Avatar of Sadie


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7 hrs ago
Current Taking a mental day. Be back tomorrow.
2 days ago
So. That was fun.
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7 days ago
I'm so tired of being in the emergency room for my dumb actions.
2 mos ago
Alright, now I'm back. For real this time.
5 mos ago
I'm backkkk.


I have been role playing for a good fifteen or so years, and am very open to everything. 1x1, casual, advanced. I usually don't make the posts, but I am very active in them. Role playing is my outlet.

Most Recent Posts

Interactions with @Days and @PrinceAlexus

Another month gone meant more paperwork to catch up on. While Izabel absolutely adored running Whispering Waves, she loathed having to do the financial aspects of it. The young woman always found herself wishing to hire a manager to take care of it all for her. But, along with the small bed and breakfast's budget not being able to handle another employee, she knew she would never be able to hand the reigns of her business over to someone else. This place had once been, and still was, her home. She lived and breathed for it. She would just have to get over her dislike of math. Eventually.

Yet as the hours dwindled by, her eyes would occasionally catch sight of a wave outside of her office's window. The sea called to her in so many different languages and emotions. She would catch herself remembering her childhood days of living on her surfboard, or her late teenage years of teaching younger children to embrace the beauty in each crest. Izzy would sometimes wish to be back to those years but knew she was living the best time now. Not only did she run her own establishment, which had always been a dream of hers, but she was in the prime of her life and had everything to look forward to. Nothing would be able to take this away from her.

At random times her ears would catch the sound of her handyman and best friend working against the wood of her house. She was so eternally grateful for that man. Not only did he run his own handyman business, but he was always able to find time in his schedule to help her with anything she needed around the home. Izzy didn't know what she would ever do without him. Hopefully she would never have to find out. The two had been constant companions since the first day they had met and their friendship only grew stronger as they aged. She had been sad when she decided to stop teaching at his school, but knew her best friend would only be happy for her living out her own dream. To her, there was no better man than Eloy Kan.

Huffing out a breath, she regrettably pulled her attention away from the sea and back to the calculator in front of her. She had to get this budgeting done or else she wouldn't be able to work on the inventory until much later, during a time when she desperately wanted to dip her toes into the ocean. With a groan she put her elbow onto the small desk and propped her chin on the inside of her palm as she stared down at the figures. During the summer months the profits had increased somewhat slightly, but not exactly where she had hoped they would be. The competition from the much more luxurious and larger hotels towards the center part of the island always drove away any prospective guests. Thankfully the guests that she was able to bring in managed to keep her business afloat. At least for now.

Izzy had been so lost in the paperwork that she didn't hear the man until he had cleared his throat. Jumping only slightly in surprise, she quickly looked up at him and exhaled out a quick, short breath from her nostrils. Her eyes immediately took in the sight of him shirtless and her throat dried. She then was able to process what he had said to her. Eyes widening slightly, she raised a brow in question. "A tourist?" She pushed away from the desk and rose to her feet before moving towards the front of the room. Bringing her hands down, she pulled at the hem of her denim shorts until they stopped mid-thigh and made sure her tan button-up shirt was fully closed. "Get a dang shirt on, Loy. Trying to run a business here. And don't you dare get any paint on anything it doesn't belong."

She would just have to ignore the part of her that hoped he wouldn't redress. Izzy was a woman after all, and she definitely had eyes. Though she inwardly bashed at the blush that threatened to flair across the tops of her cheeks and nose at that wink of his. She shouldn't be having those types of thoughts about her best friend. Couldn't. Could she? Shaking her head at herself, she followed after him into the main area of the house. She pushed the stray strands of her brown hair away from her face as a large smile pulled at both corners of her mouth when she noticed the woman.

"Hi, welcome! I'm Izabel. Are you looking for a room?" Hearing Eloy's words to the tourist, she blinked and raised a brow in concern. "Are you alright? I can call the local doctor to check you out. You wouldn't have to move a muscle."
Definitely interested in this.
@RisingRobin I'm looking for a character in Sales and another in HR
Throwing in my interest
I'm definitely interested
This still open? If so, I'd like to claim Aphrodite.
Marabeth Golding

"I can't believe I was even invited to this damn party." Mara stared at her reflection in her floor length mirror before putting her hands on her hips. While she was hugely confident in her body, this would be the first time she'd be around her classmates in a bikini. In truth, she didn't care what the most of them thought. There was only one specific person she felt butterflies in her stomach about. "Of course I'd have the hots for one of the most untouchable bitches in school." Rolling her eyes, she went to her dresser and grabbed a bright red bikini bra and bottoms from the top drawer. She walked back over to the mirror and held them up in front of the current dark green ones she was already wearing. Her nose scrunched. "Red definitely washes out the skin tone. Green it is."

Not wanting to just show up in the bathing suit, she grabbed a pair of jean shorts and slid them on, soon followed by a green plaid button-up shirt. Was she going too much with the color? She shrugged it off. She knew the color looked good on her, and you don't fix perfect. Slipping on a pair of black flip-flops, she nodded back at her reflection one final time. The party wasn't meant for any hook-ups, but she wasn't a woman to say no very often. Mara knew what she wanted and often went for it. Besides, life was meant for living, right? Was definitely too short to not take chances and love as much as possible.

She blew out a breath and walked over to her desk. Knowing her mother wasn't home, she pulled out her stash from a secret department she had made under the sliding keyboard tray. She grabbed an already made joint and moved over to her bedroom window. A lighter was already sitting on the sill and she used it to light the paper after opening her window. She took in a long hit before blowing out the smoke, a loud cough soon rattling her lungs after. Shaking her head, Mara brought a foot up and climbed out of the window before crawling up onto the roof overlooking the backyard. Nobody would see her from here, and the smell wouldn't be anywhere near her room. Just as long as her mother didn't come home from work early.

As she settled her behind on an even part of the shingles, the girl took several more hits before she felt like she was going to cough her lungs up. She could feel her body settle and all her nerves flew away with the smoke. Now she was ready for a party. Thankfully the house it was being held at was only two blocks over, and she was planning on getting smashed, so she could easily walk there and back. Well, maybe not back. Depending on who's bed she ended up going to.

She stuffed the roach into a pocket of her jeans before making her way back into her bedroom. Walking over to her dresser, she grabbed a bottle of Victoria Secret Thousand Wishes and sprayed herself generously with it. She wasn't shy that she was a stoner, but she didn't have to be directly in everyone's faces about it. Running a hand through her hair, she grabbed a black hair tie and slipped it around her right wrist as she grabbed her phone with her left hand. She walked over to her black bookbag that contained both her laptop and a sizeable bottle of tequila. If the party didn't have liquor, she was more than happy to supply it. She grabbed a couple more pre-rolls from her stash and slid them into her pocket. After grabbing her rainbow flask from under her bed, she took a hearty sip of the alcohol and let out a breath. It was time to leave.

It didn't take her long to walk the distance. Hearing music and the splashing of the pool, she found her way to the backyard and smirked at the sight of Christian already in the water. Mara shook her head and downed another shot from her flask before looking around at the others in attendance. While she didn't know a lot of them personally, she did recognize a few of her clients. They were the ones who kept her supplied in weed and liquor and she loved them for it. Mara walked over to a lounge chair, set her bookbag down onto it and kicked off her shoes before quickly stripping herself of her jeans and shirt. Her smirk broadened as she pulled her hair up into a messy bun. Without a word to anyone around her, she ran to the pool and did a front flip into the water.

Coming up for air, she fixed her bikini top and hair before letting out another breath. Oh, yeah. This was definitely going to be a great senior year.

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