- Name: Oskar Krawiec
Species/Race: Jedgorsy
Sex: Male
Age: 42
Court Alignment: Eastern Empire
Role: General (in the vicinity of Inbur)
Appearance: 5'11'' tall, with blue eyes, a neatly trimmed blonde beard and fashionably long hair
Strengths and Weaknesses
- Skills: A competent commander with a significant Host under his command as well as local levies. A fine horseman, marksman and swordsman.
Weaknesses: His commitment to defeating the Blight above any dynastic loyalty makes Oskar a potentially disloyal subject under certain circumstances
- Backstory: Oskar Jedgorsy grew up in the grasslands and taiga of the borderlands between the frozen Kingdom of Grendell and the Empire. As a noble, Oskar was born to lead a Jedgorsy host (the Modra Host) and from a young age was trained to ride, to shoot with pistol and arquebus and to fight, mostly with sabre from horseback.
Oscar has mostly served the Empire, though he also took a contract for two years with the Kingdom and took part in several skirmishes in the Main against the Calarians, returning home with his pay and an Iktani wife, 15 years his junior (by all accounts the younger daughter of a friendly local chief).
A year after his return from the Main (six years ago, now), Oskar's father passed away and Oskar was elected as Hetman of the Modra Host in his father's place. Accepting a contract with Emperor Voron Corfina which was renewed on several occasions prior to the outbreak of the civil war at which point the Modra Host was based near the city of Inbur.
Upon consultation with his officers and wife, Oskar sent a pigeon to Voron II to inform him that, in lieu of any actually damning evidence on the identity of the assassin's employer, he regarded the contract of the Modra Host to have passed to Voron II rather than Orrian... provided of course, that Voron wished to continue the terms of the contract. Voron, naturally, agreed, undoubtedly realising that had he not, Oskar would probably have sent a similar letter to his brother.