani Arison what the hell did you just put on my back,” Grayson called after the retreating gremlin, huffing out at the responding laugh and trying- and failing- to reach his hand past his shoulder blade to the middle of his back where Zen had left a nice shiny sticker that proclaimed I like big BUCKS and I cannot lie over a picture of a few crumpled dollars. In smaller letters at the bottom it said I just don’t have any of my own. Zen wasn’t worried. Gray will go crying to Kori and she’ll rip it off for him because they have to be presentable and she is extremely stern about the company’s image. Is Zen sick of their will-they/won’t-they bullshit and doing stupid little things to make them get closer? Maybe. Did he think it would work? Not after apparently seven years of the same sexual tension between those two, but he could try, and he got to annoy Gray in the process.
He did love a win/win situation.
Good riddance. Zen came from money too, so did Piper and a few other CAPpers, and neither of them were senseless enough to act the way Jonas had last night, it was downright embarrassing.
Padding barefoot down the hall to the common balcony that faced the eastern horizon, and mindful of his previously inebriated state from the night before, the second season Air Activities Guide leaned heavily against the sturdy metal railing that proudly surrounded the open space. Typically, he’d be sitting on this railing, but this morning? Maybe once his balance had been fully regained. He rested his forehead against the cool surface for a moment, doing a few small stretches to limber up while he waited for the beautiful mass of flaring plasma that greeted him to create each new day.
It always seemed to be a contest between him and Gray on who could get up earliest, which was incredibly fun last year when they were roomed together because Zen made it a part of his morning routine to get a prank in before Gray woke up if the younger was lucky enough to be up before him. It was surprisingly rare, as apparently Gray has been getting up before dawn for most of his life, between training from his brother and the Captain himself and living with some old bubbe with a morning routine of playing swing records as high as the speakers would allow, the older man woke up before the sun on instinct. Zen still needs his phone to vibrate his alarm to wake him, even after getting up this early his whole life.
Just like always, Gray had gotten up before him, as evident by the cup of coffee that suddenly appeared in Zen’s peripheral when he finally lifted his head up. That means he’s already gone around the compound cleaning up after everyone’s drunken stumbling last night as well. If the way to the balcony hadn’t been so dark, Zen was sure he would have seen pristine common areas and little stacks of personal items stacked outside their owner’s rooms, all ready for the arrival of the Captain or their guests.
“You’re a godsend~!” Zenith groaned, following the cup as it was pulled away and frowning when a small cup of water took its place, Gray switching them out as he turned around. “Noooooooo!” He made grabby hands at the withheld caffeination. How was he to enjoy another radiant rising of the sun without his sugar and cream filled hot bean juice?
“Water first, then coffee,” Gray commanded, face stern as he stared Zenith down. “And drink the water slowly, don’t need you throwin’ up.”
“You’re a devil.”
“And a godsend? Man I’m really playing both sides,” Gray rolled his eyes at his former roomie, making sure Zen took the water from him before turning back towards the side table he’d set his drink tray on, intending to grab his own coffee that he’d set there.
Only to blink when it was missing.
“Pipes, seriously? You don’t even like coffee,” The oldest grumbled as he found his mug caged behind perfectly manicured nails. A dark lipped cheshire grin met him in response before she tilted the lip of the mug and took a sip, the smile stretching further when Zen managed to nab his mug out of Gray’s light grip, procuring the only other cup of coffee on the balcony. “You’re both manaces.”
“I like orange juice even less,” The blonde stewardess of the Thunderbird replied, nodding toward the cup of said juice that Gray had brought up for her. Zen smirked at her when she winked at him and without any words they both reached out and clinked their mugs together in cheers, taking a long sip in sync. “And calling me a menace is practically a compliment, you know.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever. And the water? I brought you water too. Two drinks that weren’t mine.”
