Agent Jackson
Raven's Rest, the Front of Bill's Tattoo Shop
Interactions: Varnan @Blizz, Bryn [@Fernfur], Wild Bill/Elara/Luca/Doran/Ryan//Ethan @NoriWasHere
Agent Jackson saw none of this but he'd seen similar scenes in briefings enough times he could picture it in his mind's eye as the powerful static burst transmission delivered the message he'd been waiting for for some time now. "MOUNTAIN HAWK to CENTRAL. Eyes on. Confirm, nine subjects in vicinity. Data recording... now. Full optics."
"Confirmed HAWK. Maintain station. CENTRAL to TWO, status?"
"Mobile Two here." Jackson broadcast. "No eyes on a number nine. Seven flashers. My pack's done but, confirm we're currently Code Zero on Aural Event. Flashers appear neutral. You still want me to displace?"
There was a burst of empty static in Jackson's ears before the words. "CODE ZERO on Aural Event... confirmed. On your discretion, TWO. Be advised local emergency services are active in the vicinity. All highway egresses are currently blocked. Data quarantine protocols in effect. QRF Cleanup is mobile and approaching scene. Link up with QRF for cleanup and egress. CENTRAL out."
Jackson secured the camera and looked to the sky. He couldn't make out the helicopter, it could be miles away. He could hear the seven figures outside the store discussing what to do with the... thing. Seemed like most of them knew each other. In the distance the wail of emergency sirens could be heard. He decided that was as good a time as any to make his presence known.
"Friendly. Coming out!" He peaked his head out from around the corner, his pistol held loosely above his head his finger away from the trigger. "You guys all right? Anyone need medical attention?" Glancing at the monster on the ground. "That thing still alive?"