“I stayed hydrated last night,” The girl responded, reaching down beside the lounger she had slept in last night to reveal an almost empty water bottle. Zenith didn’t even try and stifle the laugh at the look on Gray’s face, just managing to pull away from his mug before he sprayed the liquid everywhere.
“I hate you both.” Gray turned around immediately after that statement, heading back inside to grab himself a new mug, ignoring the laughing and goading behind him.
“I know you love me or I wouldn’t be here!” Zenith whisper-shouted after the closing door, not wanting to wake anyone inside up. Once Gray was gone, Zen released a good natured laugh. “Poor fuck, such a patient Den Mother. Can’t wait for the first time I make him go volcano.”
“His explosions on you are legendary. It’s honestly impressive you can get him to that point.”
Zenith laughed, leaning back over the railing, elbows propped up so he could continue holding his coffee. “Thanks, it’s a gift. Still proud of the time I goaded him into a wrestling match and he suplexed me onto the couch. Glad to this day that the Captain sprung extra for comfortable furniture, too.” Zen grinned out at the horizon as the sky began its change. “I don’t have siblings, but I imagine Gray is like what a brother would be like for me.”
“Awwww, how sweet,” Piper grinned behind him before finally swinging her legs over and planting her feet on the concrete, pushing herself up and joining him at the railing after a quick stretch. They stood there in comfortable silence, sipping their coffees until Gray made his way back up just as the top of the sun crested the horizon, casting gold across the sky and scattering shadows against clouds as the landscape tinted deep purple.
This was Zenith’s favorite part of the day, the livening effect of the sun’s ray’s breaking through the last vestiges of night, alerting wildlife and domestic alike that it’s their time to shine along with it. The only other time he loved as much was dusk, when silence settled for day life and the animals and insects of the night began their calls. Once the sun had fully broken past the horizon and the mourning doves began to coo, Zen broke the silence.
“So…circling back to ‘menaces’...Jonas Valmont, huh?”
“Little prick.”
“Agreed. He hit on me as though it was a gift to me, ick.”
“Ick,” Zenith agreed seriously while Gray’s frown got just a tick deeper. “I noticed he never came back from Jack’s last night.”
“Wasn’t my job to give him directions a fifth time just to be ignored,” Gray tacked on mulishly, taking a sip of his coffee that was definitely still too hot if his sudden grimace was anything to go by. “He called me a peasant last night, you believe that shit?”
“Pfft, you are a peasant, but it’s okay, old man.”
“Bite me, silver spoon.”
“Yeesh, I don’t know, you may not be up on your shots- ahahaoww,” The firm slap upside the back of his head had him laughing and reaching up to protect the spot from more abuse, never losing the shit eating grin he directed Gray’s way.
“Respect your elders you little bastard,” Gray demanded, playfully swatting at his shoulder now that he was protecting the back of his head.
“Now now boys, we were having a conversation,” Piper’s amused voice broke through the swatting match that had begun between the two men. “Do we think Mr. Valmont will be returning for the opening ceremony?”
“God! I hope not.”
“I hope he does. No, really, I do,” Gray promised when he saw the incredulous looks sent his way. “But I hope he’s late, so I can toss him in the car to go home myself.”
“Ah, that makes more sense.” Zenith had really thought for a second that Gray had lost his mind, but it turns out he was just being vindictive. That was territory Zen knew how to traverse. “You guys want to make bets on when he shows?”
“My father told me never to make bets I might lose, and Gray already has him showing up late and getting kicked out,” Piper shrugged, tossing her blonde waves over her shoulder after shaking her head. “I will, however, buy you a drink next time we go to Jack’s if you do end up getting to kick him out, Gray.”
“Ooh, double prize, I’m here for it.”
Timestamp: 9:10am
Zenith looked out at the scenery from the balcony of the Oceana House, sat on the rail with a light grip for support, shoes and socks already tossed off and heels hooked back into the metal railing for extra balance. Leaning forward, the second year CAPper was already missing the sunrise he’d watched this morning despite the beautiful clear skies before him. After Captain Bones had finished his speech, everyone had been released, and Zen watched a smug Gray grin at Piper as the crowd of programees dispersed, knowing he was owed a free drink at Jack’s. The blonde woman had rolled her eyes and nodded good naturedly, and everyone had gone their separate ways to play the waiting game until their first guest of the season was officially announced.
Or at least, he thought they’d all gone their separate ways, but it was a small house for the amount of people living in it.
“If you leave your socks all over the place this year I will literally strangle you with one.”
“Jesus, dude!” Zen nearly jumped out of his skin, his balance only held in place by Gray’s sudden steadying grip on his shoulders. The smirk on Gray’s face when Zen looked over his shoulder at him told him that the older man was satisfied with the reaction to his entrance. “Rude, you’re rude.”
“I don’t leave my dirty socks wherever I drop them. That’s rude,” The den mother countered with a scoff, crossing his arms after helping Zen swing back around and get his feet on the balcony concrete once more.
“I’m putting them back on, ya happy?” Zen snarked at the man, bending down to get his socks and boots back on.
“I’ll be happy when you finally learn what your hamper’s for. If you’re looking for your socks from last night, by the way, I threw them in there this morning from where I found them under the common room couch. When were you even in the common room long enough between Jack’s and your bed for you to have taken them off?”
“Honestly? Couldn’t tell you. It’s kind of fuzzy past you telling me to get home and sleep it off.”
“I told you not to get in a drinking contest with Piper, but no one ever listens to me.”
“Sorry, dad, I’ll be better next time. MMMMmmmmmmmm no, no I won’t, that was a lie. I’ll be worse, just for you.” Zenith promised with a cheeky grin. “That’s for requesting someone else as a roommate this year.”
“Aw, don’t be sour, son,” Gray played along with a long suffering sigh. “I’ve been rooming with a new Greenie each round since my second season here, it was nothing personal. Plus, he may be a General Guide now, but I think this Koa kid is going to be the successor to my guide position, so he needs extra attention.”
“No no, you hate me, I get it.”
“Oh yeah,” Gray rolled his eyes. “Can’t stand you, I threatened to quit if we were roomed together again, that what you wanna hear?”
“Alas, the truth hurts, yet resonates the most.” Zen put the back of his hand to his forehead and feinted a swoon, smirking when Gray instinctively reached out to catch him.
“You are so fucking dramatic,” Gray admonished, trying not to let his own lips quirk upward.
“If anyone was dramatic today, it was Jonas,” Zen denied, smiling as Gray laughed. “If he didn’t irritate me so much, I’d have said it would be better for him to be a part of the program to grow into a better person. All the traveling and new experiences and whatnot.”
“Mm,” Gray agreed with a hum and a nod of his head. “‘Travel is fatal to prejuidce, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts.’ Mark Twain. He definitely could have used it, but unfortunately we are a customer facing program and if he were to act like that in front of guests…well, it’s better to nip it in the bud.”
“Yeah, that’s fair too, I don’t need him losing me any tips or bringing our ratings down,” Zen relented, patting Gray solidly on the back before stuffing his hands in his pockets and heading back down into the house. “This is a house of professionals, after all.”
“Zenith Shani Arison what the hell did you just put on my back,” Grayson called after the retreating gremlin, huffing out at the responding laugh and trying- and failing- to reach his hand past his shoulder blade to the middle of his back where Zen had left a nice shiny sticker that proclaimed I like big BUCKS and I cannot lie over a picture of a few crumpled dollars. In smaller letters at the bottom it said I just don’t have any of my own. Zen wasn’t worried. Gray will go crying to Kori and she’ll rip it off for him because they have to be presentable and she is extremely stern about the company’s image. Is Zen sick of their will-they/won’t-they bullshit and doing stupid little things to make them get closer? Maybe. Did he think it would work? Not after apparently seven years of the same sexual tension between those two, but he could try, and he got to annoy Gray in the process.
He did love a win/win situation